Arai 07-08
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Chapter 07:


Bella worried a bit more with each passing day that Jake was away. It was no surprise to her that her dream sometimes reflected her worries.


In the dream, she was standing outside Jake's house as it burned.


A scream awoke Bella and she thought she caught a bit of lightening just outside her window. Grabbing her shotgun from under the pillows she leaped from the bed. Dressed in only a nightgown made no difference to her.


She heard someone pleading outside from the front part. Bella took the back door to move up the side with the shotgun ready to fire.


She peaked around the corner to see Victor standing over a man. Victor's hands had arcs of electricity crackling over his fingers.


“It's okay, Bella. He is alone. ” Victor said and Bella flicked on the little bright flashlight that was connected just under her shotgun barrel. She pointed it at the man on the ground.


“DERICK!?” Bella half asked seeing the man lying on the ground. The man's face was half burned along with part of his chest. Then, Bella's eyes smelled something. The heavy smell of alcohol or gasoline. Bella saw the old slightly rusted metal container not far away. Bella imagined Victor had used his magmatic power to toss the metal container away before using his electric powers.


“He also got a tinder box at his feet. ” Victor said just stating a fact.


“It was you who burned down my house. Your one of Christopher's buddies. Did he put you up to this? ” Bella said aiming the shotgun at his head.


“No, suffering not a witch among you. I'm not saying anything else. ”Derick said smirking even through the pain he must be feeling.


“Handcuff him and bring him inside. I will grab my medical bag. ” Bella said lowering her firearm.


Bella found Evelyn and Ruth at the top of the stairs looking down. Evelyn looking somehow ready for a fight.


“It's okay girls. Ruth go on back to bed. Evelyn, come down and assist me. ” Bella said recalling the medical knowledge Evelyn had.


Victor came in and he roughly forced Derick to sit at the kitchen table. Derick had his hands behind his back.


Bella turned on kitchen lights and started by cutting the man's shirt away.


“Don't you touch me, witch. ” Derick said.


“Settle down or I make the other side of your face match. ” Victor threaten him with his hand crackling with power.


“I'm already in handcuffs. Goes against police policy to harm me. ” Derick said sure of himself.


“Do you see a badge or a uniform on me, Derick? Bryan Brown is in charge until Jake gets back. I'm just back up in case Brown gets sick or dies. ” Victor said seeming very pleased.


“How did you sneak up on me? ” Derick asked next looking very confused. Bella noticed Derick stop moving around so much.


“Evelyn, your hands are a bit steadier then mine right now. You treat these burns and get the burn bandages then the homemade antibiotic cream that we have on hand. ” Bella directed and Evelyn went to work.


“Please remain still while I work. ” Evelyn said grabbing a bowl to fill with water. For a full ten minutes, she rinsed his burns.


Bella had to get a grip on her anger at the moment. She was shaking with rage at the thought that she suffered because of this man's hands for over a year.


“From what I see these burns are not bad. You will have a scar maybe two at the most. ” Bella said looking him over and Evelyn agreed.


“Please avoid opening any blisters or infection may set in. This antibiotic cream is homemade but acceptable. I believe this burn cream will help with the healing process. ” Evelyn said looking over the jars if silently asking where this stuff came from.


“You have Mrs. Ever-Spout to thank. ” Bella said taking some joy in telling Derick this bit of information.


“I will go get the deputy. If he gives you any trouble. Feel free to put a bullet in him. It's more then he deserves. ” Victor said and walked away for the front door.


They heard him leave.


“If it was my choice, Derick. I would exile you right now. Be thankful, that we are decent people. You do well to judge us by our actions and not to wrong me again. ” Bella said in a low menacing tone. Bella laid her hand on the shotgun she favored.


Jessica Indigo and Bryan Brown showed up a short time later.


“I got Victor holding down the fort back in town. He has already given me his statement. ” Deputy Brown said once he came inside.


“You two rode here fast. We got him bandaged up. The dressing needs to stay clean between applying the burn cream. This will reduce scarring a great deal. ” Bella said and watched as Jessica came in.


“Found a tinder box outside and one old rusty container half full of gasoline, I think. ” Jessica said holding up the items.


“Those ain't mine. ” Derick said.


“Hey genius, Your name is on the tinder box. Plus, I do recognize that it belongs to you. ” Jessica said flipping the small metal container over to show him the scratched name.


“Not to mention creeping up here in the middle of the night. Your place is on the far side of town. I bet there is a horse tied up close. I wonder, what will be found inside your home. ” Deputy Brown said next and saw Derick had gone quiet again.


