Chapter 14
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Chapter 13


"START!" and as soon as the words reached my ears, my wand hand was in motion as three orbs went straight for Fleur. And while my sheer speed would have taken many by surprise, Fleur had faced me before several times and was quite aware of my moves.

And it was quite indicative in how she had sprung up a shield right in time. But I did not relent as I continued to wave my hand throwing a horde of spells at her. All of them silently cast with just minimal wand movement.

Fleur continued to hide behind her shield as she tried to counter my offensive. But she was struggling. My sheer speed took her up by storm.

"Well, I think this is going to be just like our last two matchups it seems," I provoked her. But she did not reply her focus completely drawn to my attacks. And just as I was about to demolish her with a bunch of shield breakers. She jumped to the side, dodging the spell instead of blocking them. Her wand aimed straight at me.

My eyes widen as I put up a shield hastily. But my effort would be in vain.

THUNG. Her Bombarda collided with my Protego, making it crack due to its weakened state because of my lack of focus. And with the next spell, it would break, sending me flying to the side.

And Fleur took full advantage of this moment, and as I tried to get up I saw two huge transfigured rods rushing toward me. And my eyes widened as I barely avoided them, recognizing that she had just used my trick against me.

"Now you are just being a copycat. It is like you are accepting that I am a better duelist than you," I shouted as I began to divert and avoid the oncoming onslaught of projectiles.

"Well, I don't see you doing anything other than talking at the moment so-called better duelist," she spoke as she continued her attacks as she mixed in bone breakers and Reductors in trying to hit me.

I was barely avoiding it all. And I had to stop this wave and when I saw a projectile headed straight for my chest I neither dodged nor diverted it. And with a razor-sharp focus slashed my wand, cutting the whole piece in two and now I had a chance to attack. And I did so with intense ferocity as the ground around Fleur began to shift and several columns shot out of it, heading straight for Fleur.

"You have to understand, you can not beat a master at his own game," I taunted as Fleur tried to avoid them yet they would coil around her and attack at intricate angles as I continued to control them with my wand.

And suddenly instead of dodging or protecting herself from the earth columns, she took off in a sprint straight at me, as she shot out a barrage of spells at me at the cost of getting hit by one of my earth columns.

"AGH!" she grunted, but her effort had not been futile.

BOOM. The ground in front of my feet exploded because of her Bombarda. And I was struck by the fragments, injuring my left leg. I hissed in pain as I was pushed to the ground. And Fleur had gotten up once more by now, holding her ribs with one of her hands as she aimed her wand at my position.

And she began sending a quick barrage of Expeliarmus, the disarming charm. I put up a shield to avoid her spells, yet her barrage continued. My shield weakened due to the amount of pain in my left leg.

"Well, since you used my moves, I will have to honor you with yours," and with that three orbs of fire formed at the tip of my wand and were bombarded straight at Fleur who neither dodge nor put up a defense.

"Fire against me, now you must have learned how disastrous such a thing is going to be for you," and then she waved her wand in a circle and the three orbs lost their speed as they began to circle her with a small pace. I didn't relent as I continued attacking her with swathes of fire spells and Fleur would just control them, making them her own as she appeared as if surrounded by a ring of fire like a flame Goddess.

"Well, thank you for the gift. Perhaps, it is time that I return it," and with the downward slash of her wand, the Flames behind her erupted into numerous tendrils and began to rush straight at me. Their volume was larger than what it had been, as Fleur had through her sheer mastery over fire-related magic made them stronger. I smiled slightly as the flames rushed towards me.


And I closed my eyes as I raised my wand once more. But this time it was not the only thing arm I had raised. My other arm went up as well. And I could for a moment feel my magic rattle as it wrestled control over the magical flames out of Fleur's magic. My body heated up and I could feel my face getting drenched with sweat as I waved both my hands through the hair and the flames coiled around me forming a large dome when I had wrestled out all of the magical flames out of Fleur's grasp. Only then did the huge tornado of fire around me settled away revealing what lay underneath.



Albus Dumbledore had been quite shaken in the last few minutes as he watched the duel between the two students. The two of them had been champions. And rightly so, Dumbledore would say by the sheer mastery they had shown. And yet, Dumbledore had been truly shocked when his own student had raised his other hand to use as a conduit for casting. The technique required finesse and control that few could boast of. Very few including a certain man imprisoned in a prison of his own making. Gellert Grindelwald himself had mastered this technique.

