Chapter 4:Divided Loyalties
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In the ethereal realm, a grand chamber was adorned with opulent decorations, emanating an aura of power and divinity. At the center of the chamber, a massive round table stood, encircled by ten godly figures, each representing a distinct aspect of existence.

Seated around the table, the gods engaged in a spirited conversation. Their voices resonated with an otherworldly timbre, carrying the weight of millennia of wisdom and authority. They spoke of the intricate game they had set in motion, the final moves that would soon reshape the very fabric of the realm they governed.

"The final piece has been placed," the God of Death spoke, his voice chillingly serene. "The leaderboard will soon witness a fascinating shift, as new contenders rise and established powers fall."

The other gods nodded- their expressions a mixture of anticipation and intrigue. They discussed the potential leaders among the human race, individuals whose destinies were interwoven with the grand design they had devised. The gods deliberated on which of these mortals would be worthy of their blessings, pondering the disciples they would choose to empower with divine gifts.

In the midst of their conversation, the All-Seeing god stirred. Eyes that perceived all, past, present, and future, focused on a specific descendant. A faint smile played upon the god's lips as whispers of destiny filled the air. The chosen one would play a pivotal role in the events to come, though their identity remained veiled in the tapestry of fate.

The gods' attention shifted toward the mortals who had been transported to this mysterious realm. They saw potential, a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. It was time to provide guidance and instructions, to mold these individuals into formidable forces that would shape the unfolding saga.

And so, with their decisions made, the gods turned their divine gazes towards the humans, their voices resonating with authority and ancient wisdom. Instructions and prophecies would soon be bestowed upon the newly arrived migrants.

As the gods concluded their deliberations, an air of anticipation filled the chamber. The God of Knowledge, renowned for their wisdom and insight, was chosen to descend to the mortal realm and convey divine instructions to the humans.

With a solemn nod from the assembled deities, the God of Knowledge stood up from the table, their presence radiating an aura of intellect and enlightenment. As they prepared to embark on their mission, the other gods watched with expectant gazes, their faith placed in the chosen emissary.

Descending from the celestial heights, the God of Knowledge materialized amidst the gathering of humans. Their arrival was met with awe and reverence as the mortals sensed the weight of their divine presence.

The deity's voice resonated with a tone of authority, yet brimmed with compassion and understanding. The God of Knowledge addressed the humans, their words carrying an aura of ancient wisdom and profound purpose.

"Children of mortality," the deity spoke, their voice a melodic harmony. "You have been brought to this realm for a purpose, chosen to play a vital role in the unfolding events that will shape the very fabric of existence."

The group of humans listened intently, their eyes wide with anticipation as they hung on to every word.

"You stand at the precipice of an age of great transformation," the God of Knowledge continued. "Guided by the divine hand, you will embark on a journey to claim power, wealth, and fame."

The deity proceeded to unveil the instructions bestowed upon them by the gods. They spoke of the need for unity, emphasizing the importance of forging bonds and alliances among humans. 

"Within each of you lies untapped potential, waiting to be unleashed," the God of Knowledge proclaimed. "Some among you shall be chosen as disciples, blessed with divine gifts to aid you in your quest. Others shall rise as leaders, guiding the collective towards the path of power."

As the words of the God of Knowledge settled upon the gathering of humans, anticipation and curiosity grew. They sensed the weight of responsibility and the promise of greatness that lay within their grasp.

The deity continued, "Welcome to Tulia, the planet of opportunity, where the determined and capable can carve their own destiny. Here, the path to power and influence lies not only in personal strength but also in the ability to lead and unite."

With a sweep of their hand, the God of Knowledge unveiled the leaderboard of elders. The names of various beings adorned the grand display, each representing a ruler who held not just power but also controlled a specific domain of land and its people. It was a testament to their prowess and the trust placed in them by their kin.

"To have your name etched upon the leaderboard of elders," the deity explained, "you must be collectively chosen by multiple beings of your race as their leader. However, do not be disheartened if your name does not grace this esteemed list. For even without it, your contribution and dedication to supporting your chosen king or leader are invaluable. It is through your unwavering efforts that civilizations thrive and stand tall."

