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The world was dark, every area was black. It was so dark that if one stayed in one area they would feel like they were falling. In the corner of such an environment, a nesting area was created. It was a pit filled with carnivorous black worms. The worms would move around the area, looking for something to eat. They would consume anything that made contact with them, even the darkness itself. In the end, the darkness was gone, replaced by a sea of writhing worms.

However, it was here that it arose.

It was a pure white being. It was majestic and graceful, but it was also powerful and intimidating. Its presence was overwhelming, and it seemed to command respect. It was as if it had been there since the beginning of time, waiting for its moment to shine. LAcking any defining features , it was a blank canvas that could be interpreted in a multitude of ways. Those who encountered it felt something palpable, something that defied words and could not be explained. It was a mysterious and enigmatic force that left a lasting impression.

However the worms' hunger grew exponentially at the sight of such a delicious morsel. Before shrinking into tree-like expansions, the pure white being waved its hand as its vines covered the wave of darkness. Wave after wave of worms were absorbed swallowing until the wave was left as nothing, its souls feeding the soul of a great monster, as intended by nature.

Feeling sleepy at the soul nourishment, the white being leaned against the walls of the nest and fell into a deep sleep, to complete the digestion of the soul.

It was from here that the story began.