Immediately upon realizing that I just messed up and missed the important thing I'd been preparing for this whole time, I got up and quickly ran outside.
Of course, I first apologized to Sensei and bid her goodbye before I did all that... but, she immediately fell asleep again after we stopped doing what we are doing so, I think there's really no need for me to do it but I still did it nonetheless.
In any case, after going out of the room, I immediately head over to the stairs, planning to go up, to the room where the gunshots are coming from.
"Oh, Hiro!"
But it seems that I was really THAT late now since before I could even go upstairs, I suddenly found myself facing Takashi who was in the middle of going down. And by the looks of it, he seems to be in a rush... for a reason that couldn't be more obvious.
"I'm going to save a little girl." Said Takashi with quite a smug on his tone.
Now, I already expected him to say this, true, I even prepared for it beforehand. But given the meeting that we had yesterday where we all agreed that we shouldn't do something like this, I actually hoped that this situation wouldn't happen anymore.
But here we are, it still happened even though I already did my best to stop it from happening. Oh well, I guess if it is meant to happen, can't really do much about it huh?
So Takashi, looking as determined as ever, was about to walk past me and head straight to the door, but he was unable to do that cause I quickly stopped him by putting my hand in the way.
"What's your deal man!? I have no time for this!" Said Takashi with a frown as he tried to slap away my hand. But before he could do that, I CALMLY pushed him back, making him stumble down to the floor.
"I'll do it instead. Just stay put right here." Said by yours truly as I quickly move to prepare myself.
Well, all the things I would need for this operation have been already prepared here on this floor so it only took me a couple of seconds to take them all. I just then strapped it all in me then boom, I was now ready to roll out.
"N- no! Let me do it instead." Obviously, Takashi immediately got up and tried to insist that he should continue the mess he's already started.
Well, given how determined this bitch is, talk no jutsu wouldn't work on him at all. There's just no chance. In the first place, it only works on individuals who have brains.
True, I can also beat the shit out of him, break his legs, or put a gun on his head, all of those could work and are already enough to make him stay put but... that wouldn't really be ideal. The backlash that I would receive after that would put a bitter taste in my mouth.
In the very first place, I'm only an outsider here. All these guys are already acquainted with each other in some way before all of this even started, I just came into their life a day ago, there's no way they would favor me over Takashi if I did something like that.
So, facing Takashi, I started speaking while wearing a pretty sarcastic expression on my face. Well, I didn't mean to be like that actually, trust me I do, but at this point, I just really couldn't help myself.
"... You? Did you really plan to go outside looking like that?"
"Are you that stupid that you can't understand? Fine, let's do it this way then. There's you, a guy who's still in his fucking school uniform carrying nothing but his overgrown pride. You did not even bother bringing a broom with you or whatever. What did you plan to do going out there empty-handed anyway? Punch zombies in their faces? Then now what when you reached the girl you're planning to save? What are going to do to get back here? Use her as your meatshield?"
The further I speak, the more emotional I get, and... that's not good. That's why I paused for a second to calm myself for a bit... before speaking again.
"... Given our situation, why are you even arguing about who should go or not go? Stop acting like an idiot, you're just wasting time."
After that, I sighed heavily and shook my head. I am annoyed, so much so that I didn't even look at Takashi's face anymore, or even wait for his reply. I just headed straight to the door.
But before I opened the door and go out, I glanced first at Saeko who was standing on the corner for quite a while now, having been watching the two of us have our banter right from the start.
"Take care of everything while I'm gone."
Hearing what I said, Saeko gave me a nod.
"Leave the rest to us."
After that, I immediately swung open the door and went outside.
Looking outside, a bunch of zombies seems to have gathered already in front of us due to the loud gunshots upstairs.
"They couldn't have made my work even harder."
Originally, my plan is supposed to leave before Kohta even started firing his gun, just so before the zombie could even gather in front of us to block the way, I am already gone.
But due to some... unfortunate and fortunate reasons, I became pretty distracted and am now unable to do any of that.
Good thing that I am pretty adaptive.
The gate made a loud noise as I opened it up.
Upon opening the gate, I was met with nothing but my good old buddy, Bus kun.
