Chapter 9
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The next weekend, she was woken up extremely early by Ayano in order to prepare for her visit to Hirokichi’s parents. She of course, attempted to struggle again as usual, subconsciously protesting with all her might, but it was fruitless as Ayano had trained herself against Shion’s cuteness.


This time, Ayano decided to pick out the white sundress that they had bought together on their shopping trip previously. It would give Shion a much more innocent impression – not that she wasn’t incredibly innocent already – and was incredibly cute on her. All the clothing they had purchased was modified expertly by another maid who knew how to modify clothing to account for Shion’s tail.


After Shion finished brushing her teeth and using the bathroom, she walked down to the dining room where Hirokichi was sipping on a cup of black coffee. Shion, as sleepy as she was, started to doze off as soon as she sat down, so Ayano started cutting up her breakfast – eggs and toast – and fed it to her. Hirokichi gave a small chuckle at the sight,


“The drive to my parents house is a bit long, so you can sleep inside the car. Tomoya will be driving us today, so that I can take care of a few work related things on the way.” (Hirokichi)


Shion gave a slow and sleepy nod as she finished up her breakfast, draining a cup of milk. Her mouth was wiped by Ayano as she started nodding off again, waiting for Hirokichi to finish his breakfast himself.



“Hirokichi-sama, it really does seem like she’s finally let go of her guard around us, doesn’t it?” (Ayano)


Hirokichi gave a small smile to Shion, who unfortunately didn’t see it as she was already in dreamland.


“Originally, I decided to adopt her just to get my parents off my case about getting married, but I’m honestly glad I did so.” (Hirokichi)


“Shion has made you change soooo much Hirokichi-sama, I bet if the you of 2 months ago saw yourself now, you’d wonder if it were a doppelganger of some sort.” (Ayano)


Hirokichi chuckled slightly,


“Most likely” (Hirokichi)


“I really do wonder what happened in her past though. I know she already tried to explain what she remembered, but it still left a lot of things untold…” (Ayano)


“Well, time will tell if she ever does remember, but if she does, I do hope that she will finally learn to move past those memories and accept the happiness and joy we can give her.” (Hirokichi)


“Yes…” (Ayano)


At this point, it was almost time to leave so Hirokichi picked Shion off of the chair and carried her towards the entrance. Tomoya was waiting with the car, a comfortable Mercedes Benz sedan with plenty of room in the back for Shion and Hirokichi. Hirokichi carefully put Shion in the middle seat and seatbelted her, before taking a seat next to her and pulling out his tablet to start working once again. He gently leaned her head against him so that she would be comfortable for the ride.


The 2 hour long ride passed by peacefully, with Tomoya driving incredibly skillfully so that Shion was not jostled awake by accident. Soon enough, however, they were approaching Hirokichi’s parent’s house, so he gently woke Shion up.


“..nyaa…?” (Shion)


“We’re almost there, it’s time to get up so your face doesn’t look too sleepy when we arrive.” (Hirokichi)


“Mmmm…” (Shion)


Although Hirokichi thought that his parents honestly wouldn’t mind, he remembered that Shion wanted to give a good first impression to his parents and he didn’t want her to be too wary or scared of suddenly meeting new people while she was still half unconscious either. Eventually Shion stretched in her special way that made people’s joints hurt, before yawning softly.


“Good morning” (Hirokichi)


“Mmm… Good Morning…” (Shion)


For some reason, Hirokichi had a slightly disappointed expression on his face as Shion spoke, but he put away his tablet and looked out the window as they pulled in. Because of his parent’s happy-go-lucky nature, they had been living in a small but luxurious little village. They often traveled for fun, and when they weren’t, they enjoyed tending to their garden and talking with their neighbors.


Although Hirokichi’s alpha father had previously run the company, when Hirokichi became able to inherit the company, he gave up his CEO position to Hirokichi. Of course, if Hirokichi was not willing, his father would’ve never inflicted such a burden onto him, but for some reason the happy-go-lucky pair’s child had matured and grown up quickly.


Their house was a gentle two story building. They had two servants, who would take care of chores and tending to the garden when they traveled, but otherwise the house wasn’t too big and just right. The majority of the land was taken up by the garden, with the front of the house being an immaculate and beautiful flower garden. The back of the house had more vegetables and fruits, various things that were delicious and healthy.


Hirokichi and Shion stepped out of the car, the latter being extremely shy and anxious at the thought of meeting new people again, despite her previous declaration that she would show the impression of a perfect daughter to his parents. She held onto Hirokichi’s sleeve tightly as they approached the door. It opened suddenly, before Hirokichi could even knock on it. Standing in the entryway was a gentle looking couple. They had joyful expressions on their faces and were clearly excited to meet the two.


