Shiva, It’s Getting Hot In Here?
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(A/N Shiva and Ifrit in-game picture at the bottom!)

Chapter 208 Shiva, It's Getting Hot In Here? by Summoner-Fan!


     It is the night before I am returning to the Northern Tempest Kingdom to see my Alice and Andrew. I also want to pick up my other girls and my two adorable daughters. I really missed playing with little Kunou. (A/N Bro, you should have named her Yasaka and not Kunou, well that's for another 16+ years.)

     I have put off the World Tree's request to use my App on Shiva to ask her about her role on the Red Moon. (Spirit World)

     And to be able to summon her for longer, I have asked Sally and Mime for their help. Both Sally and I can summon her for a total of 8 rounds, but Mime can effectively double this to an amazing 16 rounds, so sadly we can only talk directly for a short time. Almost two and a half minutes.

     The ladies and I decided to go to a small pond and use our Black Robes to fill it and the area with ice, in hopes this might make the conversation or duration better.

     "Mime and Sally, are you two ready?"

     [I shall copy you both after each of your uses.]

     "I will go after you, dear."

     Over the icy pond I outstretch my hand and ready my Hypnosis App on my Magic Slab. Part of me does not want to do this, but the side that wants to save Gaia, is willing to push down my regrets for using my App on Shiva, my first summons and a piece of my heart.

     "Shiva, please come-forth to connect with me and talk!"

     Over the ice-pond, the ten foot white-blue portal formed and out walks the Ice Spirit Shiva. As I point the App to her, she smiles, well she is connected to my heart so I think she knows I am using my power, sigh. I pressed the red to green and it actually worked on her.

     After her eyes went vacant she grabbed her heart and fell to her knees! What?! Shiva looked at me and said.

     [Ah! Kris, don't be alarmed, it is just there is too much emotion in your heart and is flooding mine so quickly, please calm yourself. This power cant control me in a negative way.]

     I had rushed forward, while keeping up my summons after Mime had copied me. She put her hand up to stop me from touching her skin directly and almost recovered from the initial hit.

     "I am so sorry Shiva for using my power on you like this but... The World Tree recommended this to save Gaia! I am sorry."

     [My Summoner Kris, Don't worry, I am not upset with you. I have just never felt a power so strong before, to even affect we the Immortal Spirits of the Red Moon. No I was ready for this, but your heart was too warm for my chilly emotions.]

     "I was to ask what your role is on the Red Moon? I wanted to ask a lot of questions, but now seeing you like this, I just want you to be happy and not subjected to the power of mine."

     Shiva stood and walked to me and sat on her legs like the Japanese would, and smiled at my concerned face.

     [Then since your time is limited with their help, I shall tell you what the World Tree wants you to know. First the bodies you summon into Gaia and the Black Moon are only Avatars of our Spirit and not our real forms. On the Red Moon I am only slightly different from your Moon Elf Royal family, in fact, your royal blood came from a child of mine and a Light Elf as you called them. He was a visitor long ago almost 100000 years now. I had a child with him and he was the first Moon Elf living on the Black Moon. His powers are as great as yours.]

     I am about to use up the last of my summon uses, and then Sally and Mime will have to take over for me.

     [So my role and my other Spirits and fellow Spirit Immortals, is to keep the elements of air, fire, earth, water, ice, and lightning in balance for magic of all three worlds. The Black Moon is the pivot point for balance of time, poison, death, and status magics. The Blue Moon Gaia is responsible for mortal-souls and to blend all magics together in harmony. The Red, Black, and Blue moons are one ecosystem of souls and magic. Naturally I govern the element of Ice, but I am also the Patron of the Elf.]

     At this point it is now Sally and Mime keeping Shiva's Avatar here.

     [Before my avatar fades, let me say a few personal things, my summoner Kris. First promise me to only use this power on me, and none of the other Immortal Spirits?! Make me this promise Kris.]

     I am not sure why, but I did not want to use it on her in the first place.

     "I promise you then, Shiva, I will never use my power on another Spirit!"

     [When you one day make it to the Red Moon, look for me in the far North. I will wait for you there to visit me.]

     "I will make it my first stop then, how could I not find you after letting me contract with you. You changed my life forever."

