Episode 3: Black Siren (3/3)
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◬ Origin Year 138, 22nd of Hana.

I don’t know about you, but luck is a weird thing.

What is lucky can actually be unlucky, and unlucky be lucky.

For example, I can’t tell if leaving EunHa alone while I hopped onto Mr. Chen’s ship was lucky or unlucky.

Maybe if I hadn’t boarded, Ms. Lili would’ve survived.

Or maybe… the whole Fortress would’ve been wiped out.

After all, nobody would’ve thought about the chemical flames to wipe out the swarm-class Swirl Leeches if not for me. Those bastards could’ve made the already difficult battle hell.

“Let me resign from the squad.”

As I reflected on everything that had happened, I came to a decision to make some changes in my life.

Papa made a sour expression.

Well, you should’ve expected this coming, right?

“Are you sure about this?”

“Yes. I’m sure.”

“If that’s your decision… I can’t say much about it.”


“Do you think I have any other choice?”

A bitter yet compassionate expression on his face.

“Uwa! Thank you papa!”

Let me give you my biggest glomp! I kissed his cheeks.

“Motherfucker that’s going too far!”

“Uwaahh!! Can’t I at least act like a proper daughter?

“For fuck sake. You should really hold back on these things.”

He coarsely wiped my kiss from his face.

“Papa’s embarrassed hehe.”

“Shut up.

“Okay, okay. My bad. But really, this might be the last time I see you so cherish that smooch okay? I’m not giving you another one.”

“To hell with that.”

He heaved a sigh before tearing open EunHa’s folder.

He checked the death certificate inside and then turned to me.

“Once I turn this in, she, Hwang EunHa will no longer exist.”

“I know. You taught me how to deal with these kinds of situations, so I’ll manage somehow.”

“Still. Be careful.”

“You too.”

I stood up straight, took in a deep breath and performed a full salute.

“First Sergeant Hai. It was a pleasure working with you.”

“The pleasure was mine, Tatsuki Rize. I’m glad you didn’t die the first time we met.”

We giggled.

I made my way to the door.

And just as I was about to leave…

“…Will you come back?”

He asked. Will I come back?

For six years, this was my home. I lived and grew up here, made family and memories with everyone…

Will I come back, you ask?

I turned to him and showed a wide grin. Isn’t the answer obvious?

“Most definitely!”

I’m forever the Black Siren of First Sergeant Hai’s company.

“…If I don’t die, that is.”

That will never change.

“I believe you won’t Rize-chan.”

He smiled.

“I don’t either. Well, until we meet again, First Sergeant!”

I turned around and took a step.

That instant my feet landed outside the office, I knew.

It was the start of a new chapter in my life.


I stood in front of the door of my room.

I took in a few deep breaths and knocked.

“I’m coming in.”

I scanned the room for any signs of change.

The tables were empty as ever, Cinnamon was enjoying his time in the coral tank, and EunHa was still chained up on the bed.

Good, she didn’t escape.

“I’m back.”

Her head was still buried inside her knees. She hadn’t moved nor said anything since I entered. Was she asleep?

“How are your wounds?”

I made my way over to her.

When she raised her head, I saw dried blood on her forehead. She passed out.

“W-What happened?! Hey! Hey!”

Snap. Snap.

Cinnamon, my spy said that she kept pounding her head against her knee while I was away.

“Wow, do you want me to actually fix you up all four limbs? Get up!”

Slowly, she blinked her hazy eyes awake.

When she saw me, she jumped. Her pupils quivered as if she saw her worst nightmare.

I can’t believe that she’s actually treating me like this even though all I’m trying to do is help.

“EunHa, try bashing your head again and I’ll literally chain you to the bed like yesterday and tickle you silly.”

She quickly shook her head.


She hates being tickled. Seeing her laugh and cry with such a bitter expression stimulated my sadistic tendencies a little.

“Anyways, it’s almost 6. What do you want to eat?”


“Or would you like that unagi don I made yesterday?”



First the stomach. Nothing can be done before solving that.


I sought out my chef-cum-friend in the kitchen.

