(Draft) Chapter 13 – Kids amiright?
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Clutching my throbbing head with one hand, I lazily drink out of a small flask with the other. 

My hair was tied into a low ponytail tied by my mother before I left the house. 

"Brother come on!" (Brother come on!)

The synchronized twins yelled as they ran down the streets of the slums. 

The degenerates, the homeless and criminals kept weary eyes on the two children and teen running but thankfully stayed at a distance. 

With my sword inside its sheath hanging from my belt for protection, I staved my hangover away with more alcohol. 

"Come on...!" 

Hyping myself up, I walk a little faster and turn the brick corner to find the twins standing infront of a little blonde girl wearing a brown ushanka hat. 

With her small fists proudly on her hips, she spoke in a high pitched voice full of pride. 

"Lee! Dee! My trusted allies, you've made it! Just in time for our big battle."

Ah that's their name. Or nicknames, damn, I should ask Roan when I get back. 

What sort of alcoholic Uncle would I be if I didn't know their names? Oh. 

The little boss's bright blue eyes shine as she talks before she spots me lurking in the background watching them. 

...Wait, that sounds really bad.

"Who are you!?" 

Staring at the pint-sized gang leader, I ask her a question. 

"You're the leader of the Diggers, right?" 

"...! Y-you know about my secret identity!?" 


"Who told you! This traitor must be found!" 

My eyes quickly glance at the two twins who quickly shake their heads and I shrug, leaning against the wall. 

"Can't say, sorry."

The girl pouts, glaring at me. "Then why are you here? Are you just here to mock me. Oh! Do you wish to join the Diggers?" 


Glancing at the twins behind her, their hands were together as if asking me to play along.


"...Hmm~." The kid tilts her head back smug as she spoke. "I could consider letting you join among our lowest ranks. Are you strong?" 

I smirk.

"Of course."

"You don't look strong."


Clearing my throat, I take a small swig from my flask and speak.

"You're planning on fighting someone right? I'll join you as an honorary member." 


"Means I'll help out for free." 

"I-I knew that!" The child crosses her arms before frowning, seemingly in thought. "Ok. You can be an ono-rarey member. Are you ready to fight, we'll be against two of the strongest gangs in this region."


Honestly, mindless combat sounded pretty good right about now, anything to help clear my mind.  

"....Ok. Henry, Abigail, Dee, Lee. We move!" 

With that, a small group of children and one teenager begin marching. 

Quietly following, I ignore stares from men and women littered across the street and soon enter a courtyard. 

To my left, stood a boy with a small scar across his mouth.

To my right, stood another girl wearing cracked glasses. 


But the real surprise was the two teenagers standing behind the leader. 

One had white hair tied up into a bun as if he was a samurai, while the other had purple hair hanging below his shoulders. 

The both of them were looking at me and the other with confused expressions of varying degrees but our 'bosses' glared at their enemies like it was a showdown. 

Oh shit, I was watching a kid showdown. 

Belatedly realizing the situation, I watched as Lost charged forward...

And then pull out some marbles.

The other two bosses fall to their knees as well and looking closer they were all sitting around a circle made of chalk seemingly drawn ahead of time. 





Man, what the fuck did I join? 

Catching Logan's eyes, I jerk my head to a wall behind the group of children and after a few seconds the stoic teen nods. 





Standing in silence for a while, we watch all the leader's try their best to knock each other's marbles out of the circle. 

"...nice hair." 

The stoic teen looked a little embarrassed being here but spoke after a short while.   


"Do you even know what they're fighting for?" 

"It's for the marbles. Apparently." 

Turning, we find a purple haired teenager walking over with a tired expression. 

"The marbles?" 

"Yeah, I heard the other gangs had recruited teenagers so I came to help only to find you two. Oh and your new hairstyle sucks." 

"..Strange, your hair didn’t grow at all- oh right, you didn’t get an elixir. My bad~.”

“…you’re as insufferable as ever.”

“You started it first.”

“…..enough. You’re both acting like children.”


The Prince joins us on the wall and after a while of silence the Prince speaks up.

“Hey, you red-headed bastard.”


“Why do you keep on sabotaging me and the Princess?”

The white-haired teen remained silent but I could tell he was listening intently. 

“It’s your fault for getting in between my brother and my future sister in law.”

“Don’t call her that you bastard.”

“What? Would you prefer ‘Topi's almost girlfriend'?" 


Parrying the Prince's punch with my flask, I try to smack him with the corner but it's promptly stopped by the wannabe- knight. The Prince scowls as he yells, 

"Logan, aren't you annoyed with his words too?!" 

