Chapter 44: Battle for the Title of World’s Best Samurai
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Time is like reminiscing about student days after work. When you realize how precious it is, everything has already passed.

In the blink of an eye, the day of the palace banquet arrived.

The entire morning, Zhou Ming locked himself in his room and did not see anyone from the outside.

Thirty samurais from Junsan Castle surrounded Zhou Ming's room, guarding it with vigilant eyes, preventing anyone from entering.

Perhaps they also vaguely sensed that the days of constant vigilance were finally coming to an end, so they patrolled the area with extra seriousness. Even if a fly came close, it would receive two slaps.

At noon, Zhou Ming left the room and had a "sumptuous" lunch.

Of course, it was only sumptuous in the context of this world.

In the afternoon, Matsui Kyoshin drove and took Zhou Ming to the Tokugawa Dojo.

"My, my lord..."

The gate of the Tokugawa Dojo gradually came into view, and Matsui Kyoshin swallowed his saliva, unable to hold back any longer.

"I hope I can still receive your guidance in the future."

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and Zhou Ming leaned out and chuckled lightly.

"If there's a chance, I'll teach you again."

Matsui Kyoshin pulled the reins, and the carriage slowly stopped as Zhou Ming got off.

"Go back; I'll go to the banquet tonight by myself. You don't need to wait for me."

Watching Zhou Ming's figure as he entered the Tokugawa Dojo, Matsui Kyoshin felt a wave of sourness inexplicably welling up in his heart.

Only when he could no longer see Zhou Ming's figure did Matsui Kyoshin drive back with a disappointed expression.


Zhou Ming followed the guiding servant and walked towards the dojo.

Along the way, every samurai he encountered, no matter what they were doing, would put down what they held and stand up, saluting Zhou Ming as he passed.

It was as if they already knew what would happen today.

Soon, led by the servant in front, Zhou Ming stepped into an empty room.

In the room, there was only Tokugawa Yamato, kneeling in front of a wooden table, quietly brewing tea.

"Zhou kun, nice to meet you for the first time." He raised his head and made a gesture of invitation towards Zhou Ming.

"Please have a seat!"

Zhou Ming approached without hesitation, crossed his legs, and sat down, his eyes earnestly studying Tokugawa Yamato.

After all, the man before him was once known as the number one in the world. Even though he was no longer at his peak, Zhou Ming couldn't afford to take him lightly.

Perhaps, the opportunity to break through Swordsmanship Level 4 lies with him.

While Zhou Ming was observing Tokugawa Yamato, Tokugawa Yamato was also observing Zhou Ming.

Seeing him sitting casually with one hand supporting his chin and the other propping up his knee, the relaxed appearance made Tokugawa Yamato feel somewhat surprised.

How long had it been since someone appeared before him in such a relaxed posture?

Tokugawa Yamato suddenly chuckled and pushed a steaming cup of tea towards Zhou Ming.

"Zhou Kun, you are an interesting person."

"Many people have told me that." Zhou Ming smiled calmly, glanced at the tea cup on the table, but didn't touch it.

Tokugawa Yamato didn't say anything about Zhou Ming's disrespectful behavior. He just picked up his own cup and took a sip, maintaining a calm tone as he spoke, "Dashi Takashi, he is my most outstanding disciple."

"I have done my best to cultivate him. He will inherit my mantle, chase after me, surpass me, and reach higher realms of martial arts that I have never reached."

Zhou Ming sneered, "Unfortunately, your dream is going to fall apart."

He sat up straight, looking at Tokugawa Yamato with a calm gaze, but his words carried a heavy sense of murderous intent and indifference.

"He will encounter me at the World's Number One Samurai Tournament. Driven by hatred, he will seek revenge against me at all costs. But his strength is too weak. He will be slain by me, and his life will come to an end. Your hopes will end there as well."

"Everything is like a moon in the water, a flower in the mirror."[1]

"Clank!" The cup in Tokugawa Yamato's hand was placed back on the table, making a crisp collision sound.

"No, I said I will do my best!"

A blazing fighting spirit ignited in Tokugawa Yamato's eyes. Time had not faded his courage; instead, it made his spirit grow thicker and more resolute after undergoing sedimentation and refinement.

