Chapter 8 : Joining the Team
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A day had passed since the resolution of the Princess Alexia kidnapping incident (ignoring the damage to the capital), and I was walking down the school hallway feeling gloomy. My heart was pounding with nervousness, and cold sweat was running down my face.

For some reason, I had been summoned by Princess Iris.

Just the fact that I was summoned because she had seen us causing a commotion yesterday made me extremely nervous. I really hope she didn't find out my true identity. Well, I don't think she did, but still.

"...Hey! Are you listening!?"

And to make matters worse, there was someone walking beside me, heading to the same place. I wished they would spare me from the piercing voice and the crappy conversation.

"I'm listening, I'm listening. It's about whether Cid eats rice or bread for breakfast, right?"

"No, that's not it! It's about which way Cid's bedhead leans!"

(...I couldn't care less)

The girl walking next to me was Claire Kageno. She had enrolled as a scholarship student like me and was the older sister of Cid. I sighed for what felt like the umpteenth time. It seemed that Claire had also been summoned by Princess Iris and we were walking together on our way to the room.

Although we were familiar faces, it's not like I had a good relationship with Claire. In fact, she truly disliked me. The reason was simple: Cid.

I understood why Claire, who had an extreme brother complex, would dislike me, who had a close relationship with Cid. But because she had always picked a fight with me, I also disliked her.

"By the way, why are you being summoned too?"

"What about you? I'm your senior, so use polite language, underclassman."

"I won't use polite language for someone I don't respect."

"You're still as annoying as ever... She said we would talk in the room. What about you?"

"The same."

Upon hearing Claire's answer, I felt a little relieved. If Claire was being asked the same thing as me, it reduced the possibility of being interrogated about my true identity. But then, why were we summoned?

"...By the way, I heard that you went to pick up Cid."

"Oh? You mean when I was released by the Knights?... Well, he's an acquaintance, after all."

Claire frowned at my words, crossed her arms, and started complaining.

"I also wanted to go, why did it have to be you?"

"Well, you were more like planning to raid the Knights than go to pick him up. Oh, sorry, I guess you couldn't because you were apprehended. Hah."

"You're really annoying!"

I was hit on the shoulder, but it didn't hurt or itch. It was too amusing to be restrained and taken down after causing a commotion.

"I have a better relationship with Cid than you!"

"I've heard that five thousand times since the day I met you."

"Cid likes me more than he likes you!"

"I've heard that five thousand times too."

If there was any part of me sympathizing with Cid, it was the fact that he ended up as the younger brother of this girl. Although it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call her a beautiful girl on the outside, her personality was too disappointing.

"Enough with the commotion, monkey boy. We've arrived at the room."

"I know that... Monkey boy!? What the hell!?"

"Stop making a fuss."

I silenced the monkey boy, whose red eyes were trembling with anger, and knocked on the door of the room, our destination. Even Claire closed her mouth quietly, perhaps because she had grown up.

When we opened the door and entered the room, we saw Princess Iris sitting in a chair. In addition to her, there were two men standing, wearing uniforms that indicated they were probably members of the Knights.

"I apologize for summoning you all the way here. I appreciate your coming."

She's really serious. Please pass on that sense of etiquette to your sister. She tends to kill the people who come to help her with her gaze. Well, I admit I was suspicious, but still.

"Now let's get straight to the point. You are aware of the recent incident, correct?"

"Yes, of course."

"Regarding that matter, what about us?"

In order to leave as soon as possible, I acted quickly to bring the conversation to a close. Regardless of the content, I didn't want to linger on this topic.

Princess Iris nodded at my words and spoke with a serious expression.

"The 'Diabolos Cult.' And 'Shadow Garden.' I believe that the recent incident was caused by these two organizations."

Hmm, so she knows about Shadow Garden too, as Alpha mentioned. Is it information from Princess Alexia?

"You, Zeno Griffy, the swordsmanship instructor, were a follower of the 'Diabolos Cult.'"

"N-No way! Master Zeno was!?"

"So that's how it was."

Zeno Griffy, the swordsmanship instructor, and the Diabolos Cult... I don't know who that is even if they call him the swordsmanship instructor. Is it the guy who left it to Shadow and isn't that big of a deal?

"The one who kidnapped my sister, Alexia, was from the 'Diabolos Cult,' but it is highly likely that Shadow Garden is also a dangerous organization. According to Alexia, she saw two individuals from the 'Shadow' and 'Takumi (Light)' groups, and it is highly likely that these two hold the key to the incident."

No, that's wrong.

"There may be something bad happening without our knowledge."

We don't know either.

(Well, for now, it seems like my true identity hasn't been exposed, right?)

Seeing Princess Iris making inaccurate speculations, I breathed a sigh of relief internally. Shadow and I hold the key? That key is in a place we don't know.

"And during my battle with the rampaging monster, I encountered two individuals who seemed to be members of 'Shadow Garden.' According to what Alexia said, one of them is likely the leader called 'Takumi (Light).' I managed to defeat the rampaging monster in a single blow."

(Hah! It's confirmed that she doesn't know.)

