CH 1 – Author-nim… I f*cking hate you.
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[The Fracutured Heavens.]

A world of modern swords and magic, where different species from another world roam the normal society, that is of which is Earth.

Set 10 years into the future, where normal humans are scurrying about and dealing with their dull and monotone lives, a cascade of [Gates] appeared all around the world. Invading into Earth, came ferocious otherworldly monsters, as they threatened the existence of humanity. The monsters destroyed homes and infrastructures, as one by one, people began losing their family and loved ones, and the global population began to dwindle. The army with their manpower and firepower were effective against the small monsters. However, the insane legion of monsters that threatened their livelihoods were far too great, and guns were useless against the large and frightening monsters.

But soon, came a glimmer of hope. While monsters had intruded into planet Earth, [Mana] had entered along with them. Normal modern humans starting to realise the new profound power that flowed through their veins, as they began to fight back against these titans. Furthermore, other species from the other world, such as [Olden Humans], [Elves], [Orcs], [Gnomes], [Vampires], etc, began pouring in from these [Gates], aiding the humans with the subjugation of these horrific enemies.

Finally, after 3 years of hard effort and perseverance, the surface of planet Earth calmed down, and the threat of monsters were "eliminated." However, these [Gates] still remained open, allowing the entrance of monsters, but that also meant that the humans could go through to the other side; [The Other World.]

Learning from the friendly species from [The Other World], the modern humans soon became more refined with their craft and magic, soon creating a [System] named the [Gaia], which was presented and bestowed upon those who would protect mother Earth; those who became masters of [Magic and Swords], as they hunted down the monsters that terrorized humanity. The [Gaia] constructed an academy, named [Tirath, The Academy Of Swords and Magic]. This academy aimed to cultivate newcomers and the young generation to become future prospects of [Gaia], which this novel's setting is focused on.

This was a story of a young boy, who was weak and pathetic, yet he vowed to protect those he held dear, grasping his holy sword as he rised to the top of the [Gaia], becoming the first ever [Hero] that saved the world.


...Does this guy have something against Koreans? Why is the only named Korean character in the whole novel a total scumbag? And seriously? He's the most pathetic fucking weak person in the entirety of [The Fractured Heavens]?

Shutting the phone off, I threw my phone onto my bed. I was out of breath. The anger flared up from within me desperately wanted its wrath, so I slammed the table with my fist.

"Fucking hell. This author definitely hates koreans. And to that, fuck you."

I stole my phone back again from the bed, as I punched in words and letters of malice and hate to the inbox of the author. In the end, I had created a 500 word despisement letter, in which I sent without hesitation.

"...Sigh... This novel was one of my favourites as well. If only he didn't pull this type of shit..."

Worst of all, the cursed Korean character in the novel had the same name as me.

[Sa Dae-Hyun].

The author was pouring a whole jar of salt onto my wounds. I know it was a coincidence that the character had the same name as me. In fact, I was even happy to find out that the only korean character in the novel had the same name as me. That is, until I found out how trashy of a character he was.

"...Trash talent, trash skills, trash stats, terrible personality, a rugged delinquent with a scary face- and he's dead fucking last in the entirety of [Tirath, The Academy of Swords and Magic]. Man, fuck this shit."

Crushing the soda can on my desk, I tossed it in the open bin, as I swung around on my black swivel chair.

"Ah~ I wish I could see the author right now... So I could put a fucking hole in that son of a bitch's head."

Resting my hands on my eyes, I took a deep breath, and sighed once again.

...If I reincarnated in this novel, I'd make sure that I would prove my home countries' worth and power, and I'd definitely climb to the top, and make sure I become the best [Gaia] there is in the entire world- Even more than the MC, just to say, "Go to hell," to the author while pointing my middle finger up.

Whatever. That's never going to happen. I should lose my delusions right here and now. 

Slumping back down onto my bed, I shut my eyelids, as the coziness of the blanket and bed drifted me off to sleep...


You must be joking. 

Surely, you must be joking.

This is a dream.

This is a dream.

