Chapter 9: Dual Time
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I glared at Mokuba as he drew his cards, I could see Principal Shepherd watching me from the crowd. “I will go first, First I summon Lord of D. in attack mode” a humanoid figure emerged in front of him.

Lord of D.

It had a boney chest armour and it glared at me. “Next I play the spell card The Flute of Summoning Dragon” a strange flute appeared in the Lord of D hands. He placed it to his lips and gave a mighty blow into it an ear piercing trumpet sound echoed out.

The Flute of Summoning Dragon

“That card allows the user to special summon up to 2 dragon monsters from their hand”

“Yeah imagine if it was Kaiba duelling Thomas I bet they would have been Blue eyes white dragons” I gritted my teeth slightly ‘I hope they know I can hear them.’ 

“Now I special summon from my hand my Divine Dragon Ragnarok and Luster Dragon”

Divine Dragon Ragnarok

Luster Dragon

A vibrant blue crystal looking dragon and a pinky white fiery dragon emerged onto the field. I heard the crowd oh and arh as the dragons roared “lets see you beat this”.

I drew six cards and looked at them.

Junk: Jet Ski Shark


Junk Vengeance

Junk: Paper clip Snake x2


I smiled slightly “first I play the field spell Junkyard” my junk started to form on the field as towering piles of rubbish emerged. “Now because you have more then two monsters on the field I’m allowed to special summon my Junk: Jet Ski Shark”. As I played the card a mechanic shark jumped out of the ground, its head was a old looking blue Jet ski and its body was made out of broken pieces of blue fibreglass. Its mouth was full of razor sharp propeller blades and its black soulless eyes glared at Mokuba.

“And because I have my field spell out all Junk monsters gain 300 attack and defence points, now go Junk: Jet Ski Shark send Lord of D. to the graveyard go Dead In the Water”.

 Lord of D. 1200 Attack ~ Junk: Jet Ski Shark 2700 Attack

My shark leapt into the air and then plunged into the ground, its fin shot towards Lord of D. Mokuba’s monster tried to run but it’s legs seemed to sink into the ground below trapping it in place. I saw the horrified expression of Lord of D. before my shark had him in its maw and started to shake it violently. Lord of D. made one final scream before my shark snapped him in two. “I place 1 card down then end my turn, lets see if you can come back from this”.

2500 Mokuba ~ 4000 Thomas

“Well then I draw” I saw Mokuba smile eerily “tribute my Luster Dragon and my Divine Dragon Ragnarok to summon Rabidragon” the two monsters disappeared in a shower of dust and a new monster emerged onto the field. It was a dragon with white fluff on its body It looked at my creature and snarled.


I saw Mokuba smile as he and I both knew my shark wasn’t going to be winning this fight anytime soon. “I hope that hunk of junk has a valid warranty” the dragon started to beat its wings as it started to hover in the air. 

Rabidragon 2950 Attack ~ Junk: Jet Ski Shark 2700 Attack

Rabidragon stated to beat its wings harder before it shot up into the air. I only saw its shadow as flew down and crushed my monster underneath its feet. I grunted as shards of metal hit me.

2500 Mokuba ~ 3750 Thomas

I started to laugh “thank you Mokuba I wanted to try this card out I activate the trap Junk Vengeance” the pile of scrap that was my monster started to vibrate and smoke “thanks for activating my trap Junk Vengeance”. A ghostly version of my shark emerged and glared at Mokub menacingly “it seems it remembers you.” I laughed as the ghostly visage shot towards Mokuba his Rabidragon tried to block it with its body but the visage just went through. The visage opened its mouth wide and then slammed its jaws down on Mokuba. 

Mokuba violently shivered and collapsed onto one knee “what getting tired so soon.”

2250 Mokuba ~ 3750 Thomas

“Argh this isn’t over yet I place one card face down and end my turn” (try attacking my Threatening Roar trap card will stop it dead in its tracks.) I drew my card and smiled widely ‘looks like this is checkmate’.

Junk: Scythe Reaper

“I first summon to the field a Junk: Paper clip Snake” a large snake made up of blue and green paper clips it hissed at Mokuba. “And because of my field spell I can special summon a friend for my monster so say hello to another paper clip snake.” Another snake made of paper clips appeared and his but this one was made of red and yellow paper clips. I grinned at Mokuba “now I activate my upscale spell card and send Junk: Lorry Rhino to change the levels of my snakes to 8”. I could see Mokuba’s goons pulling out laptops and strange looking equipment.

