Chapter 21 – The Beginning of a Grand Plan
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Victoria said when she saw Benjamin beside Joel and behind him... a girl. 

A girl she had never seen before.

"Well, what a surprise to see you here, Victoria" 

Benjamin commented with a smile. 

Victoria was a girl who liked to go from party to party or to concerts, so she rarely visited these kinds of places.

"I just happened to pass by this store, since my brother is doing some business nearby" 

Victoria explained instantly.

"Are you with Ethan?" 

Benjamin asked casually but instantly remembered something. 

Don't reveal my identity to her.

Ethan's warning echoed in his head several times, and then he turned to look at Sheila. 

Fortunately, Sheila was still focused on the computer, and it was clear she was searching for something desperately.


Sheila said in distress as she turned to look at him with eyes filled with concern. 

To his relief, Sheila seemed not to have heard anything. 

But he still had to help her.

"What happened?" 

Benjamin asked, crouching down to see what had happened.

"I can't find it"

"What can't you find?"

"My browser."

"Which browser?" 

Benjamin asked, puzzled since almost all laptops with Windows came with the same default browser. 

Didn't Sheila know that she had to download her browser again?

"Where is Internet Explorer?"


Something inside Benjamin broke. 

She used Internet Explorer as her main browser?! 


For the last 30 years, that browser had become completely outdated, and there were already a thousand better options! 

How could she even think of still using something like that? 

That's what Benjamin thought, but obviously, he wasn't going to shout at a lady. 

Taking advantage of the fact that Sheila was still desperately searching for her outdated browser on the laptop, Benjamin took a few deep breaths to calm himself. 

Joel took this opportunity to grab Victoria by the waist and lead her away.

Victoria, feeling Joel's hands on her waist, asked embarrassed:

"What are you doing?"

"Just follow me"

Joel insisted as he led her to another place.

Benjamin, on the other hand, patiently explained to Sheila:

"Look, with all due respect, Treit... there are better options. Do you want a browser that blocks ads? Use Brave. Do you want a fast and efficient browser? Use Brave. And if for some reason you're one of those who bat for the animals, there's Firefox. But Explorer? Seriously? Treit, there are better options."

Benjamin had said all of that so quickly that Sheila had barely understood half of what he had said. 

He was so agitated... Why? 

That's what Sheila had wondered when she saw Benjamin like this.

Seeing that Sheila probably hadn't understood even half of the things he had said, since he had spoken very quickly, he resigned himself and spoke more slowly this time. 

"Although of course... if you insist so much on having something like that... you can have its sibling browser, which is... Edge."

Benjamin didn't want to mention that browser, as for him, it was something that shouldn't be used by anyone.

"What? Browsers have siblings?"


Seriously, she didn't know anything about technology? 

Sheila was a girl who had a certain chemistry with him, but they were complete opposites in that sense. 

It was at that moment that an idea occurred to him. 

Teach her, subtly, everything about the world of technology!



Treit responded somewhat annoyed while crossing her arms. 

Treit couldn't believe that a computer of this level didn't have her preferred browser. 

So many things had happened with it...

"Can you give me your phone number?" 

Benjamin asked with determination. 

He had an objective.


Treit asked although she was still a bit annoyed with him. Benjamin kept making jokes and teasing her. 

Sooner or later, Treit would find a way to turn the tables, but first, she had to finish her tasks with the help of the new laptop.

"I want to send you... memes." 

That would be the first step of Benjamin's grand plan to educate Sheila about the computer world.