Turning their attention back to the gathered humans, the God of Knowledge introduced them to the system—an intricate interface that would aid them in their journey. 

"The system," the deity explained, "will serve as your guide and companion. It will assist you in understanding your strengths, acquiring new abilities, and charting your progress. Embrace it, for it is a tool that will aid you on your path toward greatness."

The God of Knowledge then proceeded to demonstrate how to access the system. "To view your own status page, simply speak the word 'status' aloud," the deity instructed. "The system will reveal to you a comprehensive display of your current abilities, attributes, and progress."

Furthermore, the God of Knowledge revealed an intriguing aspect of the system. "For a more private inquiry, you can also access your status page by simply focusing your thoughts on it," the deity revealed. "Mental invocation will bring forth the desired information, allowing for discreet self-assessment and analysis."

However, the deity cautioned the humans, "Remember that privacy is a valued aspect of one's status page. By default, no one can see another person's status unless they willingly grant access. It is up to you to determine who may view your achievements and potential."

With the basics of the system explained the God of Knowledge delved into the concept of average stats. "For the human race, the average stat is typically around 5," the deity clarified. "However, do not be disheartened by this average, for it is the stepping stone toward unlocking supernatural abilities. Any stat surpassing 10 is considered extraordinary, signaling the awakening of extraordinary talents."

Before departing, the God of Knowledge acknowledged the humans' inherent ability to acquire knowledge. "Your species possesses an innate capacity to seek and absorb wisdom," the deity praised. "Harness this gift, for knowledge will be your key to unlocking the true potential within."

With a sense of encouragement, the God of Knowledge concluded, "This world is one of danger, do not fall before the stage has been set."

With those parting words, the presence of the God of Knowledge gradually dissipated, leaving the humans to absorb the lessons imparted to them. The responsibility to explore the depths of the system and uncover their own latent potential now fell upon their shoulders. As the focus shifted back to Damien and the group, their individual journeys were about to take shape, each driven by their own ambitions, desires, and the secrets they held within.

As the presence of the God of Knowledge gradually faded away, Oslo took charge of the situation, stepping forward with a sense of confidence and authority. His charismatic demeanor and natural leadership qualities resonated with the majority of the group, instilling a sense of trust and unity.

"I shall lead us forward," Oslo declared, his voice carrying the weight of conviction. "Together, we shall navigate this uncharted realm, facing its challenges head-on and emerging victorious. Our strength lies not just in our individual abilities, but in our collective spirit."

The group nodded in agreement, ready to place their faith in Oslo's capable hands. However, amidst the consensus, a dissenting voice rang out, creating a ripple of discord. It was a burly man, his formidable presence demanding attention. Clad in tattered clothing, his muscular frame hinted at immense strength, and a large shield that had materialized in his hands when he crossed the portal.

"It's absurd to appoint a nobody as our leader so hastily," the burly man asserted, his voice resonating with a touch of defiance. "We need someone with proven prowess and experience to guide us, not just someone with a silver tongue."

His words sparked a sense of division within the group, as doubts and uncertainties began to surface. Some questioned Oslo's qualifications and suitability for leadership so early in their journey. The atmosphere grew tense, and whispers of discontent began to circulate.

Undeterred by the dissent, the burly man seized the opportunity to sway those who questioned Oslo's authority. With his imposing stature and captivating presence, he urged everyone to join his already-established group, consisting of five men and two women. He promised that they would rely on sheer force and fighting ability to conquer this world, embarking on a path of raw power.

The allure of strength attracted fifteen individuals, drawn to the promise of might and immediate action. They chose to join the burly man, leaving only twenty-three individuals remaining in Oslo's group.

The burly man, now emerging as the de facto leader of his faction, wasted no time in asserting his authority. With a commanding voice that resonated through the air, he directed his newly formed group to depart from Oslo's remaining followers and set off in a specific direction.

"Follow me!" he bellowed, his tone laced with a mix of determination and confidence. "We shall carve our path through this world with the might of our arms and the ferocity in our hearts. Leave behind the doubts and the shackles of uncertainty. We shall conquer whatever lies ahead!"

