Chapter 26
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"How much longer must we endure this confinement?" a man exclaimed, his voice tinged with anxiety. The once plump contours of his figure had grown lean, evidence of his waning appetite over the past weeks. Stress and sleeplessness had taken their toll, causing his black hair to fade into shades of gray, and dark circles had etched themselves deeply beneath his weary eyes. He moved unsteadily towards the window, his trembling hands grasping the curtains as he peered outside, his heart pounding in his chest. His gaze darted anxiously, surveying the surroundings of the hidden refuge that was his safehouse.

In a quivering voice, he added,"How long do we have to wait here?".

The man in question was none other than Iokal, a relative of the recently deceased Prime Minister Honest. Within the span of a month, his once lavish life filled with luxury, privilege, debauchery, and authority had swiftly collapsed. By a stroke of sheer luck, he narrowly escaped being included among the ill-fated group that the merciless Child Emperor had condemned to be beheaded.

During that time, he was just returning to the Capital from a trip and, due to the late hour, he decided to seek refuge in the nearest village and rest for the night. By mere coincidence, the village at that time had a beautiful girl among their group that immediately caught his eyes. Without delay he took the girl for himself and started playing with her. It was because of this girl that he decided to stay longer within the village. It was this dumb luck that save his life and his bodyguards life from going to the Capital. If the girl wasn't there then he would have concluded that the village was boring and would have left the next day when he had arrived.

They only left the village when a retired veteran of the army, who had recently returned from selling his goods in the capital, brought news to the villagers. The veteran had learned about the presence of a relative of the Prime Minister in the village and wasted no time in sharing valuable information with everyone. He recounted the deeds of the Child Emperor in the capital and the words spoken by the monarch to his people. With this newfound knowledge, the veteran rallied the villagers, urging them to arm themselves and attempt to capture Iokal.

Upon learning of Honest's demise and witnessing the sight of multiple villagers arming themselves to capture him, Iokal swiftly commanded his five highly skilled bodyguards to retreat. Despite their exceptional combat abilities, he knew that engaging in a violent confrontation would only attract the attention of General Budo.

Although Iokal held no official government position, he possessed a keen intellect. If he had given the order to his bodyguards to mercilessly slaughter the villagers on the spot, it would undoubtedly set Budo on their trail. You see, deep down, Iokal was a coward at heart. He harbored a profound fear of facing the same punishment his relative had endured.

After carefully evaluating his options, Iokal made a swift decision. He gathered their belongings and cast one last glance at the girl he had subjected to his whims for the past two days. With a mix of regret and urgency, they ran.

In fact, their ability to remain undetected by the Empire in recent weeks relied heavily on Iokal's knowledge of various safe houses, previously disclosed to him by Honest. These safe houses were well-stocked with ample supplies, providing sustenance for Iokal and his five loyal bodyguards.

"Get out of the window, you useless fool!" a man barked in annoyance, seizing Iokal by the back of his collar and forcefully propelling him further into the depths of the house.

As Iokal crashed into the interior wall, the impact shattering his arm, laughter erupted from the other 4 individuals in the room.

Adding to the mounting stress of potential pursuit by Budo, Iokal now found himself on the receiving end of abuse from his once loyal bodyguards. With Honest's demise, their sense of fear and reverence had dissipated. Moreover, these bodyguards' primary loyalty had always been to Honest, not Iokal, who now stood as a mere remnant of their deceased employer. Deprived of Honest's patronage and financial rewards, the bodyguards grew increasingly irritated. Inflicting punishment upon Iokal for even the slightest inconvenience had become a pastime for the five of them during their time in hiding.

In fact, there was a pivotal moment when Iokal's bodyguards contemplated killing him and escaping the clutches of the Empire altogether. However, their plans took an unexpected turn when they received a report from a former Saikyuu operative whom they had briefly encountered during their stay in one of the safe houses.

Before departing, the operative shared crucial information with Iokal's group. He informed them that prior to Honest's death, an order had been issued to retrieve Honest's son, Syura, and bring him back to the Empire and the Capital. The operatives claimed to have already located Syura and were scouting ahead to ensure a safe passage for his return. This information prompted Iokal's bodyguards to reconsider their decision and spare their client's life, opting to remain within the Empire instead.

Accustomed to a certain lifestyle under Honest's rule, these bodyguards concluded that aligning themselves with Syura against the Empire held potential benefits. They believed that as Honest's son, Syura would likely seek revenge on behalf of his father, and this undertaking would require significant financial resources. The bodyguards reasoned that Syura was likely in possession of substantial hidden wealth, and if he intended to mount an attack against the Empire, it would come at a considerable cost. Therefore, they made a calculated decision to support Syura's cause, provided they were adequately compensated.

