Chapter 12: Dual exam part 2
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I smiled widely as my monster started beating the ever loving shit out of the little angel.

Happy lover 1800 Attack ~ Xenomorph Ape 2000 Attack

My monster threw the angel towards the girl like a baseball.

3800 Elizabeth ~ 4000 Thomas 

The Happy lover ricocheted off of Elizabeths head and dizzily got back onto its feet. My Xenomorph Ape pounded its chest and snarled loudly. “Cute isn’t he” I giggled I got a strange look from Jaden.

“Dude we have completely different definitions of cute” 

“Hey you Slifer slacker focus on the dual your losing” I glared at Chazz and he shot a glare back at me. I heard another cough and my focus fell back onto Elizabeth.

“You really need to see a doctor if you have a persistent cough” I chuckled as her face went red with anger.

“I place a face down and end my turn do your worst.” 

I grinned “Alright you wanted my worse I draw”.




“Well I first play the continuous spell If It Bleeds We Can Kill, It makes any Yautja type monster require one less tribute to summon them and if they are  level 6 or lower it counts as a special summon. The price tho is that any monster that battles a Yautja gains 1000 attack for that battle”. I paused before I placed another card “now meet Scar” a tall humanoid figure emerged it wore a strange mask and it snared at my other monster.

“But wait I still I have my normal summon so I summon my Xenomorph Face Hugger” I smiled as a long spindly legged spider creature emerged onto the field. “Next I play my Xenomorph ChestBurster magic card this allows me to target one spell or trap and send it to the GY.” A small snake creature burst through my spell card I saw Elizabeth gip slightly. “Well I know some say three are better then two but I disagree when this pretty is what I will summon”. My face hugger turned and jumped onto Scars face tearing him mask off. 

I saw the crowd’s reaction as my monster hit the floor “did he destroy his own monster?”.

“I don’t know”

After a few seconds something started to move in my monsters chest it was a small lump. But then it grew larger and larger before it erupted from my monsters chest in a shower of blood. I saw the look on everyones face even Jadens as a similar looking worm like creature slithered out of the chest cavity. I heard Elizabeth laughing “you got rid of those two monsters for that”.

“Just give it a minute” the worm like creature hissed and started to rapidly grow larger and larger.




I smiled as the face of my foe turned from a smile into a face of grimace. “You wanted my worse well now you’ve got it may I introduce the Xenomorph Predator”. My new monster easily dwarfed her angel and my Xenomorph ape. It had a well developed muscle structure and it definitely showed. “Best thing about my friend here is that he gets an additional 200 attack for every other Xenomorph on the field”. I saw my monster become slightly more bulky and I smiled “I hope you’re ready.” My Xenomorph Ape charged forward and grabbed hold of Happy lover before doing a close line on it.

Happy Lover 1800 Attack ~ Xenomorph Ape 2000 Attack

3600 Elizabeth ~ 4000 Thomas

“Now my Xenomorph Predator is going to attack” my monster snarled and charged, it leapt into the air.

“Not so fast I play my trap Love Conquers All”



“I can only activate this card if a Light attributed Fairy type monster would be targeted for an attack, not only is the attack negated I gain Life points based on the Life points I would have lost.” The little angel creature flew towards my monster and kissed it on the cheek? I wasn’t even sure it had a cheek to kiss. My monster blushed slightly and fell back“So I now gain 600 life points ha”. I heard the crowd ah at the scene and I felt disappointed my badass monster just got stopped by a kiss.

4200 Elizabeth ~ 4000 Thomas

I started to laugh “well you seem to have blocked that attack but my Xenomorph Predator can attack twice a turn.” My monster seemed to snap back to its senses and jumped at the Happy Lover. It seemed extra pissed as It started to use the angel as a little punching bag dangling it with its tail.

Happy Lover 1800 Attack ~ Xenomorph Predator 2400 Attack

3600 Elizabeth ~ 4000 Thomas

“Seems like love didn’t conquer that time did it” I snickered and Elizabeth scoffed at me.

“End your turn so I can prove you wrong”

“Well my Xenomorph Ape has to switch battle modes since it attacked by I’m happy so I’ll end my turn.” My ape sat down and played with its clawed fingers.