     Then Shiva finally had a hint of a smile that never crossed her stoic-face, remember her Avatar is almost 10 feet tall.

     [Well my heart waits for our 'reunion' on the Red Moon, now summon me more often, so I can see you more than feel your heart, goodbye my...]

     Shiva then with fast fluid movements, kissed me with her large icy-lips!!!!!!


     Then with reluctance she was sucked back into her white-blue portal, and my App went red! What the actual fuck?!

     Then my Magic Slab had an update, not connected to the Hypnosis App, so in confusion I noticed something that made me freeze along with the ice covering my mouth from her kiss!

     Behind Elena's name following Eli was a new name.... [Shiva]!!! (A/N this is not author hax but a real reason, who said Lore was his first reincarnation, and what did Shiva mean by 'Reunion'?)

     My mind turned off, and then like a distant dream I was being hugged by both Mime and Sally?

     "Even with your Ice resistance, we had to cover you with blankets to warm you. That kiss made ice creep over your whole body Kris, are you okay?"

     "FUCK ME! Ah, No I am fine, the ice was not cold, it was just Shiva blessing me with her power I think. Um, here look Sally...."

     Sally for the first time ever had a retarded expression on her face and I wish I had a camera for moments like this. Yup her brain stopped working as well. Cant see Mime's face but I think her high intellect has stopped too, he-he!

     Sally with a serious look gave me back my slab and said.

     "Kris, keep this a secret between us for now, and only tell the wives and Fran. This is not something Gaia can handle right now, and how stupid is your luck?!"

     "Pretty damn good, because you married me!"

     Sally pointed at me like a bad student and as she was going to scold me, her eyes raised and she said.

     "No! you're absolutely right. Your luck was amazing to marry me, so never forget it!"

     [Sorry Kris, if you want to buy my silence on this matter, you will have to fuck me first, cough!]

     I deadpan at Sky and say.

     "No I shall meet your demands, but please Mime, don't [cough] in sign-language it is not as funny as you think, ha-ha!"

     [But you said it was funny when I 'moaned' in sign-language when I was bent over the desk?!]

     Sally gave me an amused-smile when hearing that, so I defended myself!

     "I-I um? Y-Yes, it um was um, okay your cough was funny, happy?"

     After a long while of playing around in the woods, and giving both women a good thrusting and insemination, we all went home to rest so we could leave early in the morning to go see Alice and the others.

     Before I went to sleep, I found out something amazing. My new wife indeed changed me. Under my abilities along with Dual Casting I received both [Special Ability: Ice immunity and Fire Vulnerability] making me take normal damage from fire with my Ribbon on, but 50% more without it, ouch!

     I can tell in my heart Ifrit is not happy about what Shiva did, but he said he won't abandon me over a woman, sigh.

     The next morning when we were going to leave for the Northern Kingdom, Elena told me she was going to stay and visit the Elf Castle today, and she with tears in her eyes asked me to drop her off.

     "Sister, I will be back tomorrow! You can just put off whatever it is you have to do and come with if you want?!"

     "No brother, I have to go to this meeting! It has to do with you being put on the throne, so I can't miss it, okay. Just, hurry back as fast as you can, okay my brother. Mwah!"

     "I will rush back as soon as the 24 hour cool-down is done, don't worry, now let me drop you off at the castle then, my little sister."

     So the Fahrenheit flew into the City Barrier and over the Castle. Then I watched the crying Elena go down to the front-gates. Seeing her face I had a knot in my stomach for some reason. But I just ignored it and flew a bit higher as we activated the Warp-Drive to instantly show in the Northern Human Kingdom....

     Back with Elena, she had passed the front gate's guards and then rushed into the Castle while drawing her hand-cannon-rail-gun.

     "Fuck this shit Lily, why am I even helping you, fuck, brother would be sad that's why, sigh!"

     In a mansion near the Elf Castle a group of men drinking white-wine had smiles seeing the Fahrenheit vanish in white-light and a sonic-boom. One man who has been decorated with dark-bags under his eyes from a lack of sleep and looking frustrated with life, smiles with insanity in his gaze and says to the group of Elders.

