Chapter 3:Well… I guess this is my life now…
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Simon came back from the dead more than once and every time with some varying degree of pain. The worst, in his memory, was the time was he still had a bullet lodged inside his skull, one he put in himself in hopes of ending it all and finding himself unable to die.

A lot of things come into perspective when one can't die. He did not fall to insanity so all he could do was try to make something of his shitty life. When nobody wanted to give you a chance, that shit was hard. But it at least gave him experience, so there was that.

Even with all that knowledge he could not understand the scene he was currently privy to.

He was currently blinded and tied to the softest bed he ever had the pleasure of lying in. Heck, this was the first time in years he actually slept in a real bed. He was pretty sure this was made from some sort of empowered silk that sent soothing stimulations through one's body. And despite his precarious state, he sunk deeper into the pleasure.

The feeling was so novel and pleasurable in a life where it was in such short supply that it took him an embarrassingly long time to feel the other novel sensation.

Namely, his dick was getting heavily stimulated.


Simon tried to speak but found himself unable even to release a whisper unable to warn anyone that his release was imminent.

He exploded in the warm wet and soft prison he found his manhood encased in. 

A powerful suction greedily pulled his fluids out of his manhood and as quickly as it came his high ended as every drop he ejected was taken.

Clarity ruled his mind for less than a second as the section did not end once his high end.

For a brief moment, he suffered what all mortal men trapped in the jaws of sex addicts faced. The phenomenon is known as 'Nutted but she still sucking!'.

His arms were bound and whatever had his cock encased had his hips in a vice grip. He futilely wiggled his torso and wrapped his legs around whatever had his lower half pinned. 

For a moment he thought it helped... as slowly, the unseeing thing or entity holding him slowly start to release his lower organ back out to the open air.

He was about to sigh in relief but not even halfway through his dick slammed back in taking him up to the hilt in one fluid motion, holding it there while a wet wriggling worm-like object or creature stimulated his underside. A rapid rhythmic suction attacked and over-excited his tip.

His toes curled as he impotently struggled against the over-stimulation suffered by his dick. But the assault on his manhood was non-stop. He burst out not long after but similar to the first it did not stop the pace one bit.

Then it happened a third, a fourth, a fifth... and on and on...

Time lost all meaning to Simon, his world reduced to the thrashing his dick was receiving and the entity that was giving it to him. 

His overactive libido combined with eternal vitality kept him indefinitely hard. But at the same time, he was thankful that the same power removed his need for sustenance or rest or he might have been even more fucked than now. 

But now, he was used to stimulation enough to divert a small minority of his mental faculties to other things. Such as using his feet to guess what had he trapped. 

And with all the random poking and prodding he hazarded that it was probably a female who was so enamored that all the attacks on her body seemed to do little to stop her. With what had happened before his most recent demise he also guessed that it was probably a drugged-up Regina that was sucking his dick like a junkie on a bender.

With his speech removed from the equation and his current lack of mobility, all he could do was sit and accept the fact that Prime City's most powerful hero was now addicted to him. Not that it mattered much as Simon was slowly starting to accept that this would be his reality. To be used as a super-cum dispenser for the rest of his days.

After an indeterminate amount of time, this small piece of reality was broken by a blaring alarm.

By this point, Simon had accepted that this was to be his hell and heaven. He was simply enjoying the pleasure and withstanding the torture. Compared to the life he used to live, this was a good enough outcome.

He was about to sink even deeper into this new existence before it shattered by the alien outside noise. It was so alien after so long that his immediate reaction was to try and reject it to come back to normalcy.

His prison felt otherwise as for the first time since he had awoken his digit was released completely.

Simon had forgotten what a world where his dick was not constantly being stimulated felt like, and it was beautiful.

Tears of joy streamed down his cheeks as he felt his mind truly appreciate being able to freely think. 

But this did not last as without warning he felt a weight slam back down onto the bed and take him in once more.