And Dumbledore watched in sheer awe, as the huge swathes of fire surrounding his student settled down to reveal a flaming magical mass. Surrounding his student, And from the sheer silence in the special booth, he was not the only one in shock.

"What even is that? I have never seen a spell like that?" Madame Maxime spoke with sheer surprise, she then looked towards him.

"Do you know what spell that is?" she asked him and Dumbledore narrowed his eyes at his bespectacled student as the huge firey skeleton surrounding Edward took the French student's attacks without any damage. It then began to throw huge fiery arrows at her. And Dumbledore was very impressed with the youth champion from France as she tried to maintain her composure even in such a situation. But, he had gained a much better insight into the spell over this small amount of time.

"Well, I believe that this is not a spell actually," he spoke up with a chuckle as the French student began to summon swathes of water to attack the immobile form of Edward, who was having trouble moving due to his injured leg.

"If that is not a spell, then what is it?" Madame Maxime asked him and she was not the only person curious it seems as if everyone in the booth was now looking at him.

"I believe that this is simply an extremely advanced form of animation charm and transfiguration. Mr. Edward is using his wand to cast the animation charm and using his other hand to cast some basic transfiguration to carry out his attacks," he explained.

"You do know the other person who could cast like that don't you, Albus," Igor Krakoff added from the side staring at the match taking place on the ground.

"Yes, I am quite aware," Dumbledore spoke up.

"But Edward Wright has no connection to him. He is a simple muggle-born orphan who has been an extremely gifted student," Dumbledore explained smoothly. Yet the tall Headmaster of Drumstrang spoke up while shaking his head.

"It no longer matters if he is related to him by blood or not. Now, he shared a much more serious link to Grindelwald. The boy carried his skill and for that, there will be many that will come for him," the man finished in a grave tone. And while Dumbledore would like to believe that such would not happen. He knew that hoping for that was a complete delusion.

Dumbledore shook his head as he focused on the match once more. The flaming skeleton form around the former champion had grown smaller in size and Dumbledore could see the kid struggling to maintain precise control.

But in front of him, the French student was not in a much better situation as she had taken quite some serious damage to her side. But she still had not given up even as she hissed in pain. He saw the girl break out in a sprint straight toward her opponent.

The fiery skeletal forms attacked her with his flames which she would dodge and divert with her magic. But the huge form would stop attacking and just cover his student completely as it placed his huge burning arms in front of him. Yet the girl did not relent as she continued to run and Dumbledore noticed water gathering at her wand's tip. And just as she was ten feet from the fiery statue's arms she would just bombard it with a huge stream of water and would continue to run.

And soon after that, the fires would fizzle out, revealing the form of the girl pointing her empty hand at the form of Edward who had his wand still in his hands aimed straight at her chest.

"AND WE HAVE OUR WINNER. BY DISARMING THEIR OPPONENT, OUR VERY OWN EDWARD WRIGHT HAS WON THE MATCH!" the announced spoke up in a thundering voice. And Dumbledore could feel even his booth shake as the deafening cheer permeated through the whole arena.

And Dumbledore watched as the Hospital Matron rushed to the field site to take a look at the two contestants. Edwards was resting on a chair as he motioned for Pomfrey to look after his opponent first. And the boy would then limp to the lying form of the French girl and Dumbledore could spot their lips moving, yet the distance made it impossible to guess what was going on.

"You have my congratulations, Albus. And do give your student my compliments, I don't believe that many could match what he did. He is a testament to your school," and Dumbledore shook her hand with good cheer.

"Of course, and I believe that the way your student fought almost evenly against Mr. Edward just shows her great potential. I believe that she has a bright future in front of her," Dumbledore replied and Lady. Maxime nodded at the compliment before she began to follow the others out of the room.

Dumbledore was soon joined on the side by his trusted deputy. Minerva McGonagall stood by his side and said in a somewhat delighted tone,

"Now, that was quite something, wasn't it!" she commented. And Dumbledore nodded his head at that.

"Yes, that was quite something indeed," he added with a chuckle, and then she spoke up once more.

"So have you given my proposal any thought she asked? I believe that such a change would be very beneficial to both Hogwarts and the students," she spoke up once more. His mind reminded him of the earlier unorthodox recommendation from her.

"Maybe, maybe. There is much time to decide. Much time," he said with a small cheer.


Merry Christmas to all my dear readers. May the holidays bring heaps of happiness to all of you.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patreon.


