Ch 1. The Dream
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Posting a new story to gauge interested. This was a story idea I had after reading some similar stories. Hope you all enjoy it.



     “You know Andy, I’m glad I said yes,” Becca said as she unbuttoned his pants. He kissed her and pulled her close. Pressing their lips together he slipped his tongue into her mouth as he began to undo her bra. She broke away from their kiss just as he unfastened the hooks. Running her hands along his chest she bit her bottom lip and moaned sensually as she gently pushed him backwards. He fell across the bed and gazed up at her longingly. His dick strained painfully against his pants as she climbed on top of the bed. Straddling him she stroked his face, feeling her hand rub against his stubble he pulled away slightly. She frowned at him but simply adjusted and resumed. Running her hands across his chest she focused on his nipple. Which made him moan, much to his surprise. 

     “Are you ready?” she asked, her voice husky and sultry.

     “Please, I need this,” he said.

     She giggled and stood up. “Let’s get these off then,” she said as slipped off his pants. Kneeling down at the edge of the bed she stared at his member. Straining against his boxers, a small wet spot visible. “My, my someone is eager to play.” when he reached drown to take off his boxers she swatted his hands away. Instead, she began to poke him through his boxers.  Teasing her fingers up and down through the fabric. He shivered a little, the wet spot growing larger. 

     “Please, stop teasing,” he said panting.

     “Slowly, I want your first to be special,” she said with a grin, “since it's your last as well.”

     He didn't have time to ponder her words as she chose then to free him. Tucking her hair behind her ears she began to suck his cock. She was easily able to take the whole thing. Her mouth made him feel amazing, and she worked the shaft like a pro. Not that he really knew how a pro did it. But he was quickly building to a release, nearly cumming as she paused to focus on the tip. Hearing the change in his breathing she pulled away and giggled. She looked at him with ravenous eyes.

     “Please…” he practically begged. “Don’t stop…”

     “Sorry boy, I just didn't want the fun to end already. I want it to be memorable.” The last word dripped with sarcasm. She stood up and her skirt fell away. Leaving her standing there in nothing but a pair of black lace panties. Panting and breathing heavily she removed her already-soaked panties dropping them in the pile of her clothes.

     Carefully she positioned herself over him before lowering herself. His dick easily slid into her dripping pussy. He reached up to fondle her but she grabbed his hands. Somehow he found himself handcuffed to the headboard. She proceeded to ride him, bouncing up and down. The bed began to play a symphony of squeaks. Each note sounded out another bit of pleasure. The bed played to her beat as the maestro. Despite how much pleasure he was in it never went above the edge. His dick was harder than he had ever had before as she continued to rock him. 

     Despite his begging, pleading, and cajoling she never took him above the edge. Even after she had cum several times and taken a break. He was never allowed release, at some point, she had begun to change. He hadn't even noticed it until a small spade-tipped tail smacked him in the chest. After what seemed like an eternity he was finally allowed to cum. His hips bucked and he moaned in pleasure, her voice joining his as the two of them climaxed together. His dick twitched as he pumped his seed into her. After his body stopped its forced ejaculation she collapsed on top of him.

     “This will make a fine contribution. And since you have achieved the best orgasm of your short life. It's time for you to rest, goodnight boy,” she said leering down at him. As his vision began to dim he got a good look at her for the first time. She no longer looked like Becca. Instead, she was a light red, not quite pink though. She had short horns that sprouted from her forehead and swept back, curling to a slight point. Her long slender tail extended behind her ending in the heart-shaped spade signature of succubi. 

     “Sweet dreams…” she said mockingly as his vision finally went dark.

     His head hurt, he drank too much last night. Vowing to himself he swore that he would never let Ben talk him into another drinking game. He felt cold dampness in his boxers and inwardly sighed. He wasn't sure what time it was but it had to be early as it was still dark. Times like this he was glad they had gotten a dorm without a shared bathroom. He got out of bed and the room spun underneath him, letting him know he wasn't off the hook for his late-night binge. On his way to the bathroom he grabbed a fresh pair of boxers.

     Entering the bathroom he dropped his boxers, disgust washing over him as he kicked them into his hamper. Feeling the urge to pee he walked over to his toilet. Yawning as he rubbed his hair. It was a mess, but thankfully it was clean, mostly. He fared better than Samantha she had thrown up all over her hair.

     He didn't trust himself to aim right now so he sat down on the toilet. Reaching down he felt nothing but air between his legs. His eyes shot open as he stared into the toilet bowl. His eyes shot open as he stared between them. The color drained from his face as he fought the urge to scream. He wrestled his thoughts into submission. First, he needed to piss, the panicking could wait. After he went, which was slightly messier than normal. He made sure to wipe as his mother taught him to when he changed his sister's diapers.

     After flushing he washed his hands. Now that his more immediate need was taken care of he began to examine himself in the mirror. He had expected something but he wasn’t quite ready for what he saw. His breath was taken away as he saw an incredibly beautiful woman staring back at him. She had his eyes, and hair but the colors were different. His eyes, normally a muddy brown, were replaced by a light amber that seemed to shift through multiple hues. His hair which was formerly a dirty blond was now black as ravens feathers. It looked slightly longer to him.

