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This is the story of how I became one of the world's greatest gangsters. There’s some stuff you should know first, when a person enters their teens, they are given powers I guess you could say. Normally one is given usually 1 – 2 powers which are all left up to imagination, but the powers are kept under wraps usually but I, however, belong to a group of people known as tri-powers (catchy, I know) which as the name explains is a person given three powers, mine are Super Intimidation, No-limit adjustable strength, and the ability to freeze time. Unfortunately for me when I freeze time it freezes my body as well the only thing not frozen is my mind, actually the first time that happened I was studying for a really big test and I froze time so I could read and study everything I had in front of me and I tried to look at a piece of paper I had out of my FOV and moved towards it, looked back and realized I was out of my body, ever since then I was able to do it occasionally, not on command unfortunately, but that power is the most overpowered in my opinion as I can freeze for as long as I want and study anything at all as long as it’s accessible without needing to move anything around. My name is Asuka Allen and let’s get on with the story.