“Well I draw” I saw her face light up “well I am definitely going to win with this card but first”. I saw her play a monster card “greet to the field Puppy Love” a small black dog appeared on the field and gave a playful bark.



I heard some of the girls squeal at how cute the dog was. It tried to do a roll but got stuck halfway as its little legs ran in the air my ears got hit by another wave of girlish squeals. ‘She’s definitely playing a trap placing that card in attack mode.’ “Next I play the spell card Love Hurts” I saw her smile as the card emerged onto the field.



“Now for the turn this card is activated when a Light Attributed Fair type monster battles a monster in defence mode It inflicts damage based on the difference between its attack and the attacked defence.” A pinkish black aura enveloped both her monsters “now Happy Lover attack his Xenomorph Ape with Lover Pummel”. The angel flew towards my ape and started to slap it with its wings, I saw my monster cower slightly as it got beat up.

Happy Lover 1800 Attack ~ Xenomorph Ape 0000 Defence

As my monster shattered the pinkish black energy from the little angel floated up into a ball and shot towards me. I kneeled as it hit me and I gritted my teeth ‘I’m going to get you for that’.

3600 Elizabeth ~ 2200 Thomas

“This truly is your worst” Elizabeth laughed “I’ll place a face down and end my turn”. I looked over to Jadens arena and saw Chazz had brought out his strongest monster and all Jaden had was his Winged Kuriboh in defence mode. I grinned Jaden was going to win his dual and I needed to with this for my Waifu Yubel. 

“I draw” I smiled ‘great the card that I can’t use wait the Xenomorph Predator does have Yautja in its type so I should be able to use this.”



“I play the equip magic card Bloody Camouflage” I held my breath hoping it would work the PredAlien my have Yautja in its type but it also had Xeno. I kept holding my breath and my prayers were answered my monster became slightly invisible but if you shone light at the right angle you probably could still see it. “Now my Xenomorph Predator tear her Puppy Love to shreds” my monster made a roar before it leapt into the air.

“Whats he doing it’s obvious a trap”

Puppy Love 500 Attack ~ Xenomorph Predator 2200 Attack

“I trigger my”

“No you don’t see when a Yautja type monster attacks with Bloody Camouflage equipped my opponent can’t activate spells or traps.” The puppy whimpered as my monster landed in front of it and kicked it. It made louder barks of pain as My Xenomorphs claws started to tear it apart. My monster did a victorious roar as it ripped the dogs head clean off. A bit of its spinal cord dangled out as the blood hit the ground. I saw Elizabeth gip and nearly puke at the sight Happy Lover also looked quite terrified.

1900 Elizabeth ~ 2200 Thomas 

“Well you may have destroyed my puppy quite brutally but you know what they say a good boy never stays down” a bright light appeared on her side of the field as another dog emerged onto the field this one had blondish fur. It emerged right on top of the dismembered carcass of its predecessor and it looked quite frightened as I tumbled backwards. It then noticed my monster who now was trying to tie the dismembered head of its friend to its tail. The puppy yelped and cowered behind Elizabeth legs. 

“Well you must be dumb you summon the exact same monster but this time in defence mode my monster can attack twice” I sighed. “Destroy that one as well Xenomorph Predator” Elizabeth and Happy Lover could only look on in horror as my monster chased down Puppy Love. It was able to catch it and it stabbed it with its tail tearing a giant hole into it chest. But the worst thing was it didn’t die from that, as my monster let it go it tried to crawl its way to Elizabeth. Happy Lover tried to fly in between the dog and my monster trying to shield its friend but my monster just swatted it away. The heavily damaged Puppy Love had nearly made its way to a crying Elizabeth before my monster had finally decided to stop toying with its prey.

The dog squealed in agony as my monster lifted it up slowly close to its mouth. Its second mouth easily punched its way through the soft skull of its defeated quarry. I saw Elizabeth sobbing as a bright light emerged on her field “No please stay back!” Another Puppy Love but this time a white one, appeared to the scene of its two friends or brothers or sisters I didn’t know the relationship but I could tell It was completely mortified. My monster noticed the new meal and screeched in anticipation for the chance to kill this one as well.