(Draft) Chapter 9 – Abusing little people for fun
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Two days had passed since I almost drowned in that godforsaken gold adorned bathtub, I frowned a little as I remember Queen Bitch at me while I cleaned up her floor as punishment. 

Currently, I slept through my morning classes and was in the cafeteria with Topi. 

I shove more roast potatoes into my mouth as I frown a little, still stuck in my memories. 

“Brother, are you okay?”

I turn to look up at my cringing mess of a brother I let out a tired sigh. 

“Hey, get over it already. It’s not like you tried kissing her or something.”

Two eyes glare at me and I feel shin get kicked.


A few eyes glanced over at us, tired of us making a racket when they’re trying to eat the food and before I get the chance to glare back at them: Topi speaks up to me from across the table. 

“I-it’s the Princess!”

I turn to where my brother’s looking and grimace. Geh, it’s…. That guy. The foreign prince. 

That shameless flirt.

…I wanna beat him up. 

“Oh…. I wonder who she’s with.”

We watch as the Prince bows and kisses the Princess’s hand, causing girls around us to squeal while guys quietly burn with envy.

My brother realises I’m looking at him and smiles. It’s painfully fake.


Yeah I’m beating him up. 

The chair I’m in screeches as I stand up and Topi speaks to me confused. 


“I’m just going to talk to him.”

Seemingly understanding my intentions he speaks, 


“I’m just going to talk to him.”

“Brother don’t!”

“I’m just going to talk to him.” 


“I’m just going to hit him.”


I push past my brother and start making my way towards the Prince when something clicks. 

“Oh, Princess.”

Said Princess turns to me, her face going from blank to uncomfortable. 






“Sprote. Pupsi. Mountain Dude.”


Her face looks as confused as ever and I let out a deep sigh. 

Ahh she doesn’t know. 

I had hoped for the possibility of the Princess being someone from Earth because they were the main character but it seems I was grasping for straws. 

I grimace in disappointment and the Princess not being able to read my mind spoke with concern. 

“Do you need something Marcus?”

“No. I’m good.” 

The prince with his purple ponytail and purple eyes leans forward and whispers into my ear. He puts a dark brown hand as he does so. 

“Oi, red- haired brat. Come with me.”

I glance over at the foreign prince and grimace. 

Ah, I had forgotten the type of person he was. He turns away from me and immediately speaks in a brighter voice, 

“Your Highness, I’ll be seeing you later. Don’t forget about me.”

He winks, causing me to grimace even further and girls to squeal even louder. 

Sweet to women but cruel on men.

The dreamy type that was tough when needed, overall: popular. 

At least for the supposed fans of the game.

I wordlessly follow the Prince, glancing over to my brother as he looks at me with concern. 

I silently reply with a wide grin and we leave through the glass doors and go behind the large building.  

Rose bushes to my left and brick wall to my right I keep my hands in my pocket as I dryly laugh at the purple eyes glaring at me. 

My friend truly sucked as a writer. 

“You find something funny?”

The foreign Prince had a whore for a mother. 

Ahem, what I mean was she was a ‘lady of the night’ and as such ended up pregnant in a world where condoms didn’t exist. 

The story goes, being a bastard child of the emperor he was demeaned and mocked. 

At the tender age of ten, he decided to become someone who no one would dare insult and as a result he dedicated himself to studying. 

While not on the level of Tori who has literal otherworldly knowledge crammed into her tiny skull or Roan who was born a genius, the Prince was held as one of the smartest characters in this shitty story. 

The Prince’s demeanour changed the instant there was a lack of people around. 

This was his real personality, the opposite of his carefree attitude; he was extremely hard working and cared a lot about his image.

It makes sense considering the background my friend made for him. He was essentially just a huge prick.

I smirk. 

Unfortunately for him, I’m a bigger one. 

“Tch, to think I’d have to fight someone so soon.”

He cracks his knuckle and I shift a little in my stance, allowing my school shoes to dig into the dirt as I prepare to dodge. He leaps forward, eyes focused on me and I watch as his arm is thrown back.