“Let's take out the trash. I will read him his rights on the ride back. Decent folks need their rest. ” Deputy Brown said and Jessica followed after.


Bella learned later on. After getting a warrant from Judge Ivan Rota. There was plenty to convict Derick Summers on attempted murder charges. Bella heard about a bible with handwritten notes in it had been found. Most were insane ravings naming her as a witch along with other such sinners. The most damning part was the list of people he planned to burn in his handwriting.


It was the biggest court case the town had seen in years. It took only days for everything to be gathered, logged and everyone gave their statement. By the second week, Derick had his trial then swiftly convicted of his crimes. Bella as the town acting doctor found herself defending the man.


She hinted maybe Derick Summers was suffering from a head tumor or perhaps he had a chemical imbalance in the head. The town's medical resources focused more on physical then mental health. Locking him up long term would only cause a drain on resources that everyone needed. Evelyn's knowledge of mental illnesses was limited beyond providing personal care.


The vote for his punishment came down to executing him or exile from the community itself. It had been close vote and Derick was set to be exiled soon.


Bella often visited the jail to treat Derick for his injuries. Deputy Brown showed her to his cell which was open at the moment. The whirling sound of a small motor made Bella slow down a tiny bit.


Coming to the doorway she saw one of the town's tattoo artists at work. Then Bella understood. On the remote chance, Derick Summers found other people out there. The tattooed words on his head would be a warning to others of his crime. He was handcuffed to a chair.


Bella saw he been shaved bald and saw words like. Attempted Murderer and Fire-bug wrapping his head like a crown. The worst crimes were always tattooed on the forehead while lesser crimes could be hidden in the hairline.


Jessica was in the room keeping a sharp eye on the man. Her fingers tapping one of her throwing knives. Bella remembered that Jessica was the last year's champion at knife throwing.


“Hello, Mr. Summers. This will be the final health check before you go. ” Bella said after the tattoo artist was finished. He packed up his gear and left.


“You mean before my death. ” Derick said with a bitter tone.


“I don't fancy your chances in the long run. Most of the cannibals are retreating toward their homes for the winter. You got two whole months of fall before winter starts. It's my understanding a bag of supplies will be given to you once you are beyond the shield gate. ” Bella said truthfully.


“More then he deserves. I suggest you head South. ” Jessica commented.


“Sound advice. It will be warmer down South. Will he be going armed? ” Bella asked.


“Yeah, there will be a hunting knife at the bottom of his farewell bag. A good knife too since I made it. ” Jessica answered.


“Every day that you live is a gift. If you like, I can drop by Father Micheal's place and ask him to visit. At the very least, you can leave here with a clean soul. ” Bella suggested finishing up her work.


“Sure, I guess. ” Derick said figuring perhaps it wouldn't hurt.


“I wish that more then anything. That we had the technology and resources to truly help you. Times are hard, Derick. ” Bella said and saw something in Derick's eyes just then. It could have been remorse or just regret that he got caught.


He went back to looking at the far wall. In the direction of the shield gate.


Bella left and went to Father Micheal to ask him to see Derick. He quickly agreed and left as she went on home.


That night before bed Bella wondered if her husband had reached Coastal City yet. Maybe, he was on his way back at this very moment. Soon enough she drifted off to sleep.


Bella was in one of her future predicting dreams. Everything so crystal clear and happening if she was there as a silent watcher.


Bella was standing in Judge Ivan Rota's office. She glanced a the time and saw the date on a grandfather clock. It was the same night she had gone to bed.


There was a knock at his door. This surprised Ivan since he glanced at the time and saw it was very late indeed. Bella watched as the man fingered his wedding ring then called out to whoever it was to come in.


Christopher Brooks and a small group of men entered. Bella knew them to be his most devoted followers.


“Good morning, judge. ” Christopher Brooks said in a way of greeting.


“Mister Brooks, I have already heard your concerns. Nearly, the entire town voted on his punishment. ” Ivan Rota said showing signs he was done dealing with this man.


“Don't you see what they are doing to us. Are we going to take her word on what happened? ” Christopher Brooks said is tone rising a little.


“I do believe, Mister Summers's criminal actions were the cause of his exile. The evidence is solid enough and some of it was his own handwriting. I call that pretty damning. I bid you all gentlemen, a good night. I imagine, my wife is waiting up for me. ” Ivan Rota said next. Bella could hear his tone as his own anger rose up.


Bella screamed a useless warning at Ivan as Christopher Brooks pulled a pistol from his back. Quicker then she could have guessed he aimed and fired it twice.


Ivan Rota was knocked sideways as he fell.


