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A space where no colour is present nor dark nor white nor any others a single white partical is traveling... suddenly a dark fog cover the space where white particle is floating... a deepest dark that contains malice... if even supreme being see he will also going to be scared... floating particle got sucked in dark fog the un colour space return to its normal form.

A place where mountains river and trees present a body around 6 feet lying on the green full of grasses ground. eyes and hand of a being whose lying on ground stat to twitch some time later being open his eyes and sit on ground breathing heavily...

"where am i "a being said panting 

"dont worry your not in Valhalla"

A voice resonate in surrounding 

(POV Thor)

i am scared... am i... really... what a funny... i thor son of is scared... what the hell is this being love is dead stormbraker got destroyed lives on whole planet is dead by a single being not even army like Thanos and Kang... he is just alone standing right there... he just killed everyone whithout even moving a single step... is it my turn now... i attack him with all divine power possible for me gather i even used my life force... this guy just take attack like it was nothing... my eyes are bleeding... my body is in pain its as if its burning i can't take a single step... am i on ground now look like this is it... is it possible for me to meet father, mother, loki, and others my mind went blank next second 

suddenly i start feeling pain an extreme pain my soul is in pain... some time latter i open my eyes try to standup but i can't i only able to sit on ground looking around i see a river near me there i mountain around i am sitting on a soft grass

Thor "where am i" saying that I looked around

am i in Valhalla thinking so 

"don't worry your not in Valhalla" 

"for your information i cant read your mind your thoughts written on your face clearly " 

i hear a voice around me when i turn where voice came from a man was standing under a tree while his back on tree trunk i cant see his... no its not like i cant see i ts as if fog is covering him his hair is weirdly floating a clothing he wear mostly used on earth specifically in Japan i also tried once...

Thor " who are... you " 

???"don't worry about my name ask important questions you want to i dont much time "

is he same as that guy who killed me... no something is different... lets make a bet i already dead... i am sure of it...

Thor "so why am i alive... i was sure i he killed me" 

???"technically you're dead its your part of soul... no more like your ego"

Thor" is it my end " 

???" thats a good question your already dead your soul is also destroyed its just part of your soul which take a form of ego because of me " 

Thor" why am i here then " 

??? " someone beg me to save you he also said " you are too weak even thought your Thor" so here i am " 

Thor " what will happen to me then" 

???"hmmmmm... i was planing to merge this part of your soul with your past self " 

Thor" why are you doing this with me is it some kind of entertainment... like that who play with life... or you want something in return" i ask weary i don't know why someone trying to reincarnate me but i am sure there is something he wants in return 

???"hahahahaha... very interesting... well i don't want anything in return i despise who play with soul... and i am doing this cause this is first time my disciple beg me to do something... hmm look like time near to end" 

???" listen carefully what am i about to say... i am going to merge this soul particle of your to your younger self when your just born advantage of doing this is you will know the future... disadvantage is it that you will forget your memories of this life in Span of 100 to 150 age... so i have to advise you use carefully your starting life as for TVA they cant find you because your not your alternate self cause you will become you and last and important thing become strong use everything to become stronger learn everything you know alright then never meet again " 

saying that he clap i fell dizzy... and black out

(??? POV) 

"hmm i hope he live his life happily... knowing him its difficult... i wonder what i will make my disciple do"