I ready myself to dodge but suddenly feel queasy, as if I needed to throw up. My movement stops and a hard fist slams into my head forcing me backwards. 

I hit the grass and watch as the Prince cracks his knuckles and smirks. 

“So, I guess you were all bark huh? Don’t talk to the Princess again, got it?”

Honestly I wasn’t listening, I was trying to remember why I had felt like shit all of a sudden. 

Ah, the tutorial fairy. 

My face contorts into a grin as I remember my friend telling me about the lame sounding creature. 

His drawings floated around in my mind as my grin turned bitter and I spoke, not to the Prince but the thing always with the Princess. 



The Prince who was speaking stopped when I muttered to myself. 

“You lil shit. Interrupt me like that again and I’ll tear your wings off, m’kay?”

“The hell are you talking about?”

I push myself off the floor and rub my sore jaw. I click it before I clear my throat. 

“Hey, what do I look like?”

“Hah? Red hair, orange eyes and t-“

I leap forward, allowing the rings to give me extra speed to slam into his face. My knuckles collide with his oh- so- handsome face and he hits the grass. 


I stamp down onto his throat as I check my teeth with my tongue. I was swallowing my own blood and spat out a little as I speak,

“Little fairy. Come here and heal me or I’ll start yelling your real name from the rooftops.”


The air is silent and when the Prince tries to speak I increase the pressure on his throat. 


I reach into my back pocket and down a vial that Roan had made for me. 

The effect could only last up to an hour depending on the quality and the balance of ingredients but since I paid for said ingredients out of pocket: five minutes was enough.

Originally, this was created by Roan at the end of his route so he could see the fairy that the Princess always talked about. The scene was described as beautiful, a human for the first time in history experiencing the fey. 

Unfortunately it was now being used for a less wholesome reason.

My eyes and ears sting for a moment as they are forcibly changing and I grunt as it burns, increasing the pressure with my shoe as I feel the Prince starting to squirm.

“The hell is this human doing?!”

I blink and hear a new voice, squinting as I look at the source I find a pink haired fairy fluttering in front of my face. Her pink eyes seem to be analysing the teenager under my foot with furrowed brows. “Goodness, to think he attacked my prince!”

I continue watching the fairy and she stiffens as she slowly realises I’m watching her,

“W-wait, you can see m-?!?”

I grab her with my right hand and essentially growl as I’m still in pain. 

“Heal me then him.”

“W-what but how can you se- GAH?!?!?”

I start shaking her as my annoyance builds, she had placed a debuff on me earlier which was why I failed to dodge the strike. Honestly, it was still active my limps felt heavier than usual. 

The tutorial fairy, or Monika as she was named was something that helped the player out whenever they needed a hint. 

Essentially she was a cheat engine or an in depth guidebook.

“S-stop shaking me, I’ll do it!!”

I glare at the fairy and she raises her small hands towards me. 

A green glow appears and I feel the pain in my mouth vanish as she looks significantly more tired.

I aim her at the Prince below my feet, 

“Now him.”


“Tori. Heal him. Then clean him. I don't want my bootprint on his neck.”

Her pale face stiffens as I speak her ‘true’ name and she raises her hand towards the unconscious Prince.

Oh shit he’s unconscious. I knocked a Prince unconscious.

Hurry up. Oh and erase his memory if you can." 

I realise my situation and don’t want to linger any longer than I need to.

“I-I’m trying, you’re a slave driver!”

The fairy struggles as much as she can in my hand, which evidently isn’t much.

After another moment of trying to escape she aims her hands and heals him. I watch as the bruises on his face vanish and a boot print disappear from his neck then let a sigh of relief. 

I let go of the fairy in my hand and she flutters to a safe distance.


She stops mid- air and looks back at me. According to my friend when we were drunk, knowing a mythical creature's given name was a way to control them.

I smile as kindly as I can manage and don’t see her flinch as I do so.

“Come here.”

I couldn’t stop grinning. 

Knowledge truly is the best. 



Reentering the cafeteria I hear whispers and gasps, probably at the fact I had returned unharmed and a little dirty.

“B-brother! What happened!?”

The only noise in that silence was Topi, who seemed too concerned to care.