“Oh hell, Preacher. ” One guy said into the silence that followed. Ivan Rota wasn't even breathing anymore.


Bella noted the time then watched as Christopher Brooks ran his free hand through his hair.


“Okay, you guys head over to the town jail and kill everyone there. We can say Derick escaped and went on a killing spree. To really drive home the idea, we will finish what Derick started. ” Christopher Brooks said.


Bella suddenly found herself inside the town jail building. Deputy Bryan Brown was behind the desk. Jessica was just coming out from the back where the jail cells were. The front door flew wide open.


Deputy Brown saw the threat almost at once as Brooks men stormed the place. Jessica was lost from sight in a cloud of blueish darkness that filled the room.


There was an exchange of gunfire. Two of Brooks men went down and a single knife flew out hitting a third. Bella waited and smiled when she saw the room was empty say for Brooks men.


Bella knew they had gone out of the back exit door. The last thing Bella had seen was the time on the wall.


Bella awoke breathing hard if she been there in the middle of that brief gun battle.


She looked at the time on her own wind-up wristwatch. In ten minutes' time, Judge Ivan Rota would die and in another ten the attack at the jail would fail.


Then Bella recalled what Christopher had said about finishing Derick's work. She had little doubt what that meant.


Bella went to the girls first finding Evelyn already up. Bella guessed Evelyn was putting herself on nightly guard duty since Derick's actions.


Bella went to Ruth's bed next to wake her.


“Ruth, we have to go. We are in danger. ” Bella said with an urgent tone.


Ruth stirred awake and looked slightly alarmed at Bella's expression.


“One of your dreams? ” Ruth asked and Bella nodded.


“Yes. Grab an empty bag and fill it with warm clothes. Evelyn, do the same but with food. I will get the weapons. ” Bella said thinking maybe in the future they should have bags packed ahead of time for a quick exit.


Ruth didn't question her any further but grabbed a bag then went to work. Evelyn followed Bella down the stairs to pack up as much food as she could carry.


Ruth settled on three main weapons. Shotgun, knife, and pistol. Each of these she settled onto her person after getting dressed in some unwashed clothes left downstairs.


Evelyn was picking out the food for long term storage at room temperature. When Bella told her she was going out back to saddle up the horses. Bella had a fall back point to go to in case of an emergency that Jake knew about. There were only a few others who knew that it even still existed.


So focus Bella was on getting the horses ready. She failed to hear the riders coming up the road until it was too late to warn those inside.


Then Bella cursed herself for not turning off the lights. Brooks men would know someone was awake.


Evelyn heard the men and their horses. It was unclear what their intentions were, but Evelyn had worked out Bella's power to see possible futures had foreseen a danger to her life and Ruth's.


With graceful speed, Evelyn turned off the lights then called up the stair for Ruth to find a safe place to hide.


The men's voices changed to hush tones and Evelyn waited in the darkness in a low ready position. Not far from her hand was one of the hidden firearms.


The back door opened with a slight creak and Evelyn watched as two armed men entered through the unlocked door.


“Please drop your weapons or I will be forced to take action. ” Evelyn said seeing none of them wore badges or appeared to be those who guarded the shield gate.


They panic fired in her direction and Evelyn pulled the firearm from it's hiding spot.


Running across the doorway she aimed and fired. Each man went down with a bullet wound to a spot that wasn't fatal on his body.


Evelyn turned as the front door was knocked down as three more men stormed into the house. She fired low hitting knee caps so the first two attackers dropped. The last uninjured man took cover blindly firing around the corner.


Evelyn moved kicking one fallen gun away then scooping up the second from one of the attackers.


There was a blast of a shotgun and the last attacker fell dead in the doorway.


“Outside is clear. ” Bella yelled out.


“Living room is safe. I got them covered. ” Evelyn said positioning herself in the doorway to the kitchen.


Bella came in and turned on the lights once more.


There was Evelyn standing in the threshold from the kitchen to the living room with guns pointed at the wounded men in each room.


“Hold them here, while I get Ruth. ” Bella said heading up the stairs. After calling out it was safe to come out. Ruth seemed to appear out of a closet in the hallway. Smart thinking considering it was close to the stairs.


“Time to go. ” Bella said seeing Ruth was already dressed.


Shotgun at the ready and reloaded Bella returned to the living room to find everything was how she left it. The men were groaning a little from the pain, but none of them were begging.


Bella noted where the bullets had hit and guessed Evelyn didn't aim to kill.


“Any of you try to follow us. I will make sure it's the last thing you do. ” Bella said to the men before she left out the front door. Evelyn grabbed the food sack after tossing one of her guns inside.


