Chapter 34 – Accusation
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West District Police Station of Vespera. 

After half an hour, Blortus finally arrived at the station that Treit had mentioned. 

Sheila Barker… Sheila Barker… 

Blortus repeated the name over and over in his head to not forget it. 

After turning off his car, Blortus hurried out and entered the police station, where the secretary asked him: 

"Good evening, how can I help you?" 

"Sheila Barker. She was arrested here recently, right?" asked Blortus. 

The secretary looked at her computer screen and frowned as she read the report. 

"According to this, Miss Barker was arrested for a serious domestic violence incident. Her sister accuses her of having brutally assaulted her during an argument." 

Blortus leaned forward, alarmed by the severity of the accusation. 

"How serious was it? Is her sister okay?" 

The secretary continued reading. 

"The report indicates that Miss Barker allegedly hit her sister several times, causing significant bruises and possibly a concussion. The sister was taken to the hospital for evaluation and treatment." 

Blortus ran a hand over his face, trying to reconcile this information with the Sheila he knew. 

That was impossible. 

"Where is Sheila now?" he asked. 

"Can I see her?" 

"Miss Barker has already been interrogated and is currently being held in one of our cells," the secretary replied. 

"The processing has been completed, so you can visit her during regular visiting hours, which are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m." 

Although the secretary was just doing her job, a disturbing sense of unease began to grow inside Blortus. 

He had to do something. 

That girl who read a book so calmly... 

That girl who was alone in that rainstorm... 

Could she really be that violent? 

He had to see it with his own eyes. 

Blortus frowned. 

He couldn't wait until tomorrow. 

He needed to see Sheila now. 

"Listen," he said, leaning forward and lowering his voice. 

"I'm Ethan Grey. Perhaps you've heard of my family. We have considerable influence in this city. Surely there could be a way for me to see Miss Barker now." 

The secretary seemed surprised for a moment, then a bit nervous she said: 

"One moment, Mr. Grey. I'll see what I can do." 

She then stood up and disappeared down a side hallway. 

A few minutes later, the secretary returned accompanied by an officer with a serious look and firm posture. 

"Mr. Grey," said the officer while extending his hand in greeting. 

"I'm Lieutenant Jackson. I've been informed of your request to see Miss Barker." 

Ethan shook hands with the lieutenant. 

"Yes. It's very important that I speak with her as soon as possible." 

Lieutenant Jackson seemed to consider this for a moment. 

"Normally we do not allow visits outside the established hours. But given the circumstances, I believe we can make an exception," said the lieutenant while smiling. 

Blortus felt a wave of relief, but knew that his father would probably scold him. 

"Thank you, Lieutenant. I really appreciate this." 

Lieutenant Jackson nodded. 

"Come with me. I'll give you a few minutes with Miss Barker. But remember, this is unofficial. I cannot allow this to become a habit." 

Ethan nodded and followed Lieutenant Jackson down the hall to the detention area. 

His heart pounded in his chest as they followed the echo of their footsteps down the corridor. 

"She's here," announced the Lieutenant, pulling out a set of keys that hung from his belt and unlocking the door. 

Ethan entered a small visiting room. 

It was an austere space, with only a metal table and two chairs facing each other. Sheila was sitting on the opposite side, looking towards the door. Seeing Ethan, a glimmer of hope crossed her tired face. 

"Treit," said Ethan softly, closing the door behind him and sitting down in front of her. 

Sheila couldn't believe it; her eyes lit up with a mix of surprise and relief. 

"Blortus..." she said with a trembling voice, clearly overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. 

It was all so... surreal and... embarrassing. 

Asking for help from someone she barely knew... 

Yes, if she got out of here, she would make sure her family paid dearly for this humiliation. 

"Treit, calm down. We have time," Blortus tried to reassure her.