I shrug, keeping a neutral face as I speak. 

“The Prince slipped.”


“The Prince. He slipped, he’s currently unconscious.”


“My lord!”

I watch as teachers rush out of the cafeteria to help out the foreign prince just in case the Kingdom fell into war with the Empire.

The bastards, they just sat by and watched as I was led to what they thought was an execution.

I glare at the backs of the teachers and turn back to my brother.

“Brother, is there something in your pocket?”

“Yeah, you want to see? It’s called Tori-stay- still.”

My pocket stops moving and Topi looks at me confused. 

I pretend to reach into my chest pocket and look as if I’m holding something, with my fingers facing down and my other hand cupping the first.

“Wanna see it?”

Topi leans in towards my hand and when he gets close enough I flick his nose, he frowns.


I shrug, smirking at his expression. 

“It’s your own fault brother of mine. Now let’s eat and be done with this school day already.”





“So, what is it Trash?”

After sleeping through my lessons and getting home, I go to the Duchess’s. The guards let me in with a smile…. For some reason.

Currently, I’m holding Tori in my hand (I think) while Roan holds out two vials for us to drink. I’m waiting to down mine while Violet is staring at the pink liquid in disgust. 

Or maybe she’s just looking at it. It’s hard to tell the difference. 

“If you drink it you can see a fairy.”

“W-wait Uncle fairies!?”

Roan, the kid who made the drink, looked at me in confusion and I smirked.


“C-can I see the fairy?”

“You’ll have to make a potion for yoursel-”

“Big brother we want to see the fairy too!” (Big brother we want to see the fairy too!)

I grimace a little and Roan clears his throat before speaking like he did in the game, causing me to stiffen a little. 

“Have you finished your homework?”

“Mm mm!” (Mm mm!)

“Have you read the books like I asked you too?”

“....” (....)

They turn to me and Violet in desperation and I bite my lip to not say anything while Queen Bitch ‘activates’ her stony face expression. 

….Which breaks down almost immediately.

“H-hey, Roan.” 

She crosses her arms in the black Victorian dress she’s wearing and speaks with a faint blush as her usually cold eyes glance over at the twins every once in a while. 

“Yes Ma’am?”

“...Make two potions for them as well, I’ll ask Mother to request more ingredients. Also, I’ll get my Butler to teach them so you can relax for the rest of the week.”


Roan looked happy and I realised just how tired he is.

I down my drink preparing myself for the pain as I start thinking.  


Should I start looking for coffee? 

Wait, this body doesn’t have a caffeine addiction. 

Holy shit. 

“Heh. HEhehehehehehahahahahHahahahaha” 


At my laughter everyone in the room flinches at me and I hear a terrified voice talk to me in fear,

“W-what? Have you gone insane, Human?”

“Insane? No, you misunderstand, I'm better!”

“Trash, why are you talking to the air?”

Queen Bitch was looking at me in disgust, Roan looked like when he learnt the old noble who had taken care of him had dementia and the twins both had worried expressions on their faces. 

“Uncle, are you okay? Talk to us.” (Uncle, are you okay? Talk to us.)

With my mood now heavy, I clear my throat and point to the vial in Queen Bitch’s hand. 

“It hurts a little so be careful. I’m currently talking to the fairy.”

“The drink hurts?” Violet’s eyes narrow a little, “How much?”

“Like a deep cut.” 

“Oh. Not that much then.”


Roan was staring at the both of us like we were crazy, 

“Wait, the drink hurts?”


He turns to the two twins looking at me in wonder, 

“What does the fairy look like?” (What does the fairy look like?)

“Say I’m beautiful!”

I grimace a little as I ignore the fairy’s words and continue looking at her, 

“She has pink hair, pink eyes and a dress with a leaf pattern on it. Basically just think of the colour pink and that’s her.”

The fairy puffed out her cheeks as she began hitting my head with her tiny hands, 

“How dare you Human! I am more than just pi-”

“Cool!” (Cool!)

The twins squeal at my words and I see Tori look at them before holding back a smile. 

“Y-you might be trash Human but you have good company at lea-!?!?”

