Henge no Jutsu – Chapter 16
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Time passes, in the blink of an eye, six months have passed since entering the academy.

Toshiro, as usual, was sitting at his desk, looking out the window.

On the other desk lay Jiraiya, who was too lazy to do anything.

Toshiro, on the other hand, was thinking about his progress during this time.

Half a month ago, he had finally finished fully mastering body chakra amplification, entering that state without sitting in a meditation pose.

After several experiments, he came to the conclusion that it was ineffective for him to be in this state all the time, but rather to use it in the moment of attack or retreat.

Along the way of his training, he noticed that his chakra control increased by one level. Nor had he abandoned his physical training: throwing, folding seals, all these were Toshiro's steady training.

Because he stepped up his training, he needed more medical herbs to recover, so his budget took a big hit, with about 5,000 ryo left over.

Recently, he noticed that he was sometimes being watched. If they were ordinary people, Toshiro wouldn't have noticed at all, but it was Orochimaru.

Toshiro was sitting in class as usual, and at one point he got bored of reading and turned his head to see what the class was doing. When I turned my head, I saw yellow eyes with vertical pupils staring at me. I almost jumped out of my desk. It's a good thing I came to my senses and stopped.

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When we stared at each other, Orochimaru turned away and didn't turn around again during the class.

After that moment, I started noticing when Orochimaru looked at me. I don't hate Orochimaru, but his eyes with the vertical pupil are sometimes tense.

Today was the day as usual. The sun was shining outside, I thought, a breeze. This kind of weather is quite common in Konoha, so the townspeople are used to it.

A teacher walked into the classroom and greeted the class. "Good morning, class."

- "Good morning, sensei."

I want to make you happy today: as of today, we will begin to learn the basic techniques that every student who wants to become a ninja must master. After these words, the class began to talk.

"Finally, we will begin to learn the techniques." -

"Phew, I thought we were just going to keep running around in circles on the court." -

"I'm getting bored of it, too.

" The class hummed, the teacher gave them some time to talk and then said:

"Silence, now I will tell you what you will be learning."

In order to become a ninja, you must learn these minimums: Henge no jutsu (transformation jutsu), Bunshin no jutsu (clone jutsu) and Kawarimi no jutsu (body replacement jutsu), releasing illusion, activating explosive seals and printing out a scroll object.

This is what you need to know to become a genin-level ninja.

Today I'm going to show you the basic hand seals to one of the techniques, and we're going to start breaking them down.

After a little silence, pondering which technique to start with, he began:

"Henge no jutsu (transformation jutsu). "This technique is most often used to disguise the user as another person, but they can also transform into an animal, a plant, or an inanimate object.

Users will receive the attributes and physical features of what they transform into, such as the sharpness of a weapon or the fangs of an animal.

The ability to take so many different forms makes this technique invaluable not only for combat, but also for intelligence gathering and sabotage tactics.

Being able to use a transformation technique does not necessarily mean that you can use it well.

Ideally, the user's transformation should be indistinguishable from the original, so that if they were placed together, they could not be distinguished from each other.

Even if the transformation is a perfect likeness, users can still unintentionally reveal themselves if they do not act in the same way as their subject."

After a brief introduction and explanation of the application of the technique, the teacher said: "There are only 3 seals in this technique: Dog → Boar → Ram.

You have to put the seals together and visualize the image of what you want to question. But more experienced users may reduce this technique to one or no seals at all.


It all depends on the skill of the technique or the chakra control."

After explaining, he said: "Now I will slowly fold the seals for you to see, so memorize them." After these words, he began to slowly stack the seals: Dog → Boar → Ram.

There was a "Booh" sound, and another man in his forties with a bald head and black clothes appeared in front of everyone, in the place where the teacher had been standing.

Afterward, he said: "Now you are seeing a clear example of the application of this technique."

After that, the class began to say. -

"Oh, and if I use this technique and go out at night, no one will find me..." -

"You could go to that store that my dad won't let me go to, saying I'm too small..."
Toshiro was excited, too, because this is the first time he's seen the use of this technique, and as a modern man it's really exciting.

"Now I've shown you the technique. Next, we'll go out on the court and practice performing it. I'll be around and point out to you the mistakes you're making."

Once out on the academy range, the teacher once again showed the seals and then asked the students to repeat and ask questions about the problems that arise.

After all, even if they are clan children, they are just learning, and they need time to learn how to use the techniques.
Toshiro, for his part, stepped aside a bit and began to fold the Dog → Boar → Sheep seals. As he folded them, he poured in chakra.

As soon as he finished, he felt the chakra flowing through the system of chakra pathways inside his body.

Toshiro felt the chakra moving through his body, and when he switched from the Kaban seal to the Baran seal, the chakra suddenly rumbled and lost all momentum, and a few moments later disappeared. "Well, basically, nothing unexpected. I'll try again," thought Toshiro.

Everyone at the range tried the technique, but they had the same result. Toshiro folded the seals again and presented the image, this time fully feeling the chakra flowing in the meridians.

The chakra blurred this time, but he recognized how it flowed, and that was a plus. All he lacked was more chakra.

So when Toshiro started doing the technique again, he added more chakra.


A cloud of smoke appeared, and Toshiro turned into teacher Ranji Himura. The small details didn't match, the height was smaller, but the technique worked.

Toshiro was beyond excited. It had really worked.

"It was my first technique. If I had a camera here, I would have taken a picture for myself," Toshiro thought to himself.

As Toshiro celebrated his first technique, he was noticed by his teacher and other students.

The teacher, noticing Toshiro's success, involuntarily widened his eyes. As he approached him, the teacher shook his head with a smile.

"Take off the technique," the teacher said.

When these words were spoken, Toshiro dissipated the technique. "Toshiro, you made great progress today," the teacher said. "Your ability to control chakra is much better than the others."

Toshiro recalled in his head the moments when he had fallen from a tree and fallen through the water. And he crinkled his face, for he had gone through a lot of trouble to make his control normal.

"Okay, keep practicing. Even though you've done the technique, it's still far from perfect," the teacher said.

To himself, he thought, "We need to monitor this kid's progress. If this keeps up, we'll have to make a report in his personal information."

After these words, he walked away from Toshiro to the other students. A couple of seconds after the teacher stepped back, Jiraiya ran up to him, followed by Ryuto and Hiro.

"Hey, Toshiro, how did you do that? My chakra keeps dissipating," Jiraiya asked.

"Maybe you're not channeling the chakra right. Do you have any idea what you want to turn into?" - Toshiro replied.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" - Jiraiya resented.

"Well, then you lack control," Toshiro replied.

"By the way, Ryuto and Hiro, why aren't you practicing?" - Toshiro asked.

"And I'll practice at home. It's so stressful right now," muttered Ryuto.

"I'll practice with Ryuto. I'd rather eat chips!" - Hiro said, eating chips.

"By the way, do you know where Kai has started disappearing to? I haven't seen him lately," Toshiro asked.

"I don't know either. He hasn't had much contact with me," replied Jiraiya.

"He went to skip, saying he was bored of sitting in the academy," Ryuto replied.

"Well, that won't get him anywhere good. I hope he doesn't get expelled," said Hiro.