“Come forth my dear friend, they called you useless and tried to decommission you. But you fought back and proved your worth but now I must call upon you to help me prove my worth. Bring forth all your might and all your power to help me in my quest tprove one mans junk is another's treasure. Come forth Forgotten Junk: Reactor core Dragon!” A black vortex appeared overhead and my snakes transformed into bright lights and flew inside. Mokuba’s goons stopped what they were doing and gazed on as my monster emerged into reality.

Forgotten Junk: Reactor core Dragon

“Mr Mokuba we’re getting the same readings as the first incident.” ‘First incident? What are they on about’.

“Now I active the effect of my Junk: Scythe Reaper, when he is in my hand and I have a Junk XYZ monster on the field I can send him to the graveyard to activate its effect”. I sent the card to the graveyard and a shadowy figure appeared behind me, it was humanoid in shape it had glowing red eyes and a mechanical skull for a face. It’s torso was hidden by a dirty red robe and it gripped a large rusty scythe in its metal hands. 

It did a mechanical laugh as turned into a shadowy orb, the orb flew towards red light in the middle of my dragons chest. As the orb hit my monsters chest I started to chuckle “wipe out everything and everyone leave no one standing to raise arms against me again, go Reactor Core Meltdown”. The light on my dragon chest started to blink wildly and the sounds of sirens started. A bright light started to come from my dragon “I activate the effect of my Junk: Lorry Rhino so my dragon doesn’t get destroyed by its ability.”

“Mr Mokuba the energy is spiking and becoming critical” a saw Mokuba look on in horror as with a thundering boom and bright flash my monster reached critical mass.

0000 Mokuba ~ 2850 Thomas

I chuckled ‘I’m real glade I protected my life points by banishing Junk: Jet Ski Shark.’ I looked at my dragon who towered over Mokuba who now was on a pile of his dazed goons. I had just noticed what my monster actually had done the floor underneath me was cracked. I heard the crowd clapping and Jaden ran up to me and nearly crushed my lungs with a bear hug.

“I knew you could do it dude” 

Pov 3rd person Location somewhere in America

“Please don’t do this I have a family” a man was on his knees in a dimly lit warehouse he was chained to a steel chair. Three large muscular men were guarding him one to his left, right and behind.

“You were meant to throw that dual Benny my boy and what do you do, you win it costing me thousands”. A slightly smaller man he was about 6ft 5 emerged from the dark. His body was littered with scars from everything from gunshot and knife wounds to claw marks. He spoke with a light accent from a foreign country. His soulless black eyes matched his short black hair the man walked around Benny and grabbed his shoulders from behind. “Do you know why you’re here Benny the reason why you’re here and not sleeping in the river with some concrete slippers”.

“It’s not my fault the guy you had me dual was a complete amateur he had a card that could have won him the dual but he didn’t even know how to use his deck”. The man let go of Benny’s shoulders and walked back around him.

“That is why you’re here Benny because it wasn’t your fault but you still disobeyed my order” Benny could now the mans back it wasn’t scarred at all but it did have an enormous tattoo covering it. The tattoo was of a black dragon clutching a woman with silver hair, the dragon was crushing a knight under its right foot. The inscription Чтобы защитить свою семью, я стану монстром was written underneath in bold letters.

“But there is an important saying I like, a less not learned in blood is a lesson soon forgotten” the man clapped and another man brought in a table on wheels. The table was covered in items most covered in blood most were sharp and pointy. “Hold him down” as the man said this the three men who had been guarding Benny grabbed his head and arms to stop him thrashing and moving. “You may feel some discomfort with this operation but don’t worry we have a doctor on standby to make sure it goes well”.

The man lent closer to Benny’s face “just think you’re going home to your wife and daughter, I heard you’ve got another one on the way”. The man grabbed a item that looked like a ice cream scoop but it had sharp edges. “I hope you remember this lesson well Benny I don’t want to leave such a nice woman a widow” the man loomed closer and closer to Benny’s face. All Benny could do was whimper and cry as the item drew closer and closer to his eye.