8 – Rage
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Sarah felt like she had been living like an animal for the past few days. She was just eating, drinking, and sleeping. But so far, her plan has worked. As she guessed, if she did something, that had a connection to one of her abilities, she leveled up.
By now, she was a whopping level 7. Which was huge for her because she started to feel the magic power in her body. It kind of felt like she became healthier and stronger.
Even her basic stats, ‘resistance’ and ‘endurance’, got one point each. Probably due to her eating poisonous stuff nonstop. But since a few days ago, no matter how much trash she gorged down, her level just didn’t increase.
She mentally summoned her stat screen to try to think about how to level up some more.
Level: 7 Name: Sarah Anna Fischer
Class: None Race: Human
Status: Normal
HP: 75/80 SP: 40/50 MP: 70/70
  • How the hell are you still sane?: Resistance to mind damage increased by 10%.
  • Poison gorger: Resistance to orally consumed poison increased by 30%.
Mind (Mid) Body (Mid) Energy (Low)
Mind (0/2)
Body (2/2)
Poison Body
Energy (0/1)
Basic Stats:
Strength: 4 Dexterity: 11 Endurance: 5
Resistance: 4 Intelligence: 20 Force: 1
Special Stats:
Magic Power: 7 Life Force: 7
Active Skills:
Passive Skills:
Poison Body (Adaption)
  • Poison and acid resistance
  • Walking hazard
Metamorphosis (Mutation)
  • Skin:
  • Dense skin
  • Bone structure: None
  • Muscles: None
  • Brain, nerve system and sensory organs (not recommended):
  • Predators eyes
  • Organs and processes (not recommended): None
  • Special mutations (not recommended): None
Struggle (Conditional passive)
Slightly crazy
Mean eye
It was satisfying to see that her HP, SP, and MP seemed to go up in accordance with her Magic Power and Life Force. Also, her walking hazard skill got strengthened. Going from slightly toxic and acidic to very toxic and acidic.
She knew that this shouldn’t be something a normal person would be happy about, but she felt pretty good about it.
It was also very funny to just spit on something and see it wither immediately. When she found out about it, she did it for so long that her mouth totally dried out.
She knew that maybe the ‘Metamorphosis’ skill would help her level up, if she did some more mutations. But until now, she didn’t have an immediate need for new mutations. And she wanted to be able to immediately heal mutilated body parts, like she did with her eyes.
So mutations were more for emergencies. But as it seemed wasteful to her to only use 2 out of 7 Life Force points, she decided to give her muscles an upgrade. She looked at the other options, and some of the "not recommended" ones looked pretty good. But she just wanted to mutate them if she really needed it. They were not recommended for a reason. Probably.
It was also, sadly, not possible to upgrade or change existing mutations. So her dream of rock hard skin had to wait for now. But yeah, she still had so much to mutate, so she wasn’t that disappointed.
She grinned widely while she prompted the system to show her the possible mutations in her muscles.
<Mutation: Muscles". Listing available options:
  • Dense fibers (1LF): Increased muscle density. Muscles are tougher and stronger, but they also need more energy.
  • Strengthened fibers (1LF): Strengthened muscle fibers. Slightly tougher and stronger.
  • Magic fibers (2LF): Able to infuse magic power into the muscles to temporarily increase their strength output.
For more options, increase your level and/or heighten your Life Force>
She was a bit disappointed that the muscle options were so few. And also that she didn’t get some awesome options because she had so many free Life Force points. But she probably had to level up to get more options.
She also already knew what she wanted. She didn’t want to have a higher energy consumption, so she chose ‘Strengthened fibers'.
When the system initialized the mutation, she immediately fell to the ground. It felt extremely disgusting. Like she didn’t have any muscles anymore and instead had a colony of larvae crawling around under her skin.
If she still could, she would be throwing up. Just to make a point. The system was really sadistic.
While she waited for the mutation to end, something big and furry suddenly sprang into her vision. And chomped down on her.
She inwardly screamed as fur was pressed into her face and extreme pain ravaged her left arm. Whatever bit her, it wasn’t easy for it to get through her dense skin. But it hurt like hell.
Sarah was furious but couldn’t do much but desperately wishing for the beast to die.
The beast seemingly managed to bite through her dense skin. She felt it ripping parts of her skin and her bubbling muscles off.
The pain was immense, but so was her rage. She was so furious that she thought she would pass out from it. She wanted to rip this thing apart and spit on it until it was nothing more than a bubbling mass of goo.
As if just waiting for its chance, the system gave her a notification.
<Specializations ‘Invasion (Mind)’ and ‘Nerve control (Mind)’ unlocked. Acquire specialisations?>
With burning eyes, she mentally affirmed the system prompt.