She kept one firearm out ready to fire if necessary.


Bella and Ruth were already mounted. Evelyn saw she had her own horse to ride. Dropping the gun in a saddlebag she jumped onto the saddle with her usual grace.


They rode off into the darkness.


Long minutes passed as Bella directed their path then paused when they came to an intersection.


“Everyone off and take everything you can carry. We go on foot from here. ” Bella said unloading their supplies then giving each horse a good smack on its backside to send it running on down the road. The horses would wander about for a while enjoying their freedom then make their way back to Jake's place in time.


Ruth realized as the dawn broke. Where they were as they walked. They took a bend in the road then there was Bella's old home. The burnt remains still black and the yard slightly overgrown with grass.


“Follow me. ” Bella ordered looking around then taking a what appeared to be a deer path. As they walked away from the ruins Ruth picked up the hum of the shield poles not far away.


They came to a clear spot in the with saplings growing on the outer edge. In the center appeared to be a mound of worthless sheet metal.


Ruth got a shock when Bella reached out and pulled away an old piece of sheet metal to reveal a steel door. With some effort, Bella managed to get it open and concrete stairs led sharply into the ground.


“It's an old bomb bunker the previous owners had built. I found it and been working on building it up just before my house burned down. I figured if the Cannibals ever come that it be a good place to hideout. ” Bella explained and made sure the girls went first before sealing all of them inside.


They were in darkness until Bella flipped a switch. Lights came on and Ruth looked at Bella for the answer.


“There is a buried power cable to this bunker. You can thank Uncle Victor for that. It's not much. A few rooms, but it stays dry and there is even a stove. We will cook only at night. ” Bella said as the girls looked around.


Bella sat down only to take a short break, but she fell asleep. By the time she awoke an hour had passed.


When she found the girls they were discussing what had happened at the house. Bella came in and decided they should know about her dreams.


It would be two days later before they got their first visitor. There was a knocking sound then the door opened and closed.


Father Micheal came down the stairs once Bella made sure he was alone she put away the gun.


“Deputy Brown, let me in on the secret. ” Father Micheal said and he had a sack of food in one hand.


“I saw a little of what happened through my dreams. ” Bella said taking the sack from him. Then Bella explained all that she saw.


“Jessica and Deputy Brown were wounded during the attack. Derick Summers is dead. We were fools not to see this coming. Preacher Brooks has taken over the town with his followers. ” Father Micheal said with a deep sigh.


“Victor wouldn't stand for that. ” Bella said.


“Bella, I hate to be the bearer of more bad news. Victor was captured and being held prisoner inside the power plant. He did manage to kill a few, but some of the guys were wearing hot suits. They forced him into an inner chamber that Victor himself had built to absorb his power. They are using him like a battery now to power the town. I have heard they threaten to turn off the shield wall if he tries to escape. ” Father Micheal explained and Bella looked off to the side if trying to find an answer.


“Don't count on Jessica and Bryan anytime soon. They are going to be out of action for a while. Both got shot and thanks to Jessica's quick thinking. She managed to get Bryan to safety at the Orphanage. I will go ahead and admit that our fall out shelter is a touch nicer. ” Father Micheal said with a warm smile looking around at this simple bunker.


“What about the town folk? ” Bella asked.


“Hard to say which side most people are on. Preacher Brooks has taken control of the food supply. There are armed men near each of the farms and greenhouses. It's been strongly hinted that the children will be the first to be harmed if there is trouble for any of his men. ” Father Micheal answered his expression was sad.


“He is a monster. ” Bella said shocked anyone would harm a child.


“Perhaps something worse then that, I fear. He is a misguided ignorant man. He has spent years sowing discord and gathering his followers who feel their complaints go unheard. You know, how he is. I don't pass judgment on people, but he thinks or is under the impression those with abilities somehow ruled the town. He has managed to convince others along the way over the years. ” Father Micheal said his tone reflecting some regret in telling them.


“Funny, I don't remember a whole lot of people stepping up to protect this town as the first days went by. ” Bella said recalling how so few wanted to protect others.


“My dad will make things right again. ” Ruth said sure her father would return any day now.


“Not sure, your dad can fight half of the citizens. As strong and tough as your dad is. He is not invincible, Ruth. Poison gas, drowning or even a lucky shot to the eye can kill him. Victor was easily the most powerful and they managed to capture him. ” Father Micheal said gently to Ruth.


“Then we need to regroup once Jake returns. Jessica and Bryan won't be healed up for some time. Maybe just a few weeks or an entire month. I will be expecting him back in another few days or a week at the most. ” Bella said next forming a plan.


