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Here's a bonus chapter since I released the last one a little late.

I sat behind SpookyErind. My legs surrounded her legs. 

Isn’t it nice our skin is rubbing against each other? She asked.

“What would be nicer is if your floaty hair didn’t tickle my nose,” I said. I moved my head forward next to hers so I wouldn’t sneeze. I wrapped my arms in front of her while holding my phone in my right hand. Using both hands, I held my phone horizontally below hers. Now, she wouldn’t be able to mess with me.

As I hosted another game, my main body was finished wiping after my workout. I walked inside the room to go take a shower. I took off my clothes and headed toward the shower. 

Aww, you didn’t want me to wipe you this time? SpookyErind pouted. 

“Not after what you did last time,” I said.

But you enjoyed it, didn’t you? She smirked.

“No,” I said as the heat rose in my cheeks. Fuck.

Don’t lie to me, she said. You did enjoy me rubbing your leg.

“I’m going to enjoy beating you,” I said.

I’m sure you will, she giggled. I couldn’t tell if she was being sarcastic. She was right? But now she couldn’t do that weird necking thing to me. So my chances of winning have gone up drastically. 

I pressed the start match button.

The first map generated was a V shape made out of dirt. My vehicle was a giant blue monster truck on the left. Meanwhile, SpookyErind had a tiny red go-cart on the right. To be fair, this game relied a lot on luck. But that just meant I was the lucky one.

But if you’re lucky, then I’m also lucky, she said.

“We’ll see about that,” I said.

  1. 2. 1. GO!

I pressed the right side of my screen and SpookyErind did the same. Unfortunately for her, the go-cart’s engine was very bad. Her driver ended up falling toward the middle instead of going upward to the right. My monster truck quickly passed through the middle of the V and climbed upwards toward her cart. The giant wheels easily rammed into her driver’s head.


 Hopefully, I’d keep the same amount of luck for the rest of the game.

I won! SpookyErind cheered.

“No you didn’t,” I said. “You’re red.”

But you’re blue, and I’m you, so I win! SpookyErind smirked. So childish. Were all Adumbrae like this?

I didn’t really know any other Adumbrae, so I wasn’t sure how Adumbrae acted. How did the Adumbrae voices in other people act?

I’m not a voice, I’m real, she said. You’re hugging me right now.

That’s not what I meant. But it did confirm she was childish. What if she was a child?

That’d be kind of crazy since I’m older than you, she said.

Older than me? 

Older than your world.

“But how can you be me and also be older than me?” I questioned.

That’s just how things are, she giggled. My 2nd clone sighed. 

I got into the shower as the next map loaded up. God, this shower system was so good. I couldn’t imagine going back to my basic Condo. All the jets turned on, giving the right amount of heat and pressure against my main body. 

This map was a full metal ring. On the left side, a blue tank appeared. And on the left, there was a red motorcycle. It turns out luck was on my side again. The game gave me the bigger vehicle and the driver was safely perched on the tank’s turret. Even more so, the tank shot out bullets. Sadly, they didn’t explode, but it gave me another advantage over SpookyErind.

Instead of moping, SpookyErind grinned. What was she planning? Thankfully, she couldn’t do any weird things to me. Even if she tried rubbing her head against mine, I’d still be able to concentrate enough to easily crush her. 

  1. 2. 1. GO!

I focused on trying to headshot her. That would be really cool. It’d show I’d have both skill and luck. And I loved having more things. Unfortunately, her motorcycle easily dodged my tank's bullets. 

Just stay still.

You look pretty cute naked in the shower, she said.

“That’s not going to work on me,” I said, still trying to align my tank’s barrel with her motorcycle. She kept going up and down the right side of the ring, so it was hard to hit her.

I guess I did look cute when showering. But I was always cute. Right now, I was putting on some shampoo in my wavy hair. 

You’re making your hair the same color as mine? She asked. What kind of nonsense was that? Just because the shampoo was white didn’t mean my hair would become white like hers. 

I accidentally let my tank fall toward the center, and she tried charging me with her motorcycle. But I easily drove my tank in reverse and blocked her motorcycle with my tank’s barrel. Sadly, it only hit the wheel of her motorcycle, which caused it to go flying towards the right.

Somehow, SpookyErind rotated her wheels so they would touch the end of the ring instead of her driver’s head. Wow, that was actually pretty skillful. It wasn’t going to change the fact she was going to lose.

I could help you shower, she said.

“No thanks,” I didn’t want her to mess with me when I was naked. Who knew what sort of messed up shit she’d do? Right now, my main body was being quickly cleaned in a solitary environment. I put body soap on a little towel and began rubbing it around my body. “Scared you’re going to lose?”

Nope, she said. In fact, I’m going to win.

She pressed the right side of her screen and the motorcycle started going up the ring. As it went past the middle, it started going upward to the left. Wait a minute. She stopped pressing her screen and let her motorcycle fall.

Nononono. I pushed the left side of my screen to backup, but it was too late as her motorcycle landed on my driver. 

“You messed with me,” I grumbled.

I thought you were immune to me messing with you, she giggled. That was true, but I didn’t want to admit that I lost because she had more skill than me. I shouldn’t have been trying to shoot her. I should have just run over her with my big tank.

I could have still easily dodged you, she said. Maybe she was right. The tank was pretty slow, while the motorcycle could have easily continued to the right side. I guess I should try doing that against the AI. But that stupid fucking AI kept shooting me with the tank. So I wanted to do the same with her.

