Ch.2: Progress of my world
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Even though I say not gonna rest at seventh day, I still fall asleep after creation. Maybe that certain God also feeling tired after create my old world so that why he rest at seventh day. 

After I wake up. I called Adi. Who's Adi? Adi is the first prototype I create. It's have humanoid Features such as Two Hand and Two Feet. But it's body composed of cosmic energy. Not flesh and blood. So it's definitely not human. 

"How long I am gone?" I ask it. 

"Very long Creator, I can't measures how long father gone because we don't have concepts of time at universal level my Creator."

Indeed I fall asleep before concept of time created. Even I give them common sense to them, and they have knowledge of time, year, months and so on. There's no concept of time in universal level. 

"How many times the galaxy return to they position?" 

"My creator, since you gone there's no galaxy movement because only you can move it."

Indeed that also true. So we need concept of time and someone can control the "cube" when I gone. Well I didn't plan to fall asleep, gladly I fell cause I can found some bug at my world. Time to patch it. 

I created new creature that would administrate time. Saat it's name. It's have power to move the cube besides me. And the set of scramble to solve will count as one loop of universe. Every loop will have different length of course. So the universal level of time will differ. At least there's something to count. Since it's isn't Constantly, let's call it "Inkostan."


Cube Universe, Center, 1st Inkostan. 

After creation of saat, I told it to start scramble the universe. Universe size rubic, what a good puzzle. 

"Adi give me report of conditions of this world."

"My creator, since my birth until now, I only manage my own galaxy so, I did not know what happens at others."

"Is everyone also like that? "

"I believe so my creator. "

"Well then, call them all. " And then Adi gone to gather his brother sister. It's not take to long of course. He just disappear and appear with them at next second. 

"First of all, I happy to see you all, I am glad that there's no conflict among you. And everything looking good even I isn't here. Meet Saat, it's not a Prototype but also not mortal. Saat is Primordial. It job related with time. Okay enough with introduction, I want you all give report about lifeforms in your galaxy."

In short the universe conditions is like this. Every single planet is still at primitive time, some even still law of jungle life style without sense of society. Not so much development. I thought its because I slept for Short time, but I sleep for ten thousand year!!!  This time is measured by standard if my old world. How could this measure be use? Well some planet had exactly same condition with solar system, that's why. Some place even already hundred thousand years! But that's because the planet revolution around its star just much shorter. 

"Okay that's good. But kinda under my expectations."

There's not so much development. Some planet event doesn't invented tools yet. But even in my old world human need million years to evolve. So having most of my planet still primitive and few more backwards than primitive is normal. 

But I didn't want to wait million years. I want to ease my boredom, i want watch movies. To hell waiting million years to watch one. Create by my self? Oh please I am God! A Creator! Not some producers. Even so I can create, the end thing is just gonna like my imagination. I want something that come outside my head ok. 

So I think it's a good time to spread the pop culture!. Just kidding, it's time to spread knowledge to my creation. But what the most efficient method to do? 

Even my self isn't omniscient. So there's still many limitations if I worked alone. 

I got a good idea! If I can't why not employe someone to that. But how? 

Let's reincarnate or transmigrate person form other world to mine and give them system. 

What a wonderful idea, but how??? 

Well I can create things, can be anything, but it's only in my universe. I even doesn't know hot to connect my self or to travel to other universe. 

I even doesn't explore all my abilities yet. It's frustrating. Let's try it then. First feels the whole universe. Since I make universe had edge, let's feel what outside of it. 



Keep feeling

And there's nothing

Completely nothing. 

How about searching some kind of portal thing? Okay focuses, I feel every inch of universe, scanning my own body. And there's nothing portal like thing. Even I have Black hole, I know that insude of black hole just an compressed space that crush everything to smithereens and change that to pure energy. 

There's no way I can find other universe. But even I find one, what if the other universe have a bad intentions. I didn't know how worth a young born universe are. I even doesn't know social structure of universe. What if some kind immortal cultivatir find me, and turn me to some kind space artifacts. Or what if some mage find me and turn me to his magical spell ingredient. Or what if some kind cosmic entities need to eat universe to live. Too many bad possibility. Maybe I need to get strong first before attempting it again. How to became strong? Just wait my mortal became strong enough of course. I think I wonder too much, back to the laptop. 

Okay plan b let's just incarnate my self to planet and spreading knowledge. And after that I use the being of that planet to reincarnate or transmigrate to other planet to spread knowledge. What an wonderful idea! 

I also can tell my prototype to do that, afterall they have common sense and some knowledge in them. Good idea. 

Well let's create other Creature that will administrate the soul then. And then a Primordial name Ruh born. His job to give to govern reincarnation and system. 

Wait where the soul of dead people go in ten thousand year I fell asleep? Owh they comes back to me as energy!!! So that's how I wakeup. So more population more energy. After all energy I use to create galaxy isn't back yet. My energy only twenty percent at the time i wake up. And with creation of two God, my energy left with ten percent. If I use ten thousand years to recharge twenty percent, then I need fifty thousand years to reach hundreds percent. 

Wait, if all first live I create from my energy, from where life after that got they energy to born? Law of conservative energy? I think that doesn't match with my condition.  I need to research it later. 

So when someone dead, normally his soul which is pure energy would be absorbed by nature, universe which is me. I really need this energy but right now I also need reincarnator. So let's change the rule a little bit. 

For now on, dead soul will be gone to Dead Space, where Ruh would govern. Weaker Dead Soul would instantly become pure energy and will absorbed by me. Stronger dead soul will be my reincarnator. Of course not every strong soul, some of them will stay at dead space, get extracted bit by bit, regenerat, and get extracted again. 

And with that I have power bank. Let's moving on, stick to my first intention. 

To incarnate my self as human and spread knowledge. 

Man, Woman, boy or girl? Suggest me what will mc incarnate to!?
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