52. Eyes Of The Seeker
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Professor Vish Northon was standing behind his round desk, as a few crystals drifted above his head, while he was still waiting for the class to get ready and calm down before the lesson started since they had all just entered the classroom.

He was patient, despite all the ruckus at the beginning. As time passed, more of the teenagers spotted him and stopped talking. This led to eventual silence.

- Finally - he started. - Today we will begin your last task before the main project, which will allow you to pass my class, but about that later. This task is quite straightforward, but nevertheless might be very difficult for many of you, since we will no longer be practicing, but rather focus on making something useful. To put it in plain words, I want you to make a wand.

Some kids got shocked, as up to this point they kept scribing some patterns with Haddish on pieces of paper. This required a very good understanding of the strange alphabet, its basic grammar, and quite good calligraphy skills, but was still a much easier task than creating a proper item. Everybody, including Trevor, understood that.

- The spell you will focus on in your creation doesn't matter. It just has to work. The better job you do, the easier it will be for you to deal with the project later - he explained.

Then he grabbed a handful of some red powder from a pouch laying on the desk in his hand's reach and threw it all into the air. Then he slowly hovered an open hand above the desktop, as the dust fell down. It suddenly stopped in midair and assembled into words.

- Those are the books I recommend on the topic. Go through them, make notes, and then start working. If you encounter problems with your task, feel free to consult with me. Of course, I want real problems. If you think that I will give you instructions from start to end, on how to deal with this task, then you will be disappointed with the reality. You might work in pairs or solo. Of course, the students who will take on the task individually will be noted, and receive a better grade at the end. Now... You are dismissed. Use the time given to you, to visit the library.

As he finished speaking, he waved his hand in the air, while twisting his fingers, and all the red dust got swept straight back to the pouch.

Students didn't wait long. The chatter began almost immediately, as everybody was packing their things, to leave.

- I'll take care of this - sadi Lena to Trevor.

- You sure?

She rolled her eyes.

- Yes. I'll make the best wand he has ever seen in his life - sie said with confidence. - In the meantime, you should focus on that idiot...

- Duncan? - Trevor asked with a note of surprise in his voice.

She nodded.

- I'll handle him - he assured. - Don't worry about that, but first I need to do some work on that paper on the history of magic.

Lena sighed.

- You are so terrible at studying. You always have to get stuck in the library - her facial expression indicated how disappointed she was.

- I'm terrible at studying? My grades in the regular school courses are better than yours. Do I have to remind you, that during the last test, you tried to peak at my answers? - his eyebrows raised, as a sly smirk appeared on his face.

- I didn't try to peak at your test. Something just got in my eye - she said, and twister her lips a little, showing how annoyed she was by his words.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. I don't have time for all this 'im better than you' bullshit - he rose his hand like he wanted to block her.

She was so shocked by his words, that she actually stopped walking, and just watched him take a few steps before she rushed to join Trevor.

- But I am better than you - she protested.

Trevor just snorted because this whole conversation became simply ridiculous for him, and on top of that there was this note in her voice like she was asking him to acknowledge what she was saying.

They headed straight to the library, alongside many of their classmates. The boy went to the table where all his books and maps, temporarily borrowed, were left, while she headed straight to Mrs. Net.

- I need a book about wands. I'm looking for some good ideas for a project - she said to the librarian.

That was the last thing Trevor caught from their conversation. He pulled a notebook from his backpack and immediately dived into the work he already started. After a few minutes, he caught Lena leaving with a tome in her hands, as he was checking maps, one by one.

One of them, in particular, caught his attention. It was among the first maps of the city ever made and belonged to the ancient times when Xavier Velrosh barely created the barrier.

To the boy's surprise, there was nothing in the place where now the first district was located. After checking with a few other maps, he figured out that the only buildings present on that city plan were located in the circle that now belonged to the fourth. But that was not all, as the fourth was quite big, and surrounded every other previous district. He also found that the only architecture from that time existed around the place where his school was.

It was just a city hall, a school, a few shops, and a couple of houses around that area. Now all of them had to be long gone, as he wasn't able to recognize anything.

He started to check the streets and quickly discovered that although many of them changed their names, one remained the same. It was the very street, where Miss Vera Kovalyova's bookstore was located.

- Huh? - escaped his mouth, causing a few other students to briefly look his way.

He couldn't help but slowly sketched everything from that old map in his notebook, before returning to the topic of his soon-to-be-completed paper. He was unable to finish it though, as the time gifted by Professor Vish Northon to the class came to an end.

The rest of the school passed rather quickly, and Trevor returned to his room as soon as he could, mainly to focus on finishing the 'Elementalist' mission. Just like before with the frost proficiency, the earth, and the air grew very quickly, so as he finished in the middle of the night, he had them both high enough to pass the mission, which was confirmed by a ping sound in his head.


Congratulations on finishing your mission!

The reward for success: A random spell.

To receive your reward, please focus on it.


Trevor focused on the reward. A text briefly appeared in front of his eyes: "Spell 'Eyes of the seeker' unlocked!"

Then a sharp pain struck his brain, making the boy stumble until he hit the wall of his safe room with his back.

- Ugh! One would think I would learn by this point - he said to himself while squinting his eyes because of the pain.

With the new memories, he knew exactly what to do to activate the spell, and how it worked. All he had to do was focus the energy in his eyes, then make it flow properly around his pupil, in the iris. He wanted to try it immediately, but as he learned quite fast, almost all his power was gone due to the practice.

The spell was supposed to let him see the traces of magic with his bare eyes, which seemed quite useful since he would finally be able to know what was exactly happening with Haddish when it was inscribed on a piece of paper. That could lead to him finally catching up to other students. Thanks to Lena handling everything for the enchantments class, he was unable to practice properly, which accumulated with time, putting him quite behind everybody else.

Since he couldn't test the new spell because of lack of energy, he went to bed, to end the long day.