(Draft) Chapter 6 – Lil man’s big date
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[Violet: Stay away from him….bitch!]

A blue-haired character image goes from glaring to arms crossed. 

[Violet: He! Is! Mine!] 

[1. You can’t own a person]

[2. Why don’t you back off?]

[3. We could share him…]

[Option 3. Selected]

The Villainess goes wide eyed with a faint blush. 

[Violet: W-wha..!]

It instantly changes to a cold glare and she grabs the princess’s collar. 

[Violet: Don’t insult me, bitch.]

[???: LET GO OF HER!!!]

The screen shakes and another character is revealed, the usually peaceful music goes up in dramatic flare. Red hair flowing in the air and a frown on his face. 

It’s Topi. 

[Violet:...Topi. It’s not what you think!!]

[Topi: Let go of her, now…]

There’s a hurt expression on Violet’s face and her sprite runs off screen followed by the sound of footsteps. 

[Topi: ‘Ihatethisgame’, are you okay?]

The image of him smiling is displayed on screen and the Princess’s blank face and Topi’s get closer. 

Then they kis-



I shake my dazed head as I look around. 

I’m in my bedroom and I see my brother looking all dressed up. 

“W-what’s wrong?”

I think about how he and the Princess’s sprite were gonna kiss and shudder.

“Jesus fuckin christ I need to drink.”



“You’re too young for alcohol Brother. Anyway, how do I look?”

I rub my eyes and stare at his outfit, it’s a mismatch of his casual and formal wear making it look like he couldn’t decide which style he liked more. 

It’s not bad. 



Shit, I messed up. 

“...goddammit, where’s your closet?”

He looked a little dejected but pointed over to the corner of his room. Then it clicks, “Wait where’s mine?”

He stares at me confused for a moment and points to one on the other side of the room. 

“We have this many clothes?”

“How poor do you think we are Brother?”

“...Ahem, anyway.”

I push myself out of bed and open his closet to find flashy shirt after flashy shirt.

“Shit. Trash. Garbage. Seriously? Oh…?”

It’s the same one his character was depicted wearing, it was a Victorian frilly shirt. 

I took it out and threw it at my brother who looked heartbroken that I insulted a majority of his clothes. 

I didn’t care. 

“Where are your pants?”

“...the drawer underneath.”

I look down and look for the burgundy trousers he had worn on his first ‘date’ with the main character in the game during his route. 

“Put both of these on.”

I hear clothes rustling and turn around when my brother speaks to me in an amazed tone, 



“Since when did you know fashion?”

I found him checking himself out in the mirror, the white top and dark red suited him. Under the sun, he’d look perfect. 

“I don’t.”

“...I see.”

“Now, shoo. You have a date.”


His face blushes as he nods and I get back into my bed as the bedroom door closes. “Thanks again brother!”

A few minutes later I hear a knock and it promptly opens. 

“My son.”

“...Yes mother.”

“Where is your brother going to look like that? Usually I have to get him to change before he goes out.”

I groan as I roll onto my back and respond to my mother without looking, 

“He’s going on a date Ma.”

“Hmm…I see. With who?”

“The Princess.”

“Ah I see, the Pri-! WHAT???”

“He didn’t tell you?”


“Ah, then I didn’t say anything.”

“W-But how??”

“Who knows, he is a little charmer. Maybe he-” I yawned as I closed my eyes, “He chatted her up or somethin’, I don’t know so don’t ask me ma.”

“A…are you going back to sleep?”


I can barely be bothered to respond. 

I hear my mother sigh, 

“Ok then. I hope you enjoy your rest.”


“And I’ll ask your brother later.”


“I hope you enjoy your sleep.”

“  “

The door promptly closes and I try to get some more rest. It’s fair to say this world is pretty shitty. I check the calendar my brother had gotten and scoffed, 

Even though I know the future there’s nothing I can do to take advantage of….



I jump out of bed and kick my front door open, 

A few maids and butlers look at me in horror as I swear up a storm running past them, I’m heading to the front door. 


I throw on a couple of shoes and leave my family’s mansion. My brain whirls for a moment as I calm down to think about this properly. 

I need to get to Queen Bitch’s house.


The tram. 

I leave the pavement and jump on just as one is travelling down the street, people yell ‘oh!’ and the like but I push my way to the driver. 

Sweat dripped from my face and red hair got in my eyes. 

I brush my hair back and speak, 

“O-oi Sir, is this heading to Que- The Duchess’s house?”

“Do you need to go there Sir?”

“Yessir. It’s life or death.”

I can make a profit!!

The brown skinned man looked at me with serious eyes. 

“...ok. Ladies and gentlemen I’d like to apologise but we’ll be taking a detour to the South of the City.”

A few men and women glare at me but no one complains. I wonder if it’s because I look so desperate.

Anyways, we get there and I give what money I have on me (Thirty silver) to the driver as I run off in the direction of the duchess’s. 

“W-who are you??”

Great mahogany doors and two guards block me. I’ve had to run an extra ten minutes in a full sprint up a hill to get here, how could I have forgotten?!?

I hold up a hand as I wheeze trying to catch my breath and I yell as the guards begin dragging me out towards the gate that I had climbed over with parkour. 



The imposing mansion is silent. 


The door is slammed open and I watch as a confused, sweaty Queen Bitch glares at me with her hair tied up. 

“Don’t yell that sort of thing are you nuts!?!”

I had used the phrase ‘wannabe knight’ for a reason. Logan, as my friend once explained, was a simple farmer who ended up as a knight. 

The wannabe part is due to his humble background, as a result he’s taken up life at the ‘school’ (I’ve given up with the name) in order to become ‘educated enough’ to make it high in the military. 

My weary smile turns into a smirk as I chuckle at Queen Bitch looking flustered. 

The knights who were dragging me out fall to their knees bowing as they realize I’m most likely a friend of the Duchess and as such they might lose their jobs over dragging me. 

It was understandable though, I just tried pushing past them with no explanation. 

Ok, mental note: tell Violet to leave em alone. 

I watch as said girl folds her bare arms, showing the world her sleeveless shirt and pale skin. 

Oh, she’s stopped blushing. A shame. Her bluish violet eyes bore into mine and she speaks in a icy tone, 

“...so? You said you could help me?”

The smile on my face only widens and the Villainess frowns a little as she watches. 

“Could I borrow your personal army?”