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I found myself standing at the harbor, eagerly awaiting the completion of the ship that the Dothraki were preparing for me. Honestly, I would have much preferred to use Ladytide, but that option was not available. She hadn't returned yet.
I had entertained the idea of using force speed, but unless I could miraculously pull off a Jesus move and run on water for hundreds of miles, that plan was out the window. Trust me, I had pondered this extensively, and this was the only viable plan. I knew I would need some extra force to propel the ship faster, but regardless, it was going to be a while before I reached KingsLanding.
Just as I was lost in my thoughts, contemplating the situation, the unmistakable voice of Danaerys broke through, snapping me back to reality. I turned around, half-expecting to see Khal Drogo and Ser Jorah by her side, but to my surprise, the Targaryen princess stood alone.
"You know as well as I do that what I saw was the truth - that girl's father is dead," she said, her words piercing my heart.
The mention of Lord Eddard Stark only deepened my melancholy. "Thank you for the comforting words," I replied, my gaze still fixed on the vast ocean. Danaerys seemed undeterred. Of course, she knew I had no personal connection to Lord Eddard, but could she truly understand the depth of my feelings for Arya?
The thought of Arya potentially witnessing her father's execution filled me with sorrow. But why did I still have to go? Well, it was quite simple.
I had no idea what had befallen Arya or her family. The visions had yet to reveal that to me. I knew Danaerys might have seen something, but it seemed she was purposefully withholding that information, perhaps hoping I would beg for it, something I was not willing to do.
In any case, my time for running  had unexpectedly come to an end, and I had to make my way to KingsLanding. There were important decisions that I wanted Arya to make, and for Joffrey's sake, I hoped that no harm had befallen her. Because, by the time I left KingsLanding, it would be his head on the executioner's block.
After much consideration, I had finally come to the conclusion that if I wanted to truly help Arya, I needed to take her under my wing as my padawan. I couldn't always be there to fight for her and her family.
Thankfully, I still had access to both the mainstream Star Wars universe and the system version. Getting her a lightsaber wouldn't be a problem. I had a red saber back at the System Jedi temple, the one I had won from Kylo Ren. And even if that saber didn't respond well to Arya, we could always go to Ilum to find her own Kyber crystal.
However, the real challenge was determining whether Arya was force-sensitive or not (I prayed she was). If not, then the Kylo Ren Saber would have to suffice.
Another reason for my journey was to escape from Daenerys, at least until I could fix the problem that made me feel as if I had a glasshead. There were plans involving her and her dragons that I couldn't execute if she could still read my thoughts.
Being in the Star Wars universe would provide a more vibrant force presence, allowing me to fortify my mental shield and enhance my abilities. I knew that Westeros had much more in store for me, and I had only scratched the surface of the events to come.
"You must really care for her," Daenerys suddenly remarked, her voice tinged with jealousy. Why did she sound like that? For God's sake, she must know by now that Arya was just a kid in my eyes, nothing more
"It all begins with friendship," she quipped, responding to the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in my head. I couldn't bear it any longer; it felt like she was purposefully flaunting her ability.
"It would be greatly appreciated if you could refrain from making it so blatantly obvious that you can delve into my mind".
The girl turned her piercing violet eyes towards me. The warmth that once radiated from them had vanished. What I saw in those eyes reminded me of her show alter ego, moments away from unleashing her fiery wrath upon someone.
"What?" I blurted out, instinctively taking a step back. But then I reminded myself that her dragons were not here, and even if they were, they were still too young to perform any 'fire-breathing justice'.
"What have you done to me?" she demanded, her gaze unwavering. She truly looked formidable.
"Well, in case you haven't noticed, you're free now, and you're healthy, and Ali..." I began, trying to reason with her.
"You know what I mean," she interrupted, cutting me off. "How can I see things and read people's thoughts? And how am I able to move objects with just my mind?" Daenerys retorted, her confusion evident.
"What did you say? You can do what?" I exclaimed, but she remained silent, seemingly entering a trance-like state as she fixated on one of the empty Dothraki ships docked in the harbor. At first, nothing happened, but then, slowly, the ship began to turn on its own. The onlookers stood in awe, unaware that it was Daenerys behind this spectacle.
Suddenly, the ship surged forward, slicing through the water at an astonishing speed. In a matter of minutes, it was reduced to a mere speck on the vast ocean. Then, just as swiftly, the ship grew larger once again, and I realized she was bringing it back
The harbor had transformed into a chaotic spectacle, with a bewildered crowd witnessing the ship effortlessly docking itself, just like it had done before. I swiftly guided Danaerys to a more secluded spot.
"What in the world was that?" I exclaimed, my eyes wide with astonishment. However, her expression was one of indignation. "That's exactly what I want to know," she retorted sharply. "What did you do to me? I'm certain it was you because right before I blacked out, I was just an ordinary person."
My mind struggled to process the situation. Had I unintentionally created some sort of medieval Scarlet Witch? Please, let this be a mere figment of my imagination, I silently pleaded.
Taking a deep breath, I cautiously approached the girl, attempting to maintain an air of composure despite my racing heart. "Listen, Danny," I began, momentarily forgetting myself, "what other abilities do you possess?"