“The shield gate is manned by people loyal to Brooks. If only, we could get a message to him before he comes within sight of the gate. A warning like; Jake, the town is unsafe. ” Father Micheal said trying to figure out ways to make it shorter.


“I could do it. There are billboards along the highway. I could paint warning messages on them. ” Evelyn said and slowly the adults nodded.


“How to get her past the shield wall? ” Father Micheal asked next thinking it over.


“I know the codes, Father Micheal. I could just tell them to Evelyn. ” Bella said with a slight smile.


“Once that section of the shield wall is disabled. You know, they will detect it at the power plant. Evelyn might be locked out afterward. Chances are they will change the code. ” Father Micheal said next.


“I can move at night and alone. No risk to human life. ” Evelyn said ready to help out.


“You can avoid the Cannibals? ” Father Micheal asked.


“She can take care of herself. She shot most of Brooks's men. ” Bella said answering for Evelyn.


“Speaking of the wounded. Our local vet is handling them. He patched them up, but he is not used to dealing with wounded people. Brooks has spread the story around it was Derick who caused all the trouble. I'm pretty sure he has issued a kill on sight order to his men for Jessica and Bryan. As for you and Ruth, he has hinted maybe you two are in hiding from Derick's former friends. The shootout was just a simple misunderstanding. ” Father Micheal said his tone becoming a bit sarcastic.


“Maybe Brook is thinking better to keep the town's only real human doctor alive. I can imagine he wants Ruth as insurance or a possible bargaining tool. ” Bella said trying her best to get into Brooks's mindset.


“I better get back to the orphanage. Now, that you have told me what really happened to poor old Ivan Rota. I will let Jessica and Bryan know as well. Before, I go. That is all of the food that I can spare. It looks like enough to last a week or more. ” Father Micheal said and Bella saw him out.


That same night Evelyn was sent out on her task. Bella had little doubt Evelyn would get back to the house and use the codes to leave the town of Last Hope. Ruth was sorry to see her best friend go.


The days passed with little talk between Bella and Ruth. Slowly, their food ran low and Bella knew they couldn't stay in her bunker much longer. To make her worry more. Father Micheal hadn't returned nor there was any sign that Jake was back.


Bella feared he was delayed or maybe the road back proved to be more dangerous. In the early morning, Bella made the choice they try for The Ever-Spout household. They would go by the backwoods path and sneak upon the house with the small forest as cover.


Everything was going to plan until they heard horses coming down the narrow trail.


Chapter 08: Coastal City


Jake and Doc Wilson were allowed to drive further into the city's inner area. It was unlike anything Jake had expected.


He was still getting used to the sight of androids, Nereids, and various robotic pets. Coastal City was becoming alive once more.


“Look there. ” Doc Wilson said pointing to the news announcement. In front of a newly restored building. A hologram image showed a teenage girl with a baby in a carry sling at her side. She was plainly a Nereid as she shook hands with a man who looked somewhat stern.


“Mrs. Noble hands over control of the sister branch of Noble Tech here in Coastal City to her business partner. ” Jake read out loud and watched as the images changed to feature all the robotic creatures that could be created for a price.


“No one is going to believe all of the wonders we have seen. ” Doc Wilson said enjoying the tour they were taking.


“The people from Eden and these Nereids are nice enough. I'm just happy some of our people survived by fleeing to islands then returning to the city. Once, it was safe. ” Jake said proudly


“I got something to confess. I want to visit Eden one day. I know, we only see a bit of it through that portal or doorway. Exploring other worlds sounds like fun. ” Doc Wilson said then looking at his newly purchase smartwatch.


“I better let you meet up with Maggie. I will head back to the truck and get some reading done. ” Jake said looking down at his new watch and brushing at his new clothes.


Jake knew it was only going to be a few more days before his batch order of Regeneration treatment would be ready. It cost them a lot of credits so far, but they still had plenty of those newly minted silver coins.


Thinking to himself how much Ruth would love this city. Jake was considering buying one of those tablet thingies that contained thousands of books. As he rounded the corner to the open area where he parked the truck. He noticed three men trying to break into the armored truck.


Thankfully, Doc Wilson had locked it up tight and Jake had the only spare key. Roxy was inside barking up a storm.


“Can I help you, gentlemen? ” Jake said putting on his sheriff's voice then made sure his badge could clearly be seen. Jake had gone so far in buying one of those fancy laser pistols which he wore on his side under his new coat.


“Yeah, that's my truck and my dog, Roxy. ” The man who was trying to open the door said as he turned around.


