Chapter 7
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So... I guess I did say I might release another chapter today, so this is it :D... (Also I'm so close to 100 readers, and I wanna see the triple digits) Also today's chapter is a bit shorter than usual.

Shion and Ayano waited for Hirokichi and Hideki to arrive as the inhibitor took effect on Shion.


“... I’m sorry for ruining our outing nyaa~” (Shion)


Shion had tears in her eyes, Ayano had helped her so much ever since she had come to this world, and their first outing together was ruined by the sudden onset of her estrus period.


“No… I’m sorry for forgetting about your estrus period. You’ve never gone through this before, so it’s understandable that you wouldn’t know, but it’s unacceptable for me as a maid of the Kojou family to not be prepared beforehand for this situation.”


15 minutes had passed, and the inhibitor should’ve taken effect on Shion at this point. Ayano wondered if Shion was just burying her face in Ayano’s side so that she couldn’t see Shion’s face.


“Shion… have the effects of your estrus period disappeared yet?” (Ayano)


“Nya… it’s no longer so hot…” (Shion)


Shion still didn’t move at this point, and Ayano began to suspect something was up. But before she could continue her questioning, Hideki arrived, rushing through the door.


“I heard that Shion had her first estrus period, is she doing okay?” (Hideki)


“Arakawa-sensei, I injected the inhibitor you prescribed to Shion about 15 minutes ago, but what I’m confused about is that although the scent of Shion’s pheromones seems to have disappeared, she’s still acting this way, and I don’t think she’s acting.” (Ayano)


“Well, let me bring Shion into the hospital for a checkup just to make sure that nothing is wrong with her. Hiro would murder me if anything bad happened to his daughter, not that he’d say it out loud.” (Hideki)


Ayano informed Hirokichi-sama about their new location as they rushed their way to the hospital, where Hidek ran a few tests on Shion.


“Well… as soon as I can tell, the inhibitor worked perfectly on Shion. There were no adverse effects and her gland and estrus period, from the perspective of a typical omega, were suppressed perfectly. But the key point here is ‘typical omega’” (Hideki)


“So you’re saying that because Shion-chan is different, she cannot use these inhibitors?” (Ayano)


“No, she can still use these inhibitors and they will work fine, but I believe there may be a remnant instinct that Shion has as a catgirl that is currently making her far more clingy than she usually is. All I can say is that you should continue to pamper her and follow her wishes, as she is going through an extremely delicate period right now. I’ll tell Hiro the same thing, so don’t worry about telling him yourself.” (Hideki)


“Thank you, we’re grateful for your help Arakawa-sensei. If anything else happens, we’ll be sure to contact you again, so for now we’ll take our leave back to the mansion.” (Ayano)


It was at this moment that the powerful 1.9 meter tall alpha strode through the entrance to the hospital room and saw Shion. He quickly ran and picked up Shion, before asking Hideki for the rundown of the situation. Hideki gave the same explanation to Hirokichi that he gave to Ayano, before giving off a small smirk.


“I see you value your daughter very much now… I bet in a few weeks you’ll become the overly doting type of father, even though I can’t imagine it right now.” (Hideki)


“Be quiet. I’m only helping her because I adopted her and I have a responsibility for her well being.”


Hirokichi turned around and prepared to leave with Shion, but not before Hideki spoke up again.


“She’s a little sweet omega and you’re a big bad alpha, so be careful that you don’t break her~” (Hideki)


Suddenly, an extremely cold and sharp aura emanated from Hirokichi.


“Hideki. What did I tell you about this? If you ever speak one more time about something like this with your sick mind, I am ending our friendship then and there. Shion is my adopted child and will be treated as such. I am not grooming her for a relationship, and I am not putting unneeded expectations on her. She only needs to be herself.” (Hirokichi)


Hideki usually liked to joke around a lot, but at the sound of Hirokichi’s tone, he knew he had messed up. He messed up really badly this time. He did his best to apologize in a dogeza.


“Hiro, I’m incredibly sorry. You know how my mouth is, and I can’t help myself with making these incredibly inappropriate jokes. Please forgive me, and I promise I will never make a remark even remotely close to that again.” (Hideki)


“This is your last chance.” (Hirokichi)


“Thank you…” (Hideki)


Hirokichi quickly left the hospital room this time, before getting in the car. He was hit with a sense of deja-vu as he remembered this exact situation happening when he had first adopted Shion. But strangely enough, he didn’t feel like taking care of Shion was a chore at all. Shion suddenly started moving in his arms and subconsciously nuzzled herself towards Hirokichi’s neck.


“Hey, stop that, that’s inappro-” (Hirokichi)


“Papa…” (Shion)


Shion seemed to be remembering something in her sleep as she spoke; Hirokichi was slightly shocked. It was only afterwards that he realized that he was curious about who the “Papa” was originally addressed towards. No… it wasn’t that he was curious, but rather envious. It was a feeling he was not used to.


