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I was led through the streets of Astapor as my heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. The rumors about this city were true; it was a place where Slavery thrived, and the cruelty inflicted upon those unfortunate souls who found themselves in chains was beyond comprehension.

Finally, we arrived at a desolate courtyard surrounded by towering stone walls.

The air here appeared to hang heavy with despair, and the stench of suffering seemed to permeate every corner.

My eyes scanned the area littered with suffering slaves until they landed on her—Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons,

once a princess but now reduced to nothing more than a slave.

My breath caught in my throat as I took in her appearance. Gone was the regal beauty that had once defined her; now she stood before me with dirt-streaked skin and tattered garments clinging to her emaciated frame. Her long silver hair, once cascading down her back like a waterfall, now hanging limp and unkempt.

The sight of the good master smiling at her misery seemed to be the last theft of her once-Sturbon will. She fell over on the sandy ground.

Pushing Mo Naklos aside, I rushed toward the unconscious princess. Bending down, I placed two fingers on her pale neck, trying to feel for a pulse.


'No, no, no, you can't die, girl; don't die; you were doing just fine; just a little longer, and you will be alright'. I desperately thought to myself

But just from the look on the poor girl's face, she had been starving too long. tied under this post for days probably.

Thirst alone must have made her situation worse.

The masters must have relied on the scorching sun to torment her further, but since I was aware that Danaerys was a true dragon, I knew that there was no way that heat could have affected her.

Heck, in the canon, she had even walked in close to boiling water naked, The heat from the sun must have felt like a shade.

Yet as I looked at her tatters and her battered skin, I knew that she had taken too much.

For a while, I imagined what it must have felt like for her as she suffered under the conditions that her brother had brought down on her.

The betrayal must have hurt more than the physical torture.

The group of the good masters were standing at a safe distance, whispering amongst themselves. To them, it did not seem as if anything serious had happened; it was all a normal business day

For a while, I thought about backing out of the deal I had entered with them if only to give them a taste of their recipe. My mind, however, could not spare them much thought as I was trying to come up with something.

Despite all the evidence staring at me, I refused to believe that Danaerys could have died.

that was not the strong girl I knew; that was not the breaker of chains, and certainly, that was not the dragon I was familiar with. No, it would take more than this torture to kill her.

A distance away from the good masters, I spotted Missandei; the translator had both her hands on her mouth as if to stifle a sob, however, the tears flowing freely from her eyes confirmed my theory that the two slaves must have gotten close.

"Missandei, could you please get me some water?" I asked the translator without bothering to look at the good masters. Missandei, too, did not wait for her master's consent; she turned and headed to what looked like a rugged well.

A few seconds later, she returned carrying a jug and a cup; she also had a cloth with her.

'Smart girl, I thought to myself.

I planned to pour some water onto the princess's lips if there was even a little bit of consciousness left in her, she would at least react.

By the next minute, even the little hope I had began to wane. Nothing seemed to work.

There was only one way I could try to restore Danaerys, and that was by using force healing.

I had used the ability several times before, but none of those situations had gone this far.

Honestly, I knew that as powerful as I had become in using this ability with success, there was still a good chance I could fail to bring back the girl.

I hated to think of that possibility.

I looked at the worried and confused face of Missandei. Further ahead, the good masters watched us as if marveling at the trick card they had played.

Danaerys lay before me, her life force flickering like a dying ember. I needed to act quickly; I had no time to look for a more private space. It had to be here.

With a deep breath, I reached out my hand toward the girl, focusing my energy and intent on restoring her to life.

I gently placed my hand on her forehead and closed my eyes, allowing the Force to guide me in this delicate task.

Slowly, a warm and comforting energy flowed through me, connecting me to Danaerys's life force. I could sense the darkness that had enveloped her and the weight of her suffering and despair.

With every ounce of my being, I mustered the healing power of the Force to counteract this darkness and bring her back to the light.

I could feel the force responding to my touch as if it recognized the urgency of the situation.

The energy pulsed through my hand and into Danaerys, her body trembling under its influence.

Nothing seemed to happen.

The unconscious girl remained unmoving.

"no! It has to work."

I reached deeper towards that bright light within, system or not. I knew this was a version of the force, and it had to work just the same.

pushing past my doubts and fears. I delved into my training and tapped into a wellspring of Jedi knowledge.

Jedi Master Cilgal had always a way of sounding like Maz Kanata.

The Mon Calamari instructor once, during our many lessons, said to me:

"Close your eyes. Feel it. The light has always been there. It will guide you."

With renewed determination, I drew upon the teachings of Master Cigal and allowed his words to guide me. I focused on the concept of life force, similar to the traditional Indian concept of 'prana'. Drawing from my understanding of the force and its connection to all living things, I visualized Danaerys's life force as a vibrant energy flowing through her veins, pulsating with the potential for renewal.

I concentrated on channeling this life force, directing it toward the areas of Danaerys's being that needed healing.

I envisioned it enveloping her, gently dissolving the darkness and restoring balance within her.

Gradually, I began to sense a shift in the energy around the girl—a subtle awakening as her life responded to the healing power of the Force.

As I continued to channel the force, the warmth of its energy intensified, radiating through Danaerys's body. Gradually, the princess started to stir. Her breathing became more steady.

I could feel my body growing weaker and weaker as I exhausted all my energy on her.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to see the girl's blue eyes staring at me in confusion.

With a sigh, I let a gentle, reassuring smile play on my face before falling back.

chapter 37-47 are now on the patreon page below