Chapter 13
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Rika almost skipped into the compartment behind the reception. A large room unfolded in front of them.

"Coffee?" She asked, and Tallu smiled.

"I'd be delighted. Although Rika, I have a problem and need access to the Cordoba library."

"Giacomo does not like strangers in his domain. He is a grumpy old Djinn, paying his apprentice a shit salary, and he is no, no, towards other people." Rika said, wiggling her finger and putting a cup of coffee on the table. "but you know that Tallu. So what is important enough to come request entrance there."

Tallu took the cup and slurped the coffee. "It a matter of survival," Tallu explained. Rika suddenly calmed her hyper appearance disappearing. She gave a stern look to the man behind Tallu. "I see no issue with you but with them." She said coldly. "I would like to know who they are before they enter. Such service comes not without a price."

"I am Alistair."

"Asil of Fire and Ash. I am only here for Tallu."

Rika smiled faintly. "Thank you, Asil. A proxy is not enough; I'd need more I cannot just grant anyone entrance to Cordoba Library."

"I understand. I have no time for such disputes. I am Alistair. Lord of Seas."

"Mhh, Ah, now I know. How intriguing." Rika smiled and then took out her cell phone. "I make a phone call, then I can tell you if I can bring you in. Tally, Asil, give me a sec, would you."

Rika literally vanished into thin air, and shortly later, she returned. "One favor from you. That is what the Boss says he wants for giving you access to the Library, and only because you are coming with Tally."

"As long as I can fulfill it, the flavor is yours," Alistair answered, and Rika clapped her hands.

"Great, gimme another sec. I have to get some free time." She poofed a second time from the room. Returning dressed in a light summer dress, a straw hat on her head, she grinned.

"If the gentleman would be so kind as to give me their hands. Tally, you know the drill." She stretched out both hands. Asil and Alistair take each a hand of theirs. Tallu took to put her hand on Rikas shoulder, and they moved again. A quick and ruckly teleport, unlike the smooth one she had been getting from Alistair until now.

In front of them, the incarnation of chaos unfolded. Books stacked upon books, scrolls scattered, half open, half closed, all over. On the ground, on top of the books.

"Giacomo!" Rika thundered through the Library. "I cleaned just yesterday. What did you do?"

From behind a bookshelf appeared a red-skinned and befuddled-looking Djinn. His curly hair sticking in all directions, he raised a finger and said something in Arabic. Rika sounded skeptical as she answered him in the same language. Then the two started to throw around gestures towards them, each other, and the world.

Then Giacomo turned to them and snapped his fingers, appearing as a young man before him. On his shirt was a broadly written Noragami, with an anime figure above it, and his pants carried a Pikachu pattern.

"I am not convinced." He said, pointing at them.

"Wear proper clothes and not PJs!" Rika grumbled and earned a long look.

"I like PJs." He stated, having Rika throw her hands into the air.

Alistair watched the exchange that had Tallu almost giggle. He pointed at Giacomo. "That is the legendary Librarian of Cordoba?"

"Yes, surprised, mister high and mighty." Giacomo waved his hands and then sat on the colorful carpet on the ground. "Why are you here. I brought up asking for a favor so you wouldn't come."

"We need your magic user's records. To be exact, we need everything you have on a magic crafter using Norse runes as their catalysator." Tallu asked, and Giacomo narrowed his eyes at her.
"You need more firepower for that endeavor." He then stated and then signed. "But it won't cause much trouble for me to tell you. Rika! Stop cleaning; I won't find anything once you are finished."

"Quiet, I had them organized according to writer and importance before you returned them to your damn reign of chaos."

"Ah, you are such a Witch."

"I am a witch. Here are the records. You might wanna pay me better."

"We are broke," Giacomo told her seriously. Their banter was a point of observance when Giacomo opened and flipped through the tick record book on his lap. "Norse, Norse...ah here. The crafter you are searching for is called Odin."

"Odin, like the Norse God?"

Giacomo nodded. "Yes, but this Odin ain't no God. He is a Lord, a Sorcerer, and a deer mix with an offensive talent for blood magic spells.
"Sorcerer and deer shifter?" Tallu was wondering. "But aren't deers usually normal shifters?"

"They are, and like most, they usually do not follow the path of sorcery but rather that of Witches. Their affinity for natural elements outweighing every use a demonic pact or magical energy manipulation may offer. But this one went and became a crafter. Not a very good one, admittingly, but one of considerable power. The peep killed himself about fourth years ago and had a nasty encounter with a Fae Lord. The Dragons Daughter, if that tells you something Sea Lord. She has forbidden every mention of good old Odin, and ever since, we have had some peace and quiet down that corner."

"His magic is still around?" Tallu asked, and Giacomo nodded. "Yes, it is. But, then again, he didn't do a good job despite his power level. Most of what he created went down the gutter and is now unusable."

"Does this tell you anything?" Alistair stretched out the photos he had already shown to Tallu; Giacomo took them and inspected them.

"Maybe. Rika, could you bring me the Viking magic collection, edition 3, book 5, oh, and a mathematical thesis from Pythagoras, the one that is not about geometry?

"Sure. Greeks and Vikings." Rika shouted from behind and came from the bookshelves a bit later with two thick books in her arms. "These would be it. Pythagoras" pointed at the upper book. "Vikings." at the lower. Then she took the Pytagoras book. What are we looking for?"

"Give me that; you take the Vikings," Giacomo said, switching the books before turning to Alistair. "To be sure, I'd need to see the body these were taken from, but I can't see blood, so I will keep Tallu in the leap. She has the foreknowledge to understand what I am speaking about." He flipped through the books and then stopped.

"This. Tallu, come"