I turn to face Logan only to find a vein sticking out of his forehead. The usually calm teenager had his eyes closed and after a few seconds the Prince calmed down noting his anger. The three of us backing away from each other, Logan spoke in a low voice indicating his quiet anger.  

"I'm saying this for your sake, Your Highness. Marcus is too strong for you." 

"Too strong?" 

"I've seen him fight. And he's recently drank an elixir." 

Ah, right. Almost forgot.  

"..The Prince knows Logan, he didn't get knocked out on his own you know." 

"Enough, Marcus. You're pushing it." 


Faced with both of them glaring, I take it in grace back off and take another swig of my flask. 

"You're drinking in the day?" 

"Keeps my mind focused." 

"Focused? On what?" 

"Not remembering stuff." 

Nothing you need to know, Prince. 

"What does that mean?" 

Rubbing my face, I put away my flask and try to sober up a little to not keep making mistakes. 



The Prince's purple eyes narrow a little and Logan is about to speak when I hear an adult voice in the direction of the children. 

“What’re you kids doing over there?”

The group of children stop playing with their marbles and look over.

Five men, all dressed rough, were watching the children play.

“We’re fighting for their marbles mister!”

“Keke, Isatright? Well, my money on the one with a hat.”

My ‘boss’ tilted her head in pride before playing some more and I chuckled as I remained leaning against the wall.

The other men watched the children fight and a stout bald man caught my eye.

Smirking, he flashed a knife hidden in his waistband and I snorted.

Pushing the left side of my coat to the side, I reveal a sword hanging from my belt.

It was almost parallel to my leg, making it hidden. 


The man stiffened before looking away, ‘focusing’ on the intense fight for marbles.

"Threatening vagrants should be below you, red-haired bastard." 

"Do they look like mere vagrants to you, Prince? You should get your eyes checked out." 

".....I know what they are. I'm saying it regardless."

Ah, right. His backstory.  

"I'm doing it because I'm being threatened. If you have a problem with it get rid of them. It's impossible though, God himself made it that way." 

"Why is that?" 

"...'It wouldn't make a good Academy game without the black market and its denizens.'" 


Accidentally quoting my friend, I feel my mood go low and down the rest of my flask. 

...dammit, I'm falling into bad habits.

Half-heartedly deciding to limit my drinking, I shake my empty thing above my open mouth before bitterly placing it in my jacket. 

"I WON!" 

Hearing Lost cry out, the other two leaders looked bitter before handing over their prized marbles or something.

"So, why are you here?"   

One of the adults from earlier walks over and I glance over to the other teens. 

Abandoning me to talking to him, I remain casual as I speak. 

"What's it to ya?" 

"I'd like to know why you damn nobles are flaunting yourself in my neighborhood." 

"I'm on vacation." 

"Bull-fucking-shite, are you messing with me?" 

Staring the grown man in the eye, I let out a sigh before pointing to an alleyway with my thumb. 

"How about we talk there?" 

The man's face twisted into a wicked smile as he nods. "Sure." 

The faces of two guys behind him slightly shift and I snort at what they're trying. 

Innocently following, I'm stopped by the hat-wearing kid and the twins looking at me confused. 



"Where are you going? We need to celebrate our victory!" 

"Gonna have a marble fight with this Uncle here. Isn't that right?" 

The man nods, clearly not wanting to get a kid involved. 

"Yeah. That." 

"Hm... Ok, I'll watch to keep an eye on you, Minion." 

"Sorry, I plan on using a forbidden technique. I can't risk letting it leak." 

"F-forbidden technique...!" 

The kid's eyes go wide before she nods in understanding. "Very well. I wish you luck in your fight, Minion." 

"Thanks boss." 

I walk to the quiet alleyway and click my neck as three men block the only way out. 

A small smile spreads across my face as I try my best to suppress it. 


Forbidden technique! 

The moment Lost had heard it, she decided to secretly check it out.

Quickly giving an excuse to her followers to go back to the HQ without her, she waved goodbye to the grumpy gang leaders leaving with their own minion and slowly approached the alleyway to have a quick look. 

Expecting to see three adults sitting around a circle and one teenager performing his technique, the girl gripped the corner of the wall and peeking part of her left eye to see. 




Her Minion was punching one of the men, holding onto his collar to keep him up as he continuously punched the man's face.

One of the men lay on the floor groaning while another was holding his face in pain. 

"You little bastard!" 

One of the lying men got up and threw a punch that was quickly avoided, the teen grabbed the outstretched wrist and guided it towards the nearby wall before grabbing the back of his head and slamming the man into the brick.

The last to get up was kicked before the teen grabbed his collar and the punching started again with a few victim. 

Slowly backing away, Lost stood at the corner staring out at the opposite wall before a thought came to mind. 

