Chapter 5
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It was nightfall when Tallu opened her eyes. Burning orbs in the darkness around them.

She sure would not accept Asil risking any Tail, or him being her Bodyguard for her exams. River could go screw himself and his worry. She didn't want to be a child anymore, not take it lying down to always just be the weakling. Being Weak would only kill her, so she had to get strong.
Untucking her Tails, she bit her lower lip and started chanting. She could just begin her exam now, she was well prepared, and no one would come bug in to safe for her. Those who needed saving would just save themselves; that was how things were done best.
Her inner magic circled and spun out of control; having been held at bay by her need to prepare, it now had her entire body glowing and her eyes burning like liquid gold when she grinned. Now they could shove their bodyguard somewhere where the sun wouldn't shine.

There was no drama, nothing special, merely a soft golden glow from her body, enveloping her and burning her skin. Behind her, the door opened, and she ginned at Asil, who stood there cursing when she vanished from the fae of earth. Her promotion exam had started, and she would make it.

Thrown into a vortex of gold, her stomach turned from the inside out at the forceful teleportation. The gates of fate had opened, and like any other, she now had to prove to the magic inside her she was worth it, that she was strong enough, valiant enough to wield it and to power it. She felt the warp opening beneath her and tumbled to the floor, feeling weaker than ever. Whinching in pain, she stared at her surroundings. It was a city, alright, now what was she supposed to be doing here?
Standing up, she felt her feet wobble; she tried to focus on the noises around her to orientate, but everything sounded like she had cotton wool in her ears. Walking out to the street, the sun blinded her almost, and she blinked. Looking around, the writing around her where written in English, and suddenly someone hit against her.

"Hey, watch it, girl." The man rudely said, and she hissed back. Who was he to run against her but he only looked at her as if she had gone mad and walked on. Who the hell did he think she was? She stared at the can next to a trash bin and moved her hand so it would roll in front of him but nothing. There happened absolutely nothing. She tried again, and once again, nothing.
Nothing was moving; reaching out to her magic, she tried to touch it and felt nothing. What the? Trying again, she noticed moving, no magic, no energy. She tried taking out her ears and almost let out a surprised yelp. Nothing either, exam hadn't taken her magic from her, did it.

Trying again, she almost wanted to wail as she noticed exactly that. By now, some people were watching her weirdly; shaking them off, she walked in some random direction to not draw more attention. Hell, this had to be a bad joke. Moving her hand, she tried again to conjure some small inkling of foxfire just to have nothing happen.

Like this, all preparation was nearly useless; most of her portions required a smidge of magic to activate. She signed. Well, it wasn't as being a human was so terrible, it was just terribly inconvenient, and she felt she was back to being one-tailed. The stink of the city she smelled at least told her that her nose was working like usual, so she probably wasn't a complete human, just mostly for the duration of the exam.
All she needed to figure out now was what was her exam supposed to be?

Suddenly she almost walked against someone. Looking up, she tilted her head and watched how many policemen and sirens were gathered in one place. Making her way through the masses, the stink of deer entered her nose, but she shook it off, standing alongside so many others at the side. A well-dressed male was shouting at some policewoman; she was properly impressive looking with dominance pouring off her in waves.
Tallu recognized the man as a fae by his smell, some watery kind, and the woman was human, but where did that stink of deer come from. She tried figuring it out again and looked around when the eyes of the fae fell upon her and narrowed. Then he marched towards him, and she tapped her nose.

Like she had recognized him, he apparently recognized her as something other. He didn't stop, though; instead, he pointed at himself, at the woman, and then inside the house that was being surrounded. They marched off to the house. Slightly puzzled, Tallu raised her eyebrows. Did he want her to follow him?

A policeman walked up to the woman. She ordered something from him, visibly grated, and then he approached her. "Miss, I'd you'd come with me." He asked and bowed his head. Tallu, surprised but not entirely shocked, nodded, walked past the yellow police tape, and followed the policeman inside with the woman close on her heels until they stood before the fae man.

"You, you are not human." The fae stated. Tallu shrugged her shoulders.

"No, I am not."

"What did you notice?" He demanded and pressured her with his magic. She flinched in surprise and took a step backward.

"Nothing." She answered. "Nothing that would help, at least if I don't even know what has happened."

"My daughter has been kidnapped, the man who did it is most likely a serial killer, and you noticed something." He urged her, and she shrugged her shoulders.

"The smell of deer; I got a good nose; it stinks of deer." She said and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know if that helps with finding your daughter." She answered him quite truthfully. He narrowed his eyes at her.

"What else?" He demanded, and she raised both hands.

"Nothing. I am not a bloodhound." Tallu answered.

"But a shifter of some kind." He said and narrowed his eyes. "Pitifully weak one at that."

"Yes, Mr. I am a mighty fae." She answered him; so would she if he dropped what she was on the humans.