I clenched my fist tightly to make sure I wasn't discovered, and Princess Iris showed an annoyed expression with a furrowed brow.

"...That monster was a girl who had been transformed by the 'Diabolos Cult.' I absolutely won't forgive their inhumane actions."

"Is the girl okay?"

"Yes, I am protecting her. She is unharmed."

"I see. That's a relief."

As long as she's energetic, it's fine. I broke her magic circuits, but as long as she's alive, she should forgive me.

"The one who saved the girl is presumed to be 'Takumi (Light).' The black cloth wrapped around the girl should have been evidence, but it disappeared like smoke when I returned."

(Well, I collected it.)

Since I couldn't leave the girl naked, I wrapped her in my Takumi suit. As soon as I handed her over to the Knights, I remotely operated it to erase the evidence.

"Our country's esteemed swordsmanship instructor was affiliated with the enemy organization... I take this fact very seriously and have decided to establish a new knight order. All the members are people whom I personally recruited and trust."

I see. I have a rough idea of why we were summoned. Claire still looks bewildered, though.

"The special scholarship student of 'Midgar Mage-Knight Academy,' Claire Kageno, and Takumi Gavin. I would like both of you to join my knight order, the 'Crimson Knights.' I believe in your abilities and would like to have you as part of my team."

As expected. Well, with this flow, it's natural to invite us. Claire has been practicing as an apprentice in the knight order, so it's understandable. As for me, I decline.

"But... we are still students."

"I've heard that Claire-san is already an apprentice in the knight order. I consider you to be an immediate combat force."

"I-I'm honored, but..."

Claire glanced at me for a moment. Stop it, I don't want her pleading eyes to be the same as his.

"...I understand. Claire Kageno, I will join the 'Crimson Knights.'"

"I decline."



Claire looked at me with disbelief in her eyes, her voice filled with a deflated tone. She froze for a moment but quickly recovered, grabbing my shoulder and starting to protest in a low voice.

"What are you saying? It's an honor to be personally invited by the princess! It's extremely rude to refuse with just a word!"

"Well, I have no intention of joining."


"Can you speak up?"

As we exchanged words, Princess Iris approached us with a wry smile. No matter what she says, I have no intention of joining.

"Takumi, I trust you. Not only for your skills as a mage-knight but also as a person."

"We've only crossed swords once as special scholarship students, right? I'm not the kind of person who can be spoken of so highly by Princess Iris."

Honestly, it's a hassle. I'm already busy babysitting the chuunibyou brat, and on top of that, I can't afford to do volunteer work. There's just too little Light for me in it.

"I am not yet satisfied with my own sword. It would be presumptuous to call myself a knight."



Alright, the atmosphere is good. I need one final push to decline.

"When I have polished my sword and become satisfied with myself... could you invite me again? To the 'Crimson Knights'?"

"...I understand your feelings. I will quietly back down this time."

Princess Iris smiled faintly, her expression disappointed. It makes me feel guilty as the one who refused, so I wish she wouldn't make that face.

"I thought about using a slightly underhanded method... but I can't shake your determination, can I?"

"Underhanded method...?"

I'm scared. What was she planning to do?

"If you had joined, I was planning to pay you a salary. With special allowances as well... well, it's not enough to entice you..."

"I will join."



Just like Claire before, a dumbfounded voice came out of Princess Iris's mouth. It's quite a gap from her usual dignified demeanor.

"Um, Takumi? Did you just say you're joining?"

"I will join."

Why is Princess Iris so surprised? Even Claire and the knights standing beside her have shocked expressions.

"...Well then, please take care of me from now on."

"I will join."

I've been recognized for my skills by the princess. I'll do my best as a knight without feeling embarrassed. Princess Iris also allowed me to go out to meet Cid, so it will be a way to repay her as well.

(Salary, salary, special allowances♪)


Recently, the "Mitsugoshi Company" has been receiving high praise from the nobles in the capital. They are selling products that have never been seen before, of high quality, and the number of customers is increasing.

Behind the scenes of this successful business stands the "Shadow Garden," which also caused a commotion in the capital. Without recognition from the leader, they established the company to gather funds for their organization.

The "Mitsugoshi Company" has become the base of operations for the "Shadow Garden" in the capital. On the top floor of the building, the headquarters of the "Seven Shadows," including Alpha, the first seat, gathered.

"The cult facility where Princess Alexia was held captive was annihilated by Shadow-sama. Zenon Griffy disappeared without a trace."

Beta, the second seat, explained the recent incident. Her cheeks flushed with excitement as she spoke, and her breathing quickened slightly.

"Our boss is the strongest."

"Indeed... It was a beautiful light."

Delta, the fourth seat, and Epsilon, the fifth seat. They were deeply moved by Shadow's actions, closing their eyes and basking in the brilliance of their leader.

"They have come to realize something. That they are the ones who exist as the 'prey.'"

Gamma, the third seat. She possesses the greatest intellect in the Shadow Garden and also serves as the president of the Mitsugoshi Company. Although she is considered the weakest in combat, there is no one who can surpass her in strategic thinking.