     "Oh, Kris Tempest, you think you can have my Lily before me?! Fuck you Lore you piece of shit, she is mine, brouhaha! Come Elders lets go have a bite of my ripe fruit. How delicious is it to eat forbidden fruit under the World Tree. he-he?!"

     All of the men had lewd grins as they laughed with the clown Mel, then the group of 21 and their personal guard of 100 ran to the front gates of the Elf Castle for their early morning raid to wake up the Queen Lily from her beauty sleep.

     Naturally the 20 Elders disguised Mel as a guard to sneak him in. The first plan worked perfectly, now to put her on her back and hold her limbs down, he-he!

     What a bad time for Kris to be gone for 24 hours!


(A/N Character-Sheets and the Spell-List with "links" in this spoiler tab for you, I hope this helps!)


Name Kris Tempest, Age 18, Master Sage-(SU-BW-WW) level 44 / (Damage: 59 / Hit Rate: 5x127 / Defense: 41) Weapon: [Spellbinder (Staff)] / Armor: [Black Robe] [Protect Ring] [Ribbon] [Protect Cloak] / Special Ability: Ice immunity and Fire Vulnerability, Double Cast / Summons: (4/4) Choco-Mog 4x per-day, Ifrit 4x per-day, Shiva 4x per-day, Odin 4x per-day / Black Spells Known: Lev 1- [Bolt 1] [Fire 1] [Sleep] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Slow 1] /  Lev 3- [Bolt 2] [Fire 2] [Bind] /  Lev 4- [Ice 2] [Haste] [Muddle] / Lev 5- [Fire 3] [Poison] [Warp 1] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Quake] [Reaper] / Lev 7- [Break] [Ice 3] [Sabre] / Lev 8- [Banish] [Flare] [Stop] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (8) (7) / White Spells Known: Lev 1- [Cure 1] [Blink] [Shld] / Lev 2- [NulBolt] [Lamp] [Silence] /  Lev 3- [NulFire] [Heal 1] [Cure 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Fear] [NulIce] / Lev 5- [Cure 3] [Dia 3] [Life 1] / Lev 6- [Shld 2] [Stona] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Cure 4] [Dia 4] [Heal 3] / Lev 8- [Dispel] [Holy] [Life 2] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (8) (7)

Attribute Start Growth
HP (999) 1245 A
Strength 44 A
Agility 46 A
Intelligence 63 A
Endurance 45 A
Luck 54 A
Hit Rate 113 +3/level
Magic Defense 166 +4/level

Name Sally Tempest, Age 28, Summoner-BW level 40 /(Damage: 27 / Hit Rate: 2x54 / Defense: 41) Weapon: [Mage's Staff] /Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Protect Ring] [Ribbon] / Summons: (2/4) Shiva 4x per-day, Phoenix 4x per-day / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Bolt 1] [Fire 1] [Sleep] /  Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Slow 1] /  Lev 3- [Bolt 2] [Fire 2] [Bind] /  Lev 4- [Ice 2] [Haste] [Muddle] / Lev 5- [Fire 3] [Poison] [Warp 1] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Stun] [Quake] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [Saber] [Blind] / Lev 8- [Flare] [Stop] [Banish] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (7) (7) (6)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 385 D
Strength 15 F
Agility 28 F
Intelligence 59 A
Endurance 16  
Luck 25 F
Hit Rate 45 +1/level
Magic Defense 98 +2/level

Name Delta Tempest, Age 18, Berserker-LK level 40 / (Damage: 88 (132) / Hit Rate: 5x149 / Defense: 48) Weapon: [Ice Brand] / Armor: [Mythril Plate] [Ice Shield] [Healing Helm] [Mythril Gloves] / Special Ability: Berserk (+50% Damage, +25% Damage Taken) / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Blink] [Cure 1] [Shld 1] / Lev 2- [Invs 1] [Lamp] [Silence] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [NulFire] / Uses per-level: (4) (4) (4)

Attribute Start Growth
HP (999)1216 A
Strength 59 A
Agility 22 B
Intelligence 10 F
Endurance 32 C
Luck 22 C
Hit Rate 124 +3/level
Magic Defense 132 +3/level