“Hiro-chan~ It’s been a while since you last visited! I’m so glad you managed to find the time to come visit again though… I’m assuming the little omega hiding behind you is Shion-chan, right?”


The shorter one of the two spoke, letting out a rush of words as he came up to them.


“Oops wait, where are my manners, hello Shion-chan, I’m Yuichi Kojou, your father’s omega mother.” (Yuichi)


Yuichi Kojou was a gentle looking male omega with soft brown eyes and black hair. He stood at about 1.72 meters and looked incredibly young. If he stood next to Hirokichi, people would assume they were siblings before anything else. Shion was still slightly apprehensive of him, however, and only gave a shy nod in return.


Walking up to follow his husband was a 1.89 meter tall male alpha who looked very similar to Hirokichi with his black eyes and hair. But instead of carrying himself with a cold aura, he wore a kind smile similar to the one that Hirokichi occasionally let slip when dealing with Shion.


“Hello Hiro, Shion, it’s nice to have you two here. As you can probably tell already, I’m Hiro’s alpha father and I’m called Makoto Kojou.” (Makoto)


Shion once again gave another shy nod towards Makoto, hiding behind Hirokichi before she seemed to resolve herself and walked forward, giving a light curtsey as practiced.


“Mmm… hello grandpas, I’m Shion Kojou and Father’s newly adopted daughter. Please treat me kindly…” (Shion)


“Awww, there’s no need to be that formal Shion-chan! We’ve been looking forward to meeting you ever since Hiro-chan told us that he decided to finally adopt a daughter! Although it’s a shame that he still won’t get married, we’re glad to finally have a grandkid.” (Yuichi)


Hirokichi gently pat Shion on her head as he spoke up,


“It’s alright, Shion is still really shy about meeting new people because of what she’s gone through in the past. But if it’s you guys, she’ll warm up in no time, so don’t worry about it for now.” (Hirokichi)


“Hmm… alright, please come in for tea. You two probably ate breakfast before coming, so we’ll prepare lunch in a little bit. Come on in, Shion, we can show you a few of Hiro’s baby photos” (Makoto)


“Wait a second, what do you think you’re doing!??” (Hirokichi)


It was a rare moment to see Hirokichi flustered, so Shion accidentally let slip a small giggle of her own, staring up at her usually stoic father. However it stopped the two grandpas in their tracks.


“Ah, we were beginning to wonder if your new daughter had emotions” (Makoto)


“But now we know that the secret to her smile is embarrassing our son, so let's quickly get out the photo book and show Shion!” (Yuichi)


Hirokichi let out a sigh as he shook his head, but he carried a rare smile that didn’t leave his face. Shion, being slightly curious about her father’s old photos, decided to follow the grandpas, although she still didn’t let go of Hirokichi. The two of them led the way towards a reading room, where Makoto grabbed a thick binder and sat down, patting the space between him and Yuichi.


Shion hesitated for a second, before Hirokichi patted her head and smiled at her, giving her the courage to approach her grandparents. She sat in between them and hugged her tail, before Yuichi opened up the photo book and went off to show all the embarrassing photos they had taken of Hirokichi as a child.



Time passed, and soon it was time for lunch. Makoto had left them about an hour ago to head to the kitchen and cook. He told them that it would be a surprise, so Shion waited patiently while making small conversation with Yuichi. The grandparent’s warm atmosphere seemed to have melted away her initial shyness. Eventually, Makoto called them for lunch.


Makoto had gone all out. There was an amazingly large spread, filled with vegetable dishes from many different cultures. There was hummus, stuffed peppers, a refreshing greek cucumber salad, stir fried brussel sprouts with bacon and more. Makoto introduced each of the dishes to Shion when she came in, explaining that they either traded with neighbors, or grew the vegetables themselves either outside in their small field or in their greenhouse.


Although Shion usually found herself preferring meat after her 3 months in this world, she couldn’t help herself as she started salivating at the food. She was served a bowl of tomato rice, and told by Makoto to dig into whatever she wanted to eat.


Although Hirokichi still ate his own food, he frequently grabbed dishes that he knew that Shion would enjoy and dropped them in their bowl. Yuichi and Makoto both gave a gentle smile at the heartwarming sight. At the end of the meal, Shion was once again served a mug of warm milk, much to her confusion, as Yuichi explained.


“Shion-chan, you need to grow up quickly so that Hirokichi can stop worrying about you all the time~” (Yuichi)


What Yuichi neglected to mention was that something about Shion reminded him of warm milk, and his suspicions were confirmed when he noticed the scent of warm milk pheromones that Shion had released when she started relaxing. The two grandpas responded in kind, with Makoto’s pear scented pheromone and Yuichi’s honey scented pheromone. Combined with the freshly roasted coffee bean scent of Hirokichi’s pheromones, it would seem like it would all clash together, but it strangely harmonized and gave Shion a sense of peace.