"Someday, all our enemies... will disappear in that light."

Alpha smiled beautifully with an evil expression. The organization's morale was high after their triumphant first battle in the capital.

"Now, as for Takumi (Light), he has decided to join the 'Crimson Knights' established by Princess Iris. It seems he was personally invited by Princess Iris, but since there was no report to Shadow-sama, I don't know the reason."

Beta reported the curious incident, and Alpha pondered for a moment before smiling gently.

"I see... As expected. Being in the princess's knight order will provide him with valuable and fresh information. That's why he accepted the invitation."

"I see! Takumi (Light)-sama is amazing!"

"A brilliant move, thinking ahead."

"He is the right-hand man of our leader. It's only natural!"

"Takumi (Light) is amazing too!"

As everyone in the room thought about their vice-leader, Alpha suddenly spoke up. Her expression was slightly sorrowful, causing the Seven Shadows to straighten their spines.

"But Takumi (Light) doesn't think that way, does he?"

Not understanding the meaning of Alpha's words, Beta raised her hand.

"Um, Alpha-sama, what do you mean...?"

"Just as I said. While we are all deeply moved by Shadow's actions and what Takumi (Light) has done, he alone holds a completely different emotion."

Beta expressed even more confusion. The other members of the Seven Shadows showed similar reactions.

"I was with Takumi (Light) that night. We both witnessed Shadow's attack."

"Takumi (Light) must have been delighted."

"No. It's the opposite, Epsilon."

Epsilon tilted her head with an intentionally exaggerated movement.

"I saw it. On his face... there was a feeling of anger."


Epsilon put her hand on her chin and thought with an exaggerated movement, and Delta, who was sitting next to her, exclaimed cheerfully.

"I understand! I think Takumi (Light) was angry because the boss destroyed the town! Takumi (Light) scolds the boss a lot!"

"Hehe, that might have been the usual answer from Delta."

"I did it!"

Acknowledged by Alpha, Delta wagged her tail in joy. However, everyone present understood from Alpha's tone that Delta's words were not the truth.

"We were saved by Shadow. Everyone who belongs to the Shadow Garden feels the same way... and Takumi (Light) is no exception. That's why he is devoting himself as Shadow's right-hand man."

"...'The Shadow's Right Arm.' It's frustrating, but I think Takumi (Light) is the only one who can support Shadow-sama."

Beta murmured with frustration and envy. Her words had a convincing power that everyone present could agree with, and it was an undeniable truth.

"Takumi (Light) is able to understand and support 'The Shadow's Wisdom' in an instant... I could never do that."

Gamma's shoulders shook as she felt ashamed of her own incompetence. Only Takumi (Light) can keep up with Shadow, who can see several steps ahead, if not hundreds. The weight of the fact that they had accepted this truth began to weigh heavily on her.

"Without Takumi (Light), the distance between us and Shadow would have been much greater. We have always relied on Takumi (Light)... and we have become dependent on that position."

Alpha, with a calm expression, exposed her intense emotions. As she spoke, she seemed to become more impassioned.

The others averted their eyes as if their ears were hurting. Beta, in particular, had tears in her eyes.

"But Takumi (Light) is different. He is not satisfied with himself. The anger he felt after witnessing Shadow's strike was directed at his own 'weakness.'"

"No way! That can't be!!"

"It's impossible! Takumi (Light) is number two in the pack! He's the strongest after the boss!!"

While pacifying Epsilon and Delta, Alpha continued her words.

"After showing his anger, he quietly smiled."

Alpha murmured with a slightly exasperated tone. She crossed her arms to suppress the trembling and recalled the events of the previous night.

"To support Shadow, he believes that he is still lacking. I felt that's what Takumi (Light) was saying."

Beta finally burst into tears, and Gamma had tears in her eyes. Epsilon had a stern expression, and Delta's ears drooped.

"If we, who were supported by Takumi (Light) supporting Shadow, become nothing more than baggage, we can't be left behind by his determination."

The Seven Shadows strongly nodded in agreement with Alpha's words. They made up their minds once again to repay their benefactor who had saved them.

...To catch up to the two figures far above.


-------- In another place -------

Takumi: "Hey, Cid, want some gold coins? Become a good boy."

Cid: "I don't want to."

Takumi: "Here, go fetch it."

Cid: "Woof!!"

Takumi: " You look so funny, I already expected that you have the talent to be a comedian"

Cid: "Hey, you are trying to play me with this gold coins you are throwing"

Takumi: "Do you remember the scene where princess Alexia offered you to be her fake boyfriend and she threw gold coins at you, you kept biting the gold coins like a starving dog, I tried to replicate that scene"

Cid: " I admit that I am Chuunibyou, but I am not a Comedian or a starving dog, because I'm like this because I don't have money, ahhhhhh"

Takumi: "You ran out of money because you went to buy unnecessary things like an art painting that you thought would look great if you were acting as a shadow"

Cid: " Yeah, I agree with that, I stop wasting buy unnecessary things"

Takumi: " Good Boy, Pochi 🤣 "

Cid: " heyy 😠"