Chapter 42
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It was immediately clear to me that the odds were against us.

The Juggernaut was a terrifying foe already, but the horde of zombies added a new layer of danger to the situation. We were boxed in like rats, and the oversized wall of muscle just seemed to get bigger and bigger. I felt a small spark of fear ignite within me, threatening to overpower my resolve. But then, I saw Midnight Blossom’s steady gaze, her expression a mixture of calm yet fierce resolve. I took a deep breath and braced myself again.

Dawn Lily, on the other hand, seemed to be struggling to maintain her composure. She was glancing nervously at the encroaching zombies, her grip on her bow tightening with anxiety.

“Stay sharp, Rookie,” Midnight Blossom shouted, pulling the two extra sickles I’d thrown from her back. “Remember what you’ve managed to do so far. Keep your focus!”

Without hesitating, Arsenal pointed her cannon at a group of advancing zombies.

“[Annihilation Burst!]” she growled. The massive weapon emitted an earth-shaking boom, releasing a concentrated wave of force that blew several zombies back, disintegrating them instantly.

As the dust settled, Voltage channeled his power into his hands, electricity crackling and sparking in the air. His eyes glimmered with a fierce intensity as he surveyed the oncoming undead.

"Looks like it's my time to shine, ladies," he grinned, before sprinting forward. The zombies seemed to be moving in a synchronized wave, but Voltage's lightning-fast movements allowed him to weave in and out of their reach.

His hands lit up like torches, and with a quick flick of his wrist, he sent arcs of electricity sizzling through the air, taking out several zombies with each strike.

But the Juggernaut was still looming, massive muscles rippling beneath its armored hide. Midnight Blossom and I exchanged wary glances, knowing that facing off against this behemoth would require a concerted effort from all of us.

"[Luminary Barrier!]"

I raised my staff, summoning a Luminary Barrier to stem the tide of zombies as Midnight Blossom and Dawn Lily prepared their own attacks.

Midnight Blossom’s sickles sliced through the air in elegant arcs, while Dawn Lily’s arrows blazed with solar energy. Arsenal reloaded her cannon, pulling a large red cartridge out of nowhere as her eyes flicked between the Juggernaut and the advancing zombies.

"Cover me!" she shouted, before leaping back. The Juggernaut let out a deafening roar, its massive fists slamming into the ground with a force that shook the chamber as Arsenal crouched into a low stance. The cannon was comically large, roughly twice the size of her body, and she needed all her appendages to hold it steady. Where had all those parts even come from?

As the ground trembled beneath our feet, Midnight Blossom and I launched ourselves at the Juggernaut, our weapons flashing in the dim light of the chamber. My staff glowed with a soft golden light, while Midnight Blossom's sickles spun and twirled around her on chains in a blur of silver and orange.

"[Luminary Beam!]" I shouted again, directing a beam of pure light at the Juggernaut. The blast hit the creature square in the chest, causing it to stagger back, its eyes glowing with fury. It was ludicrous how durable the creature was, but we couldn't give up. The lives of thousands beneath us were at stake.

Midnight Blossom took advantage of the opening and lunged forward, her sickles scything through the air as she aimed straight for the creature's sole remaining eye. The chains whirled around her in a deadly dance of silver lights, slashing through the air with deadly precision.

But to our surprise, the Juggernaut was unharmed. It reared back on its hind legs and roared with rage, swatting away Midnight Blossom's sickles like they were annoying insects. Its display of strength sent a chill down my spine, even as I felt Midnight Blossom's chain grab onto my arm, pulling me away from the Juggernaut's reach.

"Fire in the hole!" Arsenal shouted, "[Thousand Ton Crusher!]"

Before we could even react, she had fired her cannon a second time, then a third, and then a fourth. A deafening explosion filled the chamber as the cannon's blast hit the Juggernaut square in its torso. The force of the blast sent the Juggernaut careening backwards, smoke and debris billowing from its torso as it was blasted through the air.

The building shook and the walls trembled, as the Juggernaut crashed into a nearby wall. Chunks of masonry cascaded down from the ceiling and smoke filled the chamber. I snapped my head toward the ceiling in worry. I was concerned that the building was starting to lose its stability and we had thousands of civilians beneath us. I knew Albert was still several floors up as well.

The Juggernaut, still stunned from the blast, slowly started to stand up again.

It had a huge hole in the middle of its chest and yet it still managed to get back on its feet without issue. Astonishingly enough, it seemed to have not even noticed the gaping wound – or if it had, then it didn't seem to care at all. Unfazed by the damage, the Juggernaut once again rampaged across the chamber towards the remains of the wraith-like Judicator monster.