He stood up and walked to the other side of the room, where a simple, long sword was placed on the table.

Tokugawa Yamato grasped the scabbard and took the long sword off the wooden rack.

"Maeda Mitsunori Maru, crafted by Master Maeda Tsunetsugu. I know the sharpness of your blade. It can easily damage even the Ghost-Cutting Anki. Come and see if you can sever this sword!"

As he spoke, Tokugawa Yamato's aura underwent a tremendous transformation.

The previous Tokugawa Yamato, while brewing tea, was serene, calm, like a sage unconcerned with worldly matters. In his verbal exchange with Zhou Ming, he appeared profound and lofty, like a venerable elder lecturing an unruly junior.

The current Tokugawa Yamato, filled with a soaring fighting spirit, had sharp eyes, a revealing edge, and an imposing presence that made it difficult for people to look directly at him. It was as if he and the sword were merged into one, ready to cut down anything that dared to stand in his way.

"Good!" Zhou Ming clapped his hands and laughed loudly, raising his sword as he stood opposite Tokugawa Yamato.

"If you want me to draw my sword, you'll have to pay a great price!"


In an instant, both of them drew their swords simultaneously, their movements incredibly fast, to the point where an ordinary person wouldn't even have time to react.

The two long swords did not clash and collide with each other, but instead simultaneously slashed towards each other's bodies.

Swordsmanship is not about weapons clashing, but about how to more effectively inflict damage on the enemy.

Whether it's Zhou Ming or Tokugawa Yamato, both stand at the pinnacle of swordsmanship in this world. Even with their eyes closed, they know how to strike with their swords.

The long swords cut through the air, emitting a whistling sound. Figures and sword shadows, like two whirlwinds, entangled, collided, tore each other apart with intense ferocity.

Tokugawa Yamato possesses powerful sword techniques honed through decades of battles and rigorous training. Every move and technique is masterful, naturally flowing, carrying a certain innate rhythm.

Zhou Ming, on the other hand, has absorbed the martial arts experiences of countless individuals. He can be said to have incorporated the strengths of various schools, comprehending and integrating them. His techniques vary and dazzle, leaving people mesmerized.

The battle plunged into the most intense state of slaughter right from the beginning, where one careless move could cost them their lives.

The two have completely different styles, and Tokugawa Yamato's swordsmanship surpasses Zhou Ming's, making him worthy of his former title as the world's number one samurai.

If it were Zhou Ming before the battle against Hirakawa Taisho, he wouldn't stand a chance against Tokugawa Yamato's swordsmanship alone.

Fortunately, after defeating Hirakawa Taisho, Zhou Ming's martial arts experience greatly improved his swordsmanship. The following days allowed him to digest this experience and convert it into strength, giving Zhou Ming the capital to compete with Tokugawa Yamato's swordsmanship.

Zhou Ming also has his own advantages, such as his powerful physical fitness and the sword in his hand.

The invincible Adamantite sword that does not belong to this world.

No matter how cautious Tokugawa Yamato is, the two swords will inevitably collide.

With each collision, Maeda Mitsunori Maru, this famous sword, will gain a small notch.

Over time, the lifespan of Maeda Mitsunori Maru is rapidly approaching its end.

Until this moment, the two swords collided once again.


A crisp sound resounds, simultaneously reaching the ears of both individuals.

Tokugawa Yamato's expression changes as he tries to jump backward, but Zhou Ming's sword diagonally descends from below.

Tokugawa Yamato instinctively raises his sword to block, but he only heared a buzzing sound.

Half of the blade flies out of his astonished line of sight.

Maeda Mitsunori Maru, broken!

Faintly, he seemed to hear the last wail from the broken sword in his hand.


[1]-"Everything is like a moon in the water, a flower in the mirror" - Zhou Ming uses this expression to convey a sense of transience and insignificance in the face of his impending confrontation with Daishi Takashi, Tokugawa Yamato's disciple. Zhou Ming implies that Daishi Takashi's attempts for revenge and his aspirations will come to an end, much like the fleeting reflection of the moon in water or the illusory image of a flower in a mirror. By using this phrase, Zhou Ming emphasizes the temporary nature of their struggle and diminishes the significance of his opponent's efforts.