Chapter 10: Xeno wait Xeno
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I smiled as Mokuba left in a huff “this isn’t over” I heard him say as he turned to leave. Principal Shepherd started to walk towards me and he placed his hand on my shoulder. 

“That was a splendid dual Thomas you are an inspiration to many” I shook his hand and turned to face Alexis.

“You shouldn’t be out of bed” my voice changed to a much more serious one. 

“”She just wanted to wish you luck man” Jaden chuckled slightly and I smiled at Alexis.

“Well I’m starving when’s lunch” I looked at my watch.

“Sorry chaps but lunch isn’t for another hour” Bastion emerged from behind Alexis.

“What lesson is it next?” I asked Bastion.

“It’s your favourite Physical education” my jaw dropped and my soul nearly left my body as Bastion said this. “Cheer up its a choose your own activity session” I laughed slightly ‘I wonder if sleeping is classed as an activity’. 

“Your mother is calling, your mother is calling pick up your mother is calling. You know I’m not going to stop pick up, pick up, pick up You know i’m not going to stop, yes I know your phone password so I could change your ringtone for me. Pick up, pick up, pick up.” I chuckled slightly as everyone was taken aback by my phones ring tone.


(In Italian) “(How’s it going honey is school good)” 

“(Yes mum its going well, how are you?)” I chuckled slightly as Jaden and the others shot me a confused look. I mouthed “mother” to them.

“(I’m doing good)” I heard her talking to someone else “(your father wants to speak with you)” I heard the phone change hands and I heard a much deeper breathing.

(In Russian) “Made any friends yet?” I sighed my father always to the point.

“(Yes dad)” 

“(Any of them girls?)” I turned to face Alexis.

“(Yes dad one of my friends is a girl)” I heard him laughing.

“(Good, good is she cute)” I heard him yelp in pain before I answered.

“(You shouldn’t be asking those kinds of questions)” my mothers Russian was as bad as ever but I was able to understand her.

“(I just want to know if I’m going to have a potential daughter in-law)” I heard him yelp in pain again but this time it was much louder. 

The phone changed hands again (In Italian) “(I hope that fancy school is feeding you well)”. I paused before answering remembering the Grilled Tongue Drawbread.

“(Yes mum the food here is good but it isn’t as good as your cooking)” I heard her laugh loudly.

“(You know it, well I’ll let you get off now I’m sure your lunch is coming up)” she hung up soon after. As I put away my phone I was immediately bombarded by questions from Jaden and Syrus.

“What was that Thomas?” Syrus eyes lit up as we started walking towards our next lesson.

“It was Italian” I was unsure why he and Jaden was like this. 

“What other languages do you know dude?” Jaden was enthusiastic as I turned my head slightly.

“I can speak English, Russian, Italian, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish.” I saw Jaden, Syrus, Chumley, Alexis and Bastion look at me quite surprised. I chuckled “My parents have a lot of friends who speak different languages”. We arrived at the gym and Jaden, Syrus and Bastion went to play baseball whilst Alexis went to her friends and I was left alone. ‘I think it’s time to make some new cards’.




I smiled at what I had created ‘I can’t wait to add to this arch type’. I walked into a large room it was full of weights and exercises equipment. It was fairly empty except for one person who was working a punching bag. The person turned to me it was a boy of average height and average build he had short spiky blue hair and emerald green eyes. He wore a blue tank top and a pair of dark blue shorts. 

“Hi there are you here to work out?” He undid the straps on his boxing gloves and walked towards me. He was about the same size as Bastion I saw he had a tooth missing when he smiled.

“Yeah I am but where is evert one else its”

“Deserted” I simply nodded and the boy sighed “not many people actually want to improve their physical strength and they don’t want to get hurt with boxing”. I started to chuckle and the boy looked at me quite confused. 

“Well I love boxing I’m Thomas you’re?”


“Well Tyson get your gloves on I haven’t sparred in a while and I’m a little stiff”. Tyson smiled and threw a pair of blue boxing gloves, head and mouth guard my way. He wore a similar pair but in red, I had taken of my Obelisk blue jacket of and undid the buttons of the white shirt underneath. Revealing my torso I remembered that my OC had some muscle not enough to have a six pack but some none the less. 

“So where did you learn to box a gym, personal trainer” I cut him off before he could say something else.

“My father made me take up a sport to make sure I got my daily exercise. Didn’t like football or pretty much anything else but I fell in love with boxing.” I chuckled again “when he found out I took up boxing he said to me that this was what he did as a child.” I cracked my neck as I entered the ring, I slipped in the mouth guard and grinned at Tyson.