I couldn't believe my eyes – this thing seemed practically indestructible!

Just as it was about to raise my staff to strike the Juggernaut once more, a sinister woman's voice echoed throughout the chamber. The awful, evil presence I’d felt moments before came roaring back, sending a shiver down my spine.

"You will all suffer the consequences of your arrogance," it said. Its presence was heavy and oppressive, and a wave of dread washed over me.

I froze for a brief second and looked around the room searching for the source of the voice. But there was no one there, only the sound of the zombies' snarls as they crashed on my barriers and the sounds of battle.

Was it a figment of my imagination?

"Luminary Barrier!" I shouted, pointing my staff at the Juggernaut in a desperate attempt to buy us some time. The bright light of the barrier illuminated the chamber, casting our shadows on the walls around us.

But the Juggernaut continued its rampage, undeterred by our attacks. It swung its fists around, smashing into the walls of the chamber and causing chunks of debris to rain down on us as it made a beeline for the wraith-like monster's remains. What was it trying to do?!

We scrambled to avoid being crushed by the Juggernaut's massive fists, but it was like trying to dodge a moving car. Midnight Blossom and Arsenal moved to try and distract it, but it was like trying to distract an angry elephant with a ball of yarn. The Juggernaut was relentless, moving toward its target with determination.

I tried to keep my focus and maintain the Luminary Barrier, but my arms were starting to shake under the pressure. The Juggernaut pounded the barrier with its fists, the force of the blows pushing me back.

I gritted my teeth, refusing to let it break, but to stress the comparisons again, it was like trying to hold back a tidal wave with a single hand.

Dawn Lily nocked an arrow and drew back her bowstring, the golden energy coalescing into a small sun between her fingertips. She took careful aim at the Juggernaut's head and let the arrow fly.

"[Solar Art: Arrow of Dawn!]" she exclaimed, as the arrow soared through the air, leaving a trail of golden light in its wake.

It slammed into the Juggernaut's head with a deafening impact, causing the creature to stumble back a few steps. The Juggernaut roared in fury, its eye flashing with malice. Then, it gained an extra burst of energy, and the Luminary Barrier finally cracked under its relentless assault.

Suddenly, I felt a pulsing headache coming on. The woman's voice echoed through the chamber once again.

"I should have known you would be the ones to betray me," it said with a tinge of amusement. "A pity."

The voice seemed to come from all directions at once, as though it was coming out of thin air. It was almost like a whisper in the wind, but with a commanding authority that was difficult to ignore.

"Who are you?!" I blurted out, desperately searching for the source of the voice as my heart pounded in my chest.

The Juggernaut continued on its way toward the remains of the monster as if nothing had happened, and I knew we needed to stop it before it caused even more destruction.

"Stay focused, kid!" Arsenal called out, her gaze never leaving the Juggernaut. "We need to take it down! I'm going to aim for the legs but I need a minute."

She continued reloading her cannon with a series of clinking sounds, and I knew that she wouldn't miss her next shot. We needed to hold out just a little longer.

And then, the Juggernaut made its move.

With surprising speed and agility, it jumped over my barrier and grabbed the remains of the wraith-like monster, before stuffing it into its chest. We all gasped in surprise as it unleashed a powerful rush of air that blasted through the chamber, causing everything to vibrate as if hit by an earthquake.

The Juggernaut's eyes glowed with a sickly blue light as it flat out regrew an eye and absorbed the remnants of the monster, twitching as its clay-like flesh started to shift and morph. Bones cracked and reshaped, muscles bulged and stretched, and shadowy tendrils emerged from the Juggernaut's shoulder blades. The monster's remains were being assimilated into the Juggernaut's body, and I could only imagine what kind of power it was gaining.

My heart pounded in my chest as I realized that we were in way over our heads.

"Holy shit..." Midnight Blossom muttered, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What the fuck is that thing even doing?!"

I stuttered, mouth agape as I watched the Juggernaut transform with horror. This was beyond anything I had ever encountered before. I could feel the panic rising in my throat as I tried to comprehend the scale of what was happening. I took a few steps back, away from the Juggernaut, afraid of what it might do as I started at the shadowy void where its solar plexus used to be.

"So you bite the hand of your master!" the voice hissed, suddenly echoing through the chamber once again. "You worthless, good-for-nothing stray. Pathetic."