I grab her and begin shaking her only to have her yell ‘kyaa’ as I do so. After a moment I let go and she flutters to a safe distance pointing a finger at me, 

“Why do you treat me so awfully!?”

“Hah~?” She flinches as I speak, “You called me trash and you don’t expect me to get angry?”

“B-but she called you Trash and you didn’t mind!”

I turn to Violet and we stare at each other for a moment before breaking eye contact, 

“Me and Queen Bitch are different. Don’t call me Trash or else.”


Roan after quietly thinking to himself smiles and turns to leave the lounge we were all sitting in. 

The twins turn away and follow him and Violet eventually downs the liquid, grimacing as she feels her eyes and ears shift. 

“...so that’s what she looks like.”

“Tori, introduce yourself.”

“...Hello, Human. I am Tori. I wish I had the privilege of calling this human 'trash' like you do.”



Violet, who had been silent, continued staring at me confused. 

“What is it Bitch?”

“...how long have you known Tori, Trash?”

“No! The number of people who know my name has increased!”

I ignore her as I speak,

“What do you mean?”

“You both seem really familiar with each other.”


We turn to the fairy who’s aggressively nodding her head, “I-I’m not sure why but this human is treating me like this! We’re not friends or anything!”

“You’re not?”

“No! He’s blackmailing me with my name.”

“Your name?”



Tears were falling from the fairy’s eyes as she increased the number of blackmailers by her own hand. Violet looked at her reaction and spoke, 

“Tori, sit on my hand.”


She begrudgingly did it and the Villainess smiled. That much caused me to shiver and I speak. 

“Hey, abuse is bad-” 

As I’m about to finish when the mahogany door opens and three (basically) children come running in with smiles on their faces. 

“U-Uncle, I figured it out!”

“Uncle we helped!” (Uncle we helped!)


True to their word the twins were amazed, possibly looking at Tori as she fluttered away from the Villainess’s open palm. Roan is the first to react, bowing his bookish head down a little. 

“I-It’s very nice to meet you, Miss Fairy.”

“Wow! Where has a human like this been?!?”

“I was a slave ma’am.”


The fairy was smiling and I spoke without thinking, 

“Ah, Roan. You don’t have to bother with Ma’am. Call her Monika.”

“Hey! Why’d you say that you red-headed brut-!?”

I grab her and hear Roan clear his throat.



“Why are you so harsh to her?”


He flinches at my expression and I look down to find small hands hitting my fist while complaining,

“Y-you brute! Not even the Gods would treat such a beautiful fairy as I, this harshly! You! Bastard! Meanie! Asshole!”

Wait, why am I getting so pissed off at her?

Sure, she debuffed me: making me get punched but she did heal me after, she kept her promise too but that was because I was blackmailing her…

I release the fairy in my hands and she flutters back to a safe distance.

Then it clicks.

God don’t be right.

“Oi, Tori.”

I keep a neutral expression on my face as I resolve myself. 


“Say ‘Oni-Chan’.”


My intentions are pure I promise. 


I stared with incredulity at the human who told me to do such a thing. 

Using my bountiful knowledge I knew what the phrase meant and I would’ve guessed that the human wanted me to say it due to lust or something but his expression was that of pain.

A moment of silence passes and he speaks again.

“Say it Tori.”

“O…” The word feels like lead in my mouth and I scrunch my face up in disgust, “…oni-chan.”



He looked angry. 



“Language, Trash.”

I glance over to the twins looking at me worried and I clear my throat. 


“Are you okay Uncle?” (Are you okay Uncle?)

“Yeah, just remembering an old friend.”

A stupid old friend. 

A stupid old friend crazy enough to add his own sister into a game and not tell anyone. 

I start remembering his sister with a grimace and do my best to put her crying face out of my mind. 


I let out a deep breath and speak,

“Monika, go help Roan out with his experiments every once in a while. In exchange, I’ll tell you where to go to find someone you can love.”

“Understood. Please and thank you.”

Oh? What’s that? 

You’re confused why she agreed so quickly?

It’s simple. 

Finding someone to date was her final goal.

