CH 9 – [Demon]
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The doors shut behind me, as it creaked and screeched with vigor. The giant torches flickered in the room, and the light from above dimly lit the room in a warm light.


The wind from behind carressed my back, as I stared at the large Kobold before me. 

It sneered, as it got up from its seat, as the floor beneath me shook and trembled under its weight. Brandished from his side was a gigantic cleaver, with dried blood smothered on its edges. 

Standing still, it glared at me, before erupting in an enormous howl so loud that it felt like my eardrums would rupture.


(Damn this-)

Kicking off the concrete floor, it held its cleaver close to its body, and bolted towards me.

(!!! It's fast-)

Pulling my Glock 17 from its holster, I immediately burst fired 3 shots towards its head. 

However, the Kobold King easily blocked it with its thick resilient cleaver, as the 9mm bullets compressed into a circular squashed mushroom-like round.

Still hurtling towards me at an insane speed, I quickly manifested mana into my legs as I dug into the ground and vaulted myself to the right.


The cleaver slammed into the floor where I once was, as it caused a massive rubble to explode from underneath, the fragments of stone hurling itself in multiple directions.


The wind pressure from the cleaver additionally pushed my light body in the air, as I twisted around and landed on my feet. Raising my head upwards-

The Kobold King was already charging its next attack, as it dashed at me, the cleaver intact and in hand.

Trying a different approach, I shot 5 rounds into different locations - the head, the arm, the torso, the thigh and the abdominal. 

However, contrary to my expectations, the heavy-looking cleaver that you would imagine it to move slowly, twisted in the air extremely fast, as the rounds simply disintegrated as it clashed with the flat of the blade. 

Once again, the Kobold King swung downwards on top of my head, crashing into the rubble beneath. 

Dashing to the side, I clicked my tongue as I began running around the stadium firing multiple shots, trying to grasp any sort of opening and weaknesses that the boss had, which ended in failure.

However, I did notice something.

The Kobold King chose to block the bullet, which meant that it was safe to say that my rounds could cause a wound in its skin. 

It was opting to block it, instead of letting it hit his body.

As far as I could tell, the way I was approaching the battle currently was not working.

(...Do I really have to do it then? In that way?)

It was nuts. I was going to be giving up the very advantage a gun had - [Range]. 

Instead of using a medieval weapon that used a blade, a gun was able to shoot from afar and deliver devastating damage to its opponents.

I have no choice. At this point, all I was doing was wasting my ammunition.

Reloading my gun, I thought of a new gameplan.

Switching my Glock with my right hand, I held my rusty dagger in a reverse grip with my left, and overlayed my right wrist on top of my left.

Sneering, the Kobold King swung its cleaver downwards, as I sidestepped, and attempted to fire off a round at its skull.

No chance. 

This freakishly big body of a Kobold somehow managed to dodge the bullet, as it retrieved its cleaver and swung sideways along my abdominals.

Rolling under the blade, the wind slapped my body, as I twirled and got onto my feet. 

The cleaver was now coming at me like a baseball bat, as it aimed at my neck.

Ducking under, I channeled some mana into my legs, as I stomped into the ground and launched myself at its neck.

The attacking range of the cleaver was no longer possible, and I engaged my lats and core, as I flung my dagger into its neck, before pressing the trigger 3 consecutive times.


Its weird green blood spewed from its neck, as I continued to slice down its body and fire away, causing hole-like wounds and cuts.

I fell to the ground with a thud, and placed some distance between me and the Kobold, before feeling a gust of wind that flew beside me.


The Kobold King panted. Its green blood slowly oozed from its neck and body, dripping down onto the hard concrete floor.

Tsk. The wound was too shallow, missing its carotid artery. The bullets seemed to stop in its skin before reaching any vital organs as well, which was beyond crazy.

It roared, its howl piercing my eardrums as I felt my skin vibrate from its soundwaves.

Its fur glowed a magnificent ominous red, as it let go of the cleaver, and-

(...Wait what?)

It was right in front of me with its claw up and burning with fire magic in a blink of an eye.

My eyes could not keep up with its speed. I did not see how it moved 40 metres into my face in point miliseconds.

Before I knew it, IT was just there.


Its claw swung down at me.

