31 — Names — A Meeting of Aristocrats
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Her moms had unexpectedly been given a second free day as a result of being seeded, meaning they didn’t have to go through the preliminary round. Though the later matches of the singles tournament had had better fighters, Mom Michelle’s final fight had by far been the flashiest.

Her fusion magic, acrobatic ability, combat prowess, and unique weapon had all been on full display against Worra, and she had worn her beautiful armor while doing it. Mom Amber told Luna that a lot of people were just as interested in Mom Michelle outside of combat, but she didn’t really get it.

I hope I get a cool name like Lady Iceflame Heartbreaker one day!

Mom Michelle found it embarrassing for some reason, but she ended up leaning into it when they went out as a family yesterday. She signed autographs, and some people had even run off to buy photo crystals to take pictures with her.

Luna was once again sitting in the stands, with her Sister, Diamond; her best friend, Nipha; and Diamond’s best friend, Izara. Nipha’s moms, Senava and Malorei, with both there as well.

They had already watched several matches, and they were all impressive, but Luna just wanted to see her parents.

“Why are my moms last? Shouldn’t they be first?” Luna complained.

Malorei explained, “Michelle is the person the audience wants to see the most, so the tournament specifically arranged things so people have to wait, and to build anticipation for when they do show up.”

Senava added, “And to let the other competitors shine, as well. The audience might lose interest in the other teams if the one they want to see comes out right away.”

She groaned, “That’s annoying. I just want to see them already!”

Diamond asked, “Shouldn’t the teams have the same number of people?”

Malorei once again explained things, “Not everyone works in the same size groups. The tournament does have a minimum of three and a maximum of five, however.

“That can still make things uneven, but it can also be easier for a team to coordinate with fewer people. It all comes down to how skilled they are in the end. Larger groups generally win, but that is not always the case.”

Finally, it was the end of the first round. The commentator announced, “For the last match of the day, we have the team Red Blades, representing Harkath’s Eatery! Eat, eat, EAT to your heart’s content!”

Several people laughed at the goofy slogan, but had done its job of getting their attention.

“Facing against them, we have team Dialu Ammirosa, representing their store of the same name! Armor and weapons created with both practicality and aesthetics in mind!”

“It’s about time!” Luna yelled as Diamond’s tail wagged.

The crowd roared as the four women stepped out. Mom Michelle smiled slightly and gave a single, calm wave, which the audience ate right up. Mom Amber and Mom Sarah both looked stiff, while Mom Roumazi looked entirely calm.

Amber’s armor was a deep red, similar to Michelle’s deep blue. Sarah’s was brown, but wasn’t plain, as it had been stylized, and Roumazi’s was a faded purple color, and its design was simple, yet sleek, and it greatly suited her calm demeanor.

Mom Roumazi had told her daughters that she would limit her capabilities to the same level as the others, so she wasn’t going to overpower all the opponents by herself.

The fight began, and the team of four moms handily defeated the other team of five. The audience was disappointed that it was over so quickly, but that was good for sales, as it meant more people would come back tomorrow for the more intense battles.

It also proved to everyone that Mom Michelle wasn’t alone in having designed armor and being good at combat. Victor had shown off his armbands during his match as well, just as he had promised to do. He couldn’t activate the logo, though, or else he might lose his team’s sponsorship.

The moms’ second and third matches were much more difficult for them, and they really displayed what the other team members were capable of.

Mom Amber’s arrows contained fusion magic, and she also had additional arrows made of her own earth magic, allowing her to recall them and even slightly alter their trajectory mid-flight, though her aim was already excellent. She couldn't control the fusion arrows the same way because they had to be made of special materials so they could be enchanted with the magic in the first place.

Mom Roumazi’s decision-making of who to give buffs and debuffs to, and what effects she should give and when, was perfect. Her water attacks and skill with her spear were also great.

Mom Sarah’s hammer strikes hit hard, and her wind-enhanced speed made her a nasty opponent to deal with. Her Gift also made each blow even worse for everyone who was struck.

They actually did end up facing Victor and his team, which had been their second match. They put up a good fight, and Victor’s Gift of physical illusions had been troublesome to deal with.

In the end, they were defeated at the same point in the tournament that Mom Michelle had been in the singles one. Their final ranking was sixth, though, one place higher, due to the overall scoring being different.

The audience liked the whole team, though much of the focus was still on Michelle. After she confirmed that they were, in fact, the three spouses she had mentioned, the audience liked them more.

“I wonder if I can be like them, too,” Luna said. She was sitting next to Nipha in the conversation pit watching the recordings, while Diamond and Izara were in their shared bedroom. Luna’s and Nipha’s moms, all seven of them together, were in the large bath that their new home had.

“Do you want to be a slayer when you grow up?”

“Maybe? I don’t know. I don’t think I’m really into crafting things like my moms are.”

“I don’t know what I want to do either.”

“What is it your moms do again?”

“Government stuff,” Nipha evaded.

“Right,” Luna said, used to that answer.

“But I want to see more than just this city, so I think I want to travel when I’m older. I’ve been out a few times, but not anywhere far.”

“That sounds fun! Last time I traveled it was all about coming straight here, so I didn’t get to see very much.”

“Let’s do that, then!”

“Yeah!” she emphatically agreed.

In the recording, they watched as Mom Sarah’s hammer slammed into a guy from behind, sending him flying.

Luna groaned suddenly, “Oh no, I hope no one expects me to be as good as them once the interschool tournaments start!”