A few more rounds went by. The score was 3-2 in my favor. Just two more wins. Come on. 

My main body had finished taking a shower and I wiped myself with a towel. Time to put on my clothes. As my main body walked out of the restroom, the next map appeared.

It was a flat dirt map, this time with two motorcycles on both sides. At least the match was fair this time. I nearly eeked out a win with a smaller vehicle in the last round. They really should just make us have the same vehicles in all rounds. Or just give me the better vehicle always.

In order to beat her, I’d have to press right to charge, and then press left to cause my front wheel to hit her. Shouldn’t be too bad. 

We both charged toward the center and I prepared to tap the left side of my screen. Got to time this right. But then, a strand of SpookyErind’s hair tickled my nose. Fuck. I nearly sneezed.

Sadly, I didn’t press left at all, while SpookyErind’s wheel rammed into my driver. Did she plan this?

I win! She cheered as her hair strand floated away from my nose.

“It’s not yet,” I said, a brilliant plan brewing in my mind. We were now tied 3-3. I had a big hunch that SpookyErind was going to mess with me. So I had a plan. 

My main body put on her sports bra, shorts, and shirt. It was a cute cyan shirt with a little cat. 

The final map was a metal U. Both sides generated a knight on a horse. Except instead of legs, this horse was on stilts with wheels. I didn’t understand half of this game's vehicles. Especially since this horse had an engine. Our drivers were the knights, and they each had a pole sticking outwards. 

Wait a minute, SpookyErind could read my mind, right? Well, she couldn’t do anything since she had to focus on the game. 

SpookyErind grinned. I wouldn’t be grinning if I was her.

I pushed the left side of the screen, causing my horse car to stay in place, while SpookyErind did the same. We both knew whoever reached the bottom of the U first was going to lose. 

I guess this is a draw, SpookyErind said.

“Nope,” I said. “It’s going to be my win.”

I had my main body walk over to my desk where SpookyErind and my 2nd clone were sitting. I got in front of them and took SpookyErind’s phone. Hey!

SpookyErind’s horse car fell toward the center. Yes! I let my driver fall, his pole ready to bash SpookyErind’s driver. 


“I did it!” I cheered. “I beat you!” I knew I could do it. Even though I had to mess with her. But she deserved it for messing with me. That was the only way I could level the playing field.

But instead of whining, SpookyErind giggled.

“What’s so funny?” I asked with my main body. 

Suddenly, SpookyErind leaped forward onto me. What the fuck? We both landed on the ground. 

“What are you-”

She kissed my neck and started sucking. Oh my god. 

“Stop!” I said. I tried pushing her, but she was too strong. My heart began beating faster. 

I stopped trying to push her as she continued kissing me. Sadly, I couldn’t do anything about this. We stayed like that for another minute. 

“Hey, you can stop now,” I said. Then, she started licking my neck.  What the fuckity fuck?

It felt way too good. Why did it feel so good? This was wrong. I knew it was.

“Okay, can you stop licking me?” I asked. I wasn’t going to give in to my body’s urges. Her Adumbrae tricks won’t work on me.

But she kept going. Maybe I should just let it be. It does feel amazing. No! I wasn’t going to let her mess with me. Yes - that was what she was doing. Messing with me. I have to stop her from messing with me.

I had my 2nd body get down on the ground and start tickling SpookyErind’s sides. She let go and started laughing.

“I know you lost, but you didn’t need to go that far,” I pouted with my main body.

I didn’t lose, I won, she said. 

Whatever. I had both my main body and my 2nd clone roll their eyes. Wow. That was pretty fun. Maybe I should do this whenever she speaks.

Besides, it looked like you really liked it, she said, pointing at my cheeks. They were super duper red. And my heart was beating. I hate blushing. SpookyErind was blushing too. 

Suddenly, I could also feel my 2nd clone’s cheek’s blushing. Why are we all blushing? 

“No, that was nasty,” I said. “Licking me? That’s gross.” 

I think it’s pretty hot, she countered. This was bad. Her attempts to mess with me were working. Time to retreat.

 “I’m going to go to bed,” I said. “This was too much nonsense.” 

I had my 2nd clone pull on her face and concentrate turning into a mask. She vanished, leaving a mask on the ground. I took it and put it on my nightstand. 

SpookyErind unsummoned herself. She always did this so I could resummon her after I took a shower. So it would be like she also took a shower. I contemplated just not summoning her again. Maybe that would be a punishment? 

For whatever reason, I held out my left hand, and focused on summoning her. Why am I doing this? 

To make sure she was clean. No, wait.

I wanted to gloat at her some more to celebrate my win. Yeah. That was the reason. Her mask formed and floated over to the side. It was replaced with another Erind clone, who immediately focused on summoning her own mask. SpookyErind put on her signature black and white Thalia mask.

You have something to tell me? She asked.

“I beat you!” I said.

Congratulations, she cheered. She wasn’t disappointed that she lost at all. Or the fact I took her phone. Damn gloating sucks. She wasn’t affected at all by my bragging. Anyways, you were going to bed?

“Yeah, I guess,” I said. I got in bed under the blankets and SpookyErind did as well. She hugged me from behind and wrapped her legs around me.

Goodnight, SpookyErind said.

“Goodnight,” I replied automatically, closing my eyes. This was such a crazy night. I managed to beat her, but she ended up licking me. Was it really worth it to win? I guess I really did like winning…