“Ah, I see. Well, I will be happy to let you have the truck back once me and my friend return home to the town of Last Hope. We got sent out on an important mission. ” Jake explained and watched as the men exchanged looks.


“We lost a lot of men out there. Not to mention the investment that we put into it. I will take my truck back and whatever is inside. ” the leader said and Jake realized he was heading into trouble.


“You don't want to do this. I'm the sheriff of Last Hope. ” Jake said and watched as they laughed.


“I think the three of us can handle some backwoods redneck. ” The leader said and motion for his guys to his side to spread out.


Jake didn't know what a redneck was, but he figured it was an insult or just plain old name-calling.


Jake let the first guy take a mighty swing at his face. Jake wasn't sure which bone in the attacker's hand or wrist broke, but it sounded nasty.


Jake only moved then to threw a soft punch at the second guy which sent him flying back off his feet.


“Fuck, he is one of them. ” The leader said and pulled out a laser gun from his back.


Jake was expecting this and already drew out his own gun then fired. He aimed not to kill and his laser bolt hit the leader in the shoulder.


As the man spun the deadly laser pistol went flying out of his hands. Jake looked about to see people had noticed their little fight and he watched as men in deep blue uniforms with light armor came running toward them.


Jake had seen them and recognized law enforcement when he saw them.


Jake holstered his firearm and held his hands up in plain sight leveled with his shoulder.


“My name is Jack Filtune. That man has stolen my truck. These men can vouch for it and there will be public records showing I'm the owner. ” Jack Filtune said and Jake learned the name of the leader of the trio.


“We will settle this down at the station. We are just down the street. ” One of the uniform men said and Jake went quietly as they placed handcuffs on him.


Jake walked freely with his hands behind his back. The only plus side his three attackers were in handcuffs as well.


Once they arrived at the building that was the local police station. Jake knew at once this place put his town jail to shame.


He was taken to a room and chained to a table. He didn't have to wait very long before a man came in with a stern look.


“Sheriff Jake Armor of the town of Last Hope. I'm detective, Eric Williams. Pretty little mess you got yourself into. Let's start from the point on how you got the truck in the first place or you have the right to say nothing until you get a lawyer. ” Williams said sitting across from Jake then carefully putting a tablet face-up between them.


Jake saw his picture along with information about himself. Clearly, this was taken when he was processed into the city.


Jake explained everything very truthfully. After, he was done telling his story. Williams asked him a few questions which he seemed at ease during the interview. Clearly, Eric Williams knew Jake wasn't a bad guy.


“All of this is going to court soon enough. Mister Filtune is pressing charges and everyone involved will have to remain in our custody until all this is sorted out by a judge. Your find our court a little different from normal. I was a Coastal city boy myself before everything when tits up. Give it another year and we will have this city fully running again. ” Williams said with a heavy sigh.


“I'm glad to hear you all made it to the islands. ” Jake said relaxing a bit more. He could understand that Williams was just doing his job.


Jake was taken to a prison cell after he was allowed to contact Doc Wilson. As the week passed there was a blur of visits and Doc Wilson arranging things money-wise. If they lost the truck the backup plan was to have Maggie fly out to Last Hope. That way she could get word back quickly.


Jake soon found himself taken to a court building only recently restored judging from the recent work. Jake was freed from handcuffs and directed to stand by a woman friend of Maggie who just so happen to be a lawyer.


Jake looked over to see Jack Filtune not far away standing next to his own lawyer. Jake heard the man introduce himself, but forgot the name almost at once. The lawyer had a look to him that scream snake oil salesman.


“Good evening, gentlemen. I'm Judge Matt Grisham. It's my understanding that there was a conflict over who owned an armored truck. Mister Jack Filtune's side will be heard first. ” Judge Grisham said looking over a tablet then frowning slightly.


“Thank you, your honor. My client was in the process of getting his property back. He just so happen to be walking by when he recognized the truck in question. That's when this questionable Sheriff by the name of Jake Armor showed up. He confronted my client when he was only trying to gain entry to his own truck. We have hard copies of the paperwork and electronic ones as well showing proof this truck belongs to Jack Filtune. ” Jack's Lawyer said and Jake instantly didn't like his oily voice or the look of the man.


“And the reason your client didn't alert the authorities right away? ” Matt Grisham asked leaning forward a little to hear the answer.


“My client was about too before this unfortunate fight broke out. Admittedly, started by Jack's less patient friends” the Oily man said.