“LieZi-chan, do you have extra rice?”

“Rice? Cooked, uncooked?”


“Um. I think we should have some left in the pot.”

Nice! I began digging the cold storage for ingredients.

“What are you making today?”

“Unagi. I’ll make extra for you guys too.”


“Yes really. Tell the others to come when I’m done.”

I folded up the sleeves of my uniform.

“Is your arm alright?”

“It’s healing.”

The doctor told me not to use my arm for a week. But it’s already healed after applying intermittent healing magic.

I won’t bother with his advice. I know myself better since I worked in the medical field in my past life.

“Um, I know it’s a silly question, but… you’ve been cooking for someone else right?”

The rumour about EunHa being some kind of harbinger has probably spread all over. She’s not wrong for suspecting me of taking care of EunHa who should’ve died. I’ve been coming to the kitchen the past week to make meals.

“I’m cooking for papa.”

“Oh but…”

“The girl is dead.”


“So don’t worry about it.”

I smiled.

Don’t ask.

I’ll make sure that EunHa stays dead.

◃⊰⊱ϑ⊹ ⨞⋅⫝⫘⌖ ⊹⊰⊱▹

“Here ya go.”

I set the unagi don in front of her.

Packed full of love, it’s got sesame seeds sprinkled on rice, a nice strip of eel meat glazed in sweet sauce, and dried seaweed sheets tucked to the edge of the bowl.

We don’t have miso onboard so I made seaweed soup with cube tofu.

Speaking of which, I don’t know if she likes Japanese cuisine. Maybe she prefers Kimbap or something.

She stared at Cinnamon who was already munching on the fresh seaweed I prepared.


She spoke in a weak voice.


“Can I… really not die?”

“No. You must live.”

“I don’t know… what if…”

“We’ll take it one step at a time.”


“Ms. Lili gave her life to you.”

I don’t know how many times I’ve said this. As someone who lives for others, I thought Ms. Lili’s death was the perfect shackle to bind her to the world of the living.

“That’s why you should continue to live. You would be wasting her life otherwise.”

“More people will die…”

“So be it.”

I’ve killed people intentionally, and almost caused a genocide, so excuses like that won’t work.


“I don’t know what kind of curse you have, but that’s our first goal. To understand it, and find some way to fix it. If we can’t fix it, we’ll use it to our advantage.”

“It’s impossible.”

“Well. Maybe it is, but I’m not giving up.”

“What if… the world ends because of me…”

“I’ve dealt with someone like that before. Your situation is less severe, don’t sweat it.”

Someone as in… ugh. Forget it. It’s not a pleasant memory.

“Eat. I’ll talk about our plans going forward.”

I shoved the chopstick and spoon in her hand.

She nodded weakly.

Tears fell from her eyes.

It’s been one week now, and she’s still crying. How much pain had she been suppressing inside all this while anyways? It’s quite concerning.

“Listen while you eat.”

Nod. Nod.

“We’ll be leaving tomorrow at midnight. I’ll sneak you out, and you better follow every word I say okay?”

Nod. Nod.

“You, unfortunately, can’t attend Ms. Lili’s funeral directly, but I plan to go visit her family together at some point in time. So, I assume our next stop after Fortress City Fuji would be New Hangul City. Have you been there before?”

Shake. Shake… nod. Nod.

“It’s a relatively peaceful country-style city with a nice view.”

Nod. Nod. She ate the rice in small bites.

“I’m technically retired now that I’ve resigned. So we have maybe a year or two to explore the world. I’m not sure how much you’ve travelled, I haven’t gone to many places personally.”

“…Me neither.”

“Then we’ll go on a long vacation together.”

I think that’s what she needs. Time away from all the problems.

“To learn how to live.”

I suspect that she had only been thinking about military stuff, and ‘saving the world’ ever since she was young. So, what better opportunity to experience what it means to properly live than now?

Her quivering lips parted.

“What if people found me…?”

Good question.

“First of all, you are officially dead in the papers. You’re identified as ‘died in battle, corpse not found’. Papa will deal with the issue of not being able to retrieve your corpse.”

