Chapter 18 : The Holy Sword
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As I walked through the dimly lit corridor, I let out a sigh, trying not to attract attention. I had decided to abandon all thoughts and assist the Alphas as '(Light).' So far, so good.

However, despite only a few dozen minutes passing, exhaustion seemed to be an unending cycle. The damage caused by the relentless pace had already taken its toll on my stomach.

As I was currently disguised as (Light), I couldn't afford to show any signs of weakness. I had to maintain a proper posture and behave with grace. It wasn't just the Alphas and Deltas; there were also Epsilons and other children present.

This mission seemed to involve a significant number of personnel. I regretted not asking for more details about the operation earlier; it was a regret that came too late.

"(Light)? What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

"I see. Let me know if anything happens. I'm the only one who can understand your thoughts, being a Shadow."

The Alpha walking beside me said such things. It seemed that the misunderstanding persisted. Explaining that it was a misunderstanding would be futile, as I had learned from past experiences.

(Sigh, I can feel their gaze intensely.)

One of the factors contributing to my exhaustion was the constant gaze on my back since entering this "Sanctuary" — the presence of Princess Alexia.

(Since we've met once before, I must be careful not to get caught.)

Showing my true form as (Light) before made her excessive caution understandable. I changed my voice and enveloped the sword of the "Crimson Knights" I had with me in darkness. I tried my best to avoid making eye contact, but the discomfort couldn't be helped.

(Well, this is my own doing...)

This operation began with the intention of attacking the Grand Bishop in the special VIP seat. It seemed that the Grand Bishop, Nelson, was a member of the "Diabolos Sect." It made me realize how deeply rooted the members of the sect were in the world, even up to the highest authority of the church.

The investigation of the "Sanctuary," which the sect was deeply involved with, was the purpose of this mission. However, for me, there was a more significant trouble than that.

That is — restraining Princess Alexia.

Of course, I knew that Princess Alexia would be in the special VIP seat. I came to this country as her escort.

Would that impulsive girl be able to stay out of the "Shadow Garden" operation? No, it was certain that she would get involved.

That's why I had sent the Alphas ahead to the "Sanctuary" and stayed behind until the end. I had to make sure Princess Alexia wouldn't jump into the door.

But she was here. That meant my defense had simply failed. And to make matters worse, President Rose had also arrived. It made the remaining effort completely meaningless.

(I never expected to be distracted by something like that...)

Of course, I hadn't just stood there without doing anything. There was a reason why I couldn't stop the princesses, although I didn't want to recall it.

While accompanying Nelson, our children managed to infiltrate the "Sanctuary" safely, and we were successfully guarding until the door was about to close. However, in an attempt to divert my attention, Princess Alexia, in a panic, dropped something from her pocket, seizing my consciousness and creating a decisive opening.

── An extremely thick gold coin.

As a deep, heavy sound echoed, my body smoothly moved as if being drawn towards the gold coin. With a swift motion, I crouched, reached out my hand, and exposed my vulnerable state.

Princess Alexia wasted no time in seizing such an opportunity and dove towards the door. My defense was easily breached. Following her, President Rose also jumped in. Defeated by the gold coin, I had no means to stop the consecutive movements.

(...Damn. Can't let Cid know about this.)

As someone who had belittled Cid, calling him a money-grubber and such, I couldn't allow such a blunder to be known. This secret shall be taken to the grave.

Lost in my thoughts, I noticed a figure approaching me, coming closer as I led the group.

Could it be another attack by Princess Alexia? I briefly prepared myself, but the figure I recognized was wearing a jet-black robe. Seeing the glimpse of dark blue hair, I knew it was Epsilon.

"Uh, um... (Light)-sama."

"What is it? Epsilon."

Speaking in a hushed voice, I responded accordingly. From the somewhat uneasy demeanor, I somehow understood what Epsilon wanted to say.

"W-Well... Thank you for earlier."

Epsilon lowered her head in a small bow, expressing her gratitude. I could guess what it was for—the incident that occurred in the special VIP seat.

When I attempted to take Nelson with us, Epsilon was nearly attacked by an assassin. The person called Executioner Venom or something like that.

There was no need to worry about Epsilon's abilities, but it was evident that the surprise attack had hit her. Even if she could narrowly evade it, there was still a risk that it would lead to her genuine defeat.

