Chapter 11 : They Say Fools and Smoke Don’t Mix
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The sigh that comes from mental stress. It's a sigh that should never be released, because it's not a situation in which it's appropriate to do so.

It's me, being tortured by stomachaches not caused by Cid, sitting in a high-class carriage with low vibrations, made from carefully selected materials. I'm experiencing the kind of comfortable journey that is unattainable unless you are upper-class.

So why am I so exhausted? The reason is simple.

The person sitting directly in front of me is-- Princess Alexia.

(The atmosphere… is heavy.)

It has been a few weeks since I was scowled at by Princess Iris and joined the "Red Knights". I have never regretted being lured by a salary and special allowances as much as I do today.

The cause of this all was being assigned to protect - not babysit - Princess Alexia by Princess Iris.

After the recent kidnapping incident by the "Diabolos Sect", Princess Alexia was injured in her arm. She had to leave the school for treatment of the wound, and for some reason, I was the one assigned to guard her.

I wanted to refuse the assignment as someone disliked by Princess Alexia, but I couldn't when I was directly asked by my employer. Skipping classes on official leave was delightful, but currently, I am suffering from the downside that does not match with the upside.

(The silent space… it's painful.)

On the way back from the hospital to the school, there is not a single conversation between the princess and me. I thought about throwing some trivial words like, "It's nice weather, isn't it?" or "How's your injury?" but I was defeated by the aura radiated by Princess Alexia, suggesting "Don't you dare speak," and I remained silent.

(Can't we get there quicker...)

Since earlier, my face has been fixed towards the window, and I'm only looking at the scenery outside. Why do we have to be in the same carriage in the first place... Well, it's natural since I'm her guard, but it would be much better if I had to run outside.

Just as I began to think about pretending to fall asleep, the silence in this space was suddenly broken - by Princess Alexia.

"...Excuse me. May I ask you something?"

"Huh? Oh, um...go ahead."

I was really startled. I didn't expect her to start a conversation. I don't know what she's going to ask, but at least the silent time is over. We won't be much longer until we arrive at the school. This is the crucial moment.

"...You...are close with Cid Kagenou, right?"

"Excuse me?"


Whoops, I reflexively let out a low voice.

"I apologize, Princess Alexia. Cid Kagenou is indeed an acquaintance of mine. What about it?"

"Well, um... I heard that you were best friends."

"No, we're not."

"...I heard it from your friends, Hyoro and Jaga?"

"We're not."

Stop being persistent. I said we're not. Who's the best friend of such a screwed-up, chuuni idiot? Even if it's a princess, I'm going to get annoyed.

Whether she sensed my anger or not, Princess Alexia made a regretful face. While stroking the bandage on her arm, she opened her mouth in a slightly frightened manner.

"Sorry, I must have misunderstood."

"No need to apologize. It's Hyoro and Jaga's fault. I'll punish them next time, so don't worry."

"...So, you're friends, right?"

"I'll consider it."

Even though the conversation I had been hoping for was born, I stabbed it in the heart myself. I'm sorry, Princess Alexia. I'm fine with you continuing to dislike me. Please just think of me as a piece of furniture.

"...Heh, hehe."


Suddenly, she started laughing. I don't understand what royalty think.

"You're unexpectedly a bad guy, aren't you?"

"I don't understand what you mean."

"That's fine, don't worry about it... Next time, why don't we call Cid and have a swordsmanship practice session together?"

What should I do about this? Declining would be disrespectful, and while I'll accept, I'm not sure about including Cid.

"Of course, I'll accept... but Cid too?"

"There's no deep meaning to it! He's also a "commoner" like me, and he would want to learn swordsmanship from a "genius" like you!"

A genius, huh? I don't mind being called that. It's true, after all.

What worries me more is that Princess Alexia is showing interest in Cid. Didn't that guy Cid say he was almost killed once?

"Princess Alexia. May I ask you something?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Did you fall for Cid?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't hear you well... Could you say that again?"

"Nevermind, it's nothing."

The sword pointed at my throat at that moment conveyed, "If you say anything more ridiculous, I'll kill you." I immediately retracted my statement and bowed my head to Princess Alexia. There's no point in continuing to speak at such times. Just accept your mistakes and erase your emotions.

"That's good, I'm glad the misunderstanding is cleared up. It seems I misunderstood you. Let's get along from now on, okay? After all, we're both members of the "Red Knights".

"Yes, indeed."

"Ah, it looks like we're almost at the school."

"Yes, indeed."

Alright, let's work diligently until the end. I've been asked by Princess Iris, and I'm getting paid, and after all, I am a knight.

"After you, Princess Alexia."

As I open the door and step outside, the familiar school comes into view. I extend my hand to Princess Alexia and assist her in getting down from the carriage.

"Thank you. The path to freedom seems long, doesn't it?"

Quietly, she took my hand, and I'd like to believe that her dislike for me had diminished a bit. Still, I wondered why she had disliked me so much in the first place. Even if I asked her, it didn't seem like she would give me an answer, so I decided not to.

"If you rest, you will recover soon. But only if you rest."

