Chapter 11: Dual exam part 1
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A few weeks had passed since my dual with Mokuba, a lot has happened I deepened my friendship with Tyson. Jaden was able to piss of Crowler a lot and I was able to complete my Xenomorph deck with the random missions the system gave me. I was busy studying for the upcoming dual exams a legend about a monster roaming the woods had started to circulate so I had to call back the Abyss Shadow. Chazz still hated my guts but I didn’t mind I was more excited about the one week break that was right after my exams.

The exams were tomorrow and I couldn’t wait and as I was getting ready to go to bed a familiar screen appeared.

New mission: Score above 80% on your written exam and pass your Dual exam.

Rewards for completing both objectives: Sexy Yubel poster Male/Female variants available.

Rewards for completing 1 objective: Sexy poster of 1 Yu-Gi-Oh monster girl/boy (Not Yubel)

Rewards for not completing any objective: A pat on the back and a study textbook.

I was even more excited for the test now ‘I’m going to get a poster of my Waifu Yubel’ I giggled excitedly as I closed my eyes.

Pov 3rd person somewhere in America

“How many times do I have to say this Dark Magician Girl is way better than Harpy Lady!” Two men were having an intense debate between themselves.

“No way that dinky girl hasn’t got anything on Harpy Lady not only is she way hotter then Dark Magician Girl her wings would be amazing in a cuddle.” A man with short black hair pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Will the you two shut the fuck up about Dark Magician Girl and Harpy Lady you haven’t stopped arguing for two hours now shut it before I tell your wives about your obsession”. 

One of the men turned he was a large man with short brown hair and blue eyes “Sorry Dmitri” the shorter of the two bowed slightly as the bigger man spoke, he had a bright pink mohawk and red eyes because of coloured contact lenses.

“I’m sorry too” he turned to the bigger man and shook his hand. “I may think Dark Magician Girl is the best but I should respect other peoples opinions will you forgive me Hugo” the larger man nodded.

“I also apologise as well Vlad” both men turned to Dmitri.

“Good now that you two have stopped and made up we have a job to do” Dmitri pulled out a dual disk just as the doors to the warehouse they were in opened. A small old Chinese man accompanied by two much bigger men entered. “Ah Mr Chen I’m so happy to see you” Dmitri smiled slightly as the Mr Chen approached, his walking stick striking the ground was the only way Dmitri knew that the man was approaching. 

“Mr Dmitri how’s the wife” Mr Chen had long spindly white hair and a long white beard with blotchy skin and brown eyes. Mr Chen wore a red business suit and his henchmen wore the same. He had crooked teeth that were really noticeable as he spoke with his heavy Chinese accent.

“She is well Mr Chen how’s your daughter I heard she’s getting married”

“Ah yes my little cherry blossom is getting married to big American doctor”

“I will make sure to send a gift, now lets get to business” Dmitri snapped his fingers and the large man with the short brown hair placed a metal briefcase onto a table and opened it. Inside it was full of cards “5,000 rare cards just as promised”.

“To think in my prime the underworld major business was drugs and guns but now its this” Mr Chen shook his head as one of his henchmen placed a similar case full of money onto the table. “I hope the Chen’s and the Falcones can continue this partnership for future generations”.

Dmitri nodded and smiled as he took the briefcase full of money.

Pov Thomas Falcone

‘I wonder where Jaden and Syrus are’ I was sat in the classroom waiting to receive my test. Just then Syrus burst through the door ‘He’s lucky that we haven’t started the test yet’. I saw Chazz scowling at Syrus as he got his test paper Bastion and Alexis was looking quite confident. I was handed the test paper I got ready to start. We were 15 minutes into the test when Jaden had finally decided to show up. I heard Chazz complaining to Jaden about him being late and I smirked’I can’t wait for you to get your butt whipped by a Kiriboh. I was slightly off put by Jaden and Syrus snoring but for that Yubel poster I would put up with it.

As the time ticked down I became more and more excited I could feel the monsters in my deck begging to be let out and to tear something asunder. “Alright every put down your pens the written exam is over, now please walk do not run to get in line for todays new rare cards”. 

