Chapter 28 – The Clock
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Sheila woke up with a slight buzzing in her head. She blinked several times, trying to adjust her eyes to the darkness of the room.

Was it nighttime?

The last thing Sheila remembered was the meal she had with Blortus alongside her sister and Benjamin, but... what had happened afterward?

Was she really that bad at drinking?

Thirsty, Sheila tried to find the light switch by getting out of bed, but as soon as she touched the floor, she noticed how dirty it was.

Every step echoed in the room, increasing her sense of disorientation. Finally, she reached the curtains and cautiously pulled them aside, revealing the world outside bathed in the silver light of the moon.

Had she really slept that long?

An unexpected sight greeted her on the other side of the glass. A small courtyard stretched out before her, surrounded by tall walls.

Sheila furrowed her brow, trying to make sense of her surroundings. She didn't recognize this place.

With the little light provided by the outside, as she approached the door to open it, she noticed it was locked.

At first, she thought it was a mistake, but no matter how hard she tried to open it, it was indeed locked.

What had happened?

Sheila's breathing began to quicken with nervousness, and she stepped back to sit on the bed.

Maybe they had left her locked up by mistake?

Sheila tried to find her phone or something to put on her feet, but found nothing.

She was wearing the same clothes she had left the hotel with, but the strange thing was that her shoes and phone had been taken from her.

Should she try knocking on the door?

Sheila wondered, but hesitated.

With every passing second, her nerves increased because she had a bad feeling.

Had she been kidnapped?

Should she try to escape through the window?

Hurrying to the window, she realized she was probably on the third floor due to the height.

Was she in… an extremely large house?

While she thought about what to do to deal with this situation, her eyes met the light switch, but... would it be right to turn it on?

What if the person who locked her in realizes she's awake?

Maybe it was all a misunderstanding!

Benjamin's smile and friendliness flashed through Sheila's mind like a lightning bolt.

It was impossible for Benjamin to be a bad guy, but...

What if she was wrong?

It hadn't even been a day since she met him, but according to him, they had met yesterday when she... had been drinking.

Who had taken her to her room the previous time?

Emily was right! She had to be more careful with her drink!

How could she trust someone she had just met so much?

Several memories of the date she had with Benjamin flashed through her mind, but at no point had he shown anything suspicious or strange.

Maybe he was a psychopath, and that's why she hadn't noticed anything?

Before Sheila's mind could draw more conclusions, the lock on the door started to sound.

Sheila felt her heart racing. Unconsciously, she grabbed a small square-shaped clock from the nightstand to defend herself.

Could she fight him in these conditions?

If she threw or hit him with the clock on the head, she would have many chances of winning!

As Sheila thought about how to throw the clock, she heard the door unlock.

Sheila took a deep breath and held it.

She was ready.

Suddenly, a voice started to be heard as the doorknob turned.

Everything was happening in slow motion, and an idea crossed Sheila's mind:

Why hadn't she positioned herself in the middle to block the door!?

But it was already too late.

Very late.

Little by little, the door began to open, and Sheila gathered all her strength to throw the clock.

When the door opened, despite the darkness, before she threw the object, Sheila noticed that the person entering was not Benjamin because of the figure and the long hair.

It was a woman!

1 extra chapter left! 

It will be published in 24 hours.