“So off the board, we need to change your appearance. I’ll handle that, you just have to follow me. But besides your appearance, more importantly, we have to overhaul your identity.”

“EunHa is dead.”

She flinched at those words.

“Leave your past behind, we’re starting anew.”

“And by that, I mean everything. Forget about who you thought you were, what you think your purpose is, and most especially those you think you are responsible for.”

It’s probably difficult for her to do so, but I’ll guide her gradually.

Letting go is tough, but I think it’s crucial. She had become too attached to who she was to see a border world.

“All the bad things you’ve done, all the good things you’ve done, just think of them as you from another life.”

Just as I had to take on a new identity every time I entered a new world, she had to do the same, but within the same world.

“From today onwards, you are no longer EunHa.”

“You will be Tatsuki EiYun, or Eun-chan. You will be my adopted daughter.”

Yes, you heard it right.

The real reason why I decided to retire from the squad.

It’s so that I can fulfil my lifelong dream of becoming a mother!

Biological age doesn’t matter. I’m chronologically 100-something years old, she’s only 18-something since she has no memories of her past life.

But you complain: Rize! The length of the year in this world is 5/4 the number of days on earth so shouldn’t you have to convert that before speaking actual numbers? EunHa would be 22 years old on Earth years—


I’m too lazy for maths!

“So call me mama!”



Did I just hear that right?

You’re killing me. Seriously?

I expected a bigger reaction. Who knew she’d just…

Was she broken to such an extent?

I’m not the perpetrator, right?

By the way, the way she called me sounded worse than white noise.


This daughter of mine will surely be troublesome to take care of. But I love you!

I didn’t marry for the past 100 years, nor did I become pregnant outside of that culture. So becoming a mother was a lifelong dream I never got to experience until now.

I could’ve adopted someone in my past life. But I opted to build a non-profit for children’s welfare instead.

But this time finally, I have an excuse to take EunHa—I mean, Eun-chan as my own.

She needs special care and attention.

I wasn’t sure what kind of curse she was afflicted with, but my maternal instincts were telling me that what she needed was a different outlook on life.

Yeah, let’s go with that line of reasoning.

Eun-chan finished her meal and turned towards Cinnamon with a dazed look.

Her dishevelled hair which hadn’t been combed for perhaps a day left a completely sloven appearance on her.

I wonder how best to change her appearance while keeping her charm intact? As I pondered such a thing, I heard a knock on my door.

Eun-chan completely freaked out. I pointed to the bed.

She nodded and quickly went to hide underneath. Ain’t my daughter quick-witted?

I went to the door and peeked from the gap.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me.”

Mr. Chen and his fancy suit. What is he here for?

“Can you come out for a bit? Let’s talk.”

With your haggard look? Fine.

I went out and shut the door carefully behind me.

“What is it?”

He said nothing, observing me with his dull eyes.

It went on for a full minute. I was tempted to poke his eyeballs out.


“Why what?”

He’s sounding really dramatic here.

“Why are you keeping her?”

“Are you not going to keep it a secret?”

Besides First Sergeant and me, Mr. Chen, Mr. Shang, and Mr. Shun knew that Eun-chan was still alive.

“Tell me why are you protecting her?”

“I just feel like it. There’s no particular reason.”

It’s a cliché answer to dodge a question—but it’s true! All the reasons I’ll come up with will only mask the fact that I just want to make her my daughter.

I could say it’s because I don’t want to waste the life Ms. Lili gave her, or that she was someone I knew from my past life…

But ultimately, those are secondary to my feelings.

“She’s dangerous. Are you not scared of losing your life because of her?”


“Well, I am!”

Wow. He yelled.

With bloodshot eyes, he continued.

“I’m worried what the hell will happen to you! I don’t want you to end up with the same fate!”


So he’s worried.

Um… what should I say to console him?

“Do you like me perhaps? That’s why you’re overreacting?”


Oh shit.

Why is he being so direct today no… I didn’t mean to ask that!

I’m sorry but I can’t fall in love with anyone!

His expression softened, waiting for my answer.

He had finally confessed.