The sound of a creature shrieking, followed by ghostly wails and the sound of a young boy screaming in agony. My head throbbed with pain. The voice was filled with hatred and malice, and I could feel the weight of its hatred bearing down on me.

I knew that we needed to draw the monster outside, or the refuge would collapse around us. I looked at the entrance with the zombies walled off by my barrier, then to Midnight Blossom and Dawn Lily, who both nodded in agreement. The Juggernaut stopped its rampage and stared at us with its glowing eyes. I could feel its gaze boring into my soul, as if it knew exactly what we were up to.

"Fall back! Voltage and I will lead the way!" Midnight Blossom shouted, her voice filled with determination. "We'll take the fight outside to minimize the damage."

I nodded in agreement and began to fall back, keeping my eyes on the Juggernaut as it started to lumber after us. I could feel the ground shake with every one of its footsteps. We needed to keep it away from the civilians and the refuge, otherwise everything we had worked for would be for naught.

Al, please be safe...

Voltage and Midnight Blossom cut through the zombies with ease as we made our way towards the entrance, leading the way for the Juggernaut to follow. Dawn Lily, Arsenal and I covered the rear, and I screamed as luminary bolt after luminary bolt clashed against the Juggernaut's flesh. We could barely make a scratch on it, but we were able to keep its attention on us.

Dawn Lily provided cover from the back, releasing a barrage of arrows that exploded into bursts of golden light as they hit the Juggernaut's body. But it was like trying to kill a mountain, a futile effort that only made the beast angrier.

The Juggernaut roared and slammed both hands into the walls as we ran through the enclosed hallways of Refuge Zeta, creating a cascade of destruction. Chunks of bricks and rubble flew around us, shaking the earth underneath our feet. We continued to run as fast as we could to prevent it from catching up with us, but it kept coming closer and closer.

"Ay, this thing is still comin' after us like it's on the Mass Pike!" Voltage shouted turning around in a panic.

"Will you shut the fuck up and fight you walking sparkplug?!" Arsenal yelled back, her face pale with fear.

"Come on, you overgrown lump of clay!" Midnight Blossom shouted, taunting the beast. "If you want us, come and get us!"

The Juggernaut lumbered towards us, its eyes still glowing with sinister energy. Its skin was now a mottled iridescent gray, and several shadowy tendrils now snaked out from its back like writhing snakes.

"Luminary Barrier!" I shouted, jumping toward the entrance and spinning around as we came upon the broken blast doors at the entrance.

Finally, we burst out of the entrance and into the city evening. The Juggernaut emerged behind us, its hulking form silhouetted against the sky as it crashed over the barrier I threw up and onto the pavement. The momentum sent it skidding into the streets ahead and causing nearby buildings to tremble from the impact.

The city around us was on fire and devoid of visible life, save for the twitching remains of hundreds of monster corpses lining the streets. Cars were overturned and burning, and debris littered the streets. It was like a war zone. Smoke rose up high in the sky along the iconic Kaleidoscope City skyline.

All around us, the dark alleyways were filled with haunting blue eyes and unearthly screeching. It was a chilling juxtaposition against the orange embers of the fires that were burning in the distance.

And the blood.

There was so much blood, it stained the streets and walls like a macabre mural. The metallic scent of it made it hard to breathe, and I felt bile rise in my throat. All five of us froze, turning around to take in the destruction and wanton slaughter around us.

I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with a sense of despair. This wasn't just a battle that we were fighting, it was a war against an entire world of monsters that sought to destroy everything we held dear. But I knew that we had to keep going, we couldn't give up now.

I felt him before I saw him.

The dark presence was palpable, almost suffocating, and I knew that we were about to face the most dangerous monster yet. It was a presence that chilled me to the bone, making me feel like we were being watched by death itself.

And then, a voice thundered from above:

"Arsenal and Voltage. Do I pay you to stand around and gawk, or will you earn your keep tonight?"

I looked up to see a man hovering in the sky, his dark cloak billowing behind him. His face was obscured by a mask, but there was something familiar about him. He had long, pitch-black hair and eyes like glowing ice. Even from this distance, I could feel the intensity of his gaze.

"Thanks for letting us through earlier," Midnight Blossom called out. "But geeze. This is one hell of a mess you left out here!"

He seemed to ignore Midnight Blossom entirely, and turned his gaze toward me. His eyes seemed to pierce through me, like lasers dissecting every inch of my being. He was a dark figure, his face hidden in shadows, but I could feel his power radiating from him like a wave.

Suddenly, everything felt very small and insignificant.