'...I don't wanna play marbles with adults.' 

She quickly decided to seal the forbidden technique.

it was too violent.



Standing above three men, I had already checked their bodies for tattoos and found what I was looking for. 

A pen was engraved on each of their shoulders so I understood who they belonged to. 

Andrew Pean. Nicknamed Pen.

He was a minor villain and part of a cast of other gangsters, all ripe for the plucking in Logan's route. 

Looking back it sounds fucked to have two teens fall in love while hunting gangsters for medals but hey, romance gonna romance.  

Going for my flask I belatedly remember it's empty and decide to not steal any more from Violet's ma. Her husband was supposedly a merchant so it would be easy to get more but I couldn't stand the motherly glare. 

Dusting off my black tunic and pants, I walk out to find Lost standing around the corner. 

"O-oh, boss. You ok?" 

"...yep. I was just thinking." 


"You seem strong." 


"Is there anything you want? I'll grant it as your boss."

Seemingly emphasizing 'boss', I snort as I take out my empty flask. 

"Well now that you mention, my flask is empty." 

Wait, do I sound like a bad Uncle? Leaving the twins to get drunk. "Don't mention it to the twins."


The little leader stares at me for a moment in thought then her expression brightens up. 

"Well... Since I'm in a good mood, I'll help you out." 


"Follow me!" 

With that, she turned around and began hastily walking down the dirty street. 

Following her, the pair of us overhear a conversation between an orphan begging and an adult. 



With that the scrawny kid turns around and spots us, then he smiles with a gappy grin. 


The child brings the gang leader over to him and the man wearing an apron frowns. 

"Who's this?" 

"It's Lost."


"You told me to get Lost. Can I have some scraps now?" 


The beefy man raises his hand to slap the little leader when I appear behind her. 

Showing off my sword, the man clicks his tongue before shaking his head and slamming the door shut. 

"Hah... Sorry boss, I didn't get any food." 

"It's ok follower! You brought me which is enough! Go back to HQ, we won the fight so we're celebrating." 

"..! Congrats boss, ok. Cya!" 

Waving goodbye, the kid leaves and I'm left with the leader. 

"You often get into trouble?" 


"Then why call yourself that? The kids are gonna go get you involved." 

"...That's the point Minion." The child placed her hands on her hips as she tilted her nose up. "Lost named herself that so her followers can get her when they're in trouble. This is step number one to being a good leader!" 


Staring at the smug child, I pat her on the head without realising. 

"W-what is this Minion?! You're attacking me??" 

"I'm not." 

"I-I won't forgive this! Betrayal!!" 

A few more seconds of headpats later, the kid readjusts her ushanka hat and glares at me before turning away. "...Follow me." 

Led inside a bar, the people inside stop as Lost enters through the door she opened with her tiny hands. 

Ignoring the gazes and the silence, she makes her way towards the counter. Where a grumpy man stood. 

"Barkeep! The finest beer you have for my Minion!" 

"...it'll be two silver."


The little girl reached into her pocket and pulled out a small wallet then began fishing out various coins to try and make two silver. 

"...Boss, I'll pay for it." 

"No Minion! I need to show I'm a good leader...!"

Muttering the latter part to herself, she continued and I let out a silent sigh. 

I'll give the twins some pocket money to give to the girl. 

I had long since decided Lost was a perfectly ok kid for them to hang around, but I wanted her and the rest to grow up in a safer environment.

Tsk, what a cute kid.  

"Don't waste my time, brat." 


Having her authority questioned, Lost's face flushed as she pointed. 

The bar owner smirks at my 'boss' and after a few seconds the girl speaks.

"Minion! Break his knee!"

I mutter before the bar owner can react.


Without hesitation, I grab the back of the man's head and slam it onto the counter. Dragging his body over to my side, I grab his foot with one hand and raise my foot above his knee.


The little kid tugs at my sleeve and I stop, dropping a limp leg inside the now silent bar. 

"...You crazy bastard fucked up." 

I snort at the adults as they grabbed various weapons from bottles to knives. The customers separate themselves from the gangsters by promptly leaving and I casually analyse the five left behind.  

"..M-minion, get behind me." 

I snort harder at the little kid getting ready to protect me and casually pull out my sword. 


The thug that yelled was right, the sword I had been carrying around had fancy runes carved onto the sharp material. 

Breaking down the words made from the runic alphabet, they spelled 'Currently fighting' and sent a signal that the user was currently wielding a sword. 

They were given to students on the path to knighthood. 

This was Violet's.

So I had some explaining to do when reinforcements came.

"Ah, whatever. Lost go outside if you can, things are about to get rated eighteen in here."

And no, not in the sexy way. 

"....Minion, I'm sorry!" 