“If I may object, your honor. We have testimonies from different witnesses who have pointed out the fact that Jack Filtune ordered his friends to start the fight. It was Jack Filtune who drew his weapon first. ” Ruby said her soft calm voice cutting through the silence that followed. Then the oily man spoke.


“Only after, my client realized that Jake Armor was a powered individual. We have witness statements here saying with a light punch Jake knocked a man out. ”


“Thank you, sir. I like to hear Jake's side now. ” Judge Grisham said holding up a hand to stop the debate before it got started.


Ruby was about to speak when Jake stood up.


“If it pleases the court. I have always try to be an honest man and would prefer to speak for myself. ” Jake said maintaining eye contact with the judge.


“You may speak. ” Judge Grisham said and Jake thought the man smiled a little with amusement.


“My name is Jake Armor. I have been the Sheriff of a little town called Last Hope for years now. We are located in the middle of an area called The Plains. Word came to me about possible trouble just outside our town limits. Me and my long time friend Doctor Wilson checked it out. We found what appeared to be the aftermath of a fight between the Cannibals and unknown group of people. There were two trucks there as well. The first one was burning with a driver dead at the wheel. The second truck hardly had a scratch on it. ” Jake said pausing to take a drink of water.


“Inside the second truck, we found plants, food, and a medical case. As per our town's custom and law. Anything we find abandoned outside the wall is divided among the community. The plants went to farmers and the food to our only orphanage. It was perhaps Doc's discovery inside the metal case that proved to be the greatest of the finds. Perhaps in a moment of foolishness, my old friend tested this regen stuff on himself. Noticing the effects and benefits he quickly figured it out. A week later, we had a sick dying boy on our hands. Taking a risk, my friend injected the boy with the regen stuff. As you can guess it worked. The only problem that we had. There was a very limited supplies. As Doctor Wilson can state we decided orphans should be treated first. There was no telling if any of the other children might get sick from Little Thomas's illness. Then doc selected young couples who were most likely to have future children. Not long after that our town leaders and the community sent us out to find more of this regen stuff so everyone can have their fair share. ” Jake said and noticed he had the full attention of the room.


“A touching story, your honor. How do we know if any of this is true? We have only the word of his friend to go by. ” The oily man said and Jake thought he found someone he could dislike as much as Brooks.


“If word could be sent to Last Hope. Evelyn can be another witness. She is after all under my protection. ” Jake said and watched as Jack's face went a bit pale then Jack spoke in a burst of outrage.


“That's impossible. I shot her right in the....” Jack Filtune said in a fit of disbelief then stop realizing he had said too much.


“I would like to hear the rest of that statement. It sounds like your client just admitted to almost murdering an android citizen. ” Judge Grisham said now leaning forward.


“Your honor, my client misspoke. If I may have a moment. ” The oily man said and Jake heard the slight panic in his voice.


The judge nodded. There was a hurried and hushed conversation between the oily man and Jack. Jake noticed how pale Jack now looked.


Finally, the oily man stood up.


“Sorry for the delay, your honor. My client failed to inform me that he did shoot Evelyn in the head to spare her the fate of being captured by the Cannibals. You see space was limited on the last truck which they used to escape the area. So you see it was a mercy killing. ” The oily man said.


“Your client is claiming that he didn't have space for a child-size android?” Judge Grisham said his expression becoming a bit grim. The judge was looking down perhaps bringing up the information on one of those tablets.


“It was in the heat of the moment, your honor. My client is willing to make a deal here and now. If this court is willing to show mercy for his rash actions. ” The oily man said now looking a little worried himself.


“I'm listening. ” Judge Grisham said now sitting back with his dark eyes focused on Jack Filtune.


“My client is overjoyed to hear that Evelyn has survived and is under the protection of Jake Armor. If the court is willing to overlook any possible attempted murder charges for his panicked decision. He is willing to transfer full ownership of the truck at base cost only. ” The oily man said and Judge Grisham turned his attention to Jake.


“Since Evelyn is not here. Would you like to speak on her behalf, Sheriff? ” Judge Grisham asked.


“I think Evelyn would forgive mister Filtune for his rash actions if it meant the regeneration treatment got to the entire town safely. ” Jake answered and realizing he would have to let a would-be murderer go free in order to safeguard his home town.


“If all parties involved agree. This court will waive away the future charge of murder in order to save the future lives of the people of the town of Last Hope. Jack Filtune, If I may give you some personal advice. Let this be the last time, that I ever see you in my courtroom. ” Judge Grisham said his tone becoming very stern.


“Ye...yes, your honor. ” Jack Filtune said and nearly jumped from his chair the moment the gavel was banged down.


Outside in the hallway, Jake found Maggie and Doc Wilson waiting for them off to the side.