So many times I’ve poked him with this question, this is the first time he was giving it to me straight without being ambiguous.

“Chen QiangWei, I’m honoured to receive your feelings.”

I looked at him with a bitter smile.


“But I can’t return them. I’m sorry.”

And—I broke yet another person’s heart. How many does that make it now?

◃⊰⊱. ϕ⊹ ⋈⊶⌖⊹⊰⊱▹

◬ Origin Year 138, 23rd of Hana.

Fortress 13 was docked a kilometre away from Fortress City Fuji.

Almost a third of the Castle was rubble. People were moving to and from the stronghold via airships.

Wu XiaoLe, the War Saint who stood beside him couldn’t hide her frown.

“Did you know this would happen?”

Kenji asked, she couldn’t gauge what kind of emotion he was feeling having seen this.

“No. I have no recollection of any Fortress falling into such a ruined state from my past life. This… ”

As she recalled, this scale of damage never happened in her past life. If it did, she would’ve known from reports in the news.

“Since the Fortress is here, we don’t need to take a freight ship. Let’s go.”

‘Please be alive…’

They clung to the miracle that had kept EunHa alive time and time again.

The Fortress itself couldn’t come too close to the floating wharf, so airships were required to link the two destinations. XiaoLe went up to one of the soldiers mooring a small ship on the dock.

“Excuse me, how can we board a ship? We need to get to Fortress 13.”

“Board the ship? My apologies, can I ask for your identity?”

“I’m Colonel Wu XiaoLe. I’m here to meet with First Sergeant Hai Aki.”

XiaoLe flashed her badge underneath her cloak.

The soldier’s mind went blank for a moment. And then he quickly saluted.

“Colonel Wu, it’s an honour! I’ll let my superior know of your request.”


“War Saint Wu, it’s an honour.”

“The honour is mine. Thank you for arranging this on such short notice.”

“No need for thanks, it’s my duty. So, what brings you here on this fine day? ”

Sergeant Joon took it upon himself to serve as their escort.

The War Saint herself had come here all the way from the Third Stratum. Rumoured of having glimpsed into the future, he thought there ought to be some reason she came here hiding her identity.

He was curious but didn’t want to be disrespectful.

“Are you here to inspect the cause?”

“We’re here for something similar. Can you tell me everything you know about what happened? I heard the Fortress just arrived yesterday.”

“I don’t know the particular details, but the fact that they engaged with a Category 5 Cloud Hive and made it out of battle still afloat must be some kind of miracle.”

Complex emotions surfaced in her expression when she heard that.

The extent of damage to the Fortress for a battle so large was too small.

“It’s really a blessing that the Fortress is standing.”

It was as if she was missing a piece of the puzzle.

The airship had just reached the harbour.

Kenji and XiaoLe made their way to the connecting platform.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“You can use my shoulders as support if you need.”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Come on. I don’t want you to fall.”

XiaoLe grabbed his hand.

Kenji never really got any rest after stepping out of the hospital. They rushed all the way here knowing that his body still needed time to recover.

XiaoLe was concerned for his health, but she also knew if she didn’t attend to his selfish wish, he would most likely go MIA. The best she could do was to make his journey easier.

They crossed the gap and finally made it off the narrow platform.

The grandeur image of a ruined castle stood before them. Admiring the scale of such a feat of engineering for a few seconds, Sergeant Joon continued to explain the situation.

As they made their way down the long corridor, XiaoLe asked.

“Is there anything we need to prepare before meeting with First Sergeant Hai?”

“Well, let’s see. First of all, Staff Sergeant Chu passed away during the battle. Try not to touch on the topic, it’s been a sensitive issue for a while.”

“God bless her. What happened?”

“I heard she died because of that cursed girl. She was supposed to be executed, but because of the delay everyone was put into jeopardy.”

“Then… that cursed girl. She’s…?”

“Most likely dead. But I can’t be too sure.”


“I wasn’t onboard, so I don’t know what happened. First Sergeant Hai should have the information you need.”

XiaoLe was the one who, alongside the cooperation of everyone else, sent EunHa to her death.