"Oh? Are you implying that I'm an impatient woman?"

I had a feeling that she might be right. Although we are sisters, Princess Alexia is a different type of woman compared to Princess Iris. She is active and full of curiosity; if she becomes an enemy, she could become troublesome.

(Speaking of enemies... The "Church". When will they act?)

At present, the top priority of the "Red Knights" is to protect a female student named "Sherry Barnett."

Sherry, who is renowned for having the best mind in the kingdom, was apparently asked by Princess Iris to analyze a certain "Artifact". It's said that this "Artifact" was seized from a facility of the "Church" during the incident of Princess Alexia's abduction.

Therefore, Sherry Barnett is being guarded by two people, Glenn "Lion Beard", the vice-captain, and the young but excellent Marco Granger. Princess Iris wanted me to take on the guard duties because I was free, and she couldn't take her eyes off Princess Alexia.

I understand that my abilities are appreciated, but wouldn't it have been fine with Claire?

...No, if there was even a slight chance of bringing up Cid, it would be the end. That siscon wouldn't hesitate to draw his sword even against the royal family.

"Huh? It's closed?"


As I was reevaluating the dangers of having a brocon woman, Princess Alexia raised a question. Looking at it, it seemed the school gate was indeed locked.

"We're still in class... right?"

"That's supposed to be the case... But it's strange."

I had a bad feeling about this. It was just intuition, but I had a sense of unease. To understand the situation, I ran towards the gate management office.


"What happened!?"

Princess Alexia, who ran after me, checked the situation in the management office. She showed a pale face and took a step back.

I couldn't blame her. The office was dyed red with the blood and bodies of what seemed to be murder victims.

"W-What is this...?"

"Princess Alexia, please return to the carriage. Then contact Princess Iris and activate the Knights."

"Eh... Wait, wait! Where are you going?!"

I kicked the wall and climbed up to the top of the gate. I scanned the school grounds, but I couldn't see or sense any people. Even considering that the students would be in class, the absence of even the janitors was unnatural.

"It's an emergency. Princess Alexia, please stay in the carriage. I'll be right back."

I left a warning for the tomboy princess, and I jumped down from the gate.

(Was it an attack... Is it the "Church"?)

After a brief investigation while moving through the shadows of the school building, it became clear that the school had been attacked by some group. The suspicious figures in black who were prowling around instead of the murdered janitors were undoubtedly the attackers.

(In addition... I can't condense my magical power.)

I tried to gather magical power in my palm, but it dissipated immediately. It felt more like it was being absorbed than sealed. I didn't understand the principle behind it, but if the magic swordsmen had their magic taken away, it makes sense that they could take over the school.

(First of all... I should meet up with that idiot.)

In a situation where the school is attacked by terrorists, there's no way Cid isn't excited. I think he wouldn't do anything flashy if he was in mob mode, but I can't imagine him being quietly captured.

(If he's here... he's probably above.)

With that prediction in mind, I started my action. It was more laborious without magic, but I managed to climb the school building by relying on my physical strength, quickly grabbing onto windows and protrusions. Even without magic, I could do at least this much.

"Haah... He's really here."

Seeing the man standing on the rooftop as if it were a given, I couldn't even feel joy that my prediction was correct. Rather, I wanted to grab him by the collar and ask him why he was covered in blood.

"Huh? Isn't that Takumi? What happened?"

"What happened? That's not it! Why are you so seriously injured?! It's obviously a direct sword wound!!"

Cid had a deep, painful wound from his shoulder to his waist. His uniform and body were cut open, and the visible bleeding was merciless.

I was sure he didn't let his guard down. And if there is someone who can inflict such an attack on this idiot, this school is undoubtedly doomed.

So the only thing I could think of is.

"You... you let yourself get cut on purpose, didn't you?"

"Eh, um... ahaha!"

I felt something snap inside me.

"Don't mess with me! No matter how insensitive to pain you are, if you lose too much blood, you're going to die!"

"Well, that's true. But, my mob style secret move came in handy! It's a high-risk move called the 'Heart Stop Break for Ten Minutes' —"

"Wha... what?!"

After that, I gave Cid a serious punch to the head and lectured him for five minutes.

The first to die is always the mob. It's not all about the high tension excitement. I get that this is a stage many boys have dreamt of.

"Don't ever use that crap mob style secret move again. If you use it next time, I'll kill you. —Got it?"

"...Yes. I'm sorry."

"I don't care if you do something stupid and die, but don't forget that your friends would be devastated."

"Yes, I won't forget."

After hitting him hard enough to raise a significant bump, it seemed he reflected a bit. One misstep with heart stoppage and he'd be dead. There's a limit to secret moves, you idiot.

"Ugh... anyway... what's the situation?"

"That's the thing! The terrorists... they really understand the template! I mean, this is totally worth moving in the shadows!!"

"…This guy..."

No, I just finished my lecture. There's nothing more to say. Looking into his sparkling eyes, I felt my strength leave me. He really is a man who never sways from his path.

"All the students have been gathered in the auditorium as hostages. All the guards have been wiped out."

"I've asked Princess Alexia to contact the Knights. They should arrive soon."

"Oh, you were escorting her, right?"

"I'm used to babysitting."


"What's so funny?"

His casualness only added to my irritation. Would he improve if I threw him off the roof? No, he'd probably land gracefully, screaming with joy.

"...How long since the attack?"

"About thirty minutes. They're efficient."

"Why can't we condense our magic?"

"I'm not sure. If I process it thinly, it seems to work."

"Is that how you closed your wound?"

He's as clever as ever. If I have to process magic so thinly, it's impossible for me to use it without being absorbed. I'm not interested in presenting my magic to the enemy by brute-forcing through it. But I do have two swords, so it shouldn't be a problem in terms of combat power.

"By the way, how did you know where I was?"

"Where there's smoke, there's fire."

"Ahh, I see."

We exchanged light banter while trying to detect magic. Although something was interfering, as expected, detection was possible if I forced through with magical power. The only thing I figured out after several seconds of searching was — there was somewhere we needed to head immediately.

"Damn, I forgot."

Meeting up with Cid wasn't the priority. I had forgotten about my primary responsibility — the person I was supposed to be guarding. If magic can't be used, then Glenn and Marco are likely in danger.

"Did you figure something out?"

"Cid, let's go."

"Mm, got it."

It's always helpful how quick he is at times like these. Cid and I jumped off the roof, ran across the school building, and dove into a certain room whose window had already been smashed by someone.


"Deputy Leader!!!"

The knight, Marco Granger, with fresh blood on his face, yells. The talented knight, who is trusted by Princess Iris at a young age, couldn't hide his dismay at the fact that his respected senior was killed.

The man in a red bandana who killed Glen, the deputy leader, was an assassin targeting Sherry Barnett, who is under the protection of the "Knights of Red". Despite his magical powers being sealed, he was clearly superior, as he killed Glen in an instant.

"Heh, is that all you got... Next is you."

"How dare you kill the Deputy Leader! ―Gahh!!"

Enraged, Marco swung his sword, but the gap in their abilities was too vast, and his sword was broken and his neck cut in an instant. He was slammed against the wall, but he did not die instantly. Without his sword, his head and torso would have likely been separated.

"...Ah, Deputy... Leader."

"What? Was it shallow? Well, it doesn't matter, you're going to die anyway."

The man who was laughing cheerfully was Rex from the "Children・1st" of the "Diabolos Church", known as the "Rebellious Game". He had come to retrieve the "Artifact (Light)" that Sherry was assigned to analyze, but he was interrupted by the two knights he just dispatched and they got away.

"Ah, I have to chase them quickly."

If it was found out that the person who had given him instructions had escaped, he would be in trouble. This man was fearsome enough to kill him without a reason.

From what he heard, he was once one of the twelve executives at the top of the "Church" ― the "Knights of the Round". It's better not to oppose him.

"Now, shall I chase that brat. We are the 'Shadow Guardians' and..."

"It's 'Shadow Garden'."

The next moment, Rex's head fell to the floor.


It took Rex a few seconds to realize he had been attacked. There was little to no shock to his body, and it stood upright until his head fell to the floor.

While he was unable to understand the situation, he noticed that two people had somehow infiltrated the room. He had been killed so smoothly that Rex was still conscious.

"...Were we too late?"

"No, they're both still breathing."

"Cid, please treat them."

"Sure. They're from the same knights' order as Takumi, right?"

"Yes. If these people die, both Princess Iris and the 'Knights of Red' will be in trouble. In other words, my salary and special allowance will be in trouble."

"I'm bad enough, but you're just as bad."

He didn't know what they were talking about, but there was no doubt that one of these two killed him.

Don't mess with me, it was a surprise attack, you coward. He wanted to curse, but his mouth wouldn't move as he told it to. Naturally, it was strange that he was still conscious in this state.

"Sherry is not here. The magical residue... I can track it."

"The treatment is over. They should be fine now."

"Thank you."

The two men he thought he had killed had been treated and seemed to have survived. The voices reaching his fading ears only fueled Rex's anger further.

"Cid, I hate to ask, but could you protect a female student named Sherry? She hasn't gone too far. She has pink hair."

"Petite, right?"

"You knew?"

"I gave her a chocolate. After that, she asked to be friends."

"Well, if you know, that's good. I have a few things to do here, so I'll leave that to you."

"Is she the main character of this event? Leave it to me."

They completed their role-sharing with a conversation unsuitable for the blood-soaked room.

"Yeah. I heard from Alpha that the main force of the 'Church' might be involved. Be careful."

"Hmm, who? Is it stronger than this guy Takumi took down?"

"Something like 'Children・1st' was said. The name was... 'Han', 'Han'."

Rex, with his near-stopped brain, realized they were talking about him. It was disgraceful after such a sudden defeat, but it wasn't bad to have his name remembered by the enemy. Looking back at his crappy life, Rex quietly accepted death.

"'Half-sleeved Courage Socks'... was it?"

"What's that? Socks that gathered courage to become half-sleeved?"

Fortunately, Rex did not have to hear that.