“Papa..! Please don’t leave…! ..promised that you would be with me as I grew up! Why did you have to leave..?” (Shion)


Shion seemed to start crying as Hirokichi felt his shoulder get damp. He thought for a second, before hugging Shion a little closer to himself and whispering into her ear.


“...Papa’s here for you this time. And I promise if I leave before you are ready, you can forever curse my name and desecrate my grave…” (Hirokichi)


Although Hirokichi’s sentiments were slightly morbid, it seemed to do the trick as Shion calmed down and started breathing softly.


Eventually they made their way back to the estate where Shion finally woke up.


“Shion… are you okay?” (Ayano)


Ayano had a worried face as she looked at Shion.


“Mm… I’m okay nya…” (Shion)


Since the start of the day, it seemed like Shion was using “nya” a lot more. Ayano was beginning to suspect that it wasn’t entirely due to someone else’s teachings.


“Shion… why are you using nya? And do you want to get off of Hirokichi-sama?” (Ayano)


“It feels… natural nyaa~ and I don’t wanna get off! I want Papa to hold me!” (Shion)


It seemed to Ayano and the others that the estrus had made Shion extremely clingy… they also suspected that it may have reduced Shion’s mental age slightly. Not that the maids minded of course, but they were slightly worried about Hirokichi-sama’s reaction. To their surprise he smiled gently,


“It’s okay Shion, Papa’s here for you. I won’t let you go and I won’t leave you.” (Hirokichi)


Shion seemed satisfied as she buried her face into Hirokichi’s neck, subconsciously seeking out the pheromones of an alpha. Hirokichi lightly let out his pheromones for the purpose of comforting Shion, nothing more, filling the air with the gentle scent of freshly roasted coffee beans. Shion grew much more comfortable with the release of Hirokichi’s pheromones, and attempted to release her own subconsciously too, but the inhibitor prevented her from doing so.


“I won’t leave Papa..!” (Shion)


Hours passed, and Shion still adamantly refused to get off of Hirokichi. At this point he resolved himself to keep her company and had his laptop out in order to take care of company matters. Soon, dinner came and once again Shion acted spoiled.


“Feed me!” (Shion)


Hirokichi sighed with a gentle smile. He wasn’t used to this, but he had already fully accepted Shion as his daughter long ago. In fact, the sudden clinginess that she displayed towards him made him incredibly happy, not that he would ever admit it.


Dinner came and passed, and eventually it was time for sleep. But when Hirokichi tucked Shion into her bed, she held onto his sleeve and adamantly refused to let go.


“Papa… sleep with me!” (Shion)


Hirokichi sighed once again, and realized that he couldn’t escape from Shion. But the sheer amount of love that she was giving him filled his heart as he realized that it wasn’t that he couldn’t escape from her. He didn’t want to escape from her.


“Okay, I’ll sleep with you tonight, but let me change and brush my teeth so that I don’t get you or your bed dirty.” (Hirokichi)


Hirokichi undressed and prepared for bed, before joining Shion. Shion immediately hugged Hirokichi, showing an unbelievably happy and satisfied expression. Although there were times when Shion was joyful before, it couldn’t compare to the sheer magnitude of what she expressed in that moment. She was content and at peace.


  Soon Hirokichi heard the sound of quiet breathing coming from Shion. He gave a gentle smile, one that would’ve made his employees question if a new soul had been implanted in his body, before gently hugging Shion and going to sleep as well.



Three days later, Hirokichi woke up to the sight of Shion looking extremely sheepish in his arms. She immediately wriggled out and grabbed a pillow, before hiding in the corner of the bed. Hirokichi smiled gently, seeing a rare full blush on Shion’s face.


“Good morning Shion” (Hirokichi)


“uuuuuuu… I’m so sorry Father. I didn’t know that I would be like that on my first estrus, so please forgive me!” (Shion)


“It’s okay, no one could’ve predicted what would happen, especially given that you are the sole cat girl omega here on Earth. It couldn’t be helped that you had some unusual reactions during your estrus period.” (Hirokichi)


Hirokichi paused, before continuing with a slightly disappointed expression.


“...You don’t like calling me ‘Papa’ anymore?” (Hirokichi)


Shion flushed bright red again, just like a tomato.


“...Is it okay?” (Shion)


“Don’t tell anyone else, but I enjoyed hearing you call me ‘Papa’” (Hirokichi)


Hirokichi had a rare gentle smile on his face as he faced his daughter. The blush on Shion’s face continued, as she fell into deep thought for a moment. Then her face lit up with the brightest smile that Hirokichi had ever seen.


“Then… thank you for helping me and giving me this place to live in. Every day has been a dream so far, and I still can’t believe I’m allowed to have something like this. So… I love you, Papa!”

As always, thank you for reading! I'm wondering if I should set up a patreon or kofi or something so that maybe I could commission art with the money in the future... I won't tie releases to donations though, because then it'll ruin my own motivation for writing, instead making it purely for monetary gain.