She found it funny, feeling relief at the fact that EunHa’s situation was still in the grey.

It was stupid.

If EunHa was by devil’s luck, still alive, could she face her again, knowing that she was the one who endorsed her death?

People greeted them as they passed. But no one recognized the War Saint, nor Kenji, the God’s Emissary who hid his face under a hood.

◃⊰⊱⊹. ⊹⌖Ω ⩏⊹ϑ ⊰⊱▹

“She’s no more than a child regardless of how old she thinks she is! Letting her go with that dead girl is only going to kill her. Don’t you know what happened to Ms. Chu? Do you not care if she dies?”

Mr. Chen stared down First Sergeant Hai with a sharp glare. Rize had disappeared yesterday night alongside the cursed girl.

He had an inkling as to where she could be, so he wasn’t in much of a rush. However, he couldn’t believe the First Sergeant would agree to such an outrageous decision.

“QiangWei, she made that decision. I have no right to decide otherwise.”

“You’re sending her to her death.”

“Do you not believe in her?”

Sergeant Hai’s expression deepened.


“Denying her permission to resign is no different from taking advantage of her.”

“That’s not the problem. The problem is that she’s bringing that girl along!”

His feelings with Rize wouldn’t bear fruit, fine.

But he should at least ensure her safety from the side until she finds the someone she’s truly meant to be with.

“Can you convince her otherwise? Chen QiangWei?”

“Shouldn’t you be the one to ask yourself that? You are her guardian for a reason.”

Neither of them could come to a consensus.

If Rize was still here, the conflict would dissolve immediately. She would snap the argument into two using some snarky comment.

“Don’t forget. If you tell anyone that the girl is still alive, you’ll be putting her in even more danger.”

“Why does she always get herself involved in these kinds of things… damn it.”


Kenji and Wu XiaoLe studied the internal structure of the castle. Broken pillars, scattered marble—they made their way to First Sergeant’s office.

As they arrived, they saw a soldier wearing an admiral’s navy uniform leave—Vice Admiral Chen.

Sergeant Joon saluted. He walked right by and completely ignored them.

Wu XiaoLe was a little stunned.

“Did something happen…?”

“Better not to pry.”

Sergeant Joon shook his head.

He walked up to the door and knocked.

“This is Sergeant Joon. First Sergeant, you have guests.”


“Excuse us.”

They saw a sergeant seated just opposite the entrance.

“What is your bussine…”

His words trailed off the moment he saw Wu XiaoLe. He quickly stood up.

“I’ll take my leave first.”

Sergeant Joon saluted.

“Thank you for bringing them here.”

The sergeant left.

“I’m sorry if I missed anything, I hadn’t expected your visit so soon.”

First Sergeant said.

“We came without prior notification, so I apologise if we disturbed anything.”

“No, you came at the perfect time. Please take a seat.”

There was tea in the office. But nobody had the mind to care for it.

“I am First Sergeant Hai Aki. It’s an honour to meet you two in person, War Saint Wu and I suppose you are her God’s Emissary?”

“Matsushita Kenji. Yes, that’s me. it’s a pleasure to meet you, First Sergeant.”

“I thank you for your time, First Sergeant.”

They studied each other’s intentions for a few seconds.

“I believe you’re here to hear about Ms. Hwang’s situation?”


“Before I get to that. I have a few words.”

He took out a document from underneath the desk.

“When I first read her file, I questioned if it was a mistake that the people of the Third Stratum refer to her by such a cursed name. We were sceptical, so we hesitated in her execution.”

“I can’t decide if she’d be better dead or alive. So concerning that, I can only leave you the result of the order you’ve assigned our squad.”

“I believe it now having experienced it first hand. She’s cursed.”

He rudely threw the file over his desk. It landed on the table before the War Saint and Kenji.

It was a clear expression of disdain.

Wu XiaoLe carefully opened the file, and froze at what she saw.

Her body trembled.

“Her body was never found, her corpse is gone. She survived the Cloud Hive engagement, but perhaps because of it, she jumped.”


“You can ask around for details. I’m sure a few of us have seen it happen.”