Not literally but it's basically the fulfilment of her oath as a fairy, I think. Can’t remember the lore properly.  

My friend only mentioned this once but there was a hidden feature if you travel the world at certain points in the game, Monika would vanish for a short while then mention to the player that they found someone they liked. 

It was to offset her always complaining to the player that she was happy they found love but wanted it herself. We’ve just about hit the halfway point between the beginning and first ‘big’ event so if I had to guess… 

The mysterious romance option is in the Eastern Empire. Since she always vanished after the player’s first date.

Wait Christ, the real world progresses slower than the game one. 

It’s almost been six months. 

My brows furrowed as I kept thinking when a desperate and still bowing (in the air) fairy disturbs me from my thoughts, simply by waiting silently. 

“Ahem, go to the Eastern Empire when you have time. There’s a good chance you’ll find him there.” 

My friend’s face flashes through my head and I remembered him talking about fairy romance. “…and take good care of your wings. The God of this world is depressingly stupid.”

“...you know we fairies can tell if someone’s lying right?”


“Ok. Then, either you are insane or genuinely believe in your lie.”

Yeah, that’s about right.

“Eh.” I shrug, not interested in whether or not Tori believes me. “I’ll make this easy on you. Fact: the twins want to play with you. And fact: you will play with them.” 

She frowns a little before landing on one of the twin’s heads and I chuckle as they start bombarding her with questions. 

She turns to me as me and Violet start heading towards the training area. 





You know I was a little distracted earlier but something I just realised was Queen Bitch had been quiet this entire time. I turn to her wearing her usual beige riding pants and sleeveless shirt. 

Her hands were wrapped around the hilt of her wooden sword and her wavy hair was tied into a ponytail. 

I speak without thinking and a blank expression on my face.



“Are you dying?”

“Hah?” Her expression goes from complicated to confused as she stares at me in disgust. “Has our sparring finally ruined your poor excuse for a brain?”

“Then why have you been quiet?”

“It’s strange.”

“What is?”




“You.” She pointed her blade at me to emphasise her point, “Knew when Roan was going to escape. You knew about the fairy and the recipe it took to see her. It’s strange.”


I guess I have been a little lax in hiding the truth.

“You’ve gone silent.”

Shit, I need to think of a lie. 



‘I’m a genius’ isn’t gonna cut it this time. 

I’m a prophet? 

I know the future?

This is a shitty dating simulator?

I’m just a gamer??

I’m friends with your God???

What in God’s name do I say?!?

“..I’m God.”



Did it work?

Violet’s glare somehow managed to leak more malice than usual causing me to grin. 

“Are you stupid?”



“Not as stupid as the Bitch who’s insulting their God.”

Fuck it, if I can’t avoid this conversation I’ll derail it.  

“You’re God?”

“Yes. Bow to me.”

“Are you stupid?”

“How rude.”

“...okay Trash God.”

“Just God is fine.”

“Why are you hanging around us Mortals?”

“No clue.”


I shrug as we casually stand around in the training arena. “I simply ‘am’, no rhyme or reason.”

“That’s a shit excuse Trash.”

“Oi, you forgot the ‘God’.”

“I’m not gonna worship an idiot.”

“A shame. I’d like to see you pray sometime.”

“The Goddess didn’t do shit when my mother was suffering. There’s no reason to not do the same.”

“True, but it’s ‘Fate’ that she did.”

“Fate? What type of bullshit is that?”

“The type where someone else chooses the story, from beginning to end.”

“How terrible. You really might be God.”

“Oh? Are you entertaining someone's delusions?”

I smirk and she gives one back as I get into a stance. I continue as I start mentally preparing for the fight.

I mean spar. 

Violet gets into her own and I see her look at me in poorly hidden discomfort. Probably a side-effect of almost always being alone. 

“...you changed the subject, Marcus.”

Her voice lacked the usual snark I was used to, it seemed she was either concerned or just plain curious. 

Ah dammit. 

She’s being genuine. 


“…I’ll tell you someday, Violet. I promise.” 

Her eyes narrow and I hear her voice in a surprisingly vulnerable tone. As if I could break it with a touch. 