Name Fran Farmington, Age 18, Summoner-WW level 40 / (Damage: 32 / Hit Rate: 2x49 / Defense: 25) / Weapon: [Mythril Hammer] / Armor: [Silver Armlet] [Leather Cap] [Leather gloves] [Protect Ring] / Summons: (2/2) Choco-Mog 4x per-day, Phoenix 4x per-day / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Cure 1] [Dia 1] [Shld] /  Lev 2- [NulBolt] [Invs 1] [Silence] /  Lev 3- [NulFire] [Heal 1] [Cure 2] /  Lev 4- [Esuna] [Fear] [NulIce] / Lev 5- [Cure 3] [Dia 3] [Life 1] / Lev 6- [Shld 2] [Stona] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Cure 4] [Dia 4] [Heal 3] / Lev 8- [Holy] [Life 2] [NulAll] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (7) (7) (6)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 586 C
Strength 20 D
Agility 20 D
Intelligence 38 B
Endurance 28 D
Luck 18 D
Hit Rate 44 +1/level
Magic Defense 98 +2/level

Name Alice Tempest, Age 18, Red Wizard level 40 / (Damage: 51 / Hit Rate: 4x105 / Defense: 30) / Weapon: [Claymore] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Buckler] [Leather Cap] [Mythril Gloves] / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Fire 1] [Cure 1] [Blink] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Lamp] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [Fire 2] [Bolt 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Haste] [Ice 2] / Lev 5- [Life 1] [Slow 2] [Fire 3] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Invis 2] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [NulMgc] / Uses per-level: (9) (8) (8) (8) (7) (7) (6)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 600 D
Strength 30 C
Agility 20 D
Intelligence 27 C
Endurance 24 C
Luck 11 C
Hit Rate 85 +2/level
Magic Defense 96 +2/level

Name Iris Tempest, Age 19, Archer-DK level 40 / (Damage: 61 / Hit Rate: 3x93 / Defense: 46) / Weapon: [Moon Bow (25D-10Hit)] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Mythril Helm] [Protect Ring] / Special Ability: Aim +4 / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Bolt 1] [Fire 1] [Sleep 1] / Lev 2- [Fog] [Slow 1] [Steel] / Lev 3- [Bolt 2] [Fire 2] [Focus 2] / Lev 4- [Haste] [Ice 2] [Muddle] / Uses per-level: (4) (4) (4) (4)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 686 B
Strength 28 B
Agility 36 B
Intelligence 21 D
Endurance 24 D
Luck 54 A
Hit Rate 83 +2/level
Magic Defense 93 +2/level

Name Tiffany Tempest, Age 19, Tamer-WW level 40 / (Damage: 33 / Hit Rate: 2x49 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [Tamer's Whip] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Leather Cap] [Protect Ring] / Special Ability: Tame, Command, Store (2/4)/ Spells Known: Lev 1- [Cure 1] [Dia 1] [Blink] /  Lev 2- [NulBolt] [Invs 1] [Lamp] / Lev 3- [NulFire] [Dia 2] [Cure 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Fear] [NulIce] / Lev 5- [Cure 3] [Heal 2] [Life 1] / Lev 6- [Shld 2] [Stona] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Cure 4] [Dia 4] [Heal 3] / Lev 8- [Dispel] [Life 2] [Holy] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (7) (7) (6)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 592 C
Strength 22 D
Agility 20 D
Intelligence 43 B
Endurance 29 D
Luck 15 D
Hit Rate 44 +1/level
Magic Defense 98 +2/level

Name Luna Tempest, Age 118, Sword Saint-DK level 47 / (Damage: 68 / Hit Rate: 4x127 / Defense: 39) / Weapon: [Defender] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Ribbon] [Giant's Gloves] / Special Ability: Cleansing Strike (x3 Damage to all Enemies), Night Blade (Single Strike Heals for Damage Done) / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Bolt 1] [Fire 1] [Sleep 1] / Lev 2- [Fog] [Slow 1] [Steel] / Lev 3- [Bolt 2] [Fire 2] [Focus 2] / Lev 4- [Haste] [Ice 2] [Muddle] / Uses per-level: (4) (4) (4) (4)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 833 B
Strength 38 B
Agility 43 B
Intelligence 23 D
Endurance 28 D
Luck 61 A
Hit Rate 97 +2/level
Magic Defense 107 +2/level