Well, our front right now is getting swarmed by zombies, true, but they couldn't really get in or even touch the gate due to bus kun.
In any case, what I'm planning to do now is actually pretty simple.
Enter the bus, use it to get to my current destination, grab the kid or if possible her father inside the bus, drive back here, then... mission done. That all.
Well, yeah, I indeed said that I was planning to not use bus kun anymore but It's not like he's my first choice. I was just left with no choice cause if I followed my original plan of walking towards my current destination, not only that wouldn't be an easy task cause of the swarm outside blocking the gate, but I also probably won't make it in time there.
In any case...
The bus roared loudly as I started it up. Obviously, due to this, the Zombies that were constantly smacking the bus became pretty wild as well. They also seemed to have noticed me as the majority of them started gathering in my position... which is pretty weird cause why in the world would they know that I'm here? Aren't they blind?
Anyways, I decided to ignore all that and focus on my front. Cause I was about to do the thing I am pretty excited to do. Drive.
Why am I excited? Well, it's because this is my first time. Before this, I have no experience driving a vehicle this size at all.
But, even though that is the case, I can say that everything should be fine. After watching Shizuka Sensei drive yesterday, I now have a pretty good idea of how to do this.
Besides, I played racing games back then in the arcades, how different could this be?
So, with this overflowing confidence in me, I pushed down the lever, switched the gears to whatever it is just not reverse, then with no hesitation at all, stomped on the gas, making the wheels of the bus screech.
Moments later...
I am now zooming toward my destination at great... speeds? Ramming every zombie that gets in my way.
But as I drive the bus, I quickly realized something. That driving seems to be, not as easy as I thought it was and much more, complicated. That maybe, just maybe, I should slow down for a bit cause as a complete beginner, I am going fast. Weirdly fast.
BOOM! Upon my realization, I quickly stomped on the break.
I think it did nothing cause the bus didn't slow down at all.
Well, probably just a fluke, I thought, so I stomped on the break again, this time, even harder, thinking that it will make a difference.
But again, like the first time, nothing happened.
I stomped on it again multiple times but yeah, nothing still happened. And to make matters worse, the bus is still speeding up even though my foot is already not on the gas.
Now I get why it's speeding up so much even though I'm only pressing the gas as lightly as I can. It's cause the bus is fucking busted.
"Fuck you bus kun!"
I of course focused myself now on controlling the wheel, making sure it is in the middle of the road as much as possible.
How about my destination? Well fuck that! I already zoomed past it earlier so it doesn't matter anymore.
Now for my situation, people might say that I should try to collide with the walls beside the road, making the speed of the bus slow down due to the collision. Well, I've thought of that, but it's a bit late now cause I already reached the state that if I do that, this bus will be wrecked anyway.
Instead, the most ideal thing to do now should be, of course, jumping out of the bus. Which is pretty doable, just takes time but, is doable.
But of course...
I guess it doesn't really matter now.
Why? Cause I have no more time to do it.
Ahead of me, there's an intersection. That intersection consists of only two ways, left and right. There's no straight. And given how fast this bus is going, I can't and have no time to steer it out of the way.
Now to make the long story short, in a couple of seconds, I going to crash into a wall.
I am fucked. I can't do anything about it. Such thought, I already accepted it. It's just that, the way I'm going to die right now, I wish it could have been more badass.
Oh well, in any case...
"... It's a good run."
Seeing the approaching wall, I just closed my eyes. Letting the magic itself happen.
Cause moments later, as embarrassing as it is, the bus that I was in...
Horribly crashed into that wall.
Now whether I survived that or not, well, I don't think that question will even come up cause looking at the bus right now, which has its first half wrecked into pieces upon impact, I don't think there's even a slight chance of me walking out of that.
Oh well, at the very least, it's painless. My body was shredded into pieces so fast that even my brain did not have enough time to feel pain before it too got squished to pieces.
Overall, the results of my current mission, it failed embarrassingly. And for the third time at that, I fucking died.
This is super blueballing fr
If he really died and lost that progress because of something stupid like that I think I should just stay away from this...
That's definitely a first, MC getting killed during a mission.
I didn’t expect that to happen