The beginning of the journey – Chapter 1
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Достопримечательности Конохова: Пять каменных ликов Хокаге Главной достопримечательностью Конохи является гора Хокаге,.. |  ВКонтакте

16 years after the founding of Konohagakure (also known as the Hidden Leaf Village)

In a small apartment, on a bed, lay a four-year-old boy. His name was Toshiro. His turquoise eyes and short, spiky white hair gave him a unique appearance. The little boy enjoyed the moment and reflected on his future.

It's been four years since he ended up in Naruto's world. Yes, you guessed it right, he was the protagonist of isekai. But after four years of waiting without any sign of awakening his golden finger, he decided to put those dreams aside and think about his future.

Born into a civilian family, Toshiro became an orphan in this new world, relying on monthly help from the village. He was a true anime otaku, and one of his favorite anime series was, of course, Naruto.

But back to his past life. His name was Shinimaru and he was seventeen years old. He had just graduated from high school and was preparing for college. In his spare time, he enjoyed cooking, playing sports, watching anime, and playing video games. Part-time, he worked as a food delivery driver. However, one day, while at work, he was hit by a truck. Unfortunately, he could not be saved, and he died of a broken chest.

However, after his death, something incredible happened - he suddenly woke up. He did not expect this, as he had just experienced death and found himself in a completely unfamiliar place. His nerves failed, and he burst into tears. At that moment, he was only a few months old, and no one noticed any change in him. And so it took another four years until he found out where he was. This happened when he saw a stone with images of two heads: Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

Now he was thinking about the future and how to build his life. He immediately rejected the option of remaining a civilian, realizing that it would be a useless existence in a world where the chances of survival as a civilian are extremely low. Toshiro decided to become a ninja. Although this option was dangerous, he was ready to take on the challenge because being a ninja was always better.

To enter the ninja academy, he needed to reach the age of five or six, so he had another year to become stronger to the best of his ability. Because he was a civilian, resources were limited. Therefore, he decided to start by exercising regularly and studying the available information in the library, which was created on the orders of the First Hokage Hashiram Senju to give civilians at least some chance to catch up with the clan ninjas.

So, his story began in this new world. Toshiro was determined to achieve his goal and become a real ninja. Numerous trials and adventures awaited him ahead, but he was ready for them. His determination and pursuit of excellence have become his foundation in this world full of dangers and opportunities.


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