I heard someone say “their here” and I saw Banner instantly regret his words. Describing the student’s reaction could be easily summarised in one word “tsunami”. The students literally burst out of the classrooms like a raging wave. I was casually sat in my seat not needing any of the new cards and I walked casually towards the sleeping Jaden and Syrus. Bastion got there first and woke them up I could hear Syrus groaning as I drew closer. 

“So why aren’t you getting any of the new cards Bastion”

“Please 1 miscalculated card could throw my entire deck of balance” Jaden turned to look at me.

“Why aren’t you getting any new cards Thomas”

I chuckled and patted the black deck box strapped to my hip “I have got some new mean not very green but they are deadly killing machines”.

“Cool can I see” Jaden seemed very excited to see what I got.

“Sorry but I can’t show them yet” I turned to Syrus “I recommend you two get going before they sell out of the new cards.” Jaden and Syrus both legged it to get to the card shop. I turned to Bastion “have you come up with a formula to beat me yet?.”

“No not yet and If you have a new deck I might need to rethink my strategy altogether.” I chuckled as I patted him on the back.

“Don’t worry you will see what lies in my deck soon enough.”

Thirty minutes later 

I was waiting for my opponent on the arena I was fortunate enough to get the arena next to Jaden. “I can’t wait to see your new cards dude” Jaden smiled at me and I smiled back. The crowd in the rafters were cheering at the top of their lungs. My opponent finally turned up she was short with long blond hair and green eyes she wore an Obelisk Blue uniform. I yawned slightly as I put my deck into the dual disk. I heard an eruption of hissing and screeches ‘I feel so bad for this girl she has no idea what lurks in my deck.’

We both drew five cards and I smiled widely.




I smiled as I thought back ‘the Alien franchise is owned by Twentieth Century Fox and that is owned by Disney and since the Queen Alien is a Queen does that mean all of the Aliens are Disney Princesses.’ I was brought back out of my thoughts as my opponent coughed. “I think I’ll start off by playing 1 monster face down and 1 card face down” I smiled as the monster I played screeched in joy in my mind.

Pov 3rd person

“Out of every dual I have seen Thomas participate in, I have only ever seen him place a monster face down once” Bastion stroked his chin. Syrus and Alexis both looked at Bastion then back at the arena. Jaden had just played his Elemental HERO Clayman in defence mode.

Elemental HERO Clayman

“So what does it matter if he plays a monster face down its not like it will wipe out his opponents for him.” Syrus tone had become more serious as he watched both his friends dual.

“It does matter tho Syrus he said his new deck was built to destroy his opponents and if their anything like his Junk monsters, his opponent best tread with caution” Bastion look down at Thomas field and then at his opponent.

“Well for someone who bested Mokuba Kaiba your opening move doesn’t have any flare” the girl drew a card in an extravagant manner and smiled. “I first play Happy Lover in face up attack mode” a small yellowish angel thing emerged onto the field.

Happy Lover

Thomas snickered a bit as the crowd ahed Thomas looked over to Jaden dual, Chazz had just summoned his VW-Tiger Catapult.

VW-Tiger Catapult

“You may not think he’s tough now but wait till I play this, I play the equip magic card Power of Love.”



A flurry of hearts circled the little angel Thomas grinned widely. “Now Happy Lover attack his face down with Lover Pummel!” The little angel charged towards the face down monster.

“I active my Trap Xenomorph Ambush” Thomas heard a loud gasp as an enormous hand grabbed hold of the angel. “Now I would like to introduce you to Xenomorph Ape.” A behemoth monster started to squeeze the angel. 

“Ah dude I don’t know what to tell you but that is no ape.”

Power of love is a card I made the reason why some else other then the MC has it is because it is difficult to give minor or custom characters a deck that won’t get beat in one turn.

What gender should the Yubel poster be (this will affect her/it’s/his gender in session 3)
  • Male Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Female Votes: 10 83.3%
  • Male/Female Votes: 2 16.7%
Total voters: 12 · This poll was closed on Aug 2, 2023 03:19 PM.