"My apologies, sir," Arsenal said nervously, bowing her head slightly. "We're doing the best we can with what we have."

I felt my breath catch in my throat as Red Masque's gaze narrowed, still staring directly at me. There was a glimmer of something in them.

What did I just see? It almost seemed like... recognition?!

My body trembled, and I knew that I was in way over my head. I swallowed hard, my heart pounding in my chest. Who was this man? And why did he seem to know me?

"No matter," the man said, his voice booming out across the ruined city. "This monster is my problem now. Tell me, did you see Enrico to safety in the refuge below, Voltage?"

"Y-yea. Matterovfact yeah, boss."

Red Masque nodded. "If so, you have done your job. I will take care of the rest."

He then descended towards the Juggernaut as it regained its footing, his cloak billowing out behind him as he flew. He hovered over the beast, his hands glowing in a deep, crimson energy as they squared off.

"The Red Masque of Nibiru will be your opponent, creature," the man said in a low, ominous tone.

He drew a pair of long daggers, and the light from their edges shone bright crimson against the night sky.

The Juggernaut roared in defiance, its glowing blue eyes shimmering with rage as it charged forward to meet Red Masque. It was an abomination, a grotesque fusion of twisted and mutated flesh. It seemed as though the very earth groaned beneath its weight, every step it took sent tremors through the ground, foreshadowing the impending clash.

Shadowy tendrils of dark energy coiled around its limbs, emanating from the various open pores and cracks within its armor.

Its entire form was a testament to perversion of nature; patches of scaly skin intertwined with metallic plates, muscles bulging and writhing beneath an armor that seemed both protective and restrictive. The colossal feet, each the size of a small car, dug deep into the earth, displacing rubble and dirt with every movement.

Its head turned slightly, allowing those stormy, malevolent blue eyes to fixate on Red Masque. The eye itself was a swirling maelstrom of fiery hues – a window into the chaotic energy that powered this behemoth. A low growl emanated from deep within its chest, a sound that seemed to echo from the very pits of despair. Every ounce of its being was now focused on the looming battle, the destructive intent palpable in the air.

Zombies began to pour in from all sides, drawn in by the commotion, and I could feel the stench of rot and ozone in the air. The smell made me gag; we were in far too deep.

With a deafening roar and a burst of dark energy from its feet, the Juggernaut lunged, ready to annihilate everything in its path to reach its adversary.

Dawn Lily drew an arrow, her fingers trembling as she notched it on her bow. I raised my staff, ready to defend ourselves against any zombie that strayed too close to us. Midnight Blossom crouched low, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

But Voltage just stretched and yawned, unfazed by the looming battle ahead. I turned to him, incredulous.

"What're you doing?" I asked, still completely in awe of his calmness.

"Fear is just an emotion," he said matter-of-factly. "It doesn't change the situation at hand. Plus, I trust the boss. He's got this; don't worry."

I looked back over at Red Masque, and felt a chill down my spine as his overwhelming aura flared again. Suddenly, a sharp headache came on, like a sudden pain that was right at the base of my skull. I winced and put a hand to the bridge of my nose, trying to ease it away. It was overwhelming. A wave of emotions. Anxiety, confusion, inadequacy? A desire for recognition? Betrayal. Loss. Anguish. Resolve.

A new mysterious voice spoke again, seemingly emanating from the very air itself. It was a male voice. The boy who screamed before.

"You're pregnant?! How long? Who's the father?! Him?! No, fuck. This ruins everything. We have to get you away."

I stumbled back, shocked, and looked around to see if anyone else had heard the voice. No one seemed to notice anything amiss; they were all focused on the battle unfolding before us.

But the voice persisted urgently and insistently. "Listen to me, Gale! You can't go near her. It's too much of a risk!"

Just as the Juggernaut was inches away from him, Red Masque unleashed his devastating technique.

"[Assassination Art: Vermillion Nightfall Masquerade[," Red Masque whispered as he disappeared in a blur of motion.

Suddenly, the atmosphere was drenched in an ominous shade of vermilion, tinging the fires, the sky, and the very air itself. It was as if the universe itself had been plunged into a blood-drenched abyss, making the once-burning city appear as if it was engulfed in a sinister opera.

The full moon that once provided a silvery sheen now turned deep crimson, emanating a soft and eerie glow that set the backdrop for Red Masque's attack. An intricate design composed of ancient runes, formed beneath his feet, shining a dazzling and vibrant red. The world held its breath in this ephemeral moment, the wind ceased, fires paused in their dance, and the monsters seemed to be frozen in time itself.

