New Chapter and Announcement
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Hello, it's Useless here. I have just added a new prologue to the story so if you are interested you can check that out here: Prologue: Bad Day Gets Even Worse. In the same vein chapter one has undergone some massive edits so if you’d like to read the updated version of that click here: Chapter 1: New and Deadly World

Now onto the less fun news. Outside of my writing I work a full time job, and despite my best efforts to maintain a chapter-a-day publishing schedule I feel that my writing quality is suffering from it. Before you think I’m going on hiatus or dropping the series hear me out. All I want to do is write better for my audience and to do that I think limiting myself to three uploads a week will improve both my quality (allowing me to edit) and will also unfuck my sleep schedule because I've been getting five hours of sleep for almost two months now. 

The posting schedule will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I plan on the word count being around 3k for each chapter, and editing it more than what I’ve been doing (just giving it a quick look over with tired eyes before hitting publish).

Once again I’m sorry for the change in updates, but I truly believe I can do something good with this. My first novel has reached a level of success I didn't think I would achieve and I want to thank you all for making it possible. Your comments, likes, and follows mean a lot to me and I hope we can stick together on this wild ride that is writing a web novel.