Threadmarks Chapter 14: 

Chapter 14


"So, you were finally able to complete that idea of yours?" Fleur said as Madam Pomfrey waved her wand over her. Several burn marks were visible through her burnt dueling robes. The robes themselves were singed and burnt in many places.

"Yes, I figured out the trick behind it some time ago, it is still not perfect but this is the accumulation of five years of effort," I said a bit of pride leaking into my tone.

My own body ached and I was drenched with sweat, the make-shift Susanoo had been one of my projects that I had begun as early as I could. It was something that had just always fascinated me. Five years of constant effort had led me to this result.

Fleur just shook her head at me.

"And what about that casting with your other hand, where did you learn that from," she asked with a frown. And I had expected that question. And hadn't that been a find?

Through some astronomical efforts, I was able to obtain a small memory of Grindewald. The only man who could stand on the same pedestal as Dumbledore and Voldemort. Because I realized early on that I could never become like them for both of them were blessed with unprecedented talent in their specialized fields. The Dark Arts for Voldemort and Transfiguration for Dumbledore.

And I lacked that talent, so I searched for an alternative and through my constant efforts was able to obtain a singular copy of a duel with a man who singlehandedly brought Europe to its knees.

"Well, I can't tell you all my secrets so easily m dear. I have to keep a bit of mystery around myself," I commented while wiggling my eyes and Fleur just narrowed her eyes at me. Speaking up after a moment.

"You do know, who used to cast like that, right?" and I nodded my head.

"You should be careful now that you have shown such a skill, people are going to compare you to him now," she said worriedly and I just shrugged. I had thought hard about this, finally deciding that there was no use in being so secretive.

"Let them, I am doing nothing wrong," now Madam Pomfrey walked up to him and finally began casting diagnostic charms on him.

"But Edward, this could be detrimental to your future," she said as she sat up on the side of her bed.

And just as I was about to respond, the tent was invaded by a group of individuals.

"Marvelous! Such a marvelous duel!" came the voice of the ex-dueling champion. And I turned to see several people including Dumbledore, Madam Maxime, and McGonagall enter the tent.

"It was indeed a splendid duel. I dare say that such skill is rarely seen even in the main tournament. You both should be proud of yourself," Dumbledore said. And it was rare to get such a compliment from the Merlin of their age.

"Thank you, Professor," I spoke up. Then Madam Maxime spoke up.

"The duel was an electrifying spectacle, I congratulate you on your victory Mr. Edward that was some impressive spellwork." And I nodded in thanks, then she looked at Fleur and with a small smile.

"Perhaps, you should visit France in the future, I can assure you that we will be eager to provide you with an opportunity befitting of your skill."

And I was startled by the sudden recruitment pitch, this was an offer from one of the most prestigious magical academies in the world. She nodded at us both and left the tent. Dumbledore and the rest of them soon followed her back.

Fleur immediately turned to face me. Her face had a huge smile on it.

"That was so impressive, Madam Maxime is said to be highly selective in her selection process. And she just offered you such an opportunity."

I just nodded my head at that. This was indeed special. Fleur chewed her lips slightly.

"Perhaps you should give this another thought," she followed up in a small voice.

I told her about my prospective plans. But maybe I would have to reconsider them.

"Maybe, but I do have a lot of time to think about them," I said, not erasing the chances for such a possibility.



Harry Potter sat in the classroom, trying to focus on the lecture being given by the new DADA professor. It was about the use of basic elemental magic and how to understand the complexities behind such magic.

But Harry's mind was elsewhere, still transfixed on the duel he had witnessed yesterday. Such skill. Such magic. Harry had never seen such a spectacle. And evidently, he was not the only one. As the whole class was busy buzzing around. Talking to each other in hushed tones, probably about the duel from yesterday.

"Ok, this is it. Clearly, none of you are focusing on the lecture." The trainee Auror spoke up in a resigned tone, as she closed the book in her hand. The class had quieted down.

"Well, you guys are probably talking about that duel from yesterday." She asked in a resigned voice.

And the whole class just nodded their heads. And Professor Tonks just nodded her head.

"Then why don't I turn that into the lecture, I believe that will be more interesting," she said to much of the cheer from the class. And then she waved her wand and the board was wiped clean.

"Ok, now yesterday your senior showcased something quite impressive. Something that I had also never seen," and the whole class was quiet.

"And all of you now want to learn how to do that!" and Harry was now hanging on the edge of their seats.

