43. Those Who Leave, And Those Who Come
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- You sure about this? - Hellen asked the crow.

She was sitting on a boulder, on the side of a mountain path between two massive rock formations. It was almost like a tunnel, with the exception that you could actually see the sky if you looked up, although it quite well melted with the color of the stone, so it was actually not that easy to realize.

The bird was standing on her open hand, twisting his little head from left to right to glare her straight in the face, switching from one eye to the other.

- Kraaa! - Hawk assured.

His voice had to overpower the winds, which, in this place, due to the terrain, were making those loud wailing noises. As if somebody, very far away cried their eyes out, and the sound echoed further into the mountains.

The woman sighed quite heavily, then moved the animal to her shoulders. Crow gently jumped, then turned around to position itself properly.

- What did he say? Did he spot something? - Lurog asked.

He was also resting, leaning on the wall of stone with his back. The arms were crossed on his massive chest. The backpack rested on the ground, by his leg.

- There are some people not that far away - she explained.

- You think this might be what you are looking for? - he asked.

Hellen shrugged her shoulders in response.

- Who knows? One thing is certain. The monsters around that place... There aren't that many of them. It has to mean something - she stated.

- It could be the people...

- I guess we will have to find out, won't we? - she smiled, then got back on her feet.


- Everything is ready? - Damir asked.

He was heading towards Vincenzo, holding the jar in his hands. The strong wind massed his hair even more along the way. The skeleton was basking in the morning light, standing next to the wagon. He had his helmet taken off, so the naked skull was exposed. The movement of his finger, in the air, told the necromancer that he was doing something in his system.

On the other side of the vehicle, Akichi was finishing strapping the horse.

- Almost - the undead responded.

He purchased the two last skills he needed before finally leveling up: 'Swordmanship[2]' and 'Dodge[1]'.

[You advanced a skill!]

[You have acquired a new skill!], flashed in front of his eyes. Then he closed all the windows.

- Hundred soul fragments more - he added, but more to himself than to the mage. - Ninety-six to be precise...

- What? - Damir's eyebrows climbed up his forehead, as he failed to understand.

- Soul fragments. I need ninety-six more to level up.

- Oh... Well... It would be good if you could get them before your journey begins, but I guess there isn't much we can do about that now. Here, put it on - The necromancer stopped right in front of him, and presented the jar.

- Where is Sisa? - Vincenzo asked, glancing at the gift before he took it from the mage's hands.

He put it on the wagon, next to his helmet and the mask, then opened it. Taking out the skin from the inside wasn't as easy as it seemed to be. The damn thing seemed to escape his fingers but on the third attempt, he managed to pull it outside.

It was wiggling in a quite disgusting way.

- She is talking to her father. Saying goodbyes - Damir informed.

- We should get going soon. Maybe... - Vincenzo said, stretching his new face in front of himself using only two fingers from both hands.

He wasn't able to finish, though, because Akichi interrupted.

- I'll go fetch her - he said before rushing towards the main building of the settlement.

- Just put it on - irritated necromancer said, looking at the undead who was dealing with the mask as if it was some disgusting creature.

Vincenzo glared at him briefly, before doing just that. He was quite slow about it, trying his best to place it properly. Surprisingly the skin stuck to his face quite well. It twitched and from underneath it, those fleshy little threads come out, sticking to his bones, making the whole thing kinda marge with him.

- Put the helmet on - Damir instructed.

The undead grabbed his helmet from the wagon, then placed it on his head, before looking at the mage.

The necromancer stepped closer to have a better look. It was a bit off. Some parts of the skin looked like it was about to fall off.

- It looks decent - the mage said, before surprising Vincenzo by putting his hands on the undead's new face.

He started pressing like he wished to massage it or spread the thing on the skull a little bit more. That was exactly what he wished for. After all, he wanted for the mask to look like a proper face. Good enough to pass as a real one as long as the skeleton would keep the new shining helmet on, which they took from the dead mercenaries.

And it did. Kinda. It looked as if Vincenzo was a burn victim, who then got his face cut in several places, leaving nasty scars, but at least this mask resembled the real skin. The problem was the lack of eyes, but there was not much the necromancer could do about that issue.

When Damir finished, he stepped back to have another look.

Meanwhile, Akichi found Sisa kneeling next to her sleeping father, whispering something to his ear. She was crying. To the point, that tears were slowly dropping off her face on Han's clothes.

In the corner of the room stood Gobuyagi, observing the girl very carefully in complete silence. He wasn't moving at all. If not for the clothes, he probably could be mistaken for a really well-done mannequin of sorts.

- It's time - the skeleton said, catching the girl's attention.

She smiled looking at him, then quickly wiped her face before going back on her feet. She marched out. Gobuyagi followed her immediately, breaking his stillness, and Akichi soon joined, but first, he glanced once again at the sleeping man.

He was slightly worried about him, but he also knew that this solution to the whole problem was the best thing they could do in their current situation.

When they got outside, heading straight towards the wagon, they spotted Damir glancing at Vincenzo's new face.

He noticed them too and waved his hand at them.

- Come. Tell me what you think - he said.

They got closer, then eventually looked.

- I think it looks good - Sisa said.

Her eyes were still red from crying.

- It should pass if he won't be showing too much of it - Akichi added. - Especially the eyes.

- Good - annoyed Vincenzo said, then quickly grabbed the leather mask, and properly hid his face. - Let's go.

Sisa nodded, she rushed to jump on the cart, where, among the moss and supplies, she found a spot for herself to sit down. The skeleton went to grab the horse's reins, then, without even saying goodbyes, began heading towards the forest. Using the same path they took when they came to the settlement for the first time.

- I have a bad feeling - Akichi whispered.

- They will be fine - Damir replied, then headed straight to the main building, leaving Gobuyagi and his father alone.