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In all manners and appearances, I knew I was in the Red Keep. To be quite specific, I was in the throne room. For a while, I stared at the familiar environment, from its marble floor to its towering columns. Further ahead, my eyes were drawn to the magnificent structure of the iron throne, and sitting on it was the figure of the person I knew too well to be Tywin Lannister.

"What was Tywin doing on the iron throne? As far as I knew, Robert was still the king. At least that was before we left Bravoos for Ladytide's maiden voyage.

But even as I gnawed at this incident, the scene shimmered and began to change. I could tell we were in the great sept of Bailor. The huge gardens surrounding the sept were filled with a multitude of Westerosi civilians. I was standing on the lower steps of the sept alongside almost all the lords and ladies of all the houses in the seven kingdoms. The figure laid ahead on a heavily decorated table was certainly the cause of this occasion. Next to me was the Lord of Winterfell, together with his wife, Catelyn Stark, their two daughters, Sansa and Arya Stark, and his son, Bran.

My eyes were fixed on Arya; she was so close that I could reach and touch her. My god! The girl had grown, but then again, thinking of the time that had passed since I encountered her at Winterfell, it was to be expected.

Now she was no longer the little overambitious girl (well, I don't know about the overambitious part), but she was now a young lady. From the sad look on their faces and what I had seen earlier, I knew that this was the funeral of King Robert.

'What the hell?' I exclaimed out loud, but no one appeared to hear me. Everything was so vivid, as if I were right there. Yet I realized it was only a force vision.

(A shimmer and the scene changed once more.)

Gosh! It was like watching a movie in the modern world. only that I knew that everything I was seeing here had a bearing on the reality of things in Westeros. at least to some extent (this is because the vision was sometimes distorted and had multiple meanings). The scene I was now seeing was that of Lord Tully's widow. She was in a dimly lit room, and she was engaged in a deep conversation with the other occupants of the room. As my eyes slowly adapted to the faint light of this environment, I discovered that her two companions were both the Lord and Lady of Winterfell. The woman held a tome of letters that she was presenting to Lord Eddard.

"Don't you see? This is why they killed my husband", the lady said, choking back a sob. "They knew he was not going to keep quiet, and neither will I; that bastard is not the rightful king."

The look on Catlyne and Eddard's faces was one of shock-induced haze. Again, the scene disappeared, and I was back in the red keep.

This time the massive throne room was crowded with all the lords I had seen earlier, together with all the officials. The septon was also present, and it was obvious why. Unlike the first time I had been in the great hall, this time Tywin Lannister stood at the foot of the throne. On the iron throne, it was the young king Joffrey Baratheon (well, I don't know if I should call him that; knowing what I know, Joffrey Lannister seems more honest).

From the looks of it, it appeared as if all these lords and ladies were here to swear fealty to the young monarch. My eyes, however, sought Lord Eddard, and to my horror, the letters I had seen earlier were now in his hand, and from the looks of it, he had been convinced to present the evidence of Cersie's incest affairs before the assembled lords and ladies.

This was the scene I wanted to see most, but the damn visions could not let me.

Now they had changed, but still, they grabbed my attention even more. It was now my little friend Arya, who was hastily scribbling down a letter. I was shocked to see tears trickling down her eyes. I reached behind her and peered at the words she was writing. They were a hastily scribbled mess, but I was still able to make them out. they read;

'It's Arya; we met in Winterfell Stables; I heard you were in Braavos; you owe me a favor, remember? Well, I need help. My father is sentenced to die, maybe tomorrow. please help'.

The shock of these words was enough to tear me away from the visions. What the hell? I exclaimed as I opened my eyes. I had thought that since things were unfolding differently from the canon, at least Lord Stark would keep his head in this version.

I looked around the room. I was in a daze. I must have passed out for quite a while because I was in a spacious, expensive-looking room. An unfamiliar scent of exotic fragrance reached my nose and triggered my senses. I quickly sprang to my feet as the thoughts of the last incident before I blacked out flooded back into my head.

"God, where is Danaerys, and where the hell am I?" In my haste, I accidentally knocked a porcelain vase off its stand. The shattering impact made me flinch. but then I heard a rush of feet or some manner of commotion outside the door of the room I was in.

I didn't care, I had already come up with a plan, I had to settle things here because I had to 'force speed' to King's Landing even if it meant burning myself out. The trouble was, I wasn't sure I wasn't already late.

'Tomorrow', as Arya had written, was too vague; it might have already happened

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