I knew how much effort Epsilon put into creating an intentionally exaggerated chest movement. In fact, I was the only one she had confided in about her secret in Shadow Garden. The feeling of wanting to help her was like a mix of parental and fraternal concern.

That's why I swiftly slashed Venom from the side before he could swing his sword at Epsilon. It was a close call, but I managed to protect Epsilon's precious psyche.

"Don't worry. I'm glad you're safe."

I deliberately didn't mention what exactly was safe. Unlike Cid, I wasn't a man lacking in tact.

Upon hearing my words, Epsilon smiled happily, bowed her head once more, and then walked away. Her thoroughness was quite endearing. Among the Seven Shadows, she had the strongest sense of being a younger sister, along with Gamma.

(If she were to know about these thoughts, Zeta would probably give me a hard time.)

I could easily imagine him complaining with a sour expression and voice. I relaxed my facial expression as I thought about the disciple I hadn't seen much lately. I was starting to miss that fluffy and soft fur.

I still didn't have a clear idea of what Zeta was up to. Maybe I should come up with a reason to call him over or go see him myself.

"...(Light). We've arrived."

Lost in my thoughts, I was called out by Alpha. It seemed we had reached our destination, as the surroundings had changed from before. It was the deepest part of the corridor, essentially a dead-end.

"This place is said to be the remains of the 'Demon God' Diabolos, whom the 'Hero' Olivier defeated... It is where his left arm was sealed."

"What's the significance of that?! Are you planning to search for the arm based on a fairy tale?"

Nelson suddenly shouted angrily. Despite being restrained by our children, he remained quite defiant. It seemed inconvenient for the sect to have this place thoroughly investigated.

"That sounds fun and all, but what we want to know is about the 'Diabolos Sect.'"


Ah, he fell silent. Is this old man actually weak when it comes to arguments?

"I know you can't answer. That's why we've come here. To uncover the true truth... buried in the darkness of history."

(Alpha is so cool... Cid should learn from him.)

Always staying one step ahead, composed and unruffled. His voice and words that seemed to see through everything were truly those of a strong individual. Isn't "Alpha" a word made for those powerful individuals who work behind the scenes? Maybe I should switch to being his right-hand man.

As I found myself falling for Alpha again, he began speaking about a particular statue placed at the dead-end of the corridor.

"This is... the statue of the 'Hero' Olivier."

"...Huh? Olivier was supposed to be a man, right?"

President Rose voiced her doubt. It was only natural, as common knowledge dictated that Olivier was a man. However, the stone statue before our eyes clearly looked like a woman.

"That, too, is a distorted truth twisted by the sect... Well, we roughly understand that. We came here to collect various material evidence."

(Sorry. There's an idiot next to me who doesn't understand anything.)

Every time Alpha continued the conversation, I wanted to go back. Why am I even here? Alpha alone is enough. I'm definitely an unnecessary addition.

As I pondered my existence and felt pathetic, Alpha seemed to do something, and a white light emanated from the far end of the corridor. It looked like an entrance, undoubtedly the path forward.

Damn it, I wasn't paying attention at all. I didn't hear the conversation either. It felt nostalgic, like the feeling of falling behind in class in an instant.

(But this is not the time for that! What... What should I do?)



I got startled. I thought my heart would stop. Good job not screaming. My voice hasn't changed, so I'm still Takumi Gavin. I can't let Princess Alexia discover the true identity of (Light).

"...What is it?"

"I don't need to say it, but let's proceed. I request permission."

"R-Right. We're at that stage, huh."

"Yes. Let's begin."

So, begin what? What are we starting?

...Oh no, Delta and Epsilon are also looking eager. Delta is one thing, but Epsilon definitely understands everything. I should have discreetly asked her earlier.

"Now... shall we embark on a journey into the world of fairy tales?"

It's the same exchange we had before entering this 'sanctuary.' Despite feeling an early déjà vu, I can only respond with a nod, expressing affirmation.

"Ah, yes. Let's do that."

Yeah. I'm still an unnecessary addition, after all.

Enveloped in the released white light, I... shed a few tears.


"...Huh? Wait, what?"

Forgetting that I am (Light), I let out a dumbfounded voice. No need to worry about Princess Alexia overhearing me. In fact, there's no need to worry about anyone hearing me in this situation.

"Why... Why am I the only one?"