     He had always preferred a slightly longer hairstyle than most men, but he, more specifically his father, always made sure it never went past his shoulders. Since he had come to college he had grown it a little longer but it was still just to his shoulder blades. Now his hair extended to the small of his back. He inadvertently smiled, the girl smiled back at him and blushed slightly. He frowned and the girl pouted back at him. If he didn't know he was staring at his own reflection he would be attracted to her. It was then that he noticed he had breasts, a fairly decent pair. Probably around a C cup, if he had to guess.

     “What happened to me?” he asked, his voice was feminine, but more than that it was musically feminine. Even to his own ears, he could hear how attractive his voice sounded now. After getting a decent look at himself he wasn't nearly as panicked as he thought.

     “Least I won't have to shave anymore,” he giggled. Immediately blushing as he heard himself. He did a bit of a twirl and immediately regretted it as he now felt nauseous. Still drunk from last night he decided it would be best to go back to sleep, which is exactly what he did. After putting on a clean pair of boxers and a pair of shorts. As he dropped face first in bed he rolled over and hissed as he breathed in. He forgot he had breasts, and falling face first on them really hurt. A few minutes, and a few swears, later he was once again drifting back into slumber.

     The last thought he had before falling asleep was of that weird dream.




     It was just before noon when he woke up again. He groaned and blearily opened his eyes. His voice startled him for a moment before he remembered. He had hoped that was part of the dream. He stood and decided to get dressed, now that he was more awake, and not drunk, he noticed that he was shorter than by at least six inches. He tried on several shirts before he found one that fit. 

     After much the same with some bottom clothes, he settled on a pair of shorts that were loose on his now slimmer waist but fit around his wider hips and thighs. After running a brush through his hair, something that his father always complained about, he was ready to start the day. The nice part about living in the dorms was that his father couldn't harass him about his appearance.

     After that epic party last night, however, he needed to replenish his energy as well as hydrate. You would think he would learn his lesson about over-consumption. But Ben knew how to press all the right buttons to get him riled up.

     “Hey man you alright?” Ben asked when Andy finally emerged from his bedroom. He was playing the latest competitive shooter. Something Andy could never understand about Ben. 

     “Yea,” Andy said as he shuffled to the kitchen and pulled out some eggs, bacon, and frozen hash browns.

     “Who are you?” Ben asked, he was standing in the kitchen facing Andy. “Oh… ooohhhhhh. Andy must have brought you over. What's your name cutie?”

     Andy cringed as Ben hit on him. “Come on dude it's me, Andy.”

     “Sure, Andy is a bit effeminate but he is definitely male. And you, my lady, are all woman.”

     Andy put his hands to his mouth and said in his most sarcastic tone. “Dude I think I'm gonna barf,” he bent over and mimed throwing up.

     “Andy…” Ben said, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Holy shit you dad was right.”

     “LIKE HELL HE WAS!!!” Andy yelled, then he shrunk slightly as he apologized. 

     “Andy? The fuck happened to you?”

     “Hell if I know,” he said with a shrug. “After I passed out last night I had a strange dream and woke up like this.”

     “Dream? What dream?” Ben asked. As Andy described the dream Ben’s face went on an emotion journey, first becoming pleased, then stunned, and finally his jaw dropped in shock. “Dude you were visited by a succubus.”

     “Don't be stupid,” he said and threw a bit of egg at Ben.

     “As if. Dude you turned into an attractive woman.”

     “You coulda left out the attractive part,” he said his face slightly red.

     “Whatever. You know what I meant. You literally turned into a girl. You would think succubi being real would be a little more believable,” Ben said as he dropped the egg in the trash.

     “Why would she turn me into a girl?”

     “Who knows, maybe to fuck with you. They say that succubi are the ruiners of men after all. More importantly, you are taking this really well.”

     “Well, I guess it still doesn't feel real to me,” he said with a shrug. Why wasn't he panicking more? He thought to himself for a moment before continuing to eat.

     “So like… are you a full girl?” Ben asked looking over his body.

     Andy shuddered and threw some hash browns at him. He giggled when they smacked Ben in the face and made him lose his balance momentarily. 

     “It was just a question jeez,” Ben said with a smile. “Seriously though what are you gonna do if this goes longer than break?”

     “I dunno, I guess I’ll just go to class as normal.”

     “Are you gonna get girl clothes?”

     “Why would I?”

     “Well because your current ones are kinda exposing parts you probably don't want to be exposed. Plus I can see your nipples…”

     Andy’s face turned beet red before he spoke in a small voice. “That would probably be for the best then.”

     “I’ll call Luna, she’ll know what you need,” Ben said as he took his phone from his pocket and dialed his sister. “Hey Lulu, whatcha up to?” he asked, after waiting for her reply he continued. “So I need some help with Andy, yea. No, it finally happened. Alright, see ya in a bit.”

     “What do you mean it finally happened?” Andy asked as Ben ended the call.

     “Oh well, Lulu was always convinced you were a transgirl.”

     “The fuck…?” Andy said his mouth hanging open in surprise.

     “Look it's just easier to say that than try and explain the situation over the phone,” he said sheepishly. “She’ll be here in an hour by the way.”

     He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Fine but this isn't the last you’re hearing of this,” he said in a serious tone.

     “Yes, ma’am,” Ben said causing Andy to raise his eyebrows.



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