Reality (21)
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The sudden burst of steam emanating from the colossal titan sent a shiver down Ren's spine. His young heart pounded in his chest as fear gripped him tightly. The air grew thick with tension, and his trembling hands clutched onto his earth-bending powers, seeking solace in their familiarity.

As the titan unleashed a bone-chilling roar, Ren's wide eyes locked onto the terrifying sight before him. The colossal creature moved with a swiftness that defied logic, its monstrous form bearing down upon the soldiers. The moment the titan's teeth sank into a soldier, tearing life away with a brutal ferocity, Ren's world shattered.

Tears welled up in Ren's eyes as a mix of horror and disbelief washed over him. The sight of such violence and the loss of a comrade overwhelmed his young mind, casting doubts and insecurities upon his abilities. The weight of the battle pressed heavily upon his fragile shoulders, threatening to crush his spirit.

Erwin's voice, commanding yet filled with determination, pierced through Ren's fear. The captain's words urged them to stand strong, to fight back against the encroaching darkness. But in Ren's vulnerable state, doubts whispered in his mind, whispering that perhaps he was not ready for this world of merciless giants.

Levi's lightning-fast movements caught Ren's attention, his blades slashing through the chaos with a deadly grace. The soldiers around him rallied, their resolve undeterred by the titan's rampage. But for Ren, the world seemed distant, as if enveloped in a haze of uncertainty.

As Ren's gaze fell upon the fallen soldier, grief washed over him. The loss struck a chord deep within his soul, evoking a sorrow he had never known before. A mixture of anger and determination coursed through his veins, fueling a resolve to ensure that no more lives would be lost in vain.

Summoning his earth-bending abilities, Ren sought solace in the familiar connection he felt with the earth beneath his feet. With trembling hands and a wavering heart, he conjured earth spikes and barriers, attempting to hinder the titan's movements. But with each trembling motion, doubts and fear threatened to cripple his efforts.

Yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope began to emerge. The unwavering bravery of his fellow soldiers, the guidance of Erwin and Levi, and the memory of the fallen comrade spurred Ren forward. With renewed determination, he pushed past his doubts, embracing the strength that resided within him.

Though shaken to his core, Ren found the courage to fight alongside his comrades. He swung his earth-bending abilities into action, supporting the efforts of his fellow soldiers. The ground beneath his feet trembled as he created obstacles, buying precious moments for his comrades to strike back against the relentless onslaught of titans.

As the battle raged on, Ren's young heart beat in rhythm with the chaos unfolding around him. Fear and sorrow mingled with unwavering resolve, a tumultuous storm within his soul. Each movement, each act of defiance, became a testament to his determination to protect and avenge.

In the end, as the colossal titan fell, Ren stood amidst the aftermath, his body quivering with exhaustion and his mind burdened by the weight of what he had witnessed. Tears stained his cheeks, a testament to the price paid for their victory. Yet, amidst the pain and sorrow, there flickered a glimmer of resilience within Ren's young eyes.

Though shaken by the horrors he had faced, Ren vowed to grow stronger, to honor the memory of the fallen, and to protect his comrades with every ounce of his being

. The road ahead would be treacherous and filled with uncertainty, but the spirit of a young warrior burned brightly within Ren, refusing to be extinguished by the darkness that loomed.

As the titan evaporated, its gaze fixed upon Ren, its teeth stained with blood. The sight sent a wave of terror coursing through Ren's veins, and he was struck by the horrifying image before him. Half of the soldier's body lay motionless in the titan's maw, a macabre display of carnage. The scene was a ghastly sight, with blood pooling and dripping from the titan's mouth.

Despite the overwhelming horror, Ren summoned all his strength to remain composed. He clenched his fists, determined not to succumb to fear. The mask he wore concealed his expression, but beneath it, his heart raced, and his breath quivered. He fought to steady himself, knowing that he had to remain strong for the sake of his comrades.

Ren's mind raced with a mix of disbelief, revulsion, and sadness. The cruelty and brutality of this world had been thrust upon him in its rawest form, leaving an indelible mark on his young psyche. But even in the face of this gruesome sight, he knew he had to push forward, to confront the horrors and protect those who stood beside him.

Ren's body convulsed with disgust and horror as he emptied the contents of his stomach onto the ground. The sight of the partially consumed soldier, the blood-soaked flesh, and the grotesque display of violence overwhelmed him. The stench of death filled the air, mixing with the metallic tang of blood, assaulting his senses.

Tears welled up in Ren's eyes, blurring his vision as he retched. He felt a hand on his shoulder, comforting and reassuring. It was Levi, offering support in this moment of vulnerability. Ren felt a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude, appreciating Levi's understanding amidst the chaos.

Taking a deep breath, Ren wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and adjusted his mask, hiding his face once more. He mustered the strength to stand upright, pushing past the terror that threatened to consume him. The realization of the cruelty and brutality of this world had struck him with full force, leaving an indelible mark on his innocent mind.

Ren's resolve strengthened. He knew that he couldn't let fear paralyze him. With every fiber of his being, he vowed to harness his abilities to protect others, to prevent more lives from being lost to these monstrous titans. The darkness of this world would not extinguish his spirit.

A/N chooses a love interest.