“…Do you not feel anything for it?”

Kenji interrupted. His voice could barely contain his rage.

“I won’t be speaking to you like this if I felt nothing.”

First Sergeant’s calm voice began to crack.

“You were the ones who ordered her death. So why did you give her sympathy during the last days of her life? You should’ve made up your mind to kill her or keep her alive.”

“She’s not dead.”

Kenji interrupted.

“I’m right, aren’t I? She’s alive somewhere.”

“She’s dead.”

“No. She’s not dead, you’re keeping her somewhere.”

Kenji stood up.


XiaoLe pulled on his clothes.

“Tell me where you kept her!

“How many times do I have to tell you? She’s dead!”

“Tell me the truth. First Sergeant, she’s not dead. Where is she?”

“What’s with this sudden change of decision? I thought you guys wanted her dead?”

He took a step forward.

“I’m sorry. It was a mistake. We won’t do this again, just, tell me where she is. I promise I won’t let her die, so please just…”

Kenji lowered his head.

First Sergeant Hai could only grit his teeth amid his plea.

“I’m only doing what I was ordered to. I don’t know why you’re so desperate to bring the dead to life, the consequences of it are yours to bear. Leave the file here, I’ll submit it to the office myself. Get out.”

“First Sergeant—”

“I won’t repeat a second time. Get the fuck out!”

Xiao Le stood up and quickly lowered her head.


With a weak tug, she pulled the hem of his uniform. Together they left through the door after a bow.



First Sergeant Hai couldn’t help but find this whole situation maddening.

Was deciding an execution something half-assed? Did they actually come in hopes that the person they executed was still alive? What kind of joke had they been to these people?

He has just lost two of his most important comrades.

Not from the dead-alive missions in the Zeroth Stratum, but because of some political bullshit those dignitaries involved their squad in.

He turned to look out the window. The view of the Fortress City spread out in the distance,

“Maybe I shouldn’t have…”

One loss after another. He was beginning to regret letting her free.


As her guardian he should…

“Rize. Please stay safe.”


“She’s not dead. If she were, the system would have informed me about it.”


“XiaoLe. He’s lying so… XiaoLe?”

Kenji was met with silence. He stopped in place, she continued walking, completely oblivious to her surroundings.


At his second call, she came to a halt.

“Hey, are you listening to me? EunHa is still alive.”

“…I’m sorry I did it without your consent.”


“She forced me to. But I could’ve done something else right…? I could’ve said no, I could’ve tried to talk to her again…”

“Enough. XiaoLe, this isn’t your fault.”

For a second he saw EunHa’s lingering shadow in her.

The despair and dissolution of her pain and denial.

A beautiful smile painted in sorrow and melancholy.

“I see… so this is how she feels…”


“It’s really… horrible.”

“XiaoLe. We should ask around and find the…”

“Kenji, she’s dead.”

“She’s not. The system…”

“She’s dead Kenji. She’s dead, give it up. Even if she was alive, do you think she’d want to stay by your side?”


He understood what she meant.

But he denied the reality.

It was a complicated situation where either all were at fault or none.

Did he have the right to get angry? Yes, absolutely.

But what would that solve?

“XiaoLe. We’ll find her and bring her back. If she’s dead then I can’t say much but… if alive, she’ll bring ruin to everyone else if she isn’t by my side.”

His heartless words elicited a hurt expression on her face. Similarly, it felt like a knife tearing through his chest.

To say something like this to someone who loved him. To a person whose feelings he couldn’t respond to. Her expression softened into a smile as reasoning caught on.

“You’re right. If she was alive, then we better find her quickly.”

◃⊰⊱. ϕ⊹ ⋈⊶⌖⊹⊰⊱▹

The shock she received when she witnessed EunHa sink a knife into Kenji’s stomach brought back so many memories.

It wasn’t that XiaoLe didn’t trust EunHa.

She didn’t know if she should.

Because she betrayed her.


She betrayed the entire human race.

XiaoLe remembered vividly in her first life how the last embers of humanity fell.

