11 – Successor
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While All Might and the blond boy were praised by reporters and the green-haired boy was reprimanded by heroes, Ezekiel thought this was unfair and approached the green-haired boy and patted him on the shoulder before he could leave.

"You did good, kid. Few people would have the courage to do what you did." Ezekiel told the boy who tried to save his friend apparently even though he was a Quirkless.

The green-haired boy turned to see who was praising him and was amazed to see one of his greatest idols. "Archangel"? Are you here?"

Ezekiel was surprised that anyone recognized him, since even though he had a fan club, he wasn't very famous yet, but opening a smile on his face he asked a bit proudly. "Do you know me?"

The green-haired boy's eyes became stars in adoration upon receiving confirmation from one of his greatest idols. "Yes, of course I know you! The youngest hero in Japan, being recognized as a disciple of Recovery Girl and praised as the most useful hero in several cases where the villain was extremely violent. Even without your long white wings, I could recognize that white hair anywhere!"

Ezekiel felt a little amused when he saw that the boy apparently really liked him and came back to it. "Well, I don't want to waste too much of your time, I just came to make it clear to you that the action you had to risk your life to save your friend was commendable, even if those heroes scolded you for doing something inconsequential, we both know what would have happened if you hadn't tried to help that boy." Ezekiel said as he winked at the boy with one eye.

The boy understood what he meant and felt a little proud of himself after what he did. This was one of the few times that someone other than his mother praised him when he did something, those words from the hero he admired so much told him a lot.

Ezekiel after saying that said goodbye to the boy and went towards the All Might who was already leaving and supported him on his shoulder.

All Might was scared, but when he saw that the boy who supported him was Ezekiel, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and nodded his head.

Seeing the wave, Ezekiel spread his wings quickly and before anyone could see, he took off at an astonishing speed and disappeared from there with All Might.

Landing on top of a building, Ezekiel helped All Might sit down and quickly said. "Toshinori, you know if my master finds out about this she'll kill you, right?"

All Might, also known as Toshinori took a sigh and returned to his weak form. "I know Ez, but that boy inspired me. Ever since I've seen you act, I never considered anyone worthy to own One For All but you... until I saw that boy. At first I thought he was just a regular power-hungry kid, but seeing that he was a Quirkless himself rushed up against the villain to try and confront him, I finally felt that another worthy person had appeared, I couldn't let that boy die in front of me.

Ezekiel hearing his explanation let out a sigh. One day, in an attack that a villain was making and Ezekiel had gone with his master during the rescue of some wounded, All Might had seen Ezekiel giving everything he had to save people, often putting his own life at risk and had decided that Ezekiel should be the successor to One For All, but the night before, Ezekiel had had a dream where the fisherman had told him not to accept this power.

This fisherman always helped him in difficult times, so Ezekiel decided to follow the man's advice again and rejected All Might's proposal, even today, after more than a year, All Might had not given up trying to convince Ezekiel to become his successor since he had never found a worthy successor until that moment.

"Honestly, from what I saw of the boy acting, I don't know anyone else who could be his successor besides him either. You want to go there? I think we can still reach it." Ezekiel agreed with All Might.

Hearing Ezekiel's suggestion, All Might looked at the wings on his back and understood what the boy meant. "Hahaha, well done Ezekiel-Shounen, let's go after my future successor!"

Ezekiel opened a smile and picked up the symbol of peace at an absurd speed, flying off in the direction the green-haired boy had left.

When they located him, Ezekiel released All Might from the sky and began to descend quietly as he enjoyed the view of the setting sun on the horizon.

When he finally reached the ground, the green-haired boy who apparently was called Midoriya was kneeling on the ground to All Might as he accepted to become his successor with tears in his eyes.

In order not to interrupt the scene, Ezekiel sat on a nearby wall and began to pay attention in his own hand to the new power he had discovered over the villain's attack that happened a few minutes ago.

When All Might and Midoriya finally finished solving each other, Midoriya noticed the surroundings and saw that an angel was sitting on a wall while playing with a strange light in his hand. Silently he pointed to All Might to see that he was there, while dying of fear that Japan's greatest secret would be leaked to someone who could not know.

But contrary to his expectations, All Might let out a laugh and called out. "Ez, I think we can leave now, but first we'll have to stop somewhere more secluded for you to refuel me."

Ezekiel awoke and unconsciously used the healing energy to soothe All Might's wound, thus making Midoriya understand why All Might could still act as a hero even though he had such a big wound, is that he always had the Archangel hero or his Recovery Girl teacher to help him.

This made Midoriya's respect for the young hero even more intense, since it was thanks to him that the symbol of peace could continue helping people.