Name Elizabeth Tempest, Age 129, Summoner-WW level 45 / (Damage: 32/ Hit Rate: 2x49 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [Healing Staff] /Armor: [White Robe] [Protect Cloak] [Protect Ring] [Ribbon] / Summons: (2/4) Ifrit 4x per-day, Choco-Mog 4x per-day / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Cure 1] [Dia 1] [Shld] / Lev 2- [NulBolt] [Invs 1] [Silence] /  Lev 3- [NulFire] [Heal 1] [Cure 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Fear] [NulIce] / Lev 5- [Cure 3] [Dia 3] [Life 1] / Lev 6- [Shld 2] [Stona] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Cure 4] [Dia 4] [Heal 3] / Lev 8- [Dispel] [Holy] [Life 2] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 682 C
Strength 26 D
Agility 28 D
Intelligence 47 B
Endurance 34 D
Luck 25 D
Hit Rate 49 +1/level
Magic Defense 109 +2/level

Name Manya Tempest, Age 30, Mascot, Cait Sith-BW level 40 / (Damage: 39 / Hit Rate: 3x79 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [Cat Claws] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Protect Ring] [Ribbon] / Special Ability: Cait Sith Elemental Mastery / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Bolt 1] [Fire 1] [Sleep] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Slow 1] / Lev 3- [Bolt 2] [Fire 2] [Bind] / Lev 4- [Ice 2] [Haste] [Muddle] / Lev 5- [Fire 3] [Poison] [Warp 1] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Stun] [Quake] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [Saber] [Blind] / Lev 8- [Flare] [Stop] [Banish] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (8) (8) (8) (7) (7) (6)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 430 D
Strength 17 F
Agility 21 F
Intelligence 59 A
Endurance 21 F
Luck 27 F
Hit Rate 43 +1/level
Magic Defense 98 +2/level

Name Bella Brave, Age 25, Lancer-LK level 40 / (Damage: 84 / Hit Rate: 5x137/ Defense: 62) Weapon: [Moon Metal Lance (25D-10Hit)] / Armor: [Dragon Mail] [Mythril Shield] [Mythril Helm] [Giant's Gloves] / Special Ability: Jump, Drain Strike (Single Strike Heals for Damage Done, Jump or Normal) / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Blink] [Cure 1] [Shld 1] / Lev 2- [Invs 1] [Lamp] [Silence] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [NulFire] / Uses per-level: (4) (4) (4)

Attribute Start Growth
HP (999) 1213 A
Strength 59 A
Agility 30 B
Intelligence 18 F
Endurance 28 C
Luck 23 C
Hit Rate 127 +3/level
Magic Defense 132 +3/level

Name Jean Hill (Mime), Age 25, Mime-Th level 42 / (Damage: 30 / Hit Rate: 3x85 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [N/A] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Leather Cap] [Protect Ring] / Special Ability: Mimic

Attribute Start Growth
HP 610 B
Strength 30 B
Agility 35 B
Intelligence 23 D
Endurance 29 D
Luck 56 A
Hit Rate 85 +2/level
Magic Defense 97 +2/level

Name Cali Light-breeze, Age 139, Gunner-RW level 45 / (Damage: 55 / Hit Rate: 8x103 / Defense: 41) Weapon: [Pistols x2 (25D-10Hit)]/Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Ribbon] [Protect ring] / Special Ability: Duel Pistol, Elemental Shot / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Fire 1] [Cure 1] [Blink] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Lamp] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [Fire 2] [Bolt 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Haste] [Ice 2] / Lev 5- [Life 1] [Slow 2] [Fire 3] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Invis 2] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [NulMgc] / Uses per-level: (9) (9) (9) (8) (8) (7) (7)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 660 D
Strength 32 C
Agility 30 D
Intelligence 34 C
Endurance 30 C
Luck 25 C
Hit Rate 93 +2/level
Magic Defense 108 +2/level

Name Mary Tempest, Age 58, Dancer-MA level 45 / (Damage: 33 / Hit Rate: 10x140 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [Unarmed] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Ribbon] [Protect Ring] / Dancer Special Ability: Slow Dance ([Slow 2], all foes) 4x per-day, Forbidden Dance ([Muddle], [Silence], and [Blind] 50%) 4x per-day, Last Waltz ([Stop]) 4x per-day, Mincing Minuet (x2 Damage, to all foes) 4x per-day / Master Special Ability: Unarmed Combat, (Drug and Poison immune)