This is not real.

This is not re-

"Yo~ Oh look, is the [Worst One] awake now? That took you long enough! Well, it is expected out of the most pathetic student of the entire world after all... GAHAHAHAHA!!!"


I was lying down on the floor, dirt smothered across my cheeks and arms, my academy uniform thrashed up and messy, and the stinging pain surrounding my entire body. I felt burns everywhere, as well as cuts and bruises that nicked every part of my body.

"Huh? Why the fuck are you still lying down on the floor!? You looking down on me!?"


A sharp dull pain entered the side of my ribcage. 


This really hurts.

I'm over here trying to just digest this unreal situation that is happening in front of me right now, and this fucking red-headed bastard keeps annoying the shit out of me.

"I. Told. You. To. Stand. UP!!!"

As the red-headed boy began to load up another kick, I felt the veins in my foreheads pop.

Swinging his leg forward, it aimed towards my liver. However, I caught the leg with my arms, rendering the hot-blooded boy shocked as it slowly turned to anger.

"Hey! Oi- Let go of me! You bi-"

Yanking his foot, I kicked the other leg that was still inbalanced on the floor, as he toppled backwards and slammed his head on the concrete floor.


Swiveling my body on top of him, I dug my whole weight into his waist, as I raised my right fist in the sky and-


Swung through the side of his jaw.

His eyes rolled side to side, as blood splurted out of his lips. His vision impared, I continued to slam my fists onto his face.

"...You bastar-" THUD!!!

"Fucbing bwitch-" SPLURT!!!

"Vwaiiit--" CRACK!!!

After three hits, he finally lost conscious. Removing my fist from his face, all I could see now was the disfunctional mess of a face, blood and snot covering the skin, as his nose was punched in and fractured.

Alas, my fist wasn't doing too well either. But whatever. I finally let off some steam, so I should be satisfied with that.

"What a load of bullshit. All bark, no bite."

As I pressed my weight back into my feet, I raised myself off the boy, stepping over him as I finally had the chance the explore the surroundings.


Spitting the blood out of my mouth, I glanced around the area.

I seemed to be behind some sort of large white building, built with concrete and clear crystal windows. It was a dome of some sorts, that towered above me, casting a shadow over a wide area. Turning my head around, was just another wall that belonged to another building, this time rectangular. Turning on my two feet, I walked across the concrete floor, as a bright light blinded my eyes, causing me to squint and move my hands in front of my eyes. As my eyes gradually become accustomed to the new level of light, my eyes widened, as the view before me memerised my vision.

Lying down below from the hill, was a sea of houses and stores, including malls, modern homes built in pure white concrete and black roofs, established roads of asphalt, with strange boxy vehicles without exhausts, as glowing neon lines travelled from the hood of the vehicle to the boot. Street lamps painted the edges of the roads, with some sort of crystal inside them, instead of the usual fluorecent metal halide bulbs.

The most shocking of them all was the crazy amount of different species that roamed the streets and roads- Elves with their magnificent beauty and pointed ears, the orcs with their dark rough green skin and muscular disposition, as well as demons with their jet black horns and wings spreading in full display and pride. And of course, humans.

The ordinary humans that I was used to were no longer there; They walked around with swords in scabbarbs, some with spears, bows, halberds and battle axes. Around the outskirts of the city, were gigantic sky-scraping walls, with gates planted across them, as a huge moat surrounded the whole city. There was even some sort of translucent collosal veil that covered the entire city, like some sort of invisible barrier. A vast sky of circles with azure hexagrams drawn in the middle, with stretching cobalt lines that connected to one another as they combined to create layers of magic circles that slowly rotated in the deep grey sky. 

I gawked at the view. It was... surreal. The moment the red-haired asshole called me the [Worst One], I instinctively knew that I had reincarnated into the body of [Sa Dae-Hyun], the only named Korean character in [The Fractured Heavens]. But seeing this unrealistic yet modern dystopian world really cemented that I truly had reincarnated into the novel.

Feeling a little overwhelmed, I took a small step backwards, as I lowered my head and cradled my face in between my hands.