The little leader runs off with the grace of a shame-filled protagonist. 

All that's left is a few lines for dramatic effect. 

"GO! I'll hold the line! Just remem-" 

"Like Hell you will!"

Tsk, bastard didn't even let me finish. 

Guiding his knife aimed for me away from my body, I point my business end of my sword at him and run him through with my blade. 

The man collapses dying and that's when the rest belatedly attack. 


Jumping over the counter to limit how they can surround me, I stab the first over eager gangster in the neck before ducking as a chair is thrown in my direction. 

"You're aim is off, dumbass~" 

I taunt whoever threw it as a woman charges at me after entering the counter the intended way. 

As a true believer in gender equality, I throw a glass at her head before drawing a line from her left shoulder to her right hip with my sword. 

Red splatters across me, joining the blood from the other two but it was fine. 

The back of my neck twitches and I leap from behind the counter as a hastily made molotov breaks against the wall. Ambushing me was a large man wielding an axe and a man with glasses behind him. 

I chuckle as I roughly estimate the man's attack range. 

Throwing my head back, the axe blade passes a few inches infront of my face and I swing my sword while falling backwards: catching a few of the axe man's fingers. 


With that, I force myself to stand upright relying on my right foot and stab outwards towards the man's exposed throat. 


Which is blocked by a red barrier. 

"...A relic?" 

Not expecting magic equipment, the cheap spell quickly broke but it was enough for the axe man to grab my blade. 



Abandoning my sword, I jerk my head to the side as a bat is swung in my direction. 

Frowning, I kick the axe man in the crotch before using him as a launch pad to make distance. 


Ignoring the horrific sound and painfilled cries, I roll in time to avoid the bat hitting where I was. 

"....so you're the boss." 

The bat-wielding man pushed his glasses up before muttering in a calm voice. 

"So, you're an 'in-fighter'." 

"A what?" 

The man shook his head a little before spinning his bat, "You don't think. Let me show you where thinking gets you." 

Swinging his bat, I move my head backwards again and kick his stomach without keeping a stance. 

The man blocks with his knee and I continue backing away as he approaches at a distance. 

Close enough to hit but not close enough to get hit. 

"...this is really annoying." 

Back bumping against a table, I roll backwards on it, grabbing a glass that I throw at him after landing on the other side. 

Avoiding it by moving his head, I kick the table with my enhanced strength and he moves his whole body. 

"...tsk, tsk. Do you see the difference now? By analysing your movements, I can do this!" 

Throwing his bat of all things, I belatedly react and duck, low enough for a well timed kick to introduce itself to my face. 

Throwing a punch, the glasses guy takes full advantage of his longer reach and backs away while I taste blood in my mouth. 

Letting out an inward sigh, I frown before getting into a kickboxing stance. 

"It's useless you know.." 


Ignoring him, I charge forward and as he readies to counter whatever move I make, I spit out the blood pooled in my mouth. 


Taken off guard, I sweep his legs and slam a nearby chair into his head a few times, for good measure. 

"...In, out. Christ, I just do whatever feels 'good'. Fuckin' weirdo." 

I was a little out of breath but thanks to the elixir I wasn't doing as bad as I could've been. 

"Ugh, my nuts...!" 

...I should put him out of his misery. 

Picking up my discarded sword, I give him a few words of comfort before sending him to the afterlife. 

"Don't worry, it's not like you were gonna use em anyways." 

Shit, that wasn't comforting at all. 

Whatever, he'll be dead soon enough. 

"W-wait! Urgh, I'll surrender!" 

"Nah, no need." 

"No really!" 

"I'm good." 


Raising my sword to finally put this scene to an end, the door bursts open and two fully armed knights run in. 


The two knights stare at me staring back at them.


Slowly I lower the raise hand intended to kill a defenceless man and after a few seconds of silence I clear my throat. 

"Oh, thank heavens you're here! I was in so much danger!" 


I couldn't see the knights eyes but it was obvious the one in front and with a sword drawn was looking around the ruined bar at the corpses I made. 

Placing an iron plate on my face I speak nothing but the truth. 

"They were like that when I got here."

I tell no lies, I am a beacon of truth. 



Finished explaining the situation to the knights, I walk outside to find Lost crying as she ran towards me. 

Instinctively, crouching down she jumped into my arms and I frown confused before seeing two similar grey blobs running up behind her. 

"Brother!" (Brother!) 

Embraced by three children, I do my best trying to equally pat all of them on the back when I see a teen girl walking up to me in a fancy black dress. I took a moment to appreciate her ahoge before holding back my laughter, 


"..Hey Violet."



Giving her the sword I stole from her, I tried smiling before explaining the situation. 
