Six Months Later
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(A/N: Last Chapter until after New Years! Enjoy.)

After the cause of the poisoning was confirmed, Hilarie slowly began to feel better, and at one point he was ready to eat solids and start moving around. After nearly six months, he had been well enough to walk about. The two children slept in the same bed, she fed him and told him childhood stories she heard while being in the orphanage. 

Their quiet existence had been that room for months. After finding out that his age was only that of ten years, Noir felt wronged on the boy's behalf. Due to the abuse he suffered, she thought he was much, much younger.

As he slept clutching her chest, Noir realized he had gotten attached to her in the months she took care of him. It was something she planned. Loyalty is something that was like currency at this time. Treating someone with enough care and respect meant a lifetime of rewards. She aimed to his second hand, his protector. That’s how she would lead her life--for the sake of this tiny child.

As he snuggled closer, she got hit with a still, calming scent.

Children had this wonderful smell about them, at the crown of the head. A soft, sweet smell that drew birth mothers to their child. He had it. He also smelled of goat’s milk—she often fed it to him with hopes that he’d start gaining weight again, which proved to be correct.

Looking at his chubby, rosy cheeks, she watched as he snuggled closer to her chest. She knew what he was seeking--something, anything that could feel like his mother’s warmth.

Noir wondered if her mother ever held her like this, or if she had cherished her. 

Thinking that she’d never know made her feel some sort of grief.

In addition to building a relationship with, she took some of her downtime training with The Knights of The Royal Army, wanting to make herself stronger become she’d be able to protect the Prince properly in the future. At first, they often taunted her for being a pot-bellied, bean-stalk child but soon, she found herself having proved some of her worth to them through mock matches, in which she had managed to win one recently.

“Aren’t you two quite comfortable.” Noir squints at the woman standing in the doorway, letting out an annoyed sigh. Adele, one of the maids who was against her closeness to the Crown Prince. The woman, who had to be in her forties made Noir grimace.

“Lady Adele, what do I have the pleasure of seeing you for?”

“First, why are you taking up all of His Majesty’s time?”

“It is me taking up his time, or is it His Majesty wanting mine?” Noir questions, gently removing Hilarie’s arms from her body, only to him have resisted and latch back on.

“Exactly. Now, what’s your purpose here?”

“Sir Monet thought it’d be nice to finally let Hilarie breathe some fresh air. He also mentioned that it would be a wonderful chance for you to try out hunting as well.” 

“Big Brother, where are you going?” A small voice calls out and Noir feels the grip on her clothes tighten. Hilarie, who seemed to be awake felt her begin to leave.

The pitiful, sleepy boy didn’t want her to go. 

Throwing a look at the maid, Noir sneered.

‘He calls me big brother, you’re just a maid--we are not the same.’

“Young master, stay with Adele, she’ll prepare you so we can go outside and play, eh?” Noir replies, turning her attention back to the small boy. Hearing her words his eyes glittered and the boy shyly let go of her.

“I get to see you again after?”

“Of course.” Noir ruffled his soft, angelic hair before making her way out of the room.

She met the older woman and boy in the field. The lush, vast field was populated with poppies of varying colors and sizes. Noir felt herself exhale Clutching her sword, she met with the small boy running to her. At ten he shouldn't have been so small, but she suspected the poison had been hindering his growth.

She simply smiles at him, holding his hand as they walked through the garden.