A haunting melody began to resonate from nowhere and everywhere, a lamentation from times long forgotten. The swirling maelstrom of crimson energy coalesced around Red Masque, weaving through the air in a graceful stroke that defied the laws of physics.

His daggers, now united, created a confluence of red beams which twisted around him with raw energy. My aura sight strained to keep up with the intensity of the attack, causing my vision to swim.

It was over in an instant.

Red Masque launched himself towards the Juggernaut, his blades blazing with an infernal light that distorted the air.

The supervillain's path left a shimmering streak of vermillion light as it tore through the air, creating a red wave that briefly danced and flickered. Wherever it touched, reality warped, twisted, and bended. Buildings and structures that were once solid and tangible became ephemeral, their edges blurring and morphing.

The ground itself seemed to heave and churn, like a stormy sea in the grip of a tempest. And then, as Red Masque's blades met the monstrous form of the Juggernaut, the very fabric of reality seemed to scream.

The world shuddered, and a cataclysmic wave of crimson light radiated outwards, warping everything it touched.

Then, as quickly as it began, it was over.

The Juggernaut roared, charging forward with a force that shook the very foundation of Refuge Zeta as it took a swing at Red Masque. I cringed as it reared its arm back and swung it forward at Red Masque.

Then, the top half of its body was suddenly severed from the bottom, with a spray of glowing blue light and shadowy ichor that splattered across the street. Red Masque briefly echoed with an afterimage in the air, before suddenly landing gracefully on his feet from a reversed hopping motion, daggers still glowing with crimson energy.

I could only blink in surprise as the creature's top half went sailing into the walls of Refuge Zeta with a crash.

The rest of the zombies that had surrounded us, stumbling forward with bared teeth and open jaws, suddenly came to a stop as if all their strings had been cut. They swayed slightly before tumbling over, their shambling forms now motionless on the ground as the blue lights in their eyes faded.

Red Masque took a deep breath, his body still humming with the power of his technique. He turned to face us and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. There was something different about him, something that set him apart from the rest of us. His eyes seemed to glow with an inner light, and his movements were smooth and graceful, almost inhuman.

I felt a disturbance in my vision, and I looked to my left. Midnight Blossom had tensed up, and it looked like she was clutching her sickles nervously.

Voltage was the first to break the silence. "That was… fucking ridiculous, boss," he said slowly, still in shock from the display of power he had just witnessed. "I've never seen anything like that before."

Red Masque nodded, "That is the ultimate technique of the Nibiru school. My school. It is only to be used as a last resort and drains a significant chunk of my mana reserve, but this is the exact scenario I created for," Red Masque said.

"Exact scenario?" Arsenal asked, stepping forward, her fists still clenched from the adrenaline of the battle. "You mean fighting a giant monster in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?"

Red Masque's eyes flickered to Arsenal's, and a cold, calculating energy seemed to radiate from him. "When the fate of the world is at stake, and there's no other option," he said simply. "I have been amassing resources and honing my techniques for sixteen years should this day come. To kill that which is unkillable. I had intended to simply pass them on to future generations. Never had I considered that it might occur in my lifetime."

My headache had not subsided, and I stumbled forward again, clutching my head.

"I think I've figured out how to kill her!" the boy's voice shouted again, cutting through my pain. "Her power source is-"

Red Masque suddenly turned towards me. His eyes, glowing with an intense light, locked onto mine. I felt like he was looking directly into my soul.

Dawn Lily lowered her bow, her hands still shaking. "I… I don't know what to say," she stammered. "If you'd used that on us when we fought all those times..."

"But I did not," Red Masque said, his gaze still cold. "I intended to save it for only the most dire of situations."

I felt a sudden surge of exhaustion wash over me, like I was coming down from a heavy sugar rush.

He turned, and I suddenly saw a glint as I looked down at my hands to see my aura shimmering — My magical girl transformation was fading, and I could feel the power it had granted me slowly slipping away. My body felt heavy and tired as I sank down onto my knees, my previous strength waning. All I wanted now was a good night's sleep for all I'd gone through today, but I knew my work wasn't done yet. I heaved, feeling exhaustion coming, as I regained my bearings and stood back up.

Red Masque stared at me, his eyes narrowed.

"I am certain now. So, she survived after all."

It was only then that I realized — he knew something about me.

Before I could even blink, Red Masque had lunged forward with godlike speed, dagger aimed directly at my heart as I met his cold, icy blue eyes.