After they had finished their delicious meal, they started up some small talk again.


“Are you sure you two don’t want to stay for dinner, or even overnight? I know that our house is a little bit small, but we do have an extra room that the two of you can squeeze into for the night. And we’ll be sure to prepare a dinner that is just as extravagant, if not more, than what we have done today – and no need to worry about the burden on us, it makes us happy to cook for Shion and have her enjoy our food!” (Yuichi)


“It’s okay mother, Shion has more classes tomorrow because she wants to catch up to the Kisshoin’s curriculum before they start testing. A teacher will be coming for her, and I don’t want to cancel without warning.” (Hirokichi)


Shion gave a small nod, before explaining.


“I want to make it into Kisshoin so that I do not disappoint Father with my performance after he had adopted me from the streets.” (Shion)


Hirokichi gave a small sigh,


“Shion, I already told you that you would never disappoint me, and I promised that.”

“I know you said that already, but I still want to do my best to reciprocate what you have given me.” (Shion)


“Well, it’s whatever you wish to do. Just always remember that I will take care of you no matter what you do.” (Hirokichi)


“Mmmm I know…” (Shion)


The grandpas once again smiled at their exchange, glad to see a side of their child that they hadn’t seen since his childhood. Hirokichi finding Shion and adopting her seemed to be fate.


“Well, if you two are going to leave early so that Shion can get adequate rest before her lessons, then please take these vegetables, fruits, and deserts that Makoto so painstakingly made for the two of them.” (Yuichi)


“Mmm, thanks Father, Mother.” (Hirokichi)


“Sigh, when are you going to call us Papa and Mama like you used to?” (Yuichi)


“I already told you that I am too old for that now…” (Hirokichi)


“Then Shion is already matured too! I want to call you Father so that you don’t have worry about me since I am grown up now!” (Shion)


“...grown ups still call their parents mama and papa too… right Mama, Papa?” (Hirokichi)


Yuichi held up his hand to his mouth, clearly in shock. A few tears ran down his cheek as he joyfully exclaimed,




“WAIT REALLY!????” (Makoto)


Yuichi embraced Makoto in happiness, as the group walked towards the entrance to see Shion and Hirokichi off.


“Please call us Mama and Papa again so that Makoto can properly hear you? For Shion’s sake..? (Yuichi)


Hirokichi sighed once again, before looking at Shion’s eager eyes.


“Mama, Papa, thank you for inviting us for lunch and spending time together with us again today. I hope you have a nice time together and I’ll be back with Shion soon to visit again.” (Hirokichi)


“We look forward to seeing you two soon.” (Makoto)


Hirokichi nodded before stepping away with Shion towards the car. As they walked, he asked Shion a question,


“I know that you were really shy and nervous in the beginning, but now, how do you feel about the two of them? (Hirokichi)


“Mmm… they’re really nice and I don’t sense any bad intentions from the two of them. I don’t mind visiting them again soon, and I’m happy to see a side of Papa that I usually don’t get to see.” (Shion)


“Hmm… that’s good, although I’d prefer to not let you see the more embarrassing parts of my past… but I’ll allow almost anything if it’s for your sake Shion” (Hirokichi)


“Un, thank you Papa! I really did enjoy today, and I wanna go out with you again soon.” (Shion)


“I promise I’ll be taking you out soon when my schedule is free, so hold tight for now, okay Shion?” (Hirokichi)


“Mmm… okay.” (Shion)


By this time, the duo had made it back to their car and they set off back to the Kojou estate. Tired from the excitement of the day, Shion once again fell asleep soon and leaned her head against Hirokichi’s arm. Hirokichi gave off a gentle smile as he thought of the events of the day.


“Sir, I know it might not be my place to say it, but although you usually leave with a very subtle and small smile when you depart from your parent’s place, I have noticed since Shion-sama has come into our lives, your smile has become increasingly more gentle and happy. I hope that you two continue to live an extremely happy life.” (Tomoya)


“Yes… I certainly hope so, I want to see Shion through everything she does in her life. I think I just realized what this feeling is too. I love Shion, and I love every little thing she does.”


 He gave another gentle smile to the cat girl omega sitting next to him, before settling down with his tablet once again to take care of more work related things.


“Shion… your happiness will continue. I will make sure of it.” (Hirokichi)


As his whispered promise made Shion’s ear twitch slightly, he started to give her gentle head pats while working with his other hand. He realized, If I knew that getting a daughter would be this fulfilling, I would’ve done it a long time ago.


Shion had become one of the most important pieces in his heart before he had realized. But he really didn’t mind, and started working again as the cat girl omega let out gentle breathing in her sleep.