“Don’t think I’ll go easy on you” Tyson quickly closed in he was fairly nimble on his feet. The size difference was quite noticeable it was about 30cm. Tyson threw a light jab which I side stepped and I threw a jab to test his reaction. My jab connected with his jaw I didn’t put much power in it most people would have at least tried to block it. 

“Are you one of those boxers that tank all the blows with their body?” 

“Yeah I am you going to look down on me for that” I chuckled slightly.

“Not a chance my dad always said you have to be careful of the ones who take all your blows cause they are the most dangerous”. I threw a body hook with my lead hand and Tyson just ate it. He threw a quick succession of three jabs and a lead uppercut I dodged the three jabs but got hit by the uppercut. My head snapped back as the blow connected my vision went fuzzy slightly as I shook my head. Something started to buildup inside me it wasn’t fear or anger it was enjoyment. A large smile emerged on my face as I started to advance towards Tyson. 

He threw another quick succession of four jabs but I dogged three and blocked the fourth with my arms. I responded with a lead uppercut followed by some body shots. Tyson kept eating everything I was throwing at him and kept his smile. I slipped under one of his jabs and counted with a uppercut to his chin. He started to press on the attack throwing several jabs, hooks and overheads. I ducked and weaved but before I could close in to counter attack he threw a haymaker out of nowhere. 

I stumbled into the corner as the blow connected “you alright man?, didn’t beat you to bad did I” I chuckled and got out of the corner with a large smile.

“You have to do more than that to best me buddy” Tyson smiled as we both charged at each other with maniac grins on our faces. Tyson went with a massive haymaker which I dodged by sidestepping and countered with a right hook to his jaw I kept following it up with more  hooks and uppercuts. Tyson ate every blow and kept swinging and attacking trying to back me into a corner. 

40 minutes later

We were both laying on our backs panting, sweat dripped off our faces. “When we have another lesson like this I demand a rematch” Tyson wheezed.

“Well when we do I’ll make sure to go all out” I heard Tyson laugh.

“Really that wasn’t you going all out.”

“Nah not even close I could go for another ten rounds easy” he didn’t look convinced.

“Sure you could well if you ever find yourself near Ra Yellow I’m always up for a fist fight in or outside the ring”. I got up and shook his hand and head to the showers as I reeked. I heard the other boys entering the showers as well.

“I’ll make sure I strike you out next time Bastion”

“That is a mathematical impossibility Jaden my formulas are never wrong.”

Pov 3rd person Location somewhere in America

A woman gazed into the countryside as she sat in her conservatory, a easel with a blank canvas was in front of her. She hummed slightly as she prepared paints and brushes. The sun started to peak out of the clouds casting its golden rays into the conservatory. The woman had long silver hair that had a long white streak running through it. Her light grey eyes gazed out onto the rolling green hills. Her attention was quickly taken by a sudden ringing coming from the kitchen. A man with black eyes and short black hair brought the phone to her.

“It’s for you love” she simply took the phone and brushed her hand over her husbands face.

“Thank you love I can guess who it is” the woman used the bars on her wheelchairs wheels to turn it around. (In Italian) “(hello father)” her tone was cold and desolate of any emotion.

“(How is my shining little star doing)” the voice on the end was full of energy and sounded really positive.

“(Get to the point you old bastard)” the woman's husband had brought in some tea for her. “(Thanks honey)” she whispered to him before kissing him on the cheek.

“(Now, now my little angel that is no way to speak to your father)” the voice still sounded very happy.

“(I stopped being your little angel when you tried to marry me to that Carlos slime ball)” the voice did a nervous cough.

“(Well if that dumb brute didn’t turn every bone in his body into paste maybe you could still have married him)” the voice on the phone still sounded positive.

“(Well that dumb brute only did that after Carlos tried to rape me)”

“(Is he talking about that dumb fuck that tried to rape you again)” the woman's husband peaked his head in and the woman just nodded.

“(Well I’m not calling to open up old wounds, I want to know how my grandson is doing)” the woman moaned.

“(I told you dad you aren’t allowed contact with him)”

“(Come on the last time I saw him was at Christmas when he was one, even then that dumb gorilla wanted to beat me to death when I touched his hand)”

“(Dad it is final if you want to seem him that bad I’m sure the dumb gorilla would love another chance to rectify his mistake)” the woman hung up and sighed. A pair of arms wrapped around her and her husband leaned in “could you please take me to our room please that conversation has spoiled my attitude”.