Jealousy (18)
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As the expedition continued, a sense of jealousy began to brew within one of the soldiers. Observing Ren's interactions with Hange and the special attention he seemed to receive, this soldier couldn't help but feel a tinge of resentment. In their eyes, Ren was being given preferential treatment, perhaps even slacking off and not taking his duties seriously.

They observed Ren moving from fruit to fruit, seemingly engrossed in his exploration under Hange's guidance. The soldier, feeling overshadowed by Ren's unique abilities and the attention he garnered, couldn't help but grow bitter. They believed that Ren was receiving special privileges due to his extraordinary powers, while they and their comrades toiled away with no such advantages.

A sense of frustration welled up inside the jealous soldier, fueling their negative thoughts and misconceptions about Ren. They couldn't comprehend how someone so young could be entrusted with such an important role and be given the freedom to explore and experiment. In their eyes, Ren was enjoying the journey rather than fulfilling his responsibilities.

The soldier's dissatisfaction simmered beneath the surface, clouding their judgment and fostering a growing animosity towards Ren. They couldn't help but compare themselves to him, feeling that their own contributions were being overlooked in favor of this "special" individual.

However, little did they know the truth behind Ren's involvement and the purposeful nature of his activities. Unaware of the significant role his abilities played in the expedition, their jealousy blinded them to the larger picture. Ren's unique power to discern edible plants was an asset carefully recognized by Hange and Erwin, making him an invaluable member of the team.

Yet, for now, the jealous soldier's resentment lingered, casting a shadow over their perception of Ren's role in the expedition. The true extent of his contributions remained hidden, obscured by their own preconceived notions and insecurities.

As the journey progressed, it would be up to them to recognize the value that each member brought to the team, including Ren. Only then could they set aside their jealousy and focus on the greater goal of successfully navigating the unknown dangers that lay beyond the walls.


Under the cover of the night sky, the soldiers prepared to establish a temporary base for rest and recuperation. Fatigue weighed heavy on their bodies, but the looming presence of the unknown kept their senses sharp. They selected a secluded spot, strategically positioned to provide some semblance of safety in the treacherous wilderness beyond the walls.

Working together, they swiftly erected sturdy tents and set up defensive perimeters, ensuring a guarded space where they could find respite from the relentless journey. The crackling sound of campfires added a comforting warmth to the cold night air, casting flickering shadows that danced upon the ground.

Ren, with his unique ability, contributed to the construction of the base. His earth-bending skills proved invaluable as he molded the terrain, reinforcing the natural barriers and fortifying the camp's defenses. The soldiers observed his mastery, their gazes filled with a mix of admiration and curiosity, acknowledging his contribution to their safety.

As the camp settled into a hushed rhythm, the soldiers found solace in the familiarity of their comrades' presence. Tired bodies sought refuge in the embrace of their sleeping quarters, while weary minds replayed the battles fought and victories achieved. Despite the underlying tensions and rivalries, a sense of unity permeated the air, binding them together as a team, united against the common enemy that lay beyond the walls.

In the stillness of the night, guarded eyes scanned the dark horizon, ever vigilant for any signs of danger. They knew that rest was a luxury they couldn't afford for too long, but for now, within the confines of their makeshift sanctuary, they sought a brief respite, gathering strength for the trials that awaited them on the morrow.

As Ren lay on the modest bed within his tent, the weariness of the day's exertions seeped into his bones. He closed his eyes, allowing the darkness to envelop him, and welcomed the embrace of slumber. Fatigue gnawed at his body, but his mind remained restless, replaying the events of the day like a vivid reel of memories.

In the quiet solitude of his tent, he reached up and carefully removed his mask, freeing his face from its concealing grasp. The cool air caressed his skin, offering a momentary respite from the suffocating confines of his uniform. He took a moment to appreciate the reflection that stared back at him from the small mirror.

His yellow eyes, vibrant and intense, seemed to hold a certain depth, as if reflecting the trials he had faced and the resilience he possessed within. The faint hint of green added a touch of enigmatic allure to his gaze, a reminder of the extraordinary power that resided within him. Ren's gaze lingered, studying his features, tracing the lines and contours that defined him.

With a weary sigh, he turned his attention to his tired body, tugging at the straps and buckles of his uniform. Piece by piece, the armor released its grip, revealing the vulnerable flesh beneath. The weight of the day slowly lifted as he shed the remnants of battle, cleansing himself of the physical and emotional strains he had endured.

Finally free of his armor, Ren allowed himself to sink into the comfort of his bed. Though it lacked the plush luxury of finer accommodations, the mere presence of a soft surface provided a semblance of relief. He nestled into the bedding, the fatigue seeping from his body, and let the soothing embrace of sleep carry him away.

In the silence of the night, with the distant sounds of the camp fading into the background, Ren found solace in the simple act of rest. Dreams awaited him, perhaps filled with echoes of past triumphs or the haunting specter of future battles. But for now, in this fleeting moment of tranquility, he surrendered to the embrace of sleep, finding solace in the temporary respite it offered from the unyielding demands of their world.

A/N are taking longer to release due to me having summer school and being way too tired to write when I get home, I will try to work on that