(This is fucking crazy.)

Twisting on my heels once more, I finally got to see the side of the other building. We were at the top of the hill, where below us was a gentle slope with a single road that travelled from the building to the other side of the city. Examining the building beside me, my mouth went agape, as I soon realised how humongous the building was. It was not just a simple rectangular building like an outhouse, but rather "pointy," with all sorts of bricks and windows that protruded from the side of the building, as it eventually topped up with a pointed navy blue roof. It was situated in the form of a [+] symbol, with the front of the building- no, academy, supported with thick white pillars as the entrance was completely left open, leading into ginormous hallways that stretched into the building. White large tiles laid on the floor, with doors and classrooms scattered about, as a multitude of golden chandeliers hung from the top of the roof. 

(A/N: Kinda looks like this - Taken from Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis.)

And there they were. All sorts of species roaming about, in academy uniforms, which was fitted with jet black blazers, endorned with golden accents, with red ties and ribbons and a white plain collared shirt that was layered underneath. The sound of chattering filled the open building, as their joyous laughter reverberated across the hallway.

(This is too much to take in... I'm... I'm really reincarnated huh...?)

Should I be feeling happy?

Honestly, no.

The words I spouted out yesterday was just in the heat of the moment. I never planned to actually conquer the top of the [Gaia], and I was simply just pissed off at the author. 

Sure, I might have been reincarnated in a world of swords and magic. An academy story at that. You could dream of shooting magic and wielding a sword from an isekai world, as you become surrounded with beautiful girls and become a hero that saves the world.

But me? 

Fuck no.

This world was doomed to suffer a [Gate Disaster], one that had never been witnessed by anyone alive before. I already knew the end of the novel. Regardless of whether I hated the author or not, the novel still was an absolute masterpiece, a straight banger. I hoped that he would no longer bring up [Sa Dae-Hyun] again, but then this bastard brang him up again near the ending of the novel with such obvious malicious intent- That cunt of a author pinned him as the most trashiest, stubborn, scumbaggish fucker of a villain. Hopelessly envious of the main character and his harem of girls, he stood back up and tried to enact revenge on him, by attempting to NTR and sexually assault the heroines. 

...Like, are you fucking serious?

Man, like rather than having to "save" the world like some moronic hero, I'd rather just leave it the original MC. Fuck having a harem. Fuck being a hero. I'll just mind my own business and live on with my life. The only people that would interfere with the original plot of the novel are selfish pricks with zero fucking braincells in their heads.

Anyways, moving from that tangent, the real other reason why I was not happy in the slightest to have reincarnated, was due to this character's absolute lack of talent. He had dogshit mana- fucking couldn't even create a single useful spell, only to be able to create a small ball of water that was equivelant to a water gun. His mana control was total horsehit as well- even the one spell he could enact, [Water ball], he could only manifest for 3 seconds.

That's right. You heard me right. 


Wow. I'm completely flabbergasted.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

You really have done it, Author-nim. You deserve a round of applause by me.

Lying by the side of me was a compact metal dagger, which was rusted and blunt, which of course, made sense at this point. 

This delinquent was far too aggressive, for no particular reason, especially since he was the weakest of them all. He had a weird sense of ego that he upheld, as if he did not want to tarnish his honour, which surprisingly went well with the meaning of his name - [Great and Honour].

It was truly a spectacular name which somewhat described the original [Sa Dae-Hyun]. Even if his trash nature exploded near the end of the chapter due to authorshithead over here.

Interrupting my thoughts, the school bell rung, as soon the roaming students around me started to head to their classes. 

(Hmm. What class do I have again? Ah. That's right. The practical class outdoors.)

For some reason, my body instinctively knew where to go, as my legs picked my body off the floor and automatically headed outside.


A/N: If you're from my other novel, yes, you are correct, I'm starting another novel along side that one. I'm going to try and balance the two of them. I really wanted to hold off from doing this novel... but damn. I'm too excited to stop now. Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter, and I hope you guys are enjoying it!