The End
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Once a planet cover in lush are in ruins. now mountains destroyed forest burning... there's a mass of dead body's everywhere only two being are alive one is in perfect condition looking at him it doesn't seem he even lift his hand to fight and the other being is in tattered condition... his body is cover in blood the hair what it seems to be a golden once now bathed in blood red one of his eyes are missing... in his hand what seems to be ax is now destroyed only Handel remain... even now time to time his body release blue lighting... his standing on a ground with only will... he who once was a great warrior are now struggling between life and death his name is Thor Odin son...

Thor: "Ha...Haa...Haa... why are you... doing this... who... the hell are you."

Galactus: "I am not oblige to answer your questions but you are the first one in many eons to slightly remind me of pain i will answer your questions...

first why am i doing this simple i am hungry if planet is covered in blood it taste good and for who am I... hmm let's see i am just a cosmic entity who like to eat planet"

a being which height seems to be around 30 feet said

Thor just flashback at his answer an entity that just eat planet as if it was his food how can he figh this entity even his adopted daughter which possess powers of eternity didn't even scratch him how can he stop this entity... thinking this Thor made a final struggle against him every part of his body is now on lighting Thor shoot lighting at Galactus who cover his face with his hand... Thor slumped on land with support of his hand he tried to stand up breathing heavily

Galactus: "hmm... struggle in last breath... fine i will grant your wish. as for a punny being like you to remind me of little pain i will remember you name for little while Odin son" 

saying Galactus snap his finger a ray of purple energy shoot towards Thor... second latter Thor single eye lost its life Thor lifeless body slumped on ground... just like that a warrior, a hero, an Avenger dies without even fighting back properly... 

Galactus: "hmm i wonder how this planet will taste with god blood"

a purple energy cover whole planet Galactus got bigger as the size of sun. in one glup he eat whole planet.

Galactus" this god blood is really delicious. i wonder how other being of his planet taste like " 

resound a voice in space 

the space where once full of lush BERHERT planet exists now only some purple energy like fog remains

from this fog a tiny partical of white light comes out as if someone pull it out and disappear a tiny partical that no one noticed not even all mighty brings who watch Galactus eating planet not even Galactus himself

 slowly remaining particle of fog also disappear... 

Once again started a wheel of fate which shows only End