“...you better not be lying to me… Trash. I’ll kill you if you are.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

I grin and leap forward initiating our spar session.





Tired, sweaty and wanting to sleep I wave Queen Bitch, Roan and the twins goodnight as I leave with Tori. 

She fluttered about happily, whether it’s because of what I told her or her conversation with Roan I’ll never know. 

“Goodness! Roan was so intelligent! If it wasn’t for my Prince I would’ve suggested Victoria date him!” 

I stand corrected. 


“Wait, who’s Victoria?”

Monika stared at me in confusion before fluttering in front of my face with an oddly annoying smirk. 

“Oh~? You don’t even know the name of your own Princess? GAH!”

She put up a guard in anticipation of me grabbing her but I was instead too busy thinking. 

Wait, the main character of the game has an actual name?

And why Victoria??

Is it because of my friend’s shitty naming choice?? Did he choose ‘Victoria’ because the fashion was from the Victorian era?!?

“Ah that complete dumbass.”

A bitter smile grows on my face a little, 


The fairy peeks out from behind her pale thin hands. 

“I didn’t think the Princess had a name. I just referred to her as the Princess in my head.”


This time I did grab her, even if no one else could see or hear her, I could. My back was burning from passengers with varying degrees of worry on their faces.

The dark night sky greets me and I let out a satisfied sigh as the wind blows past me, as I walk down the street. 

I eventually arrived home, tired and in need of sleep.


Topi greets me at the gate and I let out a yawn as I speak to the fairy in my chest pocket,

“You can go to the Princess now. As usual, don't tell her anything.”

The potion had long since worn off so I only felt something invisible leave my shoulder and nothing else. 

Topi finally runs to me and grabs my hand with fire burning in his eyes, 

“We need to go to mom and dad now!”


What’s happening?

Mother and Father were at the dinner table smiling and I hesitantly walk in, 


I flinch as my mother says my name. 


“Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to be a knight?”



At her bright words, I was lost. 

My father cleared his throat, clearly trying to avoid sounding too happy but failing nonetheless. 

“I’m proud of you son. To think you’ve been putting aside your studies and staying out late because of such a reason. I want to warn you about neglecting your grades but…. I’m too proud of you for saving those slaves!”

Fuck, I feel like a teenager getting caught with his pants down. I hesitantly nod to try and get this over with, 

“…I mean, yeah but how did you know?”

The happy mood suddenly freezes and Topi silently hands me a fancy lookin letter. 

I skip past the formal introduction to look for why it’s in my hands.

Blah blah blah, ah!

[For extraordinary heroism in action in the Lower ward of our fair Kingdom. Marcus Glennden took part in the charge that saved fifty slaves and arrested a dozen wanted criminals.]

[For service above and beyond the call of duty, we will set forth a Golden Medal.]

[For his bravery, for his courage and for his-]

I drop the letter in my hand and grimace hard. Topi who had picked it up with care looked at me confused.

“Brother aren’t you happy?” 

“…No. I’m not.”




His brows only furrow harder and I see my parents doing the same. 

“I didn’t want recognition for it.”

My brother looks relieved as if I almost denied his expectations while my parents frowned a little in confusion. His soft voice was the first to break the silence, 

“Ah… I see.” 

Goddammit. Why was this day getting worse?

First I got caught with my pants down by Queen Bitch and now my parents. 

“I guess I can’t refuse this huh?”

“...you can.”

“We’d miss out on the monetary reward you receive when given a medal.”

My mother after telling a weak lie only bit her lip as she accepted my healthy dose of reality. My father spoke up next, 

“R-recognition is an important part of being a noble my son.”

“True, but it also means I’d have to participate in a war.”

When it breaks out at least, fuck. I thought I told Queen Bitch to leave me out of the list. 


The lounge was quiet and I bit the inside of my lip as I grabbed my brother by the neck and put on a fake smile. 

“So… to sum it up, we’re rich. Topi, celebrate.” 


My parents perk up at the idea and party poppers are shot into the air as we begin a long night.

Seriously, it was a long night. 

God, if you’re listening, I could a drink.