It was also due to Iokal's blood ties with Syura that he had managed to stay alive under the watchful eyes of his five former bodyguards. To the five of them, Iokal was nothing more than a useless dead weight.

However, unbeknownst to the group, Iokal harbored dark intentions of seeking revenge against his former protectors once Syura arrived. As soon as Syura entered the safehouse, Iokal planned to command him to eliminate the very bodyguards who had once served him. The mere thought of it ignited a twisted sense of satisfaction in Iokal's wicked heart.

Suddenly, the laughter of the bodyguards abruptly ceased, replaced by an unsettling silence. They sensed a malicious presence drawing near, accompanied by a wicked laughter that sent shivers down their spines. The five bodyguards instinctively prepared themselves for combat.

Their eyes were drawn instantly to the nearest window, the very one Iokal had recently peered through. Like a shared intuition, their instincts whispered that the enemy would exploit this vulnerable entry point. A silent exchange of glances passed between the five bodyguards, a wordless confirmation of their unspoken plan. Years of fighting side by side had forged an unbreakable bond, each one knowing their role with unwavering clarity.

Their muscles coiled with anticipation, the tension mounting within them. With calculated precision, they adjusted their stances, grounding themselves for the imminent clash. Every fiber of their being prepared to spring into action, ready to intercept the intruder the moment they dared to breach the room.


In an instant, the window shattered, sending a cascade of glass shards flying into the room. Through the billowing curtains emerged the ominous silhouette of a man, his hands adorned with gleaming katar blades. His sinister laughter reverberated off the walls, filling the air with an unsettling chill.

Reacting with unyielding resolve, the five bodyguards sprang into action as one, their movements a seamless symphony of coordination. They swiftly positioned themselves, effectively blocking any potential path of retreat for the intruder.

"So many heads to behead," the intruder stated with manic laughter as he charges at the people inside the safe house.

A few minutes later, Syura entered the safehouse, accompanied by a group of people he had recruited during his travels.

"Ain't this annoying?", one of his allies remarked.

"No self-control at all," another added.

"We could have used those men," a third person chimed in.

Syura's allies expressed their opinions, their voices blending with the sight of numerous bloodstains that adorned the walls and floor of the safehouse.

The anguished voice could be heard in the distance, pleading desperately, "No... please... no... Do you even know who I am?" The haunting sound was accompanied by a chilling chorus of manic laughter.

Hearing the plea, Syura and his group casually made their way towards the source of the sound, displaying a lack of fear. As they entered the room, their eyes fell upon the gruesome sight of three decapitated bodies strewn across the floor.

Spotting Syura's presence, Iokal's face lit up with a glimmer of hope, and he cried out, "Syura! Help me! This madman has slaughtered all my guards!"

A smirk formed on Syura's face as he surveyed his beleaguered relative. "Iokal, is it? I could hardly recognize you. You look like shit," he taunted.

Iokal's desperation intensified, and he commanded, "What are you waiting for? Kill this man!" He pointed accusingly at the blood-soaked figure responsible for the carnage.

Syura's response dripped with disdain. "Pathetic," he scoffed, his gaze fixated on the blood-soaked individual who had unleashed havoc in the safehouse.

"Seriously? You couldn't even wait until we reached the Capital?" Syura queried, his voice laced with a mix of disappointment and annoyance.

The bloodied assailant's response was chillingly matter-of-fact: "Why wait when there are so many people here to behead?"

"You know each other?" Iokal asked, his voice trembling with fear and confusion.

Ignoring Iokal's question, Syura spoke with a dismissive tone, "We could have used those men, just as we could have utilized all those operatives who found me... tsk."

"Damn it! Answer me, Syura! We share the same blood. Please, don't let this man kill me!" Iokal pleaded desperately once more, but his appeals fell on deaf ears. Syura turned his back on him and commanded, "Quickly finish your business here, Zanku. We need to hurry to the Capital. There is something I need there." With those words, Syura left the room, his allies trailing behind him.

As Iokal's last glimmer of hope vanished, his face turned pallid with terror. The dark spots in his hair rapidly turned white in real-time, catching Zanku's attention, who observed him with a curious intensity.

"Interesting. I have beheaded a multitude of people before, but none have had their hair turn white in front of me," Zanku remarked.

Iokal's voice quivered as he tried to beg for his life once again, but like a switch being flipped, Zanku erupted into maniacal laughter. "You will make a fine addition to my collection," he declared, swiftly slashing his blade across Iokal's neck, ending his pitiful existence.