“You were wonderful, Grace. ” Maggie said coming up to Ruby then giving her a full-on lip kiss.


Jake looked from the kissing women then to his friend Doc.


“I was going to tell you that marriage customs are a little different where Maggie is from. People from Eden can have an extra husband or wife if the first wife or husband agrees. ” Doc Wilson said a bit sheepish.


“And I agree with my Maggie. ” Ruby said putting an arm around Doc's waist.


“You old dog. ” Jake said to Doc. Jake found himself smirking and starting thinking about all the jokes about being henpecked by two women.


Not far away on a bench. Henry and Roxy sat waiting. Roxy barked once seeing Jake.


“She has been a good dog. ” Henry said and Jake guessed they left him out here to babysit.


Maggie was distracted by a beeping noise coming from her wrist. A few moments later she clearly was talking to someone through some type of wrist device. She walked away to have a private conversation.


“You are a good young man, Henry. Thank you for taking care of my dog. ” Jake said exchanging a firm handshake with the boy.


“Jake. ” Maggie said and there was alarm in her tone.


“Maggie? ” Ruby asked.


“It's the Cannibals. They are gathering for one big attack on your hometown. We need to get moving. ” Maggie said then started walking.


Jake followed and Maggie explained how she knew.


“I got a friend who is in charge of long-range drone flyovers. I told him about your town and he sent a drone to the area. He was mapping the area and a good distance away he spotted something odd. It appeared to be moving so he got closer with his long-range drone. He told me that an army of Cannibals is heading for Last Hope. ” Maggie explained


“They have never attacked during the fall or the wintertime. It scares me, that they are changing their tactics. ” Doc Wilson said as his tone becoming worried.


“Shame, they can't be cured. We have tried several times. Even if the mutated DNA can be fixed their minds are beyond mending. They have little fear and there seems to be a inner madness to them. ” Maggie said


“They have killed for pleasure as much as for food. ” Jake said his tone becoming hard.


“Good news, the truck is still loaded and we have the Regeneration order now ready for pick up. Since we know the way back we can cut our trip time down a bit. ” Doc Wilson said.


“First thing in the morning, we are leaving. We will take turns driving the truck. Good thing you let me practiced a little on the way here. ” Jake said to Doc.


“I will talk to some people that I know. You are going to need to arm up your town as well. ” Maggie said and she departed with Ruby to a nearby minivan.


After picking up the crates of Regeneration treatment Jake double checked everything. Jake spent all of his credits getting ammo and charging stations for his new laser pistols.


When morning came Ruby showed up with Maggie flying down on Gray-Wing. Ruby's van was loaded with long crates. Jake noticed a somewhat shady man driving Ruby's minivan. Henry got out of the van with his pets. Claw by his side and Fang in his arms.


“We pulled some strings and called in every favor we had. Lucky, I'm a lawyer and I know the right criminals. ” Ruby said as the driver stepped out and helped unload the long crates.


“Do you use the coins that I left at your place? ” Doc Wilson asked.


“Yeah and some of our funds. I know you told us to spend it, but we had to use it all. Sorry, doc. ” Ruby said.


“We will pay you back somehow. If we don't return within a month then you know our fate. ” Jake said jumping in to help by loading the crates from the van into the truck.


“We are coming too. I'm looking to retire from busy city life and enjoy my life with Maggie and Doc. ” Ruby said.


“You have a life here. Property and that charming apartment. ” Doc Wilson said having spent a lot of time with the two women recently.


“We have talked it over. I know, Maggie is going regardless of whatever I say or do. Besides, it's was getting pretty crowded with our newest additions. We were planning on moving anyway. Your town sounds like the perfect place to settle down. Just think, how much faster you get there with a third driver. Maggie will take Henry, Claw, and Fang. She can fly overhead as your lookout and when we are close to the town. She can fly ahead to warn everyone of the coming danger. ” Ruby explained.


Jake nodded then Ruby turned to the minivan driver to give him a nod. For the first time, he smiled and drove off with Ruby's minivan. Jake realized she had given that up as well.


“Shame, that we don't have more time. We could have gathered a small army to come with us. People here have their hands full with keeping the city safe and making contact with other groups out there. ” Maggie said as Henry climb on board Gray-Wing. He did it one-handed and with ease. Claw jumped up and settled himself into a side saddlebag.


Jake stepped inside the truck and Ruby was last. They had stacked the boxes standing up where shelves used to be then stacked some long ways making it even with the bed.


A short time later. Jake didn't think he would be so happy to see the outside world again as they drove past the last security checkpoint.