Attribute Start Growth
HP (999) 1200 B
Strength 33 C
Agility 33 C
Intelligence 31 C
Endurance 65 A
Luck 36 B
Hit Rate 140 +3/level
Magic Defense 190 +4/level

Name Dame Nine-tails, Age 234, Dancer-RW level 40 / (Damage: 50 / Hit Rate: 4x120 / Defense: 41) / Weapon: [Cat Claw's] / Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Leather Cap] [Protect Ring] / Dancer Special Ability: Slow Dance ([Slow 2], all foes) 4x per-day, Forbidden Dance ([Muddle], [Silence], and [Blind] 50%) 4x per-day, Last Waltz ([Stop]) 4x per-day, Mincing Minuet (x2 Damage, to all foes) 4x per-day / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Fire 1] [Cure 1] [Blink] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Lamp] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [Fire 2] [Bolt 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Haste] [Ice 2] / Lev 5- [Life 1] [Slow 2] [Fire 3] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Invis 2] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [NulMgc] / Uses per-level: (9) (8) (8) (8) (7) (7) (6)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 609 D
Strength 28 C
Agility 20 D
Intelligence 30 C
Endurance 24 C
Luck 15 C
Hit Rate 85 +2/level
Magic Defense 96 +2/level

Name Fay and May Long-leaf, Age 31, Gunner-RW level 30 / (Damage: 45 / Hit Rate: 6x75 / Defense: 33) Weapon: [Pistols x2 (25D-10Hit)]/Armor: [Ruby Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Leather Cap] [Protect Ring] / Special Ability: Duel Pistol, Elemental Shot / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Fire 1] [Cure 1] [Blink] / Lev 2- [Ice 1] [Steel] [Lamp] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [Fire 2] [Bolt 2] / Lev 4- [Esuna] [Haste] [Ice 2] / Lev 5- [Life 1] [Slow 2] [Fire 3] / Lev 6- [Bolt 3] [Invis 2] [Warp 2] / Lev 7- [Ice 3] [NulMgc] / Uses per-level: (9) (8) (7) (6) (6) (5) (3)

Attribute Start Growth
HP 340 D
Strength 23 C
Agility 20 D
Intelligence 25 C
Endurance 16 C
Luck 21 C
Hit Rate 65 +2/level
Magic Defense 78 +2/level

Name Elena Tempest, Age 222, Machinist-LK level 50 / (Damage: 66 / Hit Rate: 6x167/ Defense: 49) Weapon: [Pistol (25D-10Hit)] / Armor: [Diamond Armlet] [Protect Cloak] [Ribbon] [Giant's Gloves] / Special Ability: Aim (x3 damage plus [Slow 2]), Call Airstrike, Rapid Repair / Spells Known: Lev 1- [Blink] [Cure 1] [Shld 1] / Lev 2- [Invs 1] [Lamp] [Silence] / Lev 3- [Cure 2] [NulFire] / Uses per-level: (4) (4) (4)

Attribute Start Growth
HP (999) 1542 A
Strength 69 A
Agility 41 B
Intelligence 36 F
Endurance 28 C
Luck 32 C
Hit Rate 157 +3/level
Magic Defense 162 +3/level

(A/N Just click on the spell name to link you to my site I use for the story.)