An immense pain dominated my left shoulder and ribs, as my body collapsed on into itself and flew in the air, twisting and turning.

I hit the concrete floor, tumbling over and over until I came to a complete stop.

〈 It burns. 〉

〈 It hurts. 〉

〈 Come on. Get up you piece of fucking worthless trash. 〉

〈 Don't you hear it? The sound of mockery? Weren't you going to show them? Your pathetic resolve? 〉

〈 Are you doing it for yourself? Or are you doing it for them? 〉

〈 Who's talking? Is it my imagination? Or is it me? 〉

Picking myself from the ground, three concise tear marks ripped itself into my skin from top to the bottom of my shoulder.

It was scorched. The once pale skin now was turned into a gross mangled red mess, as it seethed from the heat.

A slow pound repeated itself in my eardrums.

My vision was flickering in and out. The walls were slightly spinning, and it was getting blurry.

The pain. I can't even describe how it felt. 

⌈What should I do- Should I fire more shots- should I get close to it- parry it? No, that wouldn't work- maybe I should do- no, that won't work- fuck it hurts- ah crap, I'm bleeding too much- stop the pain- stop the pai- stop thin- yes, that's right, maybe I should just do th- what am I fighting for- I'm tired, can't I just give up- I don't know- I don't know- I don'-⌋



The Kobold King snickered once its eyes laid on the boy.

Even at first glance, the King knew that the boy was weak. Not a trace of mana could be felt from the boy. It revered in happiness and mockery thinking about its new profound prey.

It was easy.

The strange object that the boy held was somewhat dangerous but... other from that, everything about the boy was weak.

But, even though the boy was weak, it was extremely hard to hit him. He kept running away, adding onto the increasingly annoyance and impatience of the King.

At first, he was going easy on the boy. Maybe out of pitiness. 

But now, the boy was starting to frustrate the King a little bit.

Then, suddenly, the young boy sprinted inside the King's range, shocking it for a moment, as the boy managed to land some hits into its body.

It roared. 

This pesky human DARED to its spotless body? The one and only Kobold King? Revered by all species beneath it?

That's enough playtime. Now it was the real deal.

It exploded its mana around its body, as it sprung at the boy, its claw digging deep into his body.

That should of been it.

A disastrous fatal injury.

But no. The boy stood up once more.

Anyone could tell that the boy was in no shape to fight after that attack. 

Yet he still was on his feet.

The Kobold King exploded in fury, angry over the arrogance the boy had to still be standing before him.

Once more, it swung its fire infused claws at the boy, but-

There it laid. 

Two glowing red pupils from within the darkness.

Disappearing from the spot, the boy simply jumped over it, and ran along its arm.

Did the boy get faster?

The Kobold King couldn't believe it.

Before the boy got any closer to its face, it swung again at him, like attempting to swat a fly.

The boy accelerated even faster, dodging the claw and arrived at its head.

Last resort. 

The Kobold King spewed flames from its mouth, as it scorched the boy.

Yet, the boy didn't stop.

Diving into the neck, the boy rammed his gun right into the open cut in its rock hard skin, and fired.


The Kobold King screamed in agony, as it tilted its head and gnarled its mouth onto the boys right arm, attempting to crush it with its sharp teeth.

The boy shrieked, before he went completely silent.

This was it. The fight was over.

It was the Kobold King's victory-

No. It wasn't.

The boy raised its head. 

The small canines grinned, his blood-splattered body gleamed under the moonlight.

The red eyes flickering as it preyed down upon the Kobold King's figure.

For once in the Kobold King's lifetime, it felt unease and fear.

Pressing its weight back into the jaw, the King attempted to tear his whole arm apart, but...


The Kobold King didn't know what had happened.

Next thing it knew, it was lying on the floor, with an indescribable searing pain that penetrated through its skull.

"No." It thought.

"This... can't be... happening." It thought.

Its jaw loosened up.

The boy's figure was still in front of his eyes.

The scarlet eyes gleamed in the night, as he pulled the trigger-


"No, stop-" It thought.


"Please stop-"





As the Kobold King's vision grew dark, it watched as the boy silently gazed into its dying eyes, before thinking:

〈 ...Fucking demon- 〉