Her greatest regret before regression was trusting the EunHa who had become a demon.

From a wandering existence of uncertainty to a mighty commander that led armies to endless waves of victory.

Everyone believed in her.

Everyone admired her.

Everyone was charmed by her.

Not realising that all her actions had been an act to fool everyone.

XiaoLe recalled, accidentally stumbling into the bedroom room and seeing her enjoy Kenji’s flesh.

A hero by day, a ghoul-like existence by night.

Kenji who fell for her serenade became food for his corrupted lover. The scene imprinted itself deep within XiaoLe’s mind.

She was a demon, so it should come naturally that her greatest desire was humanity’s demise.

So during the most crucial of moments, the battle which would make or break the war—she let go.

Humanity fell.

It was a nightmare.

EunHa was unpredictable, unexplainable.

So her actions during the wedding aroused a deep sense of fear.

What if… what if it happened again?

If she continued down this road.

If she became a demon.

What would happen to her?

What would happen to Kenji?

What would happen to the world?

If EunHa became a demon, XiaoLe didn’t have the confidence to protect those she loved.

Her charisma and manipulation were beyond reason.

And to tear people out of her control would incite hostility.

XiaoLe knew from experience.

‘Why the hell did you have to stab him?!’

‘Do you want to die?’

‘EunHa, please reconsider.’

So when EunHa said that for the sake of the world, she would rather end her life.

The dark desire that had long lingered inside her heart seeped out.

Deep down, XiaoLe wished this girl was dead. She was furious that EunHa had ruined the opportunity to marry Kenji.

If she loved him, why couldn’t she just go on with the ceremony? Why did she have to make everything so complicated?


XiaoLe was the one making things complicated.

After all, getting rid of the most dangerous factor to humanity’s downfall now would put a stop to a slew of chain reactions in the future.


Even though the person dying was her most important friend? The very one who shaped her into the great person she was today?


Kenji called out to her. She stopped, her mind hazy in confusion.

In the end, did she make the correct decision? Would the future be safe if EunHa were to die?

“XiaoLe, this isn’t your fault.”

He said.

Familiar words. So why did it feel so foreign?

Oh, because it was a phrase normally reserved for EunHa. Now that the girl is gone, she was to become her replacement.

“I see… so this is how she feels…”

Was this how EunHa felt?

Was compassion the correct way to handle things?

This pain, this dilemma?

XiaoLe was the one who agreed to send EunHa to her death, knowing well what kind of consequence it would entail.

Yet, the hate she should’ve received from the person who should’ve been angriest didn’t happen.

No wonder she’d go insane.


“It’s really… horrible.”

Should she bask in the pain and joy that came with such a luxury? After all, she was now in EunHa’s position of receiving his comfort, something she had always wanted.

“XiaoLe. We should ask around and find the…”

“Kenji, she’s dead.”

“She’s not. The system…”

“She’s dead Kenji. She’s dead, give it up. Even if she was alive, do you think she’d want to stay by your side?”

…Crying in his arms, Kenji carefully stroking EunHa’s blonde hair.

A tightening feeling in her heart.

XiaoLe wanted it.

To be held by him, comforted by him.

To receive infinite compassion, despite having hurt him over and over again—just like she used to.

It was sinful.

A bit.

Just a little bit.

XiaoLe understood why death would be a better option for EunHa.


If Kenji was right, and EunHa was still alive, it would be a big issue.

They had to confirm her death. So assuming the former, they had to begin an investigation immediately. They can’t let a calamity wander around openly.

If she became a demon… there is no telling what disaster humanity would have to face.

“Rize-chan resigned?”

“No way! Why would she…”

“Staff Sergeant Chu’s death must’ve taken a toll on her.”

The chattering in the infirmary was boisterous.

Wu XiaoLe stopped.

“The Black Siren…”


She hastily turned around and made her way towards the group of injured men gossiping.

The reason the impossible was possible, the piece she had been searching for suddenly clicked.

“Tell me why Ms. Rize resigned from her post.”

The Black Siren.

She was the reason XiaoLe put EunHa under First Sergeant Hai’s company to begin with.