Name Type Level Price Power Accuracy Target Status Element Learned By
Bolt1 Black 1 100 gil 20 +96 One foe - Lightning BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Fire1 Black 1 100 gil 20 +96 One foe - Fire BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Focus1 Black 1 100 gil - +115 One foe - - BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Sleep1 Black 1 100 gil - +96 All foes Sleep Status BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Fog Black 2 400 gil - +96 All foes Darkness Status BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Ice1 Black 2 400 gil 40 +96 One foe - Ice BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Slow1 Black 2 400 gil - +115 All foes - Status BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Steel Black 2 400 gil - - One ally - - BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Bind Black 3 1,500 gil - +115 One foe Paralysis Status BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Bolt2 Black 3 1,500 gil 60 +96 All foes - Lightning BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Fire2 Black 3 1,500 gil 60 +96 All foes - Fire BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Focus2 Black 3 1,500 gil - +115 All foes - - BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Haste Black 4 4,000 gil - - One ally - - BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Ice2 Black 4 4,000 gil 80 +96 All foes - Ice BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Muddle Black 4 4,000 gil - +115 All foes Confusion Status BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Sleep2 Black 4 4,000 gil - +115 One foe Sleep - BM, BW, Ni, RM, RW
Fire3 Black 5 8,000 gil 100 +96 All foes - Fire BM, BW, RM, RW
Poison Black 5 8,000 gil - +103 All foes KO Poison BM, BW, RW
Slow2 Black 5 8,000 gil - +115 One foe - - BM, BW, RM, RW
Warp1 Black 5 8,000 gil - - - - - BW, RW
Name Type Level Price Power Accuracy Target Status Element Learned By
Bolt3 Black 6 20,000 gil 120 +96 All foes - Lightning BM, BW, RW
Quake Black 6 20,000 gil - +103 All foes KO Earth BM, BW
Reaper Black 6 20,000 gil - +96 One foe KO Death BM, BW
Stun Black 6 20,000 gil - - One foe Paralysis Status BM, BW
Blind Black 7 45,000 gil - - One foe Darkness Status BM, BW
Break Black 7 45,000 gil - +115 One foe Stone Poison BW
Ice3 Black 7 45,000 gil 140 +96 All foes - Ice BM, BW, RW
Saber Black 7 45,000 gil - - Caster - - BW
Banish Black 8 60,000 gil - +100 All foes KO Time BW
Doom Black 8 60,000 gil - - One foe KO Death BW
Flare Black 8 60,000 gil 200 +137 All foes - - BW
Stop Black 8 60,000 gil - +107 All foes Paralysis Time BW
Blink White 1 100 gil - - Caster - - Kn, RW, WM, WW
Cure1 White 1 100 gil 16 - One ally - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Dia1 White 1 100 gil 40 +96 All foes - - WM, WW
Shld1 White 1 100 gil - - One ally - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Invis1 White 2 400 gil - - One ally - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Lamp White 2 400 gil - - One ally Darkness - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
NulBolt White 2 400 gil - - All allies - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Silence White 2 400 gil - +115 All foes Mute Status Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Name Type Level Price Power Accuracy Target Status Element Learned By
Cure2 White 3 1,500 gil 33 - One ally - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Dia2 White 3 1,500 gil 80 +96 All foes - - WM, WW
Heal1 White 3 1,500 gil 12 - All allies - - WM, WW
NulFire White 3 1,500 gil - - All allies - - Kn, RM, RW, WM, WW
Esuna White 4 4,000 gil - - One ally Poison - RM, RW, WM, WW
Fear White 4 4,000 gil - +96 All foes - Status WM, WW
NulIce White 4 4,000 gil - - All allies - - RM, RW, WM, WW
Vox White 4 4,000 gil - - One ally Mute - RW, WM, WW
Cure3 White 5 8,000 gil 66 - One ally - - RM, RW, WM, WW
Dia3 White 5 8,000 gil 120 +96 All foes - - WM, WW
Heal2 White 5 8,000 gil 24 - All allies - - WM, WW
Life1 White 5 8,000 gil - - One ally KO - RW, WM, WW
Invis2 White 6 20,000 gil - - All allies - - RW, WM, WW
Shld2 White 6 20,000 gil - - All allies - - RW, WM, WW
Stona White 6 20,000 gil - - One ally Stone - WM, WW
Warp2 White 6 20,000 gil - - - - - RW, WW
Cure4 White 7 45,000 gil - - One ally All but KO and Stone - WW
Dia4 White 7 45,000 gil 160 +107 All foes - - WW
Heal3 White 7 45,000 gil 48 - All allies - - WM, WW
NulMgc White 7 45,000 gil - - All allies - - RW, WM, WW
Name Type Level Price Power Accuracy Target Status Element Learned By
Dispel White 8 60,000 gil - +137 One foe - - WW
Holy White 8 60,000 gil 160 +137 All foes - - WW
Life2 White 8 60,000 gil - - One ally KO - WW
NulAll White 8 60,000 gil - - One ally - - WW

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