Nipha giggled. “No one will expect you to be on the same level as an adult. But the two of us are top of the magic class, so I think we’ll be fine.”

She felt relieved. “Yeah, that’s true. I can do anything as long as you’re with me.”

“Yeah! Let’s win!”





Seven women were crowded into a single bathtub, pushing the limits of its capacity. Though the tub was quite large, leg room had still become quite limited.

Sarah couldn't help but notice Senava's wings in this situation. She hadn’t really thought about how the woman's fairy wings worked before, but they were both flexible and durable.

She’s actually sitting on her wings. It doesn’t look like it’s causing her any pain or anything. Barriers still provide better protection for wings than armor, but if that wasn’t the case, what materials would I have to use that could bend that way and still properly protect the wings?

“Are your girls going to enter the school tournaments?” Rayna asked.

“Luna wants to, but Diamond also joining is unlikely,” Sarah replied, her thoughts returning to the conversation.

“I suppose that means Nipha will be teaming up with her, then. Those two are inseparable.”

“They really are,” Michelle chuckled.

Rayna frowned as she considered her thoughts. “I suppose it’s about time I tell you something.”

They watched as the gnoll activated, or deactivated, an enchantment in her bracelet. The light shimmered around her, and her appearance changed. She was still a gnoll, but her fur pattern and coloring were different, and there were additional subtle changes to her face.

“What…?” Amber started. She and the others clearly recognized Rayna's new appearance.

Senava and Malorei followed their wife’s lead and did the same.

Rayna spoke, “I am Chaentris Elley Wirzanthus, Queen of Nibuolos. I apologize for hiding it, but I hope you can understand why.”

“So that explains the enchantments. I just thought you were using light magic as makeup all this time,” Roumazi commented.

“Y-You could sense it? Just how good is your magic perception!?”

She smiled. “It’s excellent. I chose not to pry, of course. Though I’m curious about your name? Rayna seems like your preferred one.”

She nodded. “It is. It’s a name I chose it several years ago and only use it with close friends.”

So that explains why Roumazi never sensed that she was hiding it.

Malorei said, “We would prefer it if you continued using our casual names with us.”

“Wait, what does this mean for Luna? Her best friend is a secret princess!” Michelle interjected.

“We’ve done our best to raise Nipha normally, even enrolling her in a regular school rather than one that would cater to noble biases. Our hope is that she grows into a caring and understanding woman, and we will continue to work toward that goal.”

“And what about as she gets older and has to start taking on princess duties? How will Luna be involved with that?”

“Michelle, this country elects its monarchs, remember,” Sarah reminded. “Whatever you’re thinking is probably incorrect. Earth’s monarchies functioned in entirely different ways as well.”

“Oh. That’s right…”

Rayna said, “We are making sure Nipha receives a good education and grows up well in case she does indeed want to follow in our footsteps, but she is still free to choose.

“Of course, if she does decide to become Queen, she will have to earn her place on the throne. The position can’t simply be handed over to her.”

“Why befriend us?” Amber asked.

“Because our daughters became friends. And we found you to be good company. I admit that I looked into you when Nipha started talking about her unusual new friend, so I already had an idea of who you were.

"I promise it wasn't like deep spying or anything so invasive. I was initially wondering about some of the odd things Luna had said to Nipha, and when I looked into her, I found out it was because she's from Earth. I couldn't help but be curious, and I also just wanted to make sure Nipha was safe."

Michelle said, “I guess I can understand that. If Luna befriended someone from so far away and who was involved in such a messed up experiment, I might get a little worried, too…

"Have you secretly been helping our business? It seems like things have been going way too well for a new store. Even if we haven’t sold much of our interesting stuff yet.”

The gnoll smiled slightly. “When you were looking at new places to live and potential store locations, this one came up. I delayed the paperwork, just for a day or two, to give you time to talk to the sellers personally.

“It was still up to you to make it in time and convince the previous owners to sell to you instead of just letting someone else buy it, but you managed to do so. That slight delay is the only help you received from me. Your success is your own, and I’m sure you would’ve been successful in a different location as well.”

“Oh… That’s still a lot, though. I love this house and our workshop.”

It really is a nice home. I’m glad we got it.

“So… we’re still friends?” Amber asked. “Does anything really change here? And are we going to tell the girls?”

Rayna replied, “We would like to remain friends, and we are hoping nothing changes between us. I just felt that it was no longer necessary to keep this secret. And we will respect your decision about what to say to them,” Malorei said.

The two elves and two beastkin had a quick discussion, and decided it would be okay. They had already been friends with these people for years, after all, and the four young girls in the other part of the house were all good.

Rayna leaned back against the tub wall and exhaled heavily, looking more relaxed than they had ever seen her. “It’s so good to finally say that. And to have friends who aren’t politicians or aristocrats.”

“What are you talking about? We have our very own Lady right here!” Amber pointed to Michelle, who rolled her eyes and chuckled.

“Ah yes, Lady Iceflame Heartbreaker. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Rayna’s been doing quite a good job in supporting regular people and developing the city. Never thought I actually wouldn’t mind being so close with someone in the government.

The whole group eventually left the bathtub and went to tell the girls the news. They were all surprised, but like with the adults, their relationship didn’t actually change all that much. Like her mom, Nipha was also quite relieved to no longer have to keep her identity a secret.




Sorry to anyone who wanted to see the team battles, but I wanted to focus everything on a single person, hence the singles tournament. Also, writing multiple action scenes where I have to keep track of at least seven people? No thanks. Putting a big action arc like that into the story would’ve just felt wrong, too. The singles tournament was already enough.