"Well, let me burst your bubble. For most of you that will be impossible to achieve. What he used was not a single spell. But it was something far more advanced." And as she waved her wand once more, a miniature drawing from the duel appeared on the board.

"It was the use of a skill that has only ever been mastered by less than five people in history. A skill we call simultaneous casting."

And Harry frowned as he heard those words. Simultaneous casting.

"In this, a wizard can use their hand apart from their wand to cast magic as well. And up till yesterday, the only person alive who could boast of doing something similar was Dark Lord Grindelwald."

And he could feel murmuring break out once more. As one of the students raised their hands.

"Professor then how did he learn it," and their professor just shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. And he is not obligated to release such information. He could have learnt it from a book or figured it out himself. But I can assure you, that mastering such a skill requires extreme hard work and dedication." She finished before adding with a smile.

"That is why all of you are going to read chapter 34 of your Standard Book of Spells by Friday," Harry groaned, as the bell rang.

"I am not asking for any written homework. But there could be a pop quiz in the next class. So, you better be prepared."



"I still can not believe how you did that, how could you even try something so dangerous is beyond me?" days had passed since the duel. Days. But that duel was still the most discussed topic of the whole school.

"Elizabeth, you are worrying needlessly. I have been training for that for years, everything was under control. Professor McGonagall just exaggerated the dangers a bit too much," he said sheepishly from the side as they patrolled the corridors.

And Elizabeth shook her head. Professor McGonagall had told quite strictly that if she found any other student trying to replicate Edward's magic, they were going to have detention with Filch for the rest of the year.

"And you sat that, like that isn't just worse. You were putting yourself at such a huge risk. I did not expect this from you."

Simultaneous casting was not just difficult. It was also extremely dangerous. One wrong move and Edward could have destroyed himself. Ending his life as a wizard, permanently.

"You don't have to worry so much now. It all worked out in the end." He spoke up as he looked at her and continued with that smirk on his face.

"Plus, you can not deny that it was extremely cool."

And a part of Elizabeth was indeed impressed by the skill on display. But the greater part had been worried for him. And then she asked about the other upcoming event.

"Have you started preparing for the first task?" she asked Edward. He nodded his head and replied.

"Yes, I have made up a basic plan."

She nodded at that. And then she looked around the corridor before she spoke up in a hushed tone.

"And, you do know what you will be facing in the first task right? If not they have arranged for …"

"Dragons," he cut her off. And Elizabeth felt a sense of relief wash over her. It was good that he knew. Honestly, she had been surprised when she had heard about it. Arranging for creatures like dragons for a simple tournament like this seemed quite overkill and dangerous.

"Good. That is good. I really can not believe that they are using dragons for such a tournament. It all seems so overkill," she gave her opinion.

"Well, they do want to make it monumental. The Tri-wizard tournament is happening after a long time after all."

"But still dragons! They are classified as a four-star dangerous creature." She said worriedly.

"You don't have to worry so much. Dumbledore did mention that they have set up protective mechanisms to make sure that the tournament is safe. So, it will all be all right probably."

She nodded at that. Dumbledore had made a point in announcing this. That was somewhat reasonable. And then suddenly she remembered something else.

"Have you told Fleur about the first task?" she asked with a teasing smile. And Edward's expression changed, that distinctive smile appearing on his face, as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, I told her but she knew already. It was probably Madam Maxime that told her. I did see her visiting the Ground some time ago," and Elizabeth frowned at that.

"Isn't that cheating? She is helping her student," and Edward just shrugged his shoulders.

"Cheating has been a part of this tournament for a long time. And somehow everyone is getting help, one way or another. So, it all balances out in the end."

And Elizabeth just nodded at that, After all, she had also helped him, which was also illegal somehow. Then just as they were about to go their separate ways, Edward called out to her.

"Ahh, Elizabeth I had a small favor to ask of you," and she frowned slightly as she nodded her head.

"Yeah, what do you need?" she asked. Edward was a bit embarrassed as he asked in a small voice.

"You will have to take care of the patrols yourself on Saturday, I have a bit of an errand to run and might not be able to turn up," and she frowned at that. Saturday was the Hogsmeade visit day.

"All right, but why?" she asked him. She could take care of the patrols, with their new form of communication. It was all much less hassle, anyway.

"I actually have a date planned with Fleur, and her family is coming here later in the evening. So, I might go to receive them," and Elizabeth shook her head at his reasons.

Well, she couldn't hamper her friend's love life now, could she?