The fifteen individuals who had joined the burly man, enthralled by his strength and promises, fell in line behind him. With resolute steps and weapons at the ready, they embarked on their separate journey, leaving Oslo's group with a sense of both loss and determination.

As the burly man's faction departed, a palpable shift in energy permeated the air. Oslo watched as the group moved away, their figures slowly fading into the distance. He understood that their path would be marked by battles fought through physical prowess and the pursuit of dominance. The allure of immediate action and a pre-existing foundation had swayed those individuals, but Oslo remained steadfast in his belief that leadership encompassed more than just brute strength.

Left with a smaller but steadfast group of twenty-three individuals, Oslo took a deep breath, rallying his remaining followers. He met their eyes with a mix of determination and resilience, reassuring them that their path would be guided by a different set of principles.

"We may be fewer in number, but our strength lies in unity, adaptability, and the power of collective knowledge," Oslo spoke, his voice infused with conviction. "Together, we shall forge our own destiny, drawing upon each other's strengths and supporting one another. Let us move forward, guided by wisdom and determination."

His words resonated with his followers, invigorating their spirits and reaffirming their commitment to the group. With renewed purpose, they prepared to face the unknown, knowing that their journey would be marked by challenges, discoveries, and the unwavering pursuit of their own destiny.

As Damien observed the fracturing of the group, he saw an opportunity amidst the chaos. 

As Damien observed the division within the group and the departure of the faction led by the burly man, a sly smile curved on his lips. He saw an opportunity unfolding before him, one that he could exploit to further his own agenda.

With Oslo's group now reduced in size, Damien recognized that their unity and cohesion would be crucial for their survival. Their reliance on knowledge, adaptability, and collective support presented a different avenue for him to manipulate the situation to his advantage. By ingratiating himself with the remaining members and showcasing his abilities strategically, he could position himself as a valuable asset and gain influence within the group.

Damien knew that true power lay not only in physical strength but also in the ability to sway minds, manipulate loyalties, and seize opportunities when they presented themselves. He intended to use his cunning and intellect to sow seeds of doubt and discontent within Oslo's group, subtly undermining their trust in their chosen leader.

By carefully exploiting their vulnerabilities, Damien aimed to position himself as an indispensable member, someone capable of offering solutions and guidance in their journey. He understood that he needed their trust and dependence on his abilities, as this would grant him the leverage necessary to fulfill his own ambitions.

As he observed the determination in Oslo's eyes and the resolve of the remaining followers, Damien contemplated his next moves. The path to his ultimate goal would require patience, finesse, and the manipulation of circumstances to his advantage. With a calculating mind and a resolve to shape his own destiny, he stepped forward, ready to make his presence known within Oslo's group and set his plans into motion.

Damien took a deep breath, his expression shifting to one of sincerity and concern. With a commanding voice that projected confidence and authority, he addressed the remaining members of the group, snapping them out of their stupor.

"Listen, people," Damien began, his words cutting through the lingering tension. "We cannot afford to dwell on the incident that just occurred. Our priority now is to ensure our safety and navigate this dangerous area. The god's warning echoes in my mind, reminding us that threats await us. We must stand united and follow Oslo's lead if we are to overcome the challenges that lie ahead."

He locked eyes with each individual, his gaze filled with conviction. "Trust me when I say that strength lies in unity and cooperation. Let us put aside any doubts or hesitations. Together, we can overcome any obstacle that crosses our path."

As the group shifted their attention back to Oslo, Damien's subtle manipulation aimed to redirect the focus onto their chosen leader. He knew that by reinforcing their faith in Oslo's leadership, he would gain further influence within the group. With a subtle nod towards Oslo, Damien spoke up.

"Now, Oslo, what do you believe is our next step? Our survival and success hinge upon your guidance. Lead us, and we will stand by you, ready to face whatever challenges await."

By emphasizing Oslo's role and reinforcing the trust in his leadership, Damien aimed to position himself as a trusted advisor, working behind the scenes to further his own agenda. He understood the importance of gaining the trust of the group, as it would provide him with the leverage necessary to manipulate their decisions and shape their collective destiny.

Another chapter released for the day, I think I might stick with 2 chapters a day as the writing is quite tiring, and can become mentally taxing, but expect great things to come. Nox.