Freed from the white light, I opened my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar place. Somehow, I had been teleported to a location that I couldn't quite comprehend. Is this discrimination? Discrimination against the unnecessary ones?

"Where the heck am I?"

As I took off my hood and looked around, I saw a simple yet clean square. The predominantly white design gave off a futuristic vibe.


Deciding to take a stroll for now, something caught my eye. It was a sight that would undoubtedly excite any man—a space located after climbing several dozen stairs.

"It looks like a certain video game's 'Master Sword.'"

A single sword adorned with blue and gold, embedded in a pedestal, exuded a legendary atmosphere. It reminded me of a scene I often saw in a certain game, prompting such a comment to escape my lips.

Behind the sword, there was an enormous door. It was sealed with multiple thick chains, clearly indicating that it must never be opened.

"Speaking of which, I can't harness magic power again."

Just like when the academy was attacked, I couldn't control magic power properly. I don't know if this is a characteristic of the 'sanctuary,' but it's clear that I've ended up in a troublesome place.

It's bothersome to maintain, so I undid the Takumi Suit. Now I look like an ordinary student. No one should... Well, maybe someone will find it suspicious.

"Now, what should I do?"

I sat down next to the pedestal where the sword was lodged and let out a light sigh. From Cid's appearance to accompanying Alpha and the others, it's been a whirlwind of events. I've become quite fatigued in a short amount of time.

"I wonder if I was transferred to a different location... Well, I think it'll be fine."

Alpha, Delta, and Epsilon—three members of the 'Seven Shadows'—are here for this mission. There's no need to worry about our safety. I believe they will also protect Princess Alexia and the others. I'll just stay quiet here.

"By the way, Alpha mentioned something about material evidence... I wonder if he'd be happy if I brought back this holy sword."

Thinking foolish thoughts, I completely relaxed. Then, a signal of danger flashed through my mind. I trust my intuition, so I immediately stood up and moved from that spot. Just as I did, something fell to where I had been sitting, accompanied by a pitiful groan.

...It was a face I knew well.

"...Cid. What the hell are you doing?"

"Hey there, Takumi. Long time no see."

"Now is not the time for small talk. Why did you fall from above...?"

As I stared in disbelief at Cid lying on the floor, something else fell from above once again. Instinctively catching it with my arm, I saw an unexpected person with a surprised expression.

"You... You're the ancient warrior who was fighting Cid earlier."

With thick purple hair and eyes resembling amethysts, this woman unmistakably matched the description. She had a beautiful face but was launching brutal attacks. Although I couldn't accurately assess it from a distance, up close, her magic power was undeniably abnormal. I didn't know her name, but there was no doubt she was a formidable opponent for Cid and me.

"Thank you for catching me."

"It's nothing. I was taught to be kind to women."

"I see, what a lovely teaching."

"From my father. I respect him."

Gently lowering the beautiful woman, I shifted my gaze to Cid, who had suddenly appeared. I knew he had been thrown from the colosseum, but how did he end up here?

"Cid, why are you here?"

"Well, there were some things going on. I was playing with Viorette."


As I tilted my head in confusion, the mysterious woman raised her hand.

"It seems to be referring to me. By the way, my name is Aurora."


"...I finally thought I met someone normal."

Aurora sighed with disappointment. I'm sorry, but it really sounded like that to me.

"Sorry, sorry, Aurora-san."

"Heh, as long as you understand."

"Takumi, why are you here?"

"Well... Well, there were various circumstances."

"You're saying the same thing as me."

"Sh-Shut up. I was just working as a substitute for the useless leader."

Delving too deep into my various circumstances would put me at a disadvantage. To brush it off, I decided to let the conversation slide. Cid has always been unpredictable anyway.

"...Anyway, it seems this is the enemy's stronghold. I came here with Alpha and the others, but somehow I got separated."

"Oh, tough luck."

"Well, it's better than meeting you here."

"Haha, once again."

"No, I'm serious."

I ended up encountering the man I least wanted to meet in the enemy's stronghold. And to top it off, he fell from above, making it impossible to avoid. It's like a horror movie.

"By the way, we ended up in quite an amazing place."

"...This is the heart of the 'sanctuary.' It's where the most power is concentrated, so you shouldn't be able to handle any kind of magic power."

As I cursed my cruel fate, Cid and Aurora began to survey the surroundings. It seems Aurora has knowledge about the 'sanctuary.'... Wait, did I get teleported directly to the center? Huh? Is this some kind of bullying?

"Hey, Takumi, what's that?"

"...Hm?... Ah, as you can see."

"That must be the legendary holy sword. Never thought I'd see the real thing. What about the door behind it?"

"How would I know?"

As I started to get annoyed, I shifted my gaze to Aurora, the only person here who seems to have some knowledge. After her expression turned stern, she began to speak in a serious tone.

"...Inside that door is the core of the magic power that maintains this 'sanctuary.' If we destroy it, we can escape from here."

"I see, that makes it easier."

"But... what about the chains?"

Cid said it in a lighthearted manner, but it doesn't seem easy to open the door. At least with the sword I have, I doubt I could even make a tiny crack.

"This sword won't work. And even for me, Takumi, it's impossible."

My sword is superior to Cid's, but it doesn't have the sharpness to deal with these chains. It's not a matter of the wielder's skill.

"I see. So, the only option is to use this sword stuck in there, clearly asking to be used."

"I don't think it'll come out."

"I agree."

Acerola tilted her head as she listened to our conversation. Well, if you haven't played games in your past life, you wouldn't understand this kind of situation.

"Why won't it come out? It says here that this sword can cut through the chains..."

"We understand. This sword can only be pulled out by the chosen one."

As Cid briefly responded, he gripped the holy sword with both hands. He exerted force to pull it out, but it only made a creaking sound without budging.

"Looks like... the sword is rejecting us."

"Oh! There's something written on the pedestal: 'The holy sword can only be pulled out by a direct descendant of the hero!'"

Yeah, I knew that.

More importantly, Aurora is quite knowledgeable. She can read something that looks like ancient writing so naturally.

"To understand it immediately... Who are you guys?"

"Just ordinary members of the shadows."

"Just regular civilians."

I thought that with Cid's brute strength, there might be a possibility of forcibly pulling it out, but it seems impossible after all.


As I crouched down and carefully examined the pedestal, I noticed some small cracks. It seems Cid's attempt wasn't completely meaningless.

...Could this work?

"Cid, take a look at this."

"What is it?... Hm, there might be a possibility."

"If we both do it at the same time."

"It's like one of those bugs in a game, huh?"

The bugs of this world are saying something.

"I'll take the right side, and you take the left."


We each grabbed the handle of the holy sword, assuming a stance to exert all our strength. Aurora seemed to understand what we were about to do and quickly distanced herself.


"Yeah. On three! One... two... three!"


In that moment, a loud sound resembling a danger signal emanated from the holy sword. The scraping sound of the sword rubbing against the pedestal could be heard.

Cid and I continued to exert our strength without hesitation, determined to overpower the situation with sheer force.

"Cid, let's gather our strength again."

"Yeah, it seems possible."

As our hands became sweaty, we released our grip and started over. The holy sword seemed to shake slightly, but it was probably just my imagination.

"W-Wait, it might break..."

"It'll be fine. I... I believe in the holy sword."

"You know nothing, do you!?"

Ignoring Aurora's words, Cid and I once again placed our hands on the holy sword. It will endure, our holy sword.

"On three! One... two... three!"

Apparently, on our second attempt, we finally reached our limits.

"The... pedestal..."

"It came out."

What lay before our eyes, Cid's and mine, was the pitiful sight of the holy sword. Stuck in the torn pedestal, it rolled around, emanating a strong determination that it would never be pulled out by anyone other than a hero.

"It's stubborn, isn't it?"

"It's got guts, this holy sword."

"You two... are both gorillas."

Aurora seemed to say something unsatisfactory. Compared to Cid, my gorilla-like strength is nothing. Cid can crush apples like they're nothing, and he can snap wood like toothpicks.

"Well, for now... let's just pull out the sword."

"That's right. Takumi, can you hold the pedestal?"

"Got it. I'll leave the sword to you."

Once again, the holy sword seemed to tremble, but it was probably just my imagination.

"It looks like it'll work this time."

"Let's finish this quickly."

I want to finish this and reunite with Alpha and the others as soon as possible. If we bring back the holy sword as a souvenir, there won't be any disappointment.

As I thought about these things, Cid and I reached out for the holy sword and the pedestal. In